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Accepted ysuni || HS Council Application


Level 4

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Okay well, I have a false ban for bypassing.. Which is most definitely false considering I was never banned in the first place for anything.. I just joined with a free VPN which I had used previously for netflix, and I guess some other dude had the same idea, and got banned on it. Which led me to getting banned for bypassing.. It was immediately resolved when I contacted staff and was unbanned.
As for warns i’ve only been warned like, once in 2020 I think for whispering something with too many letters in IC chat

What is your timezone?:

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?:

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (accepted) (pending) (pending)

Describe your activity on the server?:
I am relatively active on SRP, spending numerous hours on the server daily. The exact time depends on the day, but I can guarantee it is far too much. My activity is spread out through multiple accounts which i’ve listed in the next question.. I am most active on my volleyball account at this moment though because it is the only account that I have a ‘special’ role, and I am required to have some sort of constant activity. I also still do play on all the other accounts actively due to me having developed characters which I enjoy roleplaying on either way. I’ve been active in the community for about two years, only taking a few month break somewhere in between. I’ve been on various teams in the past such as the event team, college cheer team, and college volleyball team (multiple times)

List your accounts and roles on this server?:

[College][B][Volleyball] serenityi
[Adult] vlrgn (not mine..)
[Grade-10] ysuni
[Grade-9] vylah

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yeah of course, completely understandable.


What is student council and what do they do?:

The student council is a group of diligent, exclusively picked students who are entrusted with the role of authority and collectively work together to set leadership examples for their fellow peers. They are constantly working towards improving the conditions of the school hands on by executing student and SLT ran events and monitoring the school to keep its students in check while enforcing school regulations via imposing punishments and consequences for peoples actions. They also are setting exceptional standards for the students. They strive to make the school a better and overall ‘funner’ place for the students attending the school of Karakura. They are most definitely a fundamental aspect of the school and are constantly making important decisions which affect the overall flow of the faction and school

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
I have friends who are currently on student council, and friends who have previously been on and they all have said they enjoy/enjoyed it very much. I have been considering applying for some time now and eventually mustered up the motivation to do so.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yeah, this is a huge part of why I am applying to begin with. I would love to put my creativity to use while working with a team.!

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
The president is the highest position of power in the student council to my knowledge, and they orchestrate nearly everything that goes down within the group, including events and . They have the most responsibility being the face and backbone of the entire council. They also basically have all the other
responsibilities as all the other positions and more being the head of their prospective council.

Vice President
The vice president is the position below the President of the student council, and they work together with the President to ensure everything performs smoothly, and helps make sure the council is in check. They also work alongside the President when making important decisions and working on events and scenarios which would involve them as higher-ups in the council. They too indeed have a lot of the same responsibilities as the rest of the council.

The councillor position makes up most of the student council. There are 8 councillors on each council, sixteen in total. these do not include the two presidents/vice-presidents of each. Their main job is to patrol the campus and make sure all the rules are being enforced and resolve any problems that need resolving within their expertise. They also all have their own responsibility of coming up and assisting with possible event ideas or any ideas in general that could potentially improve the council and school as a whole.

SLT and Faculty
The student council works alongside the SLT and faculty to keep the school overall in check, both behind the scenes and on the front-lines. the SLT consists of the Dean, Vice-Dean, Principle, and Vice-Principle. They literally provide leadership to the entire school, hence the name. They handle all the really important jobs, and situations such as expulsion and suspension. They also hold events on their own accord with the help from student council from time-to-time. The student council also works alongside school Faculty as they are still students, and those are the faculty members. They can also host detention similarly to council, so it may be a frequent occurrence that a student council member is working alongside faculty and SLT on a regular basis.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

• If I had told them to quit harassing each other multiple times and they still do not pay any mind to me whatsoever I would take more extreme lengths by threating things such as detention if they continued at it and did not break it up after they were told to do so. If for whatever reason they are just completely ignoring me ICly I would remind them about the fact that they need to FearRP council ICly out of fear of varying consequences... I think that would be the best way to go about it because some people do forget, or just do not know that you are supposed to fearrp council..

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

• Under normal circumstances I would try to run after them at first, unfortunately I do not have 100 speed on the account I am currently applying with. (We're getting there..) So I would just report it via radio with what they were wearing at the time and hope that a fellow council member or faculty can catch them and punish them accordingly.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

• I would first step in and take the lead over the situation if possible, dealing with the student first of course, also apologizing for the councillor's behavior, and THEN I would talk to my fellow councillor about the situation after the previous student was dealt with. Depending on the severity I will 9/10 times report it to someone such as the president, informing them of the councillors abuse-of-power just as a warning incase there was any previous instances regarding them,,. and hopefully to prevent any further situations form occurring.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

• This is an easy fix, depending on who was primarily leading the meeting, or the conversation at the time I would just contact them after the meeting is said-and-done and ask them for any extra information that I believe I missed.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

•I would go to my higher-ups and ask them about the situation, and tell them what the teacher/receptionist had told me vs. what I was trained to do and see their input on it.. Or just find a middle-ground in the scenario if it was urgent.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
(I have never hosted or helped in a school-focused event, only other server events outside of school while on the event team.. So bare with me.)

A night for the stars
An 80s themed disco party/dance-off.

