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Denied yeonjn's Shop Application | KANSAI


Level 72
3D Modelling Team

What is your Minecraft username?:
(ALT - Applying with) yeonjn
(MAIN) bheom

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
My DMs are always open; I'm more active upon Discord than anything else!

How old are you? (Optional):

What is your time zone?:
EST, Eastern Standard Time

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm on the server almost everyday for a good few hours depending on personal activities, my activity is pretty good as of right now! There are times I do end up going inactive for a few days due to OOC issues, I'm often seen online as "bheom." I've been playing since late of December 2022, I had always gone on SRP since, often seen doing many things- even just talking in OOC. I'm often seen roleplaying during school time or when it's out of school, gangRP.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I do acknowledge that I will be demoted if I remain inactive for a long period of time, as those are the consequences. I wouldn't want to hold a spot that someone may want due to inactivity.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
[TEACHER][NQT] bheom

[Grade-9] yeonjn


What shop are you applying for?:
I will be applying for Kansai- as I wish to change the name to 'Yuseong,' of course if possible- as I want to bring back somewhat of Kansai as a former worker.

What does the name mean?:
The shop name means 'Shooting Star,' in Korean. Shooting stars that are magical sights- rather rare, stars that shine beautifully- elegant sights. Fitting the given aesthetic of the store.

Shooting stars are considered beautiful sights you wish upon; Yuseong was chosen as the name for the meaning of 'wish.' As it goes along with the reason to my shopkeeping, people wish for certain items- items other's have or an item that bobbles their mind. "Oh which glasses go on top of your head?" "I wish I had a custom.." All these I've heard within Karakura, why not have that wish come true? Those questions answered?

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Shop keeping always interested me as I played on SRP- as I had applied for a few shops on here, it's different rather than other factions- you get to show your creativity through selling things etc. I want to expand more of my roleplaying experience, trying different factions- different styles upon roleplay. Opening a shop and running so seems as a good opportunity to go forth in. I personally think I'd do a good job running a shop here, I feel that I am responsible to take part in this.

During my time roleplaying on SRP, I have applied for a few shops and had worked in a small few- it's always fun expanding my roleplays, I enjoy helping out with others within game, having different interactions with those who come by. Where as I was a former worker of Kansai, a security of one of the many restaurants and a cashier in Mai-Yume. Being apart of stores gave in a lot of nice opportunities with interacting with different players. Shops have been always a huge interest compared to other factions in my eyes; as some of my friends were and are shop owners they've inspired me completely. Seeing how much effort and detail they put in a shop on Minecraft always has me flabbergasted, the detail always intrigued me and it lead me here!

As I am an active player- I intend to often use my alt account if this is accepted; I intend on opening often for those who enjoy to ask if any shops are open. I want to supply those with stylish items! Those with different time zones, I plan to open during different times rather than constant same times so those who miss the opportunity of shop openings, they can look forward in Yuseong. Players tend to buy things off of auction due to loss of opportunities where they buy things for twice the price- I want to be able to open and welcome players to have access to cheaper items, access to things they can buy rather than wait on auction.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
As it is a Gift and Accessory shop I plan to make it rather attractive to the eye, I intend to keep a mix of a modernized yet an elegant aesthetic for the build. I want to make use of the many blocks such as quartz, concretes, different stained glasses and many other things to show details of the store. I want to give off that vibe of rich- elegance, fancy in a way. I want the inside to be modernized and organized, having the downstairs level a comfortable space for employees and an organized area for the items. As for the main area where the items will be displayed I intend on going for a minimalistic view, easy to navigate through with signs that locate the isles. As I do intend a more stylish seem inside, I plan to make use of the space and have it rather eye catching- little details and things to interact with like the shop Yeobo.

The shop is decorated and built almost with a 'heavenly' view, pillars that held the room, small details that caught the eye- the star and the logo that brought the shop alive.

What does the shop look like? Any references?:


- The exterior is more used with quartz as it gives off that chic- elegant vibe to it, the star on the top is to represent the logo and symbol of the store.




