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YonioTheNacho's Event Team Application


Level 329
What is your Minecraft Username?

My accounts' name are YonioTheNacho and YonioInASombrero.

Describe your activity as a player of the server

To specify my activity on SchoolRP, I will divide this answer in 3 categories:

Overall Activity
SchoolRP has always been a fun hobby of mine. I’ve been spending hours and hours at a time while roleplaying with other people and mainly just having fun with those I hang around with. My activity on SchoolRP varies depending on the day, although on average I’d say I can spend 5-6 hours a day. Moreover, I can also provide discord assistance during the times I’m not online, which would add a couple of hours to this number.

Faction Activity
One of the main appeals that encouraged me to continue playing on SchoolRP was the sense of welcoming and belonging attached to server factions. Thanks to these, I’ve been able to form better bonds with the community and understand the concept of community roleplay by engaging in events, group scenarios, etc. Below are the factions I have had experience with:
  • POLICE OFFICER. The police department faction is the one I’ve been in for the longest time (ever since late 2020), and is the place where I find most of my activity. These include patrols, crime busting, investigations, but also some other server-wide plans such as internships, gang wars, school stalls, etc.
  • SCHOOL TEAMS (RETIRED). School teams have been my second favorite activity out of all of the ones I’ve been part of. Although they’re certainly more casual about interactions, it was still quite fun to create and engage in scenarios made by the community without staff back-up, though the occasional staff-run events were also quite exciting to take part in. Some of these events include rivalry activities (school fights, pranks, online presence, etc.), as well as other broader events (club rush, tournaments, etc.).
  • HOSPITAL DOCTOR (RETIRED). Just like the police officer position, I enjoyed my time in the hospital faction thanks to the out-of-character bonds that I made during my stay. Although there weren’t as many interactions with the rest of the community aside from the events held by staff, I still had fun interacting with patients who knew how to roleplay properly.
  • SCHOOL FACULTY (RETIRED). I took up this position quite some time ago, but I still remember the sense of accomplishment after helping new players interact with others more and more, allowing them to open up to friend groups. Although there weren’t all that many events compared to the other factions, it is still a position I’ve made tons of memories in, including SLT-ran events, school fires, etc.
Community Engagement
Finally, I’d also like to point out that after resigning from staff earlier this year, I was able to form a deeper connection with the rest of the community by making guides and suggestions on the forums, which was something I wasn’t really all that familiarized with as a staff member. My goal with this engagement is to still continue to improve the server even after my time as staff ended a couple of months ago. These guides, although unofficial, will help other players understand how the server works from a more ‘casual’ point of view without having to read through long texts from official, outdated documents.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied

Below are all of the faction applications I’ve written over the 5 years I’ve been on SRP:

Please keep in mind that some of the applications I’ve made were either done via Discord (such as College Council back in 2019) or in staff DMs (such as my Hospital Application).

Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone

My discord is @Yonio. I can actively use my microphone and VC when needed for meetings or calls with other event team members.

What is your time zone?

My timezone is CET (UTC+2).

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?

Yes, I am aware. As part of a community team, activity is crucial to make sure that events can be carried out properly and at a regular rate.

What is your motivation for joining the Event Team?

After resigning from the staff team, I found that I was unable to assist during official events. Back when I was a Senior Admin, I’d be able to give out access to creative mode, send in /event’s and make last-minute changes when needed. Some of these examples include the Ice-Skating event, where I built most of the ice skating hall in a reduced period of time, or the New Years event, where I brought up the possibility of using fireworks at the end of said event.

However, after my retirement, I’ve no longer been able to assist with these duties, and while I do acknowledge the fact that E.T. won’t grant all of these permissions back, the mere possibility of being there to provide support with ideas and workforce for the team is enough to make me want to join the team. It’s simply a way for me to continue assisting the community’s ‘creative’ side without necessarily being part of the helping and moderation team.

Moreover, I’ve been wanting to apply for this community team, as it’s one of the most engaging and acknowledged ones in the community. The fact that I’m able to come up with a plan that will bring the player count up is certainly something I look forward to. As explained later in this application, these events are crucial to make sure that players have a reason to return to the community or stick around, both for flash and server-wide events. After all, new players will be focused on those aspects that seem more appealing to them, and returning players might see these events as good opportunities to get back into the community by starting off with a cool event!

