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Accepted English Teacher || YourAnxietyDemon


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): anxietydemon

Do you have a microphone?: No, I do not.

What is your time zone?: My time zone is MST (mountains-Standard Time)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I do acknowledge this

Describe your activity on the server:
I have been on Srp since 2018.I would describe my activity on the server as very often or 7.8/10 of my time is on the server. I have spent over 5 years on the server and more than four to five hours daily or more. I have plenty of free time in which I spend on the server itself and I find it to be enjoyable. I can be seen running around the server often with friends or by myself. I enjoy my time on the server and want to keep using my free time on the server when I can. I do take breaks for reading and work or if I am very ill. I do take long breaks for most of the day on holidays and things like that. Though when I’m not running around or talking with friends I’m trying to find different Roleplay experiences and ways to make more character development for my characters. Though things get dry I try to keep things going by interacting with strangers in order to further get to know people. I love asking questions about writing or detail RP with those who have done factions or require detailrp for actions. I want to know how to explain things furthermore and not use more plain words and instead further my vocabulary as well. I truly want to learn as much as I can from others in writing and how to stay active and go deep into detail with my actions.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:


DOCTOR APPLICATION | YourAnxietyDemon | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
I have a single Bachelor’s role and a single Grade 12 role.


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I am applying for English teacher!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
I have started my first few times on RoleplyaHub straight into GangRP, I was previously in Kaku-kai when I started and didn’t know much outside of GangRP. Though I went through five other gangs I have wanted a change of pace. I also have previously left GangRP permanently and wanted a new experience in a Faction, though I know serious GangRP people are not accepted often. I have spent time away from GangRp enough to have clear roleplay without involving violence in it. Though some of my characters were centered around GangRP like the one I am currently using, I do not intend to use them for GangRP again. I have also been wanting a new roleplay experience since I have spent so much time strictly to GangRP, I have applied for multiple factions but have not been accepted so I have tried to become a teacher. Though I have applied once before I didn't realize the position was taken and also not realizing how much detail was needed to a certain extent. I now want to try again and find a faction that fits me. I like the people who are a part of the school faculty, and I know some people in it and on good terms with them.

I also have wanted to see the life of a teacher as I have been curious. I know how much detail goes into classes, planning and finding the right time to put up things like a test or a pop quiz. Also I was always curious how people got the motivation to do things like being a teacher and teaching and how detailed it can be to a full extent. I have always been fairly good at teaching people as I have tutored in the past with my real life. I am a very fast learner and have a passion to teach something I like. I have gone through classes within SRP and have made notes about how its run, how teacher is and what they teach. I took into consideration what they do to plan for lessons.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes, I do understand this.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I do understand I will undergo teacher training.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher logs are to keep track of when the teacher host a class and how many times. This helps higher ranks know that teachers are doing their jobs and keeping up with quota. These are almost definitely important as they are needed for 1. Teachers are not slacking off but also so that it gives them motivation to keep hosting classes and 2. So that once quota has been met, they can choose to keep hosting classes and know when teachers have hit their quota for the month. This tells higher ups how active a teacher is and if they need a warning about their activity.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
Some rules I would have as a teacher can go as follows:
1. No phones, if you have time to text someone who have time to write and form sentences for my assignments. Class is only an hour or so and students can live without their phones for that long. Its entertainment not a lifeline.

2. Passing notes, although it's rare. I've seen students pass notes before and I think it's fair that if you can write a sentence back and forth to the same person over and over then you can write me a few sentences within an hour.

