Level 21
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
(I've been more active on my alternative account, stephy2)
Previous bans:
I have one previous ban. While I was new to the server, I reached a warn limit of five, and a temporary ban of thirty days followed.
Describe your activity on the server:
On SchoolRP, I am active on weekdays from 1:00PM - 10:00PM. Due to the current pandemic with Covid-19, I'm usually doing school work from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM, yet I spend the rest of my days on SchoolRP. On weekends, I'm commonly online from 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM offline here and there to do things such as chores or to eat lunch, whatever comes across my day. Considering I have two accounts (one being a college student) I'm commonly switching back and forth between the two. However, I am willing to commit being more active on my adult account.
Which timezone are you in?
Mountain Daylight Time (MT)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. My Discord is two#6686.
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
I do. In specifics, it is a HyperX Cloud II headset, containing a rather high-quality mic.
List your current and past applications:
History Teacher Application ( - Accepted
Language Application (’s-language-application-german.16987/) - Accepted
School Receptionist Application ( - Denied due to the roster being full.
School Head Nurse Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
First Police Application ( - Denied due to inactivity.
Doctor Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
College Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Second Police Application (HERE) - PENDING
What is your motivation for applying?
SchoolRP is guaranteed my favorite server on Minecraft. Roleplaying is what I do - I have for seven years now. When I was introduced to SchoolRP, I enjoyed roleplaying as a student a lot. The time plug in is what interested me the most - a roleplaying server that was constantly up and running. I spent hours just exploring around the map, making new friends, and enjoying the scenery. Eventually as I became more familiar with the server, I applied for varias different roles, soon finding out my interests and benefits of my roleplay style that I can put out there.
I have always had an interest in Police and Forensic studies. Since I was little, I enjoyed watch documentations on the JonBenét Ramsey murder, Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and many more horrific unsolved murders and serial killers. Yes, I may have been about 7 years old when this began to become a hobby (researching, learning, and asking many questions when I visited the Washington D.C. Police Department). I enjoy watching the show Forensic Files, Blue Bloods, and many more that would take too long to list.
That was my first motivation for applying for a Forensic Coroner, a person who performs autopsies on dead victims, figuring out how they died, when they died, and if there are any signs of struggle, abuse, etc. But now, I truly want to know the Police's side of investigating crime scenes; catching murderers, serial killers, and other threats to society.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I believe I do, however, I'm willing to continue to learn and strengthen my knowledge about it through the role of a Police Officer.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Captain
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Corporal
Police Officer
Police Cadet
Head Police Investigator
Police Investigator
Police Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Beginning in real life, a police officer is usually assigned to a specific patrol area where they would be responsible to enforce the law, look for suspicious activity and may even search and/or arrest suspected criminals. They respond to emergencies, enforce traffic laws and would investigate complaints. Police officers often work with a partner and wear uniforms in order to be properly identified by the public. In the police force, strong communication skills are needed as well as listening skills and are used on a daily basis in order to interact with the public, co-workers, supervisors and other teams such as in an emergency situation. They should be physically fit as the job often requires running, apprehending suspects and responding to emergencies of all kinds. A police officer also works on specific crimes, for instance, special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams, narcotics or even canine corps. However, one would usually have served for some length of time on patrol before advancing to these specific crime units. A police officer may also be assigned a designated area to watch for speeding violators in traffic. Some other areas of serving would be as a crimes investigator, solving murders or other crimes. The police force is both a physically and mentally demanding career with a high stress level and is considered very dangerous.
