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10RP2 | Reporter Application


Level 33
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:
I have two accounts, 10RP + 10RP2. I'm applying with my alt, 10RP2

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes, I do have discord and a working mic. My discord is; 10#5385

List your time zone and country:
GMT / BST Britain, England

Describe your activity:
I think of my activity to be strong and stable, By that i mean i normally get on once or twice a day with roleplay mostly too. I always help others and try to make something new happen each day whichever that can be roleplaying with a new person joining the server or just trying something new, like applying for this! I like to spend sometime out to basically keep healthy and fit. I do have school making me probably only making me get on once per day in the weekdays but when the weekends come around I'm nearly on all day.

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):
[Declined] [Accepted] [Accepted]

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
My motivation is that i want to change up my roleplay a bit. You see, I have never really fought about doing something with a Reporter as my tag in game but i thought to myself and told my friends and they said try it. I want to see the difference in roleplay doing a job as a Reporter seeing how different situations will work out and what will happen in the future for my character trying to apply for the job.
My Second point is that i want to see what every job in SchoolRP is like not leaving one out because it does not sound fun or something like that. I believe every job in SchoolRP is equal and has its own pros and cons for it too. I believe whichever job you pick is the best for you at all times.
Seeing how others do reports for Karakura and the SchoolRP alone makes me feel like i can do it to with motivation can come anything in my mind.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
My experience with writing comes mostly from a passion and school, I'm in school daily on the week so i do get that knowledge and understanding that writing is important for day to day tasks. like this. My passion for writing is a bit different though, I like to write backstories or biographs for others to help with their roleplay experience too. I like to write about making up stories and what i would like to be when i grow up like maybe a police officer or a artist in the music genre, I would like to get this reporter role or tag to because i think of that to maybe push my exploration a bit more into doing a bit more for people or just trying different types of writing with that. I think to that i can get more experience with having this role or tag to making me a better writing for the future to come and when i leave my school and start my real life too.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes i am and i am willing to follow anything under command or if they just are rules too.

Why should we accept you over others?:
You should accepted this application from others because that I'm probably more activity then the other applicants and that I'm still a kid in school making me not having to go to a job or making me not hitting the quota on time too. My second reason is that i have been on this server for 3 to 4 years making me a good person to pick having knowing the rules and having knowledge of how to roleplay the correct way. This would make me a good application to accepted seeing my work on other applications to like my lawyer one and the KPD one that sadly got declined but that cant stop something or someone from not moving forwards. If you read this and think I'm a good person or applicant to pick i think you will be in the right making me good for the job and fit having mostly being on the server reviewing what others are doing on their day to day life and other things with Karakura and real life too.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports?
Yes, I will show nothing that will include OOC or ICLY bias to anyone.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes i do.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter, The reporter is a job that most people think is easy and chill or not hard work but if you look into it you might think different. A reporter is a person that looks around the city that they are based in or located in and that they look for interesting or different things going on like maybe crime or how the local police or mayor is getting on at the time. A reporter can do two types of things to my knowledge in Karakura, they may do some interviews or maybe something like a story or biograph related to something that happened that day or something like a blog of what is happening in Karakura later that day or maybe from a time period like from a year or to a month of what happened to Karakura or that located city to if like the economy or something that happened to the weather with maybe a storm or heavy rain coming down in a part of the city or location too.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:

Rengo D. Zennix

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Mr. Zennix / Ren / Reno

Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
He was a lawyer before this job.

He would have Masters in; Law, Criminal Justice and Criminology plus one more, Business

Nationality and born location:
Germany, Nuremberg German

Phone Number: 030-

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
Rengo would be a tall male standing at a monstrous 7,5. He would have a nice and appealing smile for each and everyone to see making him a nice and peaceful person to all to enjoy and see. Rengo would have a prosthetic right arm that happened at young with his father not being a nice man that he wanted to be. Rengo would have black to blue hair with tattoo's running down his left and right prosthetic arm too. He would be a sharp and quick to act person sometimes though with if something bad or something that needed to be done or finished in a short amount of time. He would love to talk to family and friends with the likely of talking to other citizens trying to nice and friendly. Rengo would have three children to his name, 2 female and 1 male.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
Rengo loves writing about crime and what is happening with weather or mostly the happenings or just trying to help people that need it or just are new to the town what will happen on what day and why. He is always thinking of new ways to help others if that would be on the street of of someone reading his report made to help too. Him just helping others on the street of in reports is going out his comfort zone but Rengo can do more than that, He wants to be helpful in anyway if that would be in hazards with weather or just some interview including crime which could be good for a team like the KPD or just some other faction or job that needs the information like what's 'hot' or what the 'trend' now a days.

