Level 14
Thank you to @fobi for allowing me to use her format for this biography. Another thank you to @han for letting me steal her banners!

Yasmin Ambrosio.
Yung Yazzy, Yaz, Yazzdog.
Height - 142cm (5'6" ft).
Weight - 116lbs.
Valencia, Italy.
3rd of November, 2000.
Isabella Ambrosio (Mother).
Marco Esteban (Father).
'Deea' Esteban (Cousin).
Hugo Ambrosio (Brother).
'Vivi' Ambrosio (Step-Sister).
Don Yu Ambrosio (Adopted Sister)
→ Brittany Roswell - Although Yasmin can tend to come across as cold-hearted, it is quite clear to most that she has grown close to Brittany Roswell. The pair first met after Yasmin joined the college cheer leading team and they appeared to have an 'instant' connection. Some people however, would describe the relationship as dysfunctional- with Yasmin often pointing out the negatives in Brittany. The two can often be seen hanging out with each other and Brittany has become Yasmin's 'go-to' shoulder to cry on.
→ Daphne Perez - Daphne and Yasmin have grown quite a strong bond within the short time they've known each other, often resulting in Yasmin confiding in Daphne- telling her things she usually wouldn't tell many others. Since Daphne had gotten onto the cheer team, she proved to have a fiery personality, similarly to Yasmin. This propelled their relationship to new levels quickly and they continue to remain close friends. To be completely honest, Daphne brings out the worst in Yasmin in behavioural terms.
→ Anezka Kobayashi - Yasmin and Anezka are fairly close friends considering they haven't known each other very long. Anezka was one of the newest girls on the college cheer team when they first met. Due to Yasmin's nature it's clear to most she looks down to Anezka- however (not like she'd ever tell anyone this) she actually admires Anezka's smarts. She helped Yasmin out when she was receiving serious death threats and in return Yasmin decidedly considers Anezka worthy of being her friend. As of late, the pair have began to bicker frequently- sometimes escalating into physical fights.
→ Cheryl Herrington - It's no secret Yasmin's 'claim-to-fame' was by being accepted onto the cheer team when in highschool - and more particularly the massive fight that would later ensue. However their bond was too strong to break over it despite the seriousness and they recently have reconnected, propelling their relationship to new levels.
Neutral Evil.
Hidden Depths.
1. Yasmin despises dogs completely - but has a strong love for cats.
2. As stated in her old diaries, her favourite scent of all time is lavender.
3. Yasmin's favorite color is purple.
4. Yasmin's preferred publisher of Vogue Magazine is Italia or Portugal.
One of the most notable things about Yasmin's personality is her overbearing immaturity. She is constantly being told off for being extremely childish and this is easily seen when compared to other members of the Spartan Household. It's no secret Yasmin has an extremely fiery and bold personality, often seen getting into altercations with a variety of different people. She tends to ignore the hate she gets on Kusoge, however it does affect her at times- often becoming upset, or just overall angry about it. Clearly, Yasmin builds this all up and tries to put on a facade when she can- however this results in big bursts of emotion. She's desperate to fit and maintain the 'cheerleader' image she's spent so long building up- and will stop at nothing to keep that from being tarnished in any way possible. Only to the closest of her friends will Yasmin truly be herself.
Yasmin cannot stand many, many, things. I mean truly, the list continues to grow everyday as she seems to find things she dislikes within every person she comes across. She often finds herself become aggravated and irritated quite quickly when around people she isn't close with for too long. But, hey! At least she's direct about it!
Multiple fears have been accustomed to Yasmin over the few years she's been in Karakura, the main one being spiders. To many, this may seem like an irrational, childhood, fear- however it goes a lot deeper than that. When she was in high school, she was kidnapped by a certain influential figure of Karakura and tormented with a spider, ever since then she has been deathly afraid of them, even sometimes being affected with PTSD in rare circumstances.
Bipolar Disorder - Although showing signs all of her life, Isabella was reluctant to actually get Yasmin checked as her mentality was that she needed a 'perfect' daughter, however as soon as Yasmin turned nineteen- where she could legally get herself diagnosed, she did. Despite struggling for all of her life with it, she's still very under-developed with her recognition and still finds the whole situation to be very confusing and complex to her.
Alcoholism - Having taken her quite a while for herself to notice this, it's certainly something other citizens of Karakura haven't been exactly blindsided to. She'll never, ever disagree to a drink and often takes it too far everytime she does. It's unknown why she does it- whether it's to distract her from the extensive set of problems she has or if she's just a crazy party animal or both - is unknown.
Yasmin's set of skills, although aren't too extensive, she still values them strongly and continues to want to improve them the best she can. The first one obviously being cheerleading which she values strongly. She practices this weekly with the team, often trying to participate and try her hardest. Another talent Yasmin has picked up is performing arts. What started out as a joke with Anezka and a few other cheerleaders, improving on the stage, actually blossomed into her becoming quite good at acting.