On the other hand, I also believe that the Event Team could use some help with some new ideas that would benefit the rest of the community. While the most recent events are certainly fun and engaging, the rate of events (both flash and server-wide) has decreased over the past months. Regardless of the reason behind it (all of which are, of course, justifiable), I’d like to be able to provide the team with my activity so players get to enjoy their favorite events more frequently.

What makes you a suitable event team member?

There are several reasons that make me stand out as a valuable event team member, but I’d like to point out the following: experience,

Experience with server events
My activity and engagement in the community dates back to 2019, meaning that I have experience with past events and knowledge on what works and what doesn’t. Some event ideas, while good on paper, don’t work all that well when carried out. One of these examples was the Kishi War against KPD. While it was certainly a fun event, a lot of things went wrong due to lack of preparation and the fact that nothing was P2L’d (as well as other factors such as poor staff management and involvement with troublesome players). On the flipside, though, I know that events involving stalls and game activities are some of the most well-received events, considering players get exclusive rewards to those events while also having fun with their friends. This experience, as said before, will make future events more efficient in terms of players looking forward to them.

Staff/Faction support
As an ex-staff member, I also know which events need to be adapted to certain factions. While an event might look good at first, it must be taken into account that other factions might be involved in it and could influence the outcome of said event. For example, an event where a group of spartans go to the bobcats hangout place to vandalize it with spray-paint must take into consideration the fact that school faculty might be around. Therefore, it’s important to either inform said faction about some restriction put in place to make sure the event can run smoothly, or (even better) come up with an in-character reason to keep these faction members from interrupting the event (e.g.- calling them up for a faculty meeting, carrying out said event at night, etc.)

Moreover, I’m also aware of the framework staff uses to assist during events, including commands, syntaxes, plugins, etc. Therefore, this will make it much easier for a staff member to help the event team. An example of this would be an event where a megaphone is used to inform all students within the school gym about a recent incident that happened in the school bathrooms. In this example, I’d be able to provide the exact command and formatting so the staff member doesn’t have to spend time fixing the mistakes in the format or syntax of the /eventradius command.

Feasibility with events
This aspect ties with my experience as a staff member. Some events are just not feasible due to the nature of the server and Minecraft, as well as EULA rules. For example, the community must be careful when dealing with things such as extremely gory stuff or distribution of alcohol, as these give a bad image to the server and might cause some issues with Mojang. Therefore, I consider that it is important to keep this in mind when writing events. This is, in fact, one of the issues that make most GangRP (as well as other faction) events unfeasible and denied. Should I be accepted into the team, though, I’ll make sure that all of the events I assist with comply with what’s allowed and possible.

Availability and activity
As stated earlier in this application, the fact that I’m able to log on for several hours everyday and provide discord support for as long as I’m awake will help this community team run more smoothly. I will make sure that, if there are any issues that need to be resolved, or last-minute changes that need to be addressed, these are resolved as soon as possible.

Communication with staff
Finally, I’d like to mention that I hold close connections to most staff members, meaning it’ll be easier for me to both reach out to them and know when they’ll be free. Moreover, this confidence with them will make events run more smoothly, as I won’t have any issues with hopping in VCs with them, both for them and for me.

Please provide three detailed event suggestions that would work for our server

[EVENT 1] Foreign Exchange Program

Event type: Lore event
Factions Involved: School, KPD, News, BMD
Duration: 2 days

A foreign school has made a contract with KHS to bring in new students alongside their tutors for a mobility program! During their stay, students and faculty members played by Event Team members will walk around the city and interact with players. Nonetheless, unexpected events will happen throughout this exchange. Firstly, students will start small rivalry situations with school teams, then school faculty will clash on whether a student’s behavior is acceptable or not, leading to SLT having to be involved. Mid-way through the event, some students will begin to sell their own weapons to people in the sewers at a lower price, which will bring the attention of BMD and result in some clashes with them. Moreover, these students will spray-paint their school symbol right under the KHS clock, making it visible to all players. This will culminate in SLT canceling the contract and kicking both faculty and students back into a bus, ultimately ending the event