3. Talking recklessly in class, Teachers and students have two jobs and its quite simple. A teacher teaches the students and should ask if anyone has questions, lectures are typically less than 30 minutes and anything you can say can be done while you work if it's a long assignment. I think everyone chooses their actions and only acts instinctually if there is a threat. I am no threat and therefore you know what you are doing, if you choose to speak.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
My experience in roleplay is very wide as I have roleplayed on different servers before I joined School Roleplay. Once I got here in 2020, I was almost thrown straight into GangRP until fairly recently when I stopped doing Gang RP and only keep myself related to Fight Club. I have been in multiple different gangs which each had their own morals and unique rules, so I have had a chance to further my ability to Roleplay differently. I have been a part of multiple gang flash events and normal flash events from the SRP staff. Since I have applied for a security guard at Fight Club and Crime Clinic, I have also gotten new ways to Roleplay and still do on a separate character. I have had interactions with many types of people like gang leads, black market dealers, normal gang members and reporters doing interviews. I have recently also interacted with Shrine workers which gave me more new opportunities to be more specific with my Roleplay experience and give me more time to go into more detail with actions.

I had done some bodyguard work for multiple characters as well which had interesting Roleplay and gave me new insights in how to interact with others in Roleplay. I’ve been doing Roleplay on the server since late 2019 but took a break and started again in mid of 2020. I spent many years in five different gangs each spending more than four months in each and a few up to a year in or more. I want to continue to widen my Roleplay experience and I think this is one of the best ways to do so.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The boss for the specified department, someone who calls the shots and gives advice or warnings to people in their department.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: Someone who has gone through training, hosts their own classes and sometimes help Newly Qualified or train Unqualified teachers to their best extent.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teachers
↳ Description: Someone who just got through training and can host their own classes now. They sometimes help Untrained teachers with basics.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teachers
↳ Description: A fresh newly hired teacher who is currently or is going to be trained to know how to do their job to the best extent of their power.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers out of game: Teachers within the server when not on duty Icly have a lot of time to prepare books, find new lessons and new assignments for the lessons. They have to deal with everyone, being a cheerleader, jock, delinquent or a straight A student, but they give School RP a chance to be what its called and let each student Roleplay how they feel their character acts. If it be a fighting student, straight A or entitled jock. This gives those characters development to be further helped by other faculty and factions within the server. School RP would just be another city roleplay server with random chaos if teachers did not help control some within the school.

Teachers in Game: Teachers within the roleplay server have multiple things to deal with, executing classes within a certain time space, attending or dealing with detention and interacting with not only students but faculty and other factions if needed. They can do anything a usual class would do in the real world. Giving workdays for a project, test days, field trips and using websites to help students icky learn. These all fall back to the teacher icly, how detailed they are as a character and how hard they are willing to go as a teacher. Being a teacher also means, of course dealing with students who will not cooperate well. If that means they are a disturbance or fight, then the teacher can step in and resolve the issue via detention or warnings from them. They communicate with other teachers about students' behavior if its needed and act as a guardian role for students not only in a teaching way but a helpful way to show right from wrong in multiple situations. They can be kind and gentle or rough and strict which is the fun of being a teacher is to do it their own way they see fit. Teacher within their Icly ranks can get certain yen based on their ranks, this being UQT earns 350,000 for helping in 10 classes, QT earns 400,000 for hosting 10 classes and they can get additional bonuses for going above their quote which can result in 500,000 yen per month.

Ways of Teaching: Each person Icly or Oocly has a different way to teach, if that includes Kahoot's, slideshows or documents. Or if they choose to use assignments, lessons and detailed tests to teach students. Everyone can be a mix of both or lean to one or the other, but it all is a part of how they think the best way to teach their class is. Maybe testing one day and assignments another is better than notes and a slide show.

