Level 35

NotSponsored#3241 on discord!
This biography format was originally created by @fobi and @ulkuva . A big thank you to fobi for granting me permission to use the format over discord! (Disclaimer within a disclaimer: I asked like a month back, it's finally happened)
All of the banners in this biography were made by @oSinner . They’re gorgeous, and frankly, ma’am, thank you so much for them.
None of the information in this bio is to be used ICly. I would not recommend reading if you do not wish to spoil the character for yourself. Either that, or avoid the personality and backstory sections.
I do not claim any characters, other than Zara herself, and everyone mentioned in her backstory as my own. The rest, of course, belong to their respective creators and have been included because of in-character interactions!
I know it’s long. . . I wanted to make sure I included everything. . . I’m sorry. . .
Without further ado, please enjoy the biography of Zara Zabroda!
Zara's Onrain Account

"Sports" - Beach Bunny
Zara Valentina Zabroda
*‘Babushka’ - Lorenzo Williams
*The reasoning for the nickname will become pretty obvious, however, it also became Zara’s day-long alias on Touko before making her account completely public.
‘Zooboomafoo’- ‘AJ’ Delgado
‘Zaza’, - Jiho Won
‘Zebra Cadabra’ - Kotome Yatsutake
‘Za’ - Sasha Masaki
Cisgender Female
125 pounds
College Freshman
Crimea, Ukraine
September 20, 2000
Credit: @Tarxan

Zakhar Zabroda | Father | Deceased
The relationship between Zara and her father, while it lasted, was bittersweet, to be described. Zara dislikes speaking on him.
Marya Sari Zabroda | Mother | Deceased
Zara never knew of her mother, only of the stories that she was told.
Natasha Sari | Aunt | Alive
Zara’s caring aunt, despite her many oddities and strange habits. She is currently in the process of reteaching Zara Turkish.
Zehra Sari | Grandmother | Deceased
One of the reasons Zara’s expectations for herself are so high, her grandmother instilled many beliefs and demands on her that she has slowly released from her shoulders.
Zara has many relations with coworkers, fellow college students, members of the college cheer team, and the Spartan Household. The list below lists some of her strongest, however, it will constantly be updated and does not include everyone.
‘AJ’ Delgado➝ Zara's relationship with the Spartan Swim Captain was built upon few things; her very sudden interest in him & his florally patterned wardrobe. While they began to speak during early morning drill exercises he may have dared call swimming lessons, they soon began a series of expeditions around Karakura together which they later agreed to be established as dates. Even prior to their few month length relationship, Zara found herself devoted to her boyfriend and finds herself most at ease in his presence.
Sasha Ikezawa➝ Sasha and Zara bonded quickly with each other as both came on the Cheer team at around the same time. Sasha matches Zara’s curious nature and they share similar opinions on many things, and both have openly vented to and strongly trust each other. Sasha inspired Zara’s turtle collecting and giving, and while Zara’s not the best at showing her love and appreciation for people, she truly appreciates Sasha’s companionship and continues to stubbornly view her through rose colored glasses, refusant to see any flaws or problems within her friends.
Emilia Kua Ka Hua➝ They met unconventionally and at first- Zara was completely void of what to think of the girl. But as they slowly continued to speak, Zara oftentimes finding herself helping Emilia perform stunts the two were equally proud of, she slowly found herself feeling- just barely- a little protective of the Hawaiian, who may or may not have become her favourite flyer in their time together.
"I just lifted a woman and it was LOVELY."
'JJ' Prince➝ Considering the 'rivalry' between Spartans and Bobcats, Zara does not now often make high schooler friends, but one of the longtime exceptions to this was the perky senior with an appreciation for football and a blossoming culinary talent. Zara and JJ originally met up simply through a Tupperware dealing on a night she was more hungry than normal, however, not long after through real-life but also definite other means, the two began to talk quite often- and Zara has willingly taken on a slightly maternal role in JJ's life and would be willing to do more than most concerning the adolescent, without even realizing that she may not have gained so much simply because of JJ's running mouth.
"If anyone calls them anything bad because of that stupid rivalry, there will be Spartan on Spartan crime."
Spartan Cheerleader.
Luxe Security.
Kintsugi Head Cashier.
Spartan Sorority Member.
Furiku Magazine Lead Article Writer.
Neutral good.
The damsel in distress: “One of the most common and pernicious types of female character tropes, the damsel in distress, whatever form she takes, is a passive figure who exists mostly as an object for the hero to save. Even versions of the character who turn out to be a little more plucky than expected (think Princess Fiona from Shrek or Princess Leia from Star Wars) have become their own subset of this creaky old trope.” - Masterclass
Zara can be described as a more plucky damsel in distress. She does a vast amount of stupid or bold things that end with her in bad situations but has a good amount of fight in her and a moral compass. While she can’t bring herself at times to do something out of pure cruelty or spite, she’ll always fight for those she cares about, and her sensitivity to certain cruelty can also make her lash out harshly.
★ Zara believes that people reincarnate to animals or plants after death. She has three simple things she wishes to be reincarnated as; a rose, a fox, or a venus flytrap.
★ Zara’s favorite artist is Taylor Swift, as she was the first American pop artist she’d ever listened to. Basic? Maybe. But to Zara, she’s the best.
★ Zara uses the notes app on her phone to keep track of new slang she hears daily in Karakura and is a frequent user of the Urban Dictionary. Last thing searched: 'NNN'.
★ Zara is a bit of a mythology buff, which landed her once in a short-lasting debate with a previous Greek Mythology professor when discussing the Amazons and the complacency of women within Ancient Greece.
★ Twice, Zara has thrown her shoes into the water out of frustration. Twice, they have been retrieved by people other than her.
★ Zara watches a vast amount of obscure yet iconic American movies; Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Corpse Bride (Which led to her Halloween costume, which led to her winning the solo costume contest!) which oftentimes makes for an incredible imbalance of pop culture knowledge and references.

