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Ytcy | orphanage suggestion

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120
IGN: ytcy
DATE: 27/06/2023
adding an orphanage
Adding an orphanage could help alot. First aval : reducing the adoption spam. I see people from time on time spamming to get adopted or to have a sinbling. With that, it could maybe reduce the spamming in OOC chat. Second aval : adoption adverts. Rarely but alot, I see books of people with a phonenumber with something like "Adopt me! Cmon, I'm a nice child! 030-1189-6996, call me if you are looking 2 adopt!" Written in it. They could, instead of dropping books, submit their IC name and phonenumber to get adopted at the orphanages desc


Level 44
naur man i think its okay as the things are rn cuz like what will the orphanage do? it could give a home to people. . oh yeah there are already share houses. Also I don't think it should be that complicated to join a family other than just ask or apply for it through OOC means, of course they can do it thru IC means if allowed and they wish to! I don't know if this is what you suggested but I understand that if there was an orphanage ADULTS could decide who to adopt which for me is a big nu nu because I firmly believe there should be agreement between the two parties, that's why people ask to join or apply for families!

The "adoption spams" don't happen frequently either, don't think they'd stop even if this was added.

Sorry, but -1 on my part :(


Level 11
I don't see the need for this, but if it's something you really wanted you could probably set up something like that yourself through IC means.


Level 104
I'd say this would be done more through a discord with a list of server approved families but then again families on srp aren't that good, most of them that is, just me tho


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
An orphanage is virtually useless and unreasonable to add to SRP. There are no “children” in SRP. Only teenagers+. Regardless, players should not just be running around begging people to adopt them in LOOC or even in IC chat.

长卂丅卂尺卂 尸卄丫㔿

Level 120
Thread starter
naur man i think its okay as the things are rn cuz like what will the orphanage do? it could give a home to people. . oh yeah there are already share houses. Also I don't think it should be that complicated to join a family other than just ask or apply for it through OOC means, of course they can do it thru IC means if allowed and they wish to! I don't know if this is what you suggested but I understand that if there was an orphanage ADULTS could decide who to adopt which for me is a big nu nu because I firmly believe there should be agreement between the two parties, that's why people ask to join or apply for families!

The "adoption spams" don't happen frequently either, don't think they'd stop even if this was added.

Sorry, but -1 on my part :(
Daz true ngl


Level 63

As everyone has been saying it’s useless. And orphanage wouldn’t just go unused but it would be a useless building that would take up pointless space. As infi said there are NO babies in the srp. Only teenagers+ and even than again as infi said they shouldn’t be begging to join a family or be adopted. Most people find that annoying. I FIND IT ANNOYING when people walk up to Amaya and ask her to adopt them even tho I don’t even know who they are icly

Overall it’s pointless and would take up the map


Level 25
Ok I feel left out agreeing with this one.... But if it's just a desk area where your character is signing up to be adopted and then there's no actual building for orphans to stay in, it could be a good idea, it would be a lot easier for people to add members to their families and it could help people follow the adoption rules since I've seen people with grade 12 tags adopting people then claiming "These kids just call me mom, it's not official" which is loop-holing unless it actually is just a thing where these kids are calling someone 4 years older than them "Mom"... I don't know, ANYWAYS! There's space for characters to sign up to be on an adoption list anyway, I can see the greatness that comes from this. Imma give a BIG FAT +1


Level 67
The reason IC adoptions are so relevant is for a few different reasons; RP with friends, IC family RP, and Crime are usually the leading reasons for such. Even if this suggestion was added, it would not change a thing. Spamming isn’t allowed period, it’s up the moderators of SchoolRP to disallow that from continuing.


Level 29
Ok I feel left out agreeing with this one.... But if it's just a desk area where your character is signing up to be adopted and then there's no actual building for orphans to stay in, it could be a good idea, it would be a lot easier for people to add members to their families and it could help people follow the adoption rules since I've seen people with grade 12 tags adopting people then claiming "These kids just call me mom, it's not official" which is loop-holing unless it actually is just a thing where these kids are calling someone 4 years older than them "Mom"... I don't know, ANYWAYS! There's space for characters to sign up to be on an adoption list anyway, I can see the greatness that comes from this. Imma give a BIG FAT +1
I agree as well because..

This would be more realistic and there would then be an icly way to become adopted instead of just one day saying you found this guy and got adopted by em, y'know? and like CT said, it could just be a little desk area where you sign you're name and all. Then family's looking to adopt someone could easily that way. There could also be a list of family name to suggest for children wanting to pick a family and then maybe the father or mother of that family could decide weather or not they'd like to adopt em! ect, ect! cool idea, I love!!


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
It is interesting to see so many long-time players simply shrug off the idea.
Easy for all of you to say. You have homes!
Though, I agree the idea of 'adoption' and 'adoption adverts' is much too uncomfortable.

But this suggestion would appear to me, as addressing an URGENT need given many players upon logging on (I am presuming here, this was my experience): would be alarmed by the fact that often there are simply no available apartments for rent and thus nowhere to house them. Night inevitably comes and you are left with many homeless 12-15 year olds.

Something should address this. It is a MAJOR oversight that this awkward reality has not been considered.
But, as for the suggestion posited here: it can be simplified.

There is a Church I have noticed.
The 'adoption adverts' contemplated by the thread author are not necessary. No process or even possibility of actual 'adoption' needs to be entertained or allowed.
All that is necessary, I should think, is a place that provides food and shelter (and, perhaps: more opportunities for roleplay).

Simply attach a sizable Catholic Orphanage or some other religious institution that might take those unhoused students and give them a place to congregate that is not on the streets. Hell, I kind of like the idea of a bunch of Nuns or something just beating people in the orphanage and locking them in a 'Chokey' like something straight out of Matilda but frankly a simple place to sleep would suffice.

The alternative is unhoused students will wander the streets. Nothing changes.
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