Timeline: This event will be divided into several flash events that will involve the factions listed above.
  • Introduction to the new students: This first event will start at the school gym, when SLT calls all students there so they can see the new students that will come around to Karakura. They will explain that they come from a mainland university that partnered up with Karakura High School, and that they should treat them equally and with respect. Here, each student will give a small speech where their personalities will be displayed. Moreover, foreign school faculty will also be introduced, although their behavior is expected to be more professional.
  • Rivalry clash at the football pitch: An hour after this introductory speech, the foreign students will challenge the spartan football team to see who’s best at football. Ultimately, they’re expected to lose, as event team members don’t really have all that much knowledge on how this sport works. After their loss, the students will move over to the bleachers next to the family store, and they’ll begin a P2L fight against the spartans. Preferably, they’re expected to fight on 1v1 pairs as far as possible. Eventually, school faculty will be called to the situation and they’ll all be given detention. Once they’re all there, the foreign school faculty will go to the detention room and claim that the foreign students were acting in self-defense, and excuse them from detention. This will make KHS faculty want to reach out to SLT to inform them of this incident
  • Prank on the school pool: A day after the introduction, the foreign students have an idea; to fill up the school pool with tropical fish right before school starts. They’ll carry buckets filled with fish caught in the sea and drop them there. SLT will make a broadcast announcing this incident, offering students to help clean up the pool (In-game, students will be tasked with killing the fish by punching them). During this time, SLT will meet up with faculty to check the CCTV, only to see that it had been tampered with. This will raise even more suspicion against the foreign faculty members.
  • Selling weaponry underground: That same day, a student will make an announcement on Ikigai saying that they will be able to get cheaper weapons by calling a specific phone number. This will be achieved by pinging the entire server and getting the crime community involved. These weapons will be legitimate (spawned in via commands) and be sold at 50% the price of BMD. After around 30 minutes of this, BMD will be told about this event team member’s location and confront them about it. Although they’re able to get away, the BMD will get a hold of some of the leftover weaponry that they can keep for profit.
  • Spray-painting & ending: At this point, it’d be nighttime in game. This is when the foreign school students will get into school with the help of school faculty (who used keys to open the main door) during nighttime. They will then grab a ladder and begin to spray-paint their logo under the clock of KHS, allowing most people to see it. This logo is expected to remain there for at least 3 OOC days, before it’s cleaned up by janitors. Not knowing what to do, SLT will ask KPD for assistance to see what happened, as the exterior CCTV is managed by KPD, and not the school (which is something foreign faculty overlooked). Ultimately, all foreign faculty and students will be called to the principal’s office, where they’ll stand until 10 police officers arrive. They will then escort all of them outside school, into a bus that will take them back to the airport, marking the end of this event.
Event Characters (6)
  • Foreign School Students(FSS):
    • FSS_1. Jock lead; he’ll have a brave, confident and arrogant behavior that’ll mark them as the “head” of the foreign school. Preferably played by a staff member.
    • FSS_2. Nerd; he’ll have a more introverted, yet selfish and freak behavior. He’ll be the “brain of the group”, someone that will plan all of the pranks to prevent any issues from arising.
    • FSS_3. Sketchy Guy; the most expressionless out of the bunch. He’ll be more laid back and try to avoid confrontation as far as possible (except for the scripted events above). His moveset will be more coordinated, implying that he knows how to fight. This is the character that will have clashes with BMD during the “Selling weaponry underground” part of the event.
    • FSS_4. Idol Girl; she will take care of the public image of the foreign school, reaching out to school faculty and being overly dramatic when not putting up the mask of cutesy idol.
  • Foreign School Faculty(FSF): Keep in mind that these characters won’t really have all that much going on for their personalities, so it’s up to the ET members to determine how they’ll react.
    • FSF_1. In charge of ICly assisting students in pulling their pranks
    • FSF_2. Same as FSF_1
Staff Assistance
  • GMC Builds (SA+). Staff will be needed to build the following:
    • Modifications for the school gym during introductions (chairs, speaking stand, etc.)
    • Spray paint at the end of the event
  • Spawning fish (SA+). Staff will need to spawn in around 30-40 fish inside the school region.
  • /events, /eventradius and /intercom (A+). Staff will need to send events for the following:
    • Introduction event (/event)
    • Detention announcement after the school fight
    • Intercom announcement for the school pool prank
    • News report announcing the cancellation of the contract.
  • Ikigai administration (ET+)
    • Sending the announcement for Sketchy Guy’s offers
Additional Information: This event is expected to be polished with the help of the Lore team.