Basically, it would literally just be a school dance, but.. cooler. The whole event would be 80's themed obviously, lots of pops of colors in the décor, historically accurate decorations, and of course. A disco ball smack in the middle. Multiple teams and clubs can get involved and plan what they would like to do, but I included a few ideas of my own below!!

Sports teams will be in charged of various booths, the idea for said booths are up to them, however it must be approved by whomever is hosting the event to make sure it fits the theme.. They can do like game booths, or just sell things such as food or items. Honestly just depends on what the team captains and their teams are willing to do at the time of the event.

Clubs could get involved as well of course, with various booths that fit both the theme of the event, and their club.
• Maid club - They could have a diner themed booth with tables surrounding the booth, and the workers of Maid club can go around on like, rolling-skates, serving their various customers.. If they did wish to participate. It is a good way to utilize the club and their members while including them in a fun little event.
• Fashion club - They could make 80's themed outfits for the event like some people have done in the past, and even official clothing for the event if they are up to it. Similar to the public-use Kimono skins that have been used in past events, same with the dresses for the Victorian ball.
• Gaming club - The gaming club can set up various arcade machines around their designated area for people to use ICly, they wouldn't really make much profit as the machines are purely roleplay based, however they could have someone work the dance-dance-revolution machine and charge for that if they do wish to make some sort of money..
• Photography - Photography club could work the photo booth, by setting up a sick backdrop and just taking pictures with shaders like there is at almost every event. I don't know if it is normally the photography club who does the photo booths for the events mentioned, but yeah!
Other clubs can still of course participate, but those are all the things I think those specific clubs could do on the spot. More planning would go into it if it were an actual event!

Disco dance-offs would be the main event during the party/dance.. People would just literally have dance-offs against each other under the disco ball. the crowd gets to vote. Whoever gets the most hype wins.

Could also include an elected Disco King/Queen if fellow members agreed, I just included it because it does seem as if dances always have something of the sort on SRP.. And that is basically all. (For now.)


Character Name:

Kaede Montoku

Character Gender:

Character Age:

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
An uptight girl with a stern tone and a mind for enforcing rules and keeping people in line via gentler ways. Despite the fact that she’s seen as very uptight and rule-following, her physically clumsy aspect causes this attitude to break down from time to time. At heart, she has a softer core, but her life encounters and family experiences have caused her to turn more bitter to those she views as inferior, as it was the way she was always taught to be. She always wants to look as if she knows what she is doing, even if she honestly has no idea at all. Constantly staying headstrong, regardless of the circumstances due to her constant stubbornness and need to . She does have a bad habit of looking down on those before her, due to her family and financial status. She’s an avid leader, and she wants to be seen as one.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

An affluent 5'5" girl who stood at an average height for a healthy sixteen year old girl. Her whole appearance was relatively put together, I mean just the quality of her clothes alone radiated the impression of wealth. Her long, tousled hair flowed all the way down to her lower back, naturally a jett-black color, complimented her fair skin and bright hazel eyes. Stray strands flowed into her face whilst she was far too distracted to worry about her hair. Despite her clean and wealthy look, she had her obvious quirks hidden away behind her flashy jewelry and her orderly façade. This was confirmed by the soft bruises scattered upon her legs and inability to hold her balance at certain times.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
" My prior experience and qualifications most definitely separates me from any other application seeking my position, I have a ton of prior experience with leadership and problem-solving due to my history with speech and debate, and my overall status in general. I've always sort've been shoved in the front of situations and left to deal with them alone, so honestly the stress inducing factor of this position isn't even a problem for me.. I'm always willing to take a stand regardless of the circumstances and odds against me, I just want to work towards making the school a better and more enjoyable place to be and learn at on a daily basis.. I also like to think I'm over-qualified for this position, my grades are above-average, and I have good time management and problem-solving skills as I've mentioned before and I can just catch on to my training very easily and preform at top quality once I get the grasp of things.. My friends call me a work-a-holic, but I think that's just an exaggeration.. I'm just dedicated! My older brother, Kioshi is also a current councillor, which ultimately lead me to where I am today. Here. I had my own reasons though. Should've linked my resume at this point!"

Why do you want this position?:
" I want the position so I have something beneficial to do during school hours, outside of classes and studying I literally just spend my time alone in the library and I am constantly witnessing fights, and stupid petty arguments with ridiculous reasonings behind them. Along with other minor rule-breaks. Having a position on the student council would mean I would have the power to enforce the rules, keep students in check while also still helping those below me who require it all while making an actual difference. Along with that I will hopefully be able to leave an actually important impression on the school as I would be in a position to do so."

What interests you the most about student council?:
"The environment, and members within are the two main things about the student council that interest me the most. All the current and future members of the student council were personally handpicked and given their position by people who saw enough potential and reliability in them to give them the opportunity. I am just interested to see the type of people on the council, and what it would be like to work along side them."

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
"I could contribute my time and utter-most dedication to make the school a safe and fun environment. At first glance, it isn't much but its something that a good councillor needs to thrive in such an environment as Karakura. I am ready to fully commit to my position on council as it is something I do not take with a grain of salt.. I also just want to propose fun events that I myself would want to participate in if I were to put myself into a normal-students shoes. That is all."
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Welcome to Student Council!

Please contact cen#5204 on discord for more information on where to get started!​

Ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord in #help to receive your roles!

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