In SchoolRP, the roles are quite similar within real life. In summary, the Karakura Police are often seen on patrol, answering 110 calls, and dealing with other crimes; alongside training for emergency situations, and preparing themselves and one another for anything that were to occur.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In SchoolRP, the Karakura Police Department is expected to do the same just as in real life. Commonly, the KPD keeps GangRP handled and minimal, arresting those who kill or assault one another. They handle emergency calls, such as if someone gets hit by a car, witnesses a murder, or something bad happens in general. Thus following, the person who has been reported will be searched, and if any weapons and/or other illegal items have been found on the suspect, they will be arrested and/or interrogated at the station. The KPD simply keeps the peace.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Kameyo Heroshima is a female in her late twenties, containing a rather prepossessing appearance and a fit build. Her facial features are rather... beautiful per say; bright blue eyes, a small nose, soft lips and flawless skin. Often, she's known to be "just a pretty face," yet that will soon be changed in the long run. She has one small scar above her left eyebrow, rather noticeable however can be noticed - referencing to her backstory. She has long, jet black hair that is commonly seen in a tight, military styled low bun, occasionally warn down. She keeps a rather fit and athletic body type, containing a small chest size and an average hip size - her waist in a woman's size zero. Despite her past traumas, Kameyo is always has a neutral expression on her face - never bothered by physical threats or even harassment, making her a rather strong young adult both mentally and physically. She only defends herself if her life were to be in risk or the situation calls for it - leaving her rarely hurting others. Even then, for a young adult she's extremely smart; and able to multitask without any flaws or falters, leaving her with a responsible reputation and rather trustworthy.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, she keeps her serious demeanour, focusing on her work and assisting her co-workers with whatever deems necessary for her to do. Staying respectful, responsible, and cooperative; she's easy to get along with, avoiding anyone disliking her or anything of the sort.
Off the job, she's quite the same - serious mannered and quite expressionless, only giving comfort to others if necessary; or anything else that is similar. She keeps a high reputation, and won't do anything in the slightest to ruin it in the bit.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kameyo sees her co-workers as her second family, but may not necessarily show the love and embracement as she would to her blood family. However, seeing them on a daily basis she would be willing to cooperate and do whatever she needs to do to make her fellow co-workers happy and content with their duties. For the future, she doesn't necessarily have a plan quite yet, she focuses more on the present - and attempts in fulfilling her desires in the current situation rather than worrying about what is to be in the future. Days from the present, weeks, even years - she only focuses on what she can do to heighten her experience for the present.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kameyo Asahi Heroshima
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Kameyo
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Three
Working Experience: Two years in police work.
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science
Year of Graduation: 2012
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Forensic Science
Minor(s): Computer Science
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Jin & Spanish
EDIT: I changed my username to stephqx.
IGN (In-Game Name):
(I've been more active on my alternative account, stephy2)
Previous bans:
I have one previous ban. While I was new to the server, I reached a warn limit of five, and a temporary ban of thirty days followed.
Describe your activity on the server:
On SchoolRP, I am active on weekdays from 1:00PM - 10:00PM. Due to the current pandemic with Covid-19, I'm usually doing school work from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM, yet I spend the rest of my days on SchoolRP. On weekends, I'm commonly online from 12:00 PM - 10:00 PM offline here and there to do things such as chores or to eat lunch, whatever comes across my day. Considering I have two accounts (one being a college student) I'm commonly switching back and forth between the two. However, I am willing to commit being more active on my adult account.
Which timezone are you in?
Mountain Daylight Time (MT)
Do you have Discord?
Yes, I do. My Discord is two#6686.
Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
I do. In specifics, it is a HyperX Cloud II headset, containing a rather high-quality mic.
List your current and past applications:
History Teacher Application ( - Accepted
Language Application (’s-language-application-german.16987/) - Accepted
School Receptionist Application ( - Denied due to the roster being full.
School Head Nurse Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
First Police Application ( - Denied due to inactivity.
Doctor Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
College Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Language Application ( - Accepted
Second Police Application (HERE) - PENDING
What is your motivation for applying?
SchoolRP is guaranteed my favorite server on Minecraft. Roleplaying is what I do - I have for seven years now. When I was introduced to SchoolRP, I enjoyed roleplaying as a student a lot. The time plug in is what interested me the most - a roleplaying server that was constantly up and running. I spent hours just exploring around the map, making new friends, and enjoying the scenery. Eventually as I became more familiar with the server, I applied for varias different roles, soon finding out my interests and benefits of my roleplay style that I can put out there.
I have always had an interest in Police and Forensic studies. Since I was little, I enjoyed watch documentations on the JonBenét Ramsey murder, Jeffery Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and many more horrific unsolved murders and serial killers. Yes, I may have been about 7 years old when this began to become a hobby (researching, learning, and asking many questions when I visited the Washington D.C. Police Department). I enjoy watching the show Forensic Files, Blue Bloods, and many more that would take too long to list.