Free Time: Teachers do not always rotate and stay focused on their jobs, though it's very important they are people and do need free time to themselves. I feel I would be stressed if I had to run around giving detention and planning multiple lessons within a few days. So free time helps teachers not only relax and do their own hobbies or express their interests, but it lets them express who they are outside of school hours. Maybe they are a more quiet and reserved type, or they are more talkative outside of school. Families and friends can take up their free time easily with how much they have going on in their own personal lives and it's important to keep that in mind.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
To put it plainly, it wouldn't be School RP, but not just that. The teachers that make the school experience and take time to deal with students beating, making fun of and doing everything else helps bring importance to a SchoolRP server. If no one took the job then no one would have a SchoolRP it would be CityRP or something. It helps give a server more than just a daily life. It gives a normal one and something more relatable to people.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The lesson planning system that the school runs on goes by something called the MoSCoW system. This stands for: Must have Should have, Would have.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Kagoshima Kosuki stands at an average six foot two inches or 187 centimeters, his hair seemed dyed black with small streaks of brown and a semi red looking color which alluded to it being previously dyed a long time ago. His eye could be described as dirty looking in color, a bland brown color with an almost blank stare to them as they look around him like hawk eyes, though the left eye looked almost foggy as if it wasn't real like a prosthetic eye. His face in general seemed a mixture of tired and awake, as if he chugged six coffees then took five melatonin gummies and called it a day. He has a faint messy scar across his face that seemed like it had been there for a long time as well as having bandages neatly wrapping his neck in a few layers, they seemed dirty with of course dirt, dust covering them. His body in average clothing seemed to be a strong and averagely cut body figure, obviously staying in shape as he walked with a hyper aware posture and spoke with a slight French accent though it was rare to hear. His voice sounded slightly quieter as if straining it to be louder. His attitude would be misleading, some find him to be caring, gentle and warm but other may see a quiet, strict and almost annoyed man who looked like he didn't want to be there. His eyes commonly bounced between people and random empty corners as if looking at something unless he was taking his prescribed medication that is.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

Kagoshima has a very positive outlook on co-workers though he makes only half efforts to know them personally unless it interests him to a certain degree. Students on the other hand are very suspicious, he was a kid too and knows how easily a fight can break out, rumors spread, and teams fight or bully people, so he is very wary of their words but keeps a professional look to them and holds them all to a standard of respect and builds off of that.

What are their plans for the future?
His plans are to provide for himself, living a simple and quiet life away from the violent crimes the city has to offer. Not wanting them to end up like someone he used to know, he insists to help change the minds of more violent students and the bullies to something more tame, respected and more professional than some savage ways of life. Instead, know how to turn a fight into something like a small disagreement and move on.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
I would ask if they had any classes to attend, if so I would let them know that this is a school and it is better to learn here and relax at home than disrupt classes that don't concern them. If this does not work and they continue I would continue to remind them until they move to a class to learn or stop swearing.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?: I would first wait if anyone noticed as I write on the chalkboard. Within one or two minutes if no one notices I will strictly tell the students that if they came to my class then they are held to a standard to learn, they can talk if they finish their work and know the lesson. If they feel my class is a place of no respect they can leave and go find a teacher who will allow it, and I'm sure there are none.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: Kagoshima would start small talk with anyone within the lounge, ranging from their day, workload and previous classes to things like any troubled students and their hobbies for after school or interest. Asking if anyone needed help is a common thing for him to also ask if his work load is easy or next to nothing he feels like there is an opportunity to be helpful to his co-workers.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

Walked around the class, listening for any whispers or talking while he set down a testing paper on each student’s desk with a gentle hand. His eyes scanned the class for misbehavior as he spoke with a gentle voice “I do hope you all studied for today’s test, its only fifteen questions and they were all related to the notes and assignments you have been doing. I wish you all good luck. Please raise your hand and I will collect your test” Once he was done he continued his randomly patterned walks around the room, watching for any cheating going on while the test continued. Once he had every paper he smiled while he spoke “You may all talk as you please, just keep it down”

/me While he stepped into the empty class, he took a slow inhale then a fast exhale as he took out a duster, a mop and a broom as he started by taking off dusty books off of a nearby shelf and cleaning the interior shelves with a duster, placing the books back in an organized fashion. Once each bookshelf was cleaned, he moved on to his own desk and cleaned it, first by spraying disinfectant on the top and wiping it with a rag, then cleaning out his cabinets and dusting anything off. Now on the floor, taking a broom he went from corner to corner, collecting piles of dust, trash or anything else he found and putting it into a small trash bin while he did this twice. Once after he picked up the disinfectant bottle and sprayed each desk, sliding his rag across each one until it was clean. Once he was done, he packed everything up and left with a hum.