The interior layout shows both the upstairs and downstairs of the shop, the upstairs being the place customers view in. As you enter the store there'd be cashiers in the front ready to greet you as you come by. Isles upon the shop- easy to navigate as signs pointed and directed you where about everything was placed. When you glance over changing directions of your path, you notice to the right of the store- a cozy area contrasting within the modernized vibe. Comfy seats to sit upon, beautiful lighting by the windows where customers can take pictures for OnRain, screenies for characters, etc. Along the walls on the right side would be a board, there'd be notes of signatures of many from the other factions, what read out the Employee of the Month and so on.

As for the lower level as it is something I saw during Kansai; I'll be taking the space as usage for all employees. As you enter the lower level, there'd be a small lounge area where pillars stood tall- couches and a coffee table in the middle. An area for kitchen appliances, where employees can grab a snack and hangout. As you enter you'd notice the shelves, chests provided for each member. There would be an area locked off where only those with Head Employee and up can take access into, next to it would be the washroom for employees.

The stock area; the stock area was nicely organized and easy access for the staff working inside, the chests were organized by the items they had went under. Having it easier to navigate for those who worked.

What will you sell in your shop?:
As I am going forward in making it more elegant- chic like, I plan to sell thing such as sunglasses, glasses, purses and bags, ribbons and stylish items to fit the entire aesthetic. As it is a more modish themed store I do intend also having things as wedding rings and watches- for more attraction within the store I intend on having more popular hats as display. I want to be able to sell things that'll attract most; things that people tend to look for upon auction house.

I find items such as the following,
- Kitsungi Glasses
- White Stallion Purse
- Dita Mach Sunglasses
- Rose Ring
- Catholic Rosary

And so on, would be rather fitting within the store. Things that follow the catergories of- glasses, jewelry, makeup, umbrellas, hats, accessories, etc. As these are seen up on Auction for quite a lot; I intend to lower the price to a more affordable and reasonable rate for those in Karakura!

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan to have at least 10-15 employees, ranging from cashiers to security, managers, models and so forth. All employees helping within the store, taking part on any role within their shifts.

Employee payments: the payout will be distributed after the shifts, cashier's will save 30% of what they make, security will make a base of ¥20,000, ranging higher depending their shifts. Models will make a base of ¥15,000- ¥5,000 added every time someone buys an item that'll be displayed on the person.

Managers and head employees still go along with the similair payments but will be paid more within their role.

The roster looking so like this-

ROSTER [1 / 21]


The shopkeeper; the most important role in the shop! The one who founded of Yuseong, Eunhyeok Kangjeon. The man who holds all responsibility upon the shop, holding Yuseong's ownership.

Eunhyeok takes care of all the shop as it's 'family,' he contributes within the overal store, roles, workers, the roof itself, etc.


Managers will be there to supervise within the shop, helping and taking part throughout any part of the store. Managers will be there as 'higher ups' within Yuseong. As there are three managers; helping around the shop- there will be a head manager as similar to head employees. The head manager is considered somewhat like a co-owner within the store! Helping management around Yuseong.


The head employees are those more comfortable within shop grounds, they've been working since the beginning and have shown and proven their experience in the shop. Head employees will not only help the managers and shopkeeper but as well as the employees- head employees will be keeping eye on trial employees during their shifts. Gaining this role will be by proving their worthy towards the shop.

  • (Cashier, Security, Model)​
Employees are those who fall under three roles, cashier, security, modelling. The cashiers who will handle the front, assisting customers and handling their orders. They would keep track of their sales and orders, offering good service to those who come by. The security who keep watch upon the front doors, making sure those that equip a mask may take it off- watch over customers who intend on taking other's items, keeping away from a raid and any combat within the store. The models; they'll advertise items that are newer or popular on display, standing and looking pretty- attracting the eyes of customers.

Inactivity within employees without notice, any sort of rule breaking upon the code of conduct of the store will be fired and taken off the roster.


Trial employees will be those newer to the roster, they'll be placed as a trainee- head employees and shopkeeper will look after their shifts. After they've done 3 shifts within the store, their role will be changed and added onto the Employees roster.

Every month there will be posted on the wall of fame; the employee of the month showing off to all the customers who walk by.

What will Yuseong offer?:
As I do intend going off the elegant vibe, I want the shop to give off beauty and grace, a unique appeal- not only by the appearance of the shop but the items as well to make people stylish and unique. The employee's will all be seemingly sweet and give a charming appear to those who come in, greeting everyone with a smile.