That was my first motivation for applying for a Forensic Coroner, a person who performs autopsies on dead victims, figuring out how they died, when they died, and if there are any signs of struggle, abuse, etc. But now, I truly want to know the Police's side of investigating crime scenes; catching murderers, serial killers, and other threats to society.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I believe I do, however, I'm willing to continue to learn and strengthen my knowledge about it through the role of a Police Officer.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Captain
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Corporal
Police Officer
Police Cadet
Head Police Investigator
Police Investigator
Police Investigator Trainee
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Beginning in real life, a police officer is usually assigned to a specific patrol area where they would be responsible to enforce the law, look for suspicious activity and may even search and/or arrest suspected criminals. They respond to emergencies, enforce traffic laws and would investigate complaints. Police officers often work with a partner and wear uniforms in order to be properly identified by the public. In the police force, strong communication skills are needed as well as listening skills and are used on a daily basis in order to interact with the public, co-workers, supervisors and other teams such as in an emergency situation. They should be physically fit as the job often requires running, apprehending suspects and responding to emergencies of all kinds. A police officer also works on specific crimes, for instance, special weapons and tactics (SWAT) teams, narcotics or even canine corps. However, one would usually have served for some length of time on patrol before advancing to these specific crime units. A police officer may also be assigned a designated area to watch for speeding violators in traffic. Some other areas of serving would be as a crimes investigator, solving murders or other crimes. The police force is both a physically and mentally demanding career with a high stress level and is considered very dangerous.
In SchoolRP, the roles are quite similar within real life. In summary, the Karakura Police are often seen on patrol, answering 110 calls, and dealing with other crimes; alongside training for emergency situations, and preparing themselves and one another for anything that were to occur.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
In SchoolRP, the Karakura Police Department is expected to do the same just as in real life. Commonly, the KPD keeps GangRP handled and minimal, arresting those who kill or assault one another. They handle emergency calls, such as if someone gets hit by a car, witnesses a murder, or something bad happens in general. Thus following, the person who has been reported will be searched, and if any weapons and/or other illegal items have been found on the suspect, they will be arrested and/or interrogated at the station. The KPD simply keeps the peace.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I do.
Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Kameyo Heroshima is a female in her late twenties, containing a rather prepossessing appearance and a fit build. Her facial features are rather... beautiful per say; bright blue eyes, a small nose, soft lips and flawless skin. Often, she's known to be "just a pretty face," yet that will soon be changed in the long run. She has one small scar above her left eyebrow, rather noticeable however can be noticed - referencing to her backstory. She has long, jet black hair that is commonly seen in a tight, military styled low bun, occasionally warn down. She keeps a rather fit and athletic body type, containing a small chest size and an average hip size - her waist in a woman's size zero. Despite her past traumas, Kameyo is always has a neutral expression on her face - never bothered by physical threats or even harassment, making her a rather strong young adult both mentally and physically. She only defends herself if her life were to be in risk or the situation calls for it - leaving her rarely hurting others. Even then, for a young adult she's extremely smart; and able to multitask without any flaws or falters, leaving her with a responsible reputation and rather trustworthy.
What he's like on and off the job?
On the job, she keeps her serious demeanour, focusing on her work and assisting her co-workers with whatever deems necessary for her to do. Staying respectful, responsible, and cooperative; she's easy to get along with, avoiding anyone disliking her or anything of the sort.
Off the job, she's quite the same - serious mannered and quite expressionless, only giving comfort to others if necessary; or anything else that is similar. She keeps a high reputation, and won't do anything in the slightest to ruin it in the bit.
Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Kameyo sees her co-workers as her second family, but may not necessarily show the love and embracement as she would to her blood family. However, seeing them on a daily basis she would be willing to cooperate and do whatever she needs to do to make her fellow co-workers happy and content with their duties. For the future, she doesn't necessarily have a plan quite yet, she focuses more on the present - and attempts in fulfilling her desires in the current situation rather than worrying about what is to be in the future. Days from the present, weeks, even years - she only focuses on what she can do to heighten her experience for the present.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Kameyo Asahi Heroshima
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): N/A
Preferred Name: Kameyo
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Three
Working Experience: Two years in police work.
Academic Degree: Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice and Forensic Science
Year of Graduation: 2012
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Forensic Science
Minor(s): Computer Science
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Jin & Spanish
EDIT: I changed my username to stephqx.
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