[EVENT 2] Blood Donation
Event type: Planned event
Factions Involved: EMS, KPD, Reporter
Duration: 1-2 hours


The Hospital Faction has prepared a blood donation booth at the shopping district! With this, they plan on restocking on the lack of blood supply for the faction. Moreover, they’ll also offer other basic medical services, as well as hospital-related activities!

  • Blood donation booth. There will be a stand where students will be able to have their blood extracted by EMS workers. After this, each student will receive a sandwich and a juice box. Everytime blood is donated, a liter of blood will be added to the blood tank (more explained below). There will be an event team member (preferably staff) in charge of updating the sign on this blood tank
  • Blood tank + Dunk the EM worker. As said before, there will be a blood tank that’ll slowly fill up the more people donate blood. This tank, however, will not actually have blood. It’ll have red paint instead, as it’ll be used as a booth to dunk both KPD and EMS workers who volunteer for it. A stall will be monitored, and students will be given baseballs that they can throw to a target block that’ll drop them into the red-paint tank if they hit the target. If they’re dropped in it, the EM worker will use /wardrobe to change into a skin with red paint all over it. Moreover, if the tank is filled to 50 liters, it’ll overflow and spill all over the ground. A staff member will be charged with building said blood being spilled with red wool and concrete.
  • Personality test. While this is happening, psychiatrists will also have a stall on their own where they’ll ask ABCD questions that’ll be used to fill in a personality test. This will use a score-based to determine what kind of personality the character has. EM psychiatrists will be tasked with making this test, as they know more about OOC aspects of this stall.
  • Pop Quiz. At the end of the event, there will be a pop quiz where an EMS doctor will start asking True/False questions about medical-related themes. By process of elimination, the winners will receive yen for their knowledge.
Event Characters (0)
  • N/A; Hospital workers & KPD Officers
Staff assistance
  • GMC Builds. Staff will be needed to build the following:
    • Building the stalls in the event zone
    • Making the blood tank overfill
  • /events, /eventradius. Staff will need to send events for the following:
    • Bringing people into the event zone
    • Making announcements for the different stalls and activities

[EVENT 3] Night Parade of One Hundred Demons
Event type: Planned event
Factions involved: Shrine
Duration: 2 hours

After the shrine’s attempts to lure evil spirits out of their hide-outs, they have made a plan to get most of them out so they can be exorcized. They will contact the town hall to organize an official parade where players will start walking around the streets of Karakura while dressed up in their favorite Halloween costumes. There will be a total of 4 parade stations where people can sit down, chat, buy items from street stalls, etc. A total of 3 Yokai’s will be present, and it will be Shrine worker’s task to locate them throughout this parade. These Yokai will leave behind hints of their powers, including shapeshifting (using /wardrobe to change appearance), invisibility (vanishing and reappearing in a different location) and paralysis (using /scare to get players paralyzed for 5 seconds from behind; This will be done via /ita to prevent people from meta-gaming). At the end of the parade, shrine workers will use blessed weapons to get rid of them, vanishing them in the process in front of everyone. It is here when a figure of authority (KPD, Town Worker, etc. will say that this was all a montage and that it was part of the IC event, claiming it was all part of the show). This announcement will mark the end of this event.

