Yua Namgabak
Basic Information
First Name: Yua
Surname: Namgabak
Preferred Name:
Cheese Priest, Yu
An athletic build
Skin Colour:
Eye Color:
Light blue right eye, white left eye
Hair Style:
A bob cut with bangs and two ribbons tying up some of her hair on the back of her head.
Hair Color:
Light Brown
Tomboyish style often wearing hoodies, jackets or sometimes suits.
Blind in left eye
Date of Birth:
March 13th
Place of Birth:
Kyoto Japan
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Believes in a God of Cheese
Political Beliefs:
Doesn't know what politics are
General Appearance
She is a 5'2 pale Japanese girl weighing 103LBS. she would have calm and tired tone and a British accent. She would have brown hair and a blue right eye with a white left eye with slight eye bags under her eyes.
A child like personality not understanding personal space.
Character Voice:
An often calm, tired sounding voice relatively high pitched.
Carrys around a variety of toys, cheese, gas mask, duffle bag, water gun.
Jeans or Joggers with a hoodie or jacket most the time sometimes a jumper or sometimes a suit
Smelling/eating Cheese, Basketball, playing with toys
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Insomniac, blind in left eye. addicted to cheese
Arachnophobia and Autophobia
Smelling cheese from a distance, fast reflexes
doesn't understand personal space
Parents and older brother live in England and has a younger stepbrother in Karakura.
Yua Namgabak was born in Kyoto Japan with two Japanese parents and an elder brother who was 3 years older than her she did not live there long and when she was older, she could not remember anything about her birthplace. By the time she was 3 years old her family moved to England where she was raised most of her life. She adapted the British accent from all the friends she had made there. Her brothers would constantly scare her and wake her up in the middle of the night when she was young, causing her paranoia when trying to sleep, which led to her insomnia where she would rarely sleep. She would never be able to stay still due to her ADHD so she would constantly keep moving around making her a hyper child and often made the make quick irresponsible decisions and blurt out what came to mind even when she grew up causing her to often get in trouble. She would always of had an interest in learning languages, trying to learn more. Despite her love for learning new languages, she struggled a lot due to her terrible memory. Her grades in school were often failing due to her not studying because she would spend all her time learning different languages. She would learn Japanese from her parents giving her long lectures and making her study Japanese books, and she would often be punished by her parents when she struggled. Learning English from schoolwork and from her friends teaching her words she didn't know though she was never able to get a good understanding of English as all the different rules confused her though still trying her hardest with flash cards and stories she would write. She would learn Czech from her best friend who was from Czech Republic, teaching her by speaking with her in Czech and doing flash cards with her and giving her quizzes to do in her free time. She would also learn Korean though a lot of books and flash cards at home, she would spend most of her time learning Korean as it was a language, she liked it a lot. Being a very visual learner, she would have a lot of books a flash cards scattered all around her room making it very messy. She would always know where each book was despite them seeming to be completely unsorted. Despite her ADHD she was determined to learn all these other languages, putting all her effort into learning these languages. By the time she was 15, she ran away from home with money she had saved up from birthdays, holidays and a small part-time job to earn a little extra money. She flew to Korea where she would practice Korean even more, learning to perfect it while staying in touch with her friends abroad but not her family who never contacted her. While learning Korean she decided that she did not want to return to England in case of seeing her parents, so she stopped all studying English and ended up what she learned however keeping the accent she had gotten from her friends. When she was almost 18, she moved to Czech Republic to visit her best friend where she would practice Czech. Despite being almost 18, she would have a very childish personality enjoying playing with toys and joking around a lot of the time, struggling to be serious. Soon after she turned 18 and she stayed In Czech Republic for another 4 months meaning she stayed there for a total for half a year. she moved to Japan Karakura to start her new life there, make new friends and enjoy herself. She would keep her childish personality throughout the years and still liked to play with toy weapons and joke around with her friends and praised cheese.
She studied Slovakian knowing it was remarkably similar to Czech a language she practiced a lot to be able to talk to her best friend. Knowing this, she studied it in her free time when she was not hanging out with her friends. She enjoyed learning Slovakian as it was something that allowed her to calm down and relax in her free time. The vocabulary in Slovak and Czech is slightly different. Slovak grammar is somewhat simpler than Czech grammar allowing her to use her knowledge from learning Czech along with her learning of other languages to her advantage, knowing what helped her learn the most.
