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Yui's Biography


Level 0
Yui Nakamura

Basic Information

First Name: Yui
Surname: Nakamura

Preferred Name: Yui

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: 5'4"

Weight: 110lbs

Build: Ectomorph

Skin Color: Pale

Eye Color: Dark brown

Hair Style: Fully down (sometimes just a messy bun)

Hair Color: Black

Date of Birth: 10 / 10 / 1999

Place of Birth: Nagoya, Japan.

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Asian

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Appearance: Yui usually wears oversized clothes, mostly bright colors. She applies barely any makeup. Her lips are always glossy and her nails are long and painted white.

Personality: She changes quite often, although she tries to act as mature as possible. She's pretty kind, at least most of the time.

Character Voice:


Hobbies: Reading, drawing, eating, singing.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Addiction to self harm(In the past?)

Skills: She's able to reach her nostrils with her tongue.

Family: (not finished)
Teddy N.
Felix N.


Yui lived in a small apartment in Nagoya with her mother, father, and her little brother Teddy. There was only one room, which she shared with him while her mother and father slept on the couch. Although they didn't have much money, they were still quite happy. When Yui turned 12, her father passed away due to cancer. This caused lots of stress, her mother had to work 3 jobs. Yui and her brother helped out as much as possible, they didn't have many friends so they mostly depended on each other. About 1 year after the death of her father, they moved to a different town, wanting a fresh start. 7 months after, her mother jumped off a bridge, killing herself. Yui and Teddy were all alone now, they never met any of their other relatives, It's just the two of them.
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