"My Way" - cover by mxmtoon
Zara’s personality is one that’s incredibly complex as she’s influenced by a large number of things that cause her to act the way she does. Zara is incredibly passionate about any sort of human rights issue, mainly because of her mixed ancestry and immigrant status. She’s quite wary of people when approached, but her guard is easily broken down if she sees what she believes is genuine kindness. She also has a tendency to miss social cues, be incredibly clumsy, and run her mouth without realizing the issue with what she says- all things attributed one way or another to her childhood.
One of the reasons Zara is so approachable is because of her empathy. She’s found herself in many situations both within her youth and even just coming to Karakura as a new citizen, that she cannot simply treat someone with scorn without feeling some sort of guilt. This is why oftentimes, Zara settles for being silent when she sees people divided into opposite sides. Either that or, she tries to find a middle ground for the situation.
Zara can be quite aggressively optimistic and has many childlike mannerisms from her attachments to toys such as her water gun and toy turtle. This is likely thanks to the fact that she never found the time to want to ‘grow up’ as a kid, and still finds many things such as stuffed animals and cute accessories amazing. But don’t get her wrong, because even with these habits and her immature mannerisms of overreaction, sensitivity, and impulse, there are times she can be quite mature, perhaps even catching onto the issues of others. She may be regularly terrible at this, however, she has pledged to be better with reading people's problems even if it may be the most difficult thing for her. But she's somewhat getting there! One moment, she can be giving her best boy advice to a heartbroken friend. The next, she can be crying on the phone about accidentally knocking someone out and not knowing how to do simple first aid.
★ Any pungent smell.
★ Sweat. No explanation needed.
★ Disrespectful customers.
★ Xenophobes.
★ ‘Small-talk’.
★ Zara has a long scar line from past stitches on the left side of her forehead from a car accident, one of the reasons she is fond of bangs.
★ She is quite fond of alcohol and admits to having been a reckless alcoholic throughout a good amount of her teenage years. She is currently working on quitting.
★ Zara does indeed have post-traumatic stress disorder, but she has learned to manage it well enough that she’s only triggered by closely similar events to what caused her trauma.
★ Zara is iron-deficient.
The fear of riding in cars. Zara was not born with this phobia, however past events caused her to be more hesitant about getting into moving vehicles. Riding also serves as a trigger for her trauma.
The fear of failure. Instilled after years of expectation from her relatives and the expectations of classical dance, Zara refuses to allow herself to fail at anything- even the worst and most boring subjects.
An obvious skill to have gained at this point in her time in Karakura. A proud backspot but an even prouder base when she gets to help pull off lifts, Zara enjoys creating unconventional chants and attempting the balance beam among the other exhilarating activities she gets out of the sport.
Zara swam often in her youth, and while she’s not the fastest and doesn’t know everything, she isn’t fearful of the water nor what it holds and enjoys swimming often.
As a child, Zara did ballet for a long while. While she grew to despise ballet because of how she was taught, she kept in shape with her stretches and is still incredibly flexible to this day, not to mention her ‘poggers’ sense of rhythm.
Ice Skating
She’s working on it. This means she is slowly getting past the stage of falling on her ass.
All of the performing arts interested Zara, and she quickly began to find herself interested in vocals as a teen. While she has yet to become fully cultured in most of the world’s popular music, she’s a quick learner and has been working on it.
Acoustic Guitar
Zara taught herself the guitar as a teen, around the time she began to sing. She is not the best and is very unsure of technique, but she can somewhat play.
Another one of the performing arts Zara enamored herself with as a child. She is a very proud participant in her improv theatre classes.
A ramune bottle.
Two hello kitty glocks.
3 items from Kintsugi, varying upon time and place.
Cheer pom-poms.
A cheer duffle bag.
A blue and white cheer bow.
A water gun, oftentimes filled with ramune.
Zara does cardio and stretching quite often, and while you most likely won’t see her around a pair of barbells, she’s still quite good in categories like endurance and agility.
★★★ ☆☆
Zara has morals, and has certain book smart moments because of her previously strict education, but can sometimes lack common sense and logic in simple situations.
Don’t let her fears of playing sports and breaking her nails fool you. Zara’s had plenty of experience doing hard labor and while it may take her a bit of force or motivation to agree to any sort of handiwork when Zara works, she works well.
The only thing that falters Zara’s physical and mental state from being perfect is her past trauma. Aside from that, Zara is active, healthy, and is progressing on fixing her mentality.
Sure, Zara’s a confident, carefree individual. Does that mean she always comes off the right way to those she speaks to? Hell no.
"You look lesbian."
With Zara’s vast knowledge of Greek mythology and philosophical ideals she may seem to be pagan, however, she considers herself agnostic.