7 deadly sin(s):
Sloth and Greed
7 heavenly virtue(s):

Basic Information
First Name: Yua
Surname: Namgabak
Preferred Name:
Cheese Priest, Yu
An athletic build
Skin Colour:
Eye Color:
Light blue right eye, white left eye
Hair Style:
A bob cut with bangs and two ribbons tying up some of her hair on the back of her head.
Hair Color:
Light Brown
Tomboyish style often wearing hoodies, jackets or sometimes suits.
Blind in left eye
Date of Birth:
March 13th
Place of Birth:
Kyoto Japan
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Believes in a God of Cheese
Political Beliefs:
Doesn't know what politics are
General Appearance
She is a 5'2 pale Japanese girl weighing 103LBS. she would have calm and tired tone and a British accent. She would have brown hair and a blue right eye with a white left eye with slight eye bags under her eyes.
A child like personality not understanding personal space.
Character Voice:
An often calm, tired sounding voice relatively high pitched.
Carrys around a variety of toys, cheese, gas mask, duffle bag, water gun.
Jeans or Joggers with a hoodie or jacket most the time sometimes a jumper or sometimes a suit
Smelling/eating Cheese, Basketball, playing with toys
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Insomniac, blind in left eye. addicted to cheese
Arachnophobia and Autophobia
Smelling cheese from a distance, fast reflexes
doesn't understand personal space
Parents and older brother live in England and has a younger stepbrother in Karakura.
Yua Namgabak was born in Kyoto Japan with two Japanese parents and an elder brother who was 3 years older than her she did not live there long and when she was older, she could not remember anything about her birthplace. By the time she was 3 years old her family moved to England where she was raised most of her life. She adapted the British accent from all the friends she had made there. Her brothers would constantly scare her and wake her up in the middle of the night when she was young, causing her paranoia when trying to sleep, which led to her insomnia where she would rarely sleep. She would never be able to stay still due to her ADHD so she would constantly keep moving around making her a hyper child and often made the make quick irresponsible decisions and blurt out what came to mind even when she grew up causing her to often get in trouble. She would always of had an interest in learning languages, trying to learn more. Despite her love for learning new languages, she struggled a lot due to her terrible memory. Her grades in school were often failing due to her not studying because she would spend all her time learning different languages. She would learn Japanese from her parents giving her long lectures and making her study Japanese books, and she would often be punished by her parents when she struggled. Learning English from schoolwork and from her friends teaching her words she didn't know though she was never able to get a good understanding of English as all the different rules confused her though still trying her hardest with flash cards and stories she would write. She would learn Czech from her best friend who was from Czech Republic, teaching her by speaking with her in Czech and doing flash cards with her and giving her quizzes to do in her free time. She would also learn Korean though a lot of books and flash cards at home, she would spend most of her time learning Korean as it was a language, she liked it a lot. Being a very visual learner, she would have a lot of books a flash cards scattered all around her room making it very messy. She would always know where each book was despite them seeming to be completely unsorted. Despite her ADHD she was determined to learn all these other languages, putting all her effort into learning these languages. By the time she was 15, she ran away from home with money she had saved up from birthdays, holidays and a small part-time job to earn a little extra money. She flew to Korea where she would practice Korean even more, learning to perfect it while staying in touch with her friends abroad but not her family who never contacted her. While learning Korean she decided that she did not want to return to England in case of seeing her parents, so she stopped all studying English and ended up what she learned however keeping the accent she had gotten from her friends. When she was almost 18, she moved to Czech Republic to visit her best friend where she would practice Czech. Despite being almost 18, she would have a very childish personality enjoying playing with toys and joking around a lot of the time, struggling to be serious. Soon after she turned 18 and she stayed In Czech Republic for another 4 months meaning she stayed there for a total for half a year. she moved to Japan Karakura to start her new life there, make new friends and enjoy herself. She would keep her childish personality throughout the years and still liked to play with toy weapons and joke around with her friends and praised cheese.
She studied Slovakian knowing it was remarkably similar to Czech a language she practiced a lot to be able to talk to her best friend. Knowing this, she studied it in her free time when she was not hanging out with her friends. She enjoyed learning Slovakian as it was something that allowed her to calm down and relax in her free time. The vocabulary in Slovak and Czech is slightly different. Slovak grammar is somewhat simpler than Czech grammar allowing her to use her knowledge from learning Czech along with her learning of other languages to her advantage, knowing what helped her learn the most.
7 deadly sin(s):
Sloth and Greed
7 heavenly virtue(s):