Prelude. Shrine staff will talk to the mayors to officialize this event. No event characters will be involved here, although the town faction leads are expected to assist this event, alongside as many shrine workers as possible. Before this happens, though, the Kannushi will host a meeting with all shrine staff to talk about the plan described above.
Start of the event. The event will begin at dusk, sending in a /event to schedule everyone at plaza. The Kannushi (or a shrine higher-up) will be the head of the parade. To make things easier, they will be given a glowing effect so everyone keeps track of their location. While people can indeed overtake the Kannushi, it’s kind of pointless, as stalls will only be active when the Kannushi has arrived.
Parade Stations. After the parade starts at the plaza crosswalk, the group will start walking to the different stations. Each station will have a total of 15 minutes of activity, and will start once the Kannushi has arrived at their place. Below are the stations and their information:
  • Starting point; Located at plaza. It is the starting point of the parade.
  • Station 1; Located at the police station’s garage. In here, there will be 3 stalls selling shrine-related items:
    • Green tea
    • Omamori
    • Blessed Lantern
  • Station 2; Block L tunnel. Here, there will be three different booths for people to hit target blocks with baseball (snowballs). If they hit all targets, they will receive a special Parade Ofuda event item with a special description.
    • Parade Ofuda
      Event Item
      A blessed item that will protect its user
      from the presence of evil spirits. Obtained
      during the 202# Night Demon Parade
  • Station 3; Ochiba Forest Pond. In this area, people will be expected to jump into the waters of the pond and spend some time there, cleansing themselves in the water purified by the shrine staff. Moreover, after leaving the water, shrine will give a BLT sandwich in a small booth to each person that leaves (Keep in mind that this area will be heavily fenced to prevent people from trying to repeat this process). There will be a worldguard region that’ll send an in-game text to the player when they enter, which will say the following
    • *** Upon entering the water, your body would feel lighter. The worries within you would slowly disappear as you feel the water cleansing your body.
  • Station 4; Shopping district. The Kannushi will call everyone to the shopping district’s roundabout, where everyone will be able to sit down and spectate a maiden collaborative dance. Mid-way through the dance, they will invite the people whom they think are the Yokai infiltrated within the parade to dance alongside them. Due to their chaotic nature, they will agree and head upstairs. It is here when the maidens and priests will carry out a joint ritual to exorcise the Yokai all at once:
    • If they all successfully catch the 3 Yokais, all of them will start burning to ashes
    • If they don’t catch all of them, or bring in an innocent citizen, nothing will happen to them, and the shrine will need to provide an explanation as to why this happened. If any of the Yokai isn’t selected, they will lure around the forest until the Shrine can properly exorcize it at a later date.
  • The End. Right after exorcizing the Yokai, the Kannushi will bow alongside all other shrine workers, thanking them for enjoying the show and hoping them a great rest of the night
Event Characters (3-4)
  • Shrine Workers. They will be the ones in charge of leading everyone around the parade and keeping an eye on the Yokai, keeping track of the hints that they leave behind. The Kannushi (Shrine faction lead) will receive a glowing effect so players can follow the event route properly.
  • Yokai spirits. They’ll be evil spirits pretending to be disguised citizens that will cause chaos among the citizens in Karakura. There will be three of them:
    • Shapeshifter. This spirit can change appearances (by using /wardrobe in game). At least three skins will be required to properly convey this ‘ability’ in game.
    • Vanisher. This spirit can disappear and reappear at random locations occasionally. It will only do it when nobody's looking, generally speaking (behind lamp posts, around stalls, etc.)
    • Creep. This spirit will follow people around, walking behind them and paralyzing them for 5 seconds. The way this will work is by having them go directly behind a person that’s standing still, and asking a fellow event team member with the event role (in vanish) to do /scare <IGN> 5. This way, the effect will be visible enough without OOCly giving away the spirit’s identity.
Staff Assistance
  • GMC Builds. The whole parade will need these builds:
    • Fences to signalize where each station is and to prevent players from leaving the route unwillingly
    • Stalls located at each station.
    • Open an entrance to the forest from the Itsbyoshi lane next to the furniture shop
    • Expand the pond in the forest, fencing it properly.
    • Decorating the roundabout, adding seating spots for players
    • Placing down fire during the exorcism ritual.
  • Region (Owner permissions). Creating a region to prompt up a message in chat when entering the region.
  • Glowing Effects (Owner permissions). The Kannushi will have a glowing effect that’ll last for at least 2 hours. Once they reach the last station, any staff member can do /cleareffects <IGN>
Additional Information
  • The shrine workers will only know that there have been 3 Yokais that have been spotted lurking around citizens, as well as their abilities. They won’t be able to know which players are actually the Yokai, meaning they’ll have to pay attention to the clues above.
  • This event is somewhat complex and will require the collaboration of both staff and Community Team members. However, if done properly, it’ll be a memorable event that many players will enjoy

Additional notes

If accepted, I’d like the event team role to go on my YonioTheNacho account, and move my Media role over to my alternative account. This way, I’ll be able to use both perks on both accounts (if it’s possible to have both role permissions on the same account, you may disregard this and apply the event role on YonioTheNacho)

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