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Zhang Interview | The Final Report (Shu)


Level 154
(Before we start, a bit of disclaimer, this was made by Shu. For the past six months, she has worked hard with journalism and unfortunately today she had to say goodbye. I'm really going to miss her. She's been a wonderful mentor and I couldn't ask for a better lead. I just hope I can measure up as I pick up where she left off. Without further ado, please enjoy!)


“Mic test one two.. Alrighty. Greetings to you, viewers of this video. Not sure when this is going to come out.Nonetheless, My name is Tsurosakachi Wakaji, The Journalist club President.

Here is an interview, featuring the one and only, Zhang Haechi. As many have seen or heard, Roseanne van Dalen, former Club President, made a few reports with Haechi, and those turned out great. So I’m here in her position, doing so.


Have you ever wondered.. What is a soldier’s background? No? Well here you go.
Camera, CUE.”

⚠ There would be a camera set up in front of the two as they sat. Wakaji would be sitting right across from Haechi. You would see the poor boy rustling his paper across the table as he finally got the sheet.

You would hear a cough from the video.

⚠ There would be subtitles on the screen on who’s talking.


“Since.. I haven’t introduced myself properly to you yet, I am Tsurosakachi Wakaji. The new club president for Journalists, I heard you and van Dalen were quite close since the two of you did many, many interviews together.”

“It’s nice to meet you too, Tsurosakachi. Thank you for having me for this interview.” *Zhang would slightly nod towards the correspondent who’s interviewing him*

“I’d like to.. Start this interview off with a similar question van Dalen asked before, What made you change departments? Like, from Military to teaching college-graduates on Physical Education.”

“I had my College Diploma for Kinesiology just before I enlisted into the US Army. I’ve served until my tenth year in the US military and made a decision that I should enter my life as a civilian. Like everyone else, I wanted to set my mind-set onto a different path- Actually, I’ve done security contracting for the US government, before being a teacher or an Instructor here in Karakura. I needed the cash before getting a Visa and a decent-size home before settling into Japan.


Back to the topic- I was having those deep moments in civilian life like- “What am I going to do right after the army?”. I had my Bachelors Diploma for Kinesiology and Associates for Art industries. So, I’ve decided on teaching the new generation of kids growing up as adults and not waste what I’ve achieved.” *Zhang would soon after grab a glass of water from the table, taking a sip of it before putting it back down.*

“Since serving in the military would you say that it was an achievement (worth it) or a hindrance in your life once you were done?”

“That depends on who you asked about it. For my case, serving in the Armed forces made me who I am. I didn’t enlist because I wanted to be tougher than anyone. I did it because it’s what I’ve wanted to do. Despite my father not wanting me to go, he still showed his support towards me, by the time of his death. *Zhang would slightly stare down at his hands, together in place before looking back up at the Wakaji.*

Did his death bring me down to my lowest point? The answer is yes, it did. I had no one else at the time but my buddies during basic training, Ranger school, then in the Special forces Qualification course, to be assigned into Delta. If it wasn’t for them looking after me, I wouldn’t be the person you’d be talking to in this interview.”

“What is one of the most important lessons you have carried from the battlefield into your everyday life?”

“Reconnaissance. . . In the military, that means we study an individual or a group of forces for intel gathering, taking pictures, you name it. If we get the green-light, it’s either go to execute the HVP (High Value Target) or capture him and send them off to the CIA black-site for interrogation and information gathering against the head of the snake. To put this in a civilian stand point, I use that certain technique on my students, co-workers and other people. Just studying who they are, what they are capable of, who they work for- pretty much all of that. I exploit my student’s weaknesses when I find them. Use it against them so they’ll overcome that fear or that gesture of being “Impossible” to do.”

“Staying in Karakura for as long as you have, what would you say is the biggest difference from here than the military base?”

“The big difference is that it’s too quiet and a bit too peaceful living in Karakura. At the military stand-point being stationed in base, I had to train daily from work-out, training, mission briefing, then head onto a patrol via helicopters like the Black Hawks, Chinooks and armored vehicles like the MRAPs, Humvees, and the M-ATVs. What’s worse, in my barracks in Afghanistan, we’ve had a lot of Jets or helicopters taking off and they’re really loud. From a civilian stand-point here in Karakura, I’ve got to live in comfort which till this day, I’m still trying to get used to. I still sleep from 11pm to 5am, early morning work-out, then freshen up to get to work and instruct classes. *Zhang would chuckle for a brief moment before taking a sip of his glass of water.* Anyhow, I still enjoy what goes on right now. I will continue on being a professor if my students still want me to-. . . “Strengthen them up.”

“How interesting, Professor Zhang. Last question before we wrap this up. Would you recommend military careers to your students by any chance?”

“No, my students are already young adults and they can decide for themselves. However, if they’re willing to enlist or join the Police Department, I would gladly train them until they’re up for the job. I expect them to show some discipline when I’m training them. I’m talking to you students!” *Zhang would turn his head at the camera, pointing at it directly towards the lens.* “If you want to be in physical shape for anything, you know where to find me. Thank you.”

(In Loving Memory of Shu)
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