Yasmin has a very feminine face, with what most would consider the ideal face for a modern women. She has made it very clear she wishes to model when she grows up, and has already started on her portfolio- hence her secretive obsession with how she comes across physically. Yasmin has been blessed with naturally clear skin, doing her best to maintain this with countless skin and makeup products stashed away in her vanity. Similarly to the rest of her family, she has sparkling, olive eyes and chestnut brown hair cascading down to her middle-torso. Soft plump lips and naturally long, thick eyelashes adorn her face additionally. The only real downside in Yasmin's eyes is her height of 5'6, to which she often wears heels to try boost it into something more 'model-worthy'
For Yasmin, the saying 'pain is beauty' is most definitely something she carries on her shoulders with pride. She is always wanting to be seen at her best- staying on top of the latest trends and making sure to find all the best angles and colors which are bound to suit her best. At school, she is most often seen wearing her cheer uniform or a variety of different styled school uniforms (that she often breaks the dress-code with, for that matter.)

This will be updated as time goes on.
"The Spider Incident."
→01/02/2020← It was just past sunset in Karakura and Yasmin had been on a return trip from the hospital to the infamous 'Cheer house'. She decided to take a short-cut this time, however, through the neighbouring park. It was during this quick short-cut that an infamous Herrington figure had caught sight of Yasmin- and the two hit it off. She was invited back to his house for a drink which she (of course) accepted, only to find.. it wasn't going to go quite as she had hoped.. Yasmin was subject to hours of emotional torture from the man and his wretched spider, only for her to be released from the glass box she'd been kept in. This had a tremendous impact on Yasmin- leaving her locked in an isolation box for three days at the Karakura hospital due to severe PTSD and manic moments.
"Topher Riots."
→24/04/2020← It's no secret Yasmin isn't particularly nice to the array of people who cross her path on the daily but there was one particular kid, Topher, who was just too easy to make fun of - how could she resist? So she did so, and perhaps she took it a little too far as he ended up killing himself by jumping off the school roof. A crumpled note was found in his pocket that announced Yasmin as the person to blame. For whatever reason, this was announced on a news broadcast to all of Karakura to see. She was already at the police station for questioning when the crowds began to form, slowly growing in mass to create a full-fledged riot. The whole cheer team had been trapped inside the station, with the riots increasing in size and thirst for Yasmin's blood, they had no choice but to rush to the top of the station - where they were rescued just in time by the mayor, Luke Herrington via helicopter. This event had taught Yasmin to watch herself a little better, considering she's used to pushing around whoever she wants.

Daphne, Ana, Tina & Yasmin dressed as playboy bunnies at Club Luxe. (Feat. Mike & Dwight)

Tina, Yasmin & Daphne at the start of summer..

Yasmin, Abi & the Spring Sorority Pledges.

Yasmin at the Easter Festival 2020.

The Cheer Team at April Tryouts.

Yasmin in her cheer uniform.

Yasmin and Yvie Hasteul dressed as nuns.

Anezka, Abi & Yasmin dressed as The Heathers.

Yasmin and her mother, Isabella Ambrosio.

Petra, Mae, Georgia, Abi, Brittany, Yasmin & Song at the Valentines Dance.

Drawn by barbz#3511

Drawn by lina#1731

Drawn by Kibochi#0436
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