"She Used To Be Mine" - Sara Bareilles
Zara is taller than most of the girls she surrounds herself with, at the height of 5’8 while her build is slim but subtly muscled. Her height has never bothered her- the worst it has done has had her constantly joke about her long legs. Her skin tone is a medium, warm beige color. Her eyes can be described as doe-like, her irises a light brown color, and her eyelashes long and thick. She has a slim but long nose, and her lips are heart-shaped, colored a rosy beige pink. Her eyebrows are naturally bushy, but she keeps them trimmed and nicely shaped.
Her hair is quite long, with a rather wavy, coily sort of texture (however, she often straightens it) and a dark brown color, and she has thick but neat bangs that just about reach her brows (once described as opera house curtains). Her cheekbones are very pronounced, as is the rest of her. Her fingers are long and calloused but also decorated with long, most likely painted nails.
Her makeup routine is simple but she does make bold choices in what she wears, especially in eye makeup, and often wears warm tones on her face.
FACE CLAIM**/%3Fwidth%3D494%26height%3D560/https/
The claim is flowergoghs on Instagram! The only slightly inaccurate thing in the reference is that the model does not have the bangs I imagine of Zara.
While Zara has a love for any sort of feminine clothing, she has an even bigger appreciation for large, styled jackets. Her style can be all over the place as she is inspired by many trends and has only been dressing the way she really pleases for the past couple of years, but she draws inspiration into her wardrobe from soft and vintage aesthetics as well as nature, and while she does not as of writing this yet own any floral patterned items, she is a very large fan (as many know. . .) of floral shirts and the like.
UPDATE: Zara now owns a whopping TWO floral items!
Equal halves Ukrainian and Turkish.
Zara’s voice matches the pitch of a Soprano 2nd, giving her a moderately pitched girl’s voice, however, thanks to only having been speaking Japanese for a year, Zara’s Ukrainian accent is often easy to hear in what she says. She pronounces her words with emphasis and pours her emotions into her tone.
After eons of scouring, I could not find a proper voice reference. I will continue looking, trust!!
7/12/2020 | Arrival to Karakura
“Hi Karakura, this is Zara Zabroda.”
To view a little story I wrote about Zara’s first moments in the city, click here!
After Zara’s morning arrival, she came across a few people, including Lorenzo Williams, Celaena Ineiroz, and Delfina Soleil. Her first day was eventful, so to speak but it didn’t end in the best way, Zara walking away from her first day with a small burn, a hangover, and a slew of insults ingrained in her head. Nevertheless, Zara laughs looking back at the day and it will always be a historical part of her memories in Karakura.
7/26/2020 | Cheer Tryouts
“I’m going to faint.”
The day Zara worked for and gave her all- when the Karakura College Cheerleading Team was looking for 4 members, Zara saw an opportunity to prove herself and play a larger role in the community, and so when the day came she gave it her all. Zara’s performance was enough, and she successfully made it onto the team, without fainting as she’d feared thanks to her overstocking of water bottles.
8/31/2020 | Rooftop Dancing
A certain someone owed Zara a dance, so of course, she goes and picks for it to happen in one of the least optimal places, a rooftop above a house of screaming college students going batshit on a Friday night. Even though she danced through interruptions, screaming, and her own exhaustion, it was one of the only times in Zara’s life when she was filled with such an immense, unbearable amount of happiness.
9/5/2020 | 24-Hour Cinderella
“I honestly LOVE YOU GIRL!”
When College Cheerleading Tryouts were announced, Zara was relieved that this time, she’d be sitting on the other side with the rest of her team. But when Yamato Ozaki, the well-known Spartan Basketball Captain and the guy that sold her ramune after asking for it, asked her for help ‘crashing’ the tryouts with some of his team members using the song ‘24-Hour Cinderella’, Zara jumped at the opportunity and was happy to help choreograph. After about a week of planning and practicing, they performed, and it was beautiful. She still can’t get the lyrics out of her head.

