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ZekesHairyBalls - Psychiatrist Application


Level 7

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:
Some previous bans yes, however all have been successfully appealed

Describe your activity on the server?:
I am active on the server quite frequently and I can usually come online at any time necessary as long as it falls into the evening as this is when I'm usually free for any duties I need to take care of. I appreciate my activity in terms of what I get up to may portray me in a questionable light but I promise that my somewhat lacking evidence for engagement in the server is made up for in the impact I have in those I RP with which obviously is not officially noted but you will soon discover.

Which timezone are you in?:

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:
Zeke's Hairy Balls#6370

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes I do.

List your current and past applications:
[Italian Application] [Accepted]

+ Various Inventory and housing issues, as well as my ban appeals.

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:
Detail RP is what many consider as one of my strong suits. I have frequently been commended on the way I write and talk and this translates into SRP. I haven't been given the chance to Detail RP in a workplace scenario as such however I'm hoping that you will give me this chance and I do not doubt that my Detail RP skills will shine through in how I handle the jobs I am given. Examples where I have engaged in Detail RP can be through my various interactions with IC situations whether it be combat, romance or comedic purposes with general ability in communication however I'm interested to see how the job will help develop this.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:
My motivation lies within the atmosphere of the hospital, I have had my fair few interactions with EMS and I believe I have experienced the full package and what it has to offer. As well as this, my time spent with a psychiatrist in character was enjoyable and gave me a good idea for what the job entails and the certain procedures that need to take place. I just generally enjoy interacting with the EMS community, police included, and I have always wanted to engage with them on a deeper level, always wanting to go back. This is why I believe my place as a common guest at the hospital will give me a unique perspective that other EMS members may not have as I will have a different approach to clients, making sure they have a fun OOC experience while delivering on the IC front too. I also have high aspirations for my role with emergency services and I know my impact will be noticed.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:
I am well invested into psychiatrists in the real world and appreciate the work they do. The ability to create deep and trusting relationships with each individual is commendable and their skill in adapting to each persons needs and mannerisms is truly fascinating. I do not have the simple outlook of them being merely to deal with mental issues as Psychiatrists do much more than that, especially when dealing with more deep rooted issues such as trauma or PTSD as it is a long process which they have to devote themselves to it, however the way they can help any situation is valuable and their approach to all mental problems is admirable.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:

Hospital Director:

The Hospital Director is the head of the entire faction, they control each of the aspects within the hospital and hold the highest duty. This means that they hold immense responsibility and should have respect for the rigorous work they do which covers the entire EMS, including cooperation with police and maintaining the peace within the hospitals staff.

Clinical Manager:

Secondly in power, the clinical managers work diligently when dealing with those below them as they assure that all of those lower down in the hierarchy feel appreciated and commended.

Clinical Lead:

There are Clinical Leads are for each department, those being Surgeons, Doctors and Psychiatrists. Clinical Leads are personally responsible for managing their staff team more closely than those above them and may be seen being more hands on when dealing with their workers.

Head Of Department:

Heads of each department are at the top of each of the three departments, obviously there are those higher up in the system however when being directly in the hospital, they are seen more commonly in the actual hospital and work directly with each the doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists.


Surgeons are especially trained in dealing with medical issues that require surgical procedures. They work with doctors and nurses to make these procedures run well and burden the responsibility of dealing with tricky situations which is a very risky job to hold.


Doctors are responsible for various roles within the hospital. They are generally strong in distributing medicine, treating illnesses and disorders with said medicine but they are also trained in emergency first aid as well as most general and less impactful surgeries.


As previously stated, Psychiatrists are medical professionals that deal with the psychological health of patients, they are trained in some other areas of being a doctor however their main focus is on having sessions with one or more patients where they advise and communicate with the patient to try and aid their mental difficulties. They are permitted to provide appropriate medicines to help with controlling issues and they hold an essential role as they dont directly deal with physical issues, more mental which is special to psychiatrists as doctors and surgeons are not trained in these fields.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I do acknowledge this however I don't see this being a problem for me personally.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I do acknowledge but once again, I will do this with pleasure.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?
Yes I accept this.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I will keep patient details IC at all times.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Silvio 'John' Russo is a typical Italian man with dark features with his skin tone and hair, complimented by his noticeable Italian accent. He'd stand at the rough height of a refrigerator and would be very well defined. He is blind in his right eye and would be anosmic with an array of cuts, mostly on his knuckles.

What are they like on and off the job?
Silvio is a dedicated worker, in his studies and any other form of difficulty in his life and works until the problem is finished. He is always working to be better and is constantly being a pillar of support for his friends and family. He will not change in a work environment and will work passionately and diligently.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?
Silvio is very much a peoples person. He is charming, entertaining, supportive and will make sure his co-workers are appreciated and valued. Silvio is a genuine worker and will make sure to maintain peace in the workplace while keeping it fun and entertaining as he likes to take the burden of keeping others entertained.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledgment to?
My character has no mental illnesses or physical illnesses at this time.

Silvio Russo, born on the 2nd of July 1995, was raised in Florence, Italy into an affluent and large family. He has countless siblings due to his Mother remarrying after his Fathers death. Silvio's parents were both psychologists, his Mother, Maria, working in child psychology and his Father, Aldo, working in criminal psychology. Silvio was always the intelligent one out of his five brothers however as the middle child he often was left to grow and develop on his own. Coming from this odd family life is what inspired him to study psychology as he was fascinated by the roles taken by each of his 8 siblings and how their upbringing affected this. His family's old-money wealth has given him more possibilities than the average student, going to a catholic private school and eventually making his way to Università degli studi di firenze in his later years. The years between weren't abnormal and he grew as a strong, independent, and intellectual student but after the loss of his Father in 2008 his Mother turned to alcohol and started frantically searching for another Father to uphold the family.

In a slightly sadistic manner, he was fascinated by his Mothers state and due to his background of studying his parents work, he was able to help his Mother through her struggles and left her in a healthy position before moving to study at university. Silvio never grew complacent even though he flew through university with ease and he had plenty time to do minor studies, expand his knowledge and make friends. He acquired his degree in 2017 when he immediately moved to Karakura. This was following the untimely death of his brother but ended up sticking around to live in Karakura. With his previously acquired affluence from his Father he was able to afford a penthouse which he lived in for a while but his life was rather lonely so he got to know the people of Karakura. This is when he noticed all of the good and the bad in the city and decided he wanted to stay here and make the society better and not have people end up like his Brother.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Silvio John Russo

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):

Characters Given Name(s):

Characters Preferred Name:

Characters Age:

Characters Gender:

Characters Religious Domination:
Roman Catholic

Characters Marital Status:

Characters Nationality:

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

Silvio has been living in Karakura for over four years.

Working Experience(s):
Silvio's parents were both psychologists which often wound him up in details surrounding their work and did work experience with them at a young age. As well as this he took part in industry placement during his university studies in which he was offered a full time job which he declined to move to Karakura.

Academic Degree:
Clinical Psychology

Year of Graduation:


Development Psychology

Native Languages:

Other Languages:



Level 193
We appreciate you taking the time to apply, however, your application was denied.
Better luck next time, however.​

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