Level 2
[character image here: wip]
Basic Information
First Name: Zelda
Surname: Latosi
Preferred Name: Zelda
Gender: female
Age: 16
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 150
Build: skinny yet strong
Skin Color: pale
Eye Color: blue
Hair Style: wavy, in a braid
Hair Color: she is born blond, although her hair is many different colors
Fashion: she wears comfortable clothes
Date of Birth: January 23
Place of Birth: Canada
Nationality: dutch-Canadian
Race: human
Religious Beliefs: Cristian
General Appearance
Appearance: multi-colored hair in a braid, white tank-top, black jacket with creeper on the back, blue jeans, and grey shoes
Personality: sky, nice, loyal, curious, and somewhat clumsy.
Character Voice: softly?
she has a pencil in her hair, and is usually out of food.
Hobbies: gaming
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: ADHD
Skills: they are good at getting lost
Querks: they can lick their elbow
Family:she hasn't met all of her new siblings.
[character image here: wip]
Basic Information
First Name: Zelda
Surname: Latosi
Preferred Name: Zelda
Gender: female
Age: 16
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 150
Build: skinny yet strong
Skin Color: pale
Eye Color: blue
Hair Style: wavy, in a braid
Hair Color: she is born blond, although her hair is many different colors
Fashion: she wears comfortable clothes
Date of Birth: January 23
Place of Birth: Canada
Nationality: dutch-Canadian
Race: human
Religious Beliefs: Cristian
General Appearance
Appearance: multi-colored hair in a braid, white tank-top, black jacket with creeper on the back, blue jeans, and grey shoes
Personality: sky, nice, loyal, curious, and somewhat clumsy.
Character Voice: softly?
she has a pencil in her hair, and is usually out of food.
Hobbies: gaming
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: ADHD
Skills: they are good at getting lost
Querks: they can lick their elbow
Family:she hasn't met all of her new siblings.
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