One of Karakura's celebrations that Zara was completely unprepared for due to her lack of pop culture knowledge had finally come, and thanks to her teammates Emilia, Koshimi, Sasha, & her excitable new roommate Atsumi, the ladies managed to come up with their group for the convention- characters from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid! While the group, unfortunately, did not take away any prizes or places from the event, Zara is incredibly proud of how it turned out, and has pledged to learn more about pop culture and the works so she is more prepared next time around.

"No problem, beads."
Zara's emotional stamina had been stressed over such things for the past little while, specifically her convincement over the identity of a Touko user- but also things the user had said that had kept her up at night, doubting a friend, and doubting herself- plus, looking for the identity of a nonexistent person. But just two days after her 20th birthday, which was shockingly humble, she was surprised with a meal and a view by the person at the root of it all- before everything was revealed in a few words. Despite everything unraveling, that day was just as emotional and excitable for Zara as any of her previous- but the best victory of all for her that day was remembering her chapstick.
10/22/2020 | Flowerboy
What might go down as the end date of one of the best weeks of Zara's lifetime, filled with bouquets and rather romantic reasons of breaking and entry.
10/24/2020 | The KBA Tournament
Truly the day that Zara realized how much she enjoyed creating chants, it was the first time she had been granted the opportunity to cheer at an official tournament with the rest of the team and honestly, it was INCREDIBLE! She may still credit the team's efforts at the tournament to the Spartan win at the tournament. Of course, things only go downhill from here.