I intend on hosting events within the shop along as other shops- seasonal events. We'll also have two fitting items every season, Chirstmas items during December and the Winter, Halloween items within Fall, etc.

An event within Yuseong, there'll be something set up within the lounge area where you'll have to roll out of 180, every turn will cost ¥10,000- those who roll 180 out of 180 will win a pick among three items. A chance to win a popular customer pick item, an item that is frequently bought within Yuseong.

This event can take place at any time; between seasons, little holidays, etc. This goes forth with Valentines, Christmas, Halloween, and so on!

[SEASONAL EVENT] - Where did the star go?
An event where a bigger piece within the store goes missing in the Winter, during Christmas season the interior will change as the exterior to match not only the season but the event. The star has gone missing, around the shop there will be a star hidden within the interior and the exterior of the shop, in obvious not an oblivious spot! If the star is found by a customer; they'll call over a staff and whisper to where it is. A christmas gift of a surprise from the shop will be given. There'll be 5 winners within this event.

Halloween is a lovely time isn't it? Dressing up! For the staff; costumes will be provided to each, the employees will be dressimg up for Halloween! During this event staff will have access within treat giving in the lounge area, pictures will be taken! Customers will have a 15% off within the store, popular items and more 'spooky' fitting will be out displayed with employees in costume.

What rules do the shop have?:
As for the employee's to take note in as well, I intend the rules being- going forth with employees and customers in Yuseong.

First being, respect. I'd advise everyone to treat each other with respect inside of the store, I intend Yuseong to be a peaceful space for everyone to be in. As for employee's to treat customer's nicely, respecting them so it gives a good impression upon the store.

Second being violence and any sort of combatRP, we do not tolerate violence inside the shop nor within customers. We'd advise for all customers to take off their masks in the front entrance as we refrain from any sort of risk towards gangRP and combatRP. As for weapons, they will not be allowed to be wielded out within Yuseong as the customer will be removed inside. Yuseong is to be a safe place for players on SRP.

Third, no shop lifting. Shop lifting is completely intolerable in any case, those who happen to minge items will have authority called upon them. Every customer must pay first before receiving their items the choose to buy, cashiers and employee's will give the item when given the right amount of payment.

These rules not only follow within customers but our employees too; the employees will have their own 'Code of Conduct' they follow along the lines of these rules.

Shop applications?:
ㆍWithin applying, things to take in as you fill in applications, character using must be over the age of 16!
ㆍThe application is listed below!

As Yuseong means 'shooting star' in Korean, I included the nether star- particles that represent its elegance; a minimal vibe but shows Yuseong's vibe given.

The uniforms isn't exactly a whole attire but an addon within the shop to place along your character; an arm band upon the right arm, the symbol of a star to represent Yuseong's name, shooting star.

The server?:
The server is set up already as well as the applications in case they're needed to be viewed.


Full Name of shopkeeper:
Eunhyeok Kangjeon

What makes then special? What do they look like? Describe the shopkeeper in detail!:
Eunhyeok- a Korean adolescent- a model-like figure, slim waist, tall. The male stood at 6'2, his figure was lightly toned- nice proportions, he had a well maintained posture. Mesmerizing eyes of a dark tone, sharp and cat like. A promising look to his face, a charming demeanor he had. A sharp jawline he had, a V shape like face with lovely features. His lips soft shaped like a heart- a nice rosy tint, dewy and almost plumped nicely- the ends of his lips upturned seeming as if he was always smiling softly. Pale dewy skin, soft and clear, natural light rosy blushed cheeks. His tone was soothing- low, slight nasality to it yet it sounded clear with his words.

Kangjeon had a unique fashion sense, it tended to change drastically, every outfit he was seen to wear were all different compared to his mood. A chic yet stylish one he was, a creative mind.

Full Name (First & Last only): Eunhyeok Kangjeon
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Eunhyeok

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: N/A

Nationality: South-Korean
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

"What's my motivation? Why here? I've always been fond of the diversity within Karakura- it's always interested me how lively some of these people are, everyone's different here. I've seen the shops by here and they've heavily inspired me and took my interest in trying for a store. Those here in Karakura- I want to make them smile as they walk out, having a store to look forward within their days."


meow :3
Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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