What are your expectations for the job?:
My expectations are that I can get Rengo's name out there in the land or town of Karakura and get him something of victory that he needs to truly thing he has became something of a helpful person to 'someone or something' in this town and try harder to make others like the hole town or a hole faction or job become like they listened to Rengo's message and that he has some support to carry on his journey of helping others and making others live longer and stay happier and healthier.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Rengo has a clean record.

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
German, Gaelic and Japanese.


#1 -
General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.


The Weather concern...

Good morning Karakura! This is your reporter Mr. Zennix or Rengo D. Zennix for you today. I want to give you a update for the weeks weather and the concern from citizens that fought that something going to happen.

Today we have a report of that the weather is going to rain all week having a bit of thunder and lighting on Thursday and that people say that its going to be a big storm that will maybe be able to kill or injure people in this town if you are out and about at that time of the storm. Be careful and I make sure you stay inside of this time of the storm but if the storm hits something higher than expected you may get more then injury, Your homes might be damaged or if in a bad area that the storms hits you may get your house taking off by the storm too. Make sure you tell your family about this and also your friends, after that week of bad and concerning weather you will get basic and clean or making a bit of wet weather for the week after for a normal week in Karakura..

This has been a Report of a Weather concern, Reporter Mr. Zennix or Rengo D. Zennix. For next time, See ya!

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.


Hello Karakura! I have a new interview for you all and i hope you like it. Today in Karakura i will be interviewing a gang leader that the name i cant say for reasons of it not wanting it to be told to the rest of the public and Karakura and that i wouldn't want to say it for maybe other reasons of the gang leader told me he does not want to be mentioned too.

R.Z = Rengo D. Zennix | Reporter

G.L = Gang leader

[!] The Voice Recording would begin [!]

R.Z: "Hey and good morning to you, you can have a seat down if you like?"

G.L: "Hello, Yes i will now. So you wanted a interview?"

R.Z: "Yes I did, May I get a name or something you liked to be called? Its fine if not of course."

G.L: " Uhhhhhh.. You can call me by my nickname, Rieo"

R.Z: "Soo! Rieo, I brought you here today is because you had something that you want to say and that i would like to interview you about too."

G.L: "Yeah, I would like to say something and i know why you wanted to interview me to, I heard that the KPD are trying to get something of me and that you wanted to speak with me about that?"

R.Z: "Mhm, I fully understand, So getting into this interview what is this thing that the KPD want of you? Is it important to you or your 'gang'?"

G.L: "Yess.. It is kinda important to my gang that I lead seeing that they want to try and get important information about me. You see, me and the KPD have a bad reputation saying that they want me in jail with the others but then I want my way with my gang to be free and safe"

R.Z: "Yeahh.. So- Why do you want your gang to be free and safe? What happened to you and the KPD that they want you in jail so bad?"

G.L: "The KPD and I have had a bad past not liking each other for the crimes i did back then and they want me into jail or prison for them bad actions but also i want to free safe because i didn't mean them actions to happen and that i am sorry for them because i didn't know what i was doing back then, I was a kid.."

R.Z: "May i ask what you did 'back then' that was so bad of you?"

G.L: "Well.. I think that I'm non-guilty to this day but the KPD want me to go to trial for it and that I am guilty for it and that I need to be put into prison, That I did or so I dont think I did was.. Kidnapping a child.."

R.Z: "Ohh.. That's kinda bad of you to do, Only if you did it.. Does the police have evidence that it was you by any chance?"

G.L: "Umm.. Not that i know of- They said to me that they do but I'm not going by it.. I just want freedom and peace for my fellow gang mates"

R.Z: "Okay, so you said you want this 'freedom' for your 'gang mates'? and that how are you going to change their mind and make this 'change of freedom' for yourself and theirs?"

G.L: "I think I can make this freedom for myself and my gang mates seeing that if I pay the KPD some money for information from other gangs and how they can get them into prison making gang to have to go and disband."

R.Z: "Uhh.. Okay then- Do you think the KPD will accept this money from you or just put you into handcuffs..?"

G.L: "I hope not.. You see I'm putting trust into the KPD at this moment giving them information and good evidence to get other gangs gone and leave mine for me and only me forever.."

R.Z: "Okay, So Rieo I think you wanted to say something after this interview ends..? And also what do you think other gang leads or gang members from different gangs think of you just saying that about giving information about them, Will they try 'come for you'?"

G.L: "Yes.. I do want to say something to the KPD, The message is to them is. Please, Please let us be. You know who I'm going on about.. 'DARK' and to the other gangs.. I have had to much with this that i dont care that much.. They dont know who i am and what i do so its fine for me.. Thanks Mr. Zennix for this interview"

R.Z: "No problem at all Rieo, This will be the end of the interview Karakura. See you next time with more news!"

[!] The Voice Recording would end [!]

Rengo D Zennix | Reporter for Karakura 24/09/22

Last edited:


Level 167
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however you have not been accepted this time.
We advise you to work on your grammar and punctuation next time!
Please DM Aania#0117 if you have any queries about the application

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!

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