10/25/2020 | Ghosted. (Literally)
"She'd dead, isn't she?"
After buying 50,000 yen's worth of food, Zara set out to try to communicate with- to try to reach out to someone quite incredibly morally questionable. But simple things had left Zara hopeful and sympathetic. Unfortunately, this plan was thwarted after a house was publicly set alight in Karakura, and said person was found inside and rushed to the Karakura hospital. Zara saw, but refrained from following. But when assumably death struck and Zara heard, it all seemed to come crashing down on her, leaving her with a guilt so maddening and unresolved as the world around her seemed to explode.
10/26/2020 | Framework
You thought we were done with this chain of events? Oh no. While Zara was still registering the shock of the 'death' of Komachi Onoji, a few accidental photos led to a group framing Zara's fellow teammates Sasha & Lena for the demise. The two being threatened and then kidnapped led to Zara embarking on- and completely failing at a sewer mission to find them alongside Ichigo Bellerose, Kurashiro Kurosuyokui, & Rin Kazama (with the help of AJ Delgado). While Zara's end mission was completely unsuccessful, they were found and saved nonetheless, the storm finally over.
12/5/2020 | Karakura On Ice
"13 years of ballet and yet I still cannot balance myself."
Karakura's Winter Dance was the sight to see, happening upon a newly frozen over skating rink that used to be the water park. Zara's day was quite lifted by the events, as while she was not the most excellent skater, she participated in what she considered an incredibly amusing dance with teammate Merusa, along with the aftermath- watching her teammate Emilia skate divinely and being surprised by her favourite person. The night was also worthy of noting- Zara's narrow escape from food poisoning, and overhearing a comment from a certain friend that answered many questions Zara didn't even know she had.
12/8/2020 | Mourning?
First, Zara is informed that one of her closest friends, Ichigo, died. Gruesomely, to boot. Then, the news breaks publicly (as public as an anonymous message board can be) that her very own Captain, Kurashiro is dead- until it is confirmed that she is not and recovering. Zara’s relief for the recovery was quickly spoiled by her conviction that pink hair was suddenly unlucky; which did not go over well when a simple early morning shower ended up with her own hair dyed the same color by a rigged showerhead. Suddenly, however, Ichigo returned, gray-haired and very much not dead, and so these days resulted in a very strange feeling towards pink hair and some extra trust issues for Zara; plus a slight bit of guilt for reasons she refuses to elaborate upon.
OOC Note: The backstory will touch slightly upon sensitive topics such as mental health and war. Zara’s background is based around the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, with my sources being many news articles surrounding it as well as the accounts of my mother, a Ukrainian immigrant. Unfortunately I am but a mere, procrastinating teenager & I can’t know everything when covering these topics so if there’s something that I stated inaccurately within the backstory, please don’t hesitate to message me on discord and let me know! I don’t wish to offend anyone or paint anything inaccurately and I’ll work on fixing it right away.
1. Beginning.
The date was September 20, 2000. A small hospital in Crimea, Ukraine, was dealing with difficult labor. A crying woman, a panicking man, a group of nurses, and a struggle all around.
Marya Zabroda, a pretty, youthful Turkish woman lived to hold her daughter, to name Zara Zabroda, to embrace her husband, a dark-haired, cynical Ukrainian man. But she did not live to leave the hospital. Zakharm Zabroda left only with a crying little girl wondering what happened to the only arms that could soothe her.
2. 'Childhood'.
Zara’s childhood was rather modest, but she quickly got used to being spoiled by her grandmother, her mother’s mother. An elderly woman resentful of her father gave Zara the opportunities to pursue competitive ballet for the large majority of her life, however, she also used the leverage she had over Zara to mold her into the type of person she wanted to be. From academic pursuits to more, Zara was too young to realize how her grandmother was changing her. One thing she and Zara's father shared were their high expectations of Zara.
3. Crimea.
Her home country was also going through political struggles thanks to tyrannical pursuits of power and growing tensions in Ukrainian-Russian relations. Only nine years before Zara was born did Ukraine gain their independence from the USSR. And when Zara was only 13, in 2014, was when the tensions finally exploded into a fight for land, and the Russo-Ukrainian war began, with Russian troops in Crimea, which eventually led into Russia’s annexation of the region, and taught Zara that complacency and silence was key in staying safe. For too long of a time, Zara kept quiet about her political views, and bit her tongue when faced with racial discrimination, whether for her Ukrainian or Turkish ancestry.