/me As he walked into class, he held the door open for the person tailing him, fixing his glasses he spoke out, getting each student's attention “Hello everyone! I hope you are having an amazing day, if not then I have amazing news! We are going on a field trip to the News Station. I expect you all to ask questions as we deep dive into the wordings used in the news. We also have a special guest, so I expect you all to behave.” He used a gentle tone while he kept the door open and counted each student in his head as they walked outside of the class. Making sure to not forget he clicked a pen and wrote the number on his hand as he closed the door and locked it. Making his way in front of the students he spoke up once more “Please keep together, I have marked the amount of students we have, and I will not hesitate to call you back to class if any of you choose to try and leave. Please follow me and feel free to ask our guest any question you may have about the news station or wordings of your choice.” He hummed as h lead the students carefully out of the school.

/me Taking his chalk he wrote on the board in big letters “Today is just a simple lesson and notes, you all know of common writers in Japanese literature. So we will be doing something similar. I would like you all to write a poem about your life up until this moment using only the longest words you can think of and giving me a definition at the bottom.” he turned back to the class as he handed out books to each desk careful as he spoke again “This will be due in three days which I hope is plenty of time to write. If however you cannot do this please ask to see me after class and I will happily speak with you about it” As he finished passing out the books he walked to the front of the class “I have written an example of what can be considered long words short things like ‘as’ ‘or’ ‘if’ and others ot connect words are just fine but thing like ‘Contrary’ ‘youthful’ and others that you think can sound as respectful ass possible are fine. Thank you and you may talk while you work.” He sat down as he wrote grades on previous assignments.


Kagoshima was coming back to Karakura from France, leaving from a certain incident that left him traumatized by violent acts he came back to create something new of himself and with an inspiration to help others and hopefully have an impact on those who are brought to violent deeds. He studied multiple things including Herbalism from a hobby with tea after being rehabilitated for alcohol, then going forward to learning Criminology to further his understanding of students who choose to be violent. Picking on others, hurting them physically and hurting them mentally he was inspired to find the root and help them become better people. Then getting a minor is psychology he pursued to become a teacher at Karakura High School, which is directly where he wanted to make his first direct inspirations. But first he had to do something else and sought out his adopted brother Shoji Kosuki for advice on how to help people who become violent. Studying things like tea making, mediation, advice giving and ways to de-escalate situations brought more help than he could ever dream of.

This made him talk with more Shrine staff in search of other ways to help settle violent situations. Some gave him advice to let the two talk things out, some said if he needed help within the job to ask another teacher for advice and or figure it out himself because it shows he has to think about it instead of using other methods. Growing with new inspirations to help he could contain himself no longer and got an application from the school of Karakura. Looking at the available listings he chose an English teacher. He was well worded himself and knew he could help people with things like writing, texting or just vocabulary in general. Things that showed people took life seriously enough to be adequately worded led him to scramble to apply as he handed in the application to the school.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
My first name is Kagoshima and my last is Kosuki.

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): I prefer the title of Mr.

Given Name(s): I have been given the name Yamashi from close people.

Preferred Name: I do prefer people calling my Yamashi though it isn’t my legal name.

Age (Minimum is 25): Right now, I am 26 years old.

Gender: I am a male.

Religious Denomination: I have no specific denomination, but I practice Shintoism.

Marital Status: I have no current partner.

Nationality: I am half French and half Japanese

Current Location: I currently live with my adoptive brother Shoji Kosuki.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
I have taught English for two years.

Academic Degree: I have an academic bachelors in Herbalism and Criminology

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major(s): Herbalism, Criminology and English

Minors: Psychology

Native Languages: French

Other Languages: Japanese, Italian, Icelandic

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No


Additional notes about your application: Thank you for taking time to read my application.
Do you have any questions?: N/A​
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Level 106
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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