4. Bad Ideas.
For the rest of Zara’s teen years, she got used to these sort of feelings of fear for what was surrounding her. Ballet and her guitar, which she’d taught herself to play, were some of her best distractions from the war and conflict affecting the region. But when blocking things out became too hard, she found herself acting out. Becoming more reckless. This varied from getting into trouble, pushing any boundaries as much as she could before it became an issue, and getting into certain substances. She made a vast amount of bold, perhaps dumb choices within this time period- including losing her celibacy younger than most, and hanging out with people that could only be described as 'the wrong crowd'. Any sort of feeling of adrenaline, rule-breaking- she went for it.
5. Accident.
Unfortunately, blocking everything out never worked. Not for Zara, and not for her father. She had missed many of the signs, but her father was an unstable man and hadn’t been for a while, especially with the conflict. Zara’s forms of distractions were to focus on herself, increasing her vanity and her insistence on appearance- however, she had forgotten about her bitter father in the process.
Zara cannot recount much of the next impactful events of her life. If she were to tell you, she’d just say it was the car crash that killed her father. She wouldn’t be able to explain how. All she knew is that she was there, and it could have been her, but instead, she walked away with stitches, to her aunt’s car within the woman’s embrace.
6. Change Of Scenery.
Moving, that year, was inevitable. Zara was 17, and finishing up her studies, but her aunt did not live in the urban parts that Zara and her father had resided in for so long. So Zara was forced to give up the life of ballet that she had been invested in for so long, moving to the rural sides of the region with her aunt, where she distracted herself from everything that happened previously and got away from all of the conflict in the city. 2017 and 2018 were years in which Zara simply focused on helping her aunt tend to her minimal farm, eyeing the troops throughout the city cautiously. There were growing tensions between the Ukrainians and Russians in the area, and it was common for the news to cover anti-Ukrainian demonstrations that made Zara’s stomach turn. Zara and her aunt were safe, but the question was for how long. That question was answered in 2019 when the threat of pillaging became eminent in their small little countryside. Zara and her aunt packed minimally and when the stakes became too much, they left the city as quietly as possible.
7. Escape.
Zara’s aunt had organized enough that the trip was smooth and orderly. They fled overseas, where they rendez-voused with a Tokyo citizen who then took them, along with a group of other emigrants, to the city, where all claimed refugee status from the conflict happening. Only when Zara had left her entire life behind did the trauma that she’d had to deal with in her teenage years truly hit her, and so did post-traumatic stress disorder as well as depression.
8. Moving On.
Because of this, Zara was sent to a psychiatric hospital and her aunt remained in Tokyo, getting work where possible. For over a few months, Zara remained in the facility with a few others, recovering from the mental issues that plagued her. For the rest of the time, she was homeschooled by generous neighbours of her and her aunt- she learned basic Japanese, a bit about the culture, and caught up with her studies. In just over a year, Zara managed to regain her spark, her attitude, and her small bit of hope for her future.
9. Karakura.
When Zara deemed herself ready to return to a regular, more sociable lifestyle, her aunt recommended to her that she enroll herself at a small community college in the town of Karakura. Zara did as suggested, and was accepted in the summer of 2020. She moved to Karakura, snagged a job as a security guard at the most esteemed nightclub in the city, the Luxe, and put down money for an apartment. A couple weeks after, she tried out for the college’s cheer team, made it on, and also landed a spot at the Spartan Household’s Sorority because of it. And from there? Well, Zara Zabroda certainly isn’t done. As a matter of fact, her life has only just begun…

by @skinnylettuce
zara in spartan cheer uniform!!

also by @skinnylettuce !!
zara and alyssa gadea during the 2021 purge event. sheesh..

ALSO BY @skinnylettuce !!!
zara in the...kuromi

by @oeols
zara and hanamaru. at least one of them seems to be having fun!!
Thank you for reading it, I poured over a month into this and I'm very excited with the way it turned out! I hope it was worth your time.
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