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Accepted 2nd Professor App ~ Izanami Yuto


Level 0

OOC Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have any previous bans?: None

What is your time zone?: PST

What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g. Tippie#6666): craftykanna, originally known as Crafty#9091

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
College Application - ACCEPTED (Link no longer works)

College Professor - ACCEPTED

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
-I feel like my availability to be active on SRP is quite free, despite having college in real life and being a part of the build team on another server. I feel like, as of recently, I have more time on my hands. I would say, during those weeks I have college, I would only be able to get on 3-5 hours a day, a week. With that in mind, on the weekends, I will be able to take the extra time to host classes. Usually, if I'm needed or if my friends simply just want to hang out with me, I'm on SRP every day within the week to roleplay. Lately I've been getting on my college account a lot more since a few of my friends have taken an interest in the server, so I've been showing them around and taking them to classes. I think I've found a good balance between being a builder elsewhere and college IRL that I'm ready to apply for a new role within this server. My activity on the forum fluctuates, normally I’m on the forums to read and take note of faculty applications, as well as seeing potential candidates for future college students. I simply just enjoy reading over each application to see the goals of a potential College Student to be.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
-I’ve been playing SchoolRP for a solid 2 years and in general have been roleplaying for about 4 years. I would say I have a lot of role playing experiences outside of SchoolRP and minecraft as a whole. The servers are long gone now, but I have roleplayed in a multitude of settings such as highschool, camping, zombie apocalypse style and underwater scenarios. I first started out roleplaying through messenger apps with my friends from school, and it soon became a pastime I fell in love with. To me, roleplaying has helped my creative process for coming up with unique settings and different characters for each scenario.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
-Currently my main account (CraftyKanna) is an adult, and my alt account (SleepyKanna) is a college student, bachelors.

What is the subject you want to teach?:
-Psychology again!



What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

-My motivation and drive for becoming a professor again is simply for the passion of teaching. The amount of emotions I’ve felt standing up at my desk for the first time to encourage and change the lives and minds of a new generation felt extremely fulfilling to me. Despite the negatives that came with teaching, my character has always focused on the positives, she is an optimist. To her, despite the challenges that teaching can be, it would always be worth it in the end to see a student achieve their academic goals and to even graduate from KaraKura. If she could be a stepping stone towards someone's goal that's all she would really need to be happy and content with her life simply knowing that she was able to make a change in someone's life. Not only that, but I want to expand the knowledge available to students about mental health awareness and how critical it can be during these trying times. I want to spread more positivity throughout our world and to teach students that mental health can be just as important as your physical needs, in a way where it benefits everyone regardless of their academic prowess. Izanami hopes to be someone students can look up to and to seek her out if an incident does occur, someone they can trust, and a mentor to all she meets, be that a student or even a faculty member. She's here to change lives no matter where she goes or what occupation she's a part of, that is her lifelong goal and it will not be changing any time soon.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
An interactive class I can imagine myself hosting would be one I’ve done before when I used to work at KaraKura. I would put two colored pieces of paper on adjacent walls in my classroom, one being green that read True, and the other being red that read False where as I would stand in the middle. In this exercise I would read out a question to my class that would align with our current lecture, and the students would go on whatever side that they thought was true or false depending on that question. If the students got the answer right, they would stay into the game and earn the chance to get token rewards, if the students didn’t answer correctly they would have to sit back down in their seats and would not receive any extra rewards for that period. The student that won would have a choice to be rewarded with 3-5 reward tokens, or a freebie pass on any upcoming assignment that wasn’t an exam, quiz or major project.

2. An interactive icebreaker I have in mind would be where all of us would sit or stand in a circle. I would then bring out a spartan plushie to pass around to my students, one plushie at a time. I would start first, holding a plushie in my hand and answer three questions about myself, that being what my name is, what I’m aiming for out of school and what's something I like. I would then pass the plushie to my left or right student or peer in this case. And then go around the entire circle answering those three questions to get more familiar with our peers and potential new friends in the process. This game could also be altered depending on the scenario or lecture.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
-A field trip I’d have in mind would be to take my students to the Karakura hospital. Once we have arrived, with permission from the hospital of course, we could tour around the hospital and maybe have the chance to talk to a Psychiatrist or The****** figure. This field trip would entail a few things, that be my students asking questions directly to a Psychiatrist or even the Psychiatrist talking to us about what they do around the hospital and what their role is as a hospital staff.



Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

-I wouldn’t do anything at first and assess the situation from afar, to see if the bobcat jock was being involved in a fight or potentially being bullied by the college students. If that was then the case I would intervene, stepping into the middle of the group and separating both parties. In a calm and composed manner, I would ask about the situation and an explanation of what was going on. If there was bullying involved I'd state that these actions can be written up and taken to detention as my character would personally not tolerate this behavior. If their actions persisted with me I would then write them up and take them down to the detention hall. When writing them up I'd be sure to also write down the bobcat jock’s name before leaving to check in from time to time to see if he's doing alright after the incident and if anything arises like this in the future that he can come to me if he needs anything.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
-Personally I would wait a couple more times if their behavior continued to see if they were simply doing it out of boredom or on purpose. If they were then doing it out of spite and on purpose I would ask them as a warning to be quiet and to continue any work they may have for other classes. If they continued to fail to cooperate with my directions I would then state that this behavior can acquire more detention time after school. And if this still didn't convenience the student I would then call or make an appointment with the dean alongside this student to ensure that this behavior will stop and if continued any longer that they would be removed from this college or demoted back to highschool, until they can earn the right to walk down these halls as an adult once more.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calls out other students in the class, what would your character do?
-If this occurred I’d blatantly tell this group of cheerleaders to stop their music as this isn't the time, I am currently teaching and if these notes were not written down they’d miss a lot of points on the journal reviews and potential points on an upcoming quiz or exam. If this still did not encourage these students to put their phones away and pay attention I would then simply ask for their phones, especially if it was a class period where we do not need our phones out and present for the assignment. If they were picking on students and calling them out I would warn them once more to remain quiet and attentive. Sadly if these behaviors continued I would quietly write their names down and give them an ultimatum, where they can either stay here and take the notes I am providing or be sent out of my classroom with an after school detention and that if this happened again in my class or another professor's class that there would be more extreme measures taken immediately.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
-I’d try my best to assess the situation after trying to break up the fight to see if any of the students had potential weapons in their hands or were just fist fighting each other. I would continue to step in the middle of this fight until calling for some sort of backup from another faculty through our radio system. Until help arrived I'd continue to body block the students from getting anywhere near each other and to defuse the physical contact between them. Once help arrived I’d then inform the faculty members of what occurred and have them take one of the students aside as I took the other. I would then discuss why this fight even occurred trying to obtain any information as I could, while writing down as much information they gave me. I’d then take the student’s name and send them off with another faculty member to the detention hall. I would then walk to the other student, once again writing their name down and having them come to my classroom for solitude detention for that period. I’d also let the dean know about these two students' behavior and see what further actions they would like to take about this incident.


Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?


-Izanami Yuto would be presented as a 5,8 woman with a petite figure. She weighs around 130 pounds, and along her stomach you could see stretch marks from a pregnancy. Her skin seemed soft but aged and wore very little makeup. Her hair would be an electrifying and bright blue that drooped past her shoulders, it would be slightly wavy. She would be seen holding and or wearing a necklace with a rock in the center, looking closely at it, it'd be an emerald just like her eyes. Her eyes were closely related to the color of an emerald, they were a vibrant green almost as bright and eye-catching as her hair. On most days you would always catch Izanami wearing a red dress with a black belt across her waist and a pair of glasses sitting on her head, she would also be seen wearing her black heels to match said belt. Despite the aftermath of her pregnancy she was not shy about embracing and loving her body with any outfit she wore, she was a confident woman.

Izanami is a simple woman, despite her eyes and hair that made her stand out from the rest she values teaching students in a different light than most. Her passion comes from her own struggles as a teen where she preferred to learn things visually and tended to do that when she was a professor back in the day. She enjoyed seeing students light up with joy and excitement to come to her class and to be ecstatic to learn her lectures in a different way.

I’d say her outlooks on students are quite positive and she enjoys teaching and seeing students thrive in their current positions. If students are wanting to expand their knowledge she's the person to go to as a comfort character, and someone to listen to those needs and do something about them. That be getting them a tutor or teaching them extra lessons to get them to that goal they're striving for. Yet if she needs to be stern with any student she will be, she will not tolerate bullying and things that go against her own morals.

Her outlook on faculty is to respect them and their potential boundaries and triggers. She would likely see her new co~workers as potential friends and people to give her pointers on how they teach to a new age of students. As well as give them information on how to aid any student with a disability and to make lessons more interactive with their students. She believes that everyone can learn a thing or two from someone else and that despite the circumstance everyone has a story and or a reason for their behavior. She's learned a lot of this from her daughter who is blind and is always grateful for the reminders of where she is now.

Izanami would be described as Helpful, Independent, Imaginative, Observant, Encouraging, Trusting, Patient, Funny, Intelligent, Fearless, Witty, and Kind. In her free time she enjoys reading and spending time with her daughter and adoptive sons. If not that, she loves spending time in nature and taking photos of all the beautiful sceneries that she comes across in Karakura. She's taken a break from teaching but still has a desire to help and guide a new generation and has decided to apply once more to her rightful place as a Professor. “A classroom to me simply feels like home” Izanami stated. Her future seems to be quite peaceful, becoming a potential Professor again and to spend time where she can with her kids.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
-Izanami Yuto grew into a family that was middle class, she wasn't rich but she wasn’t poor either and despite it she was grateful for every little thing. She was grateful that she had food on the table every night, grateful that she had a bed of her own and simply grateful for the sun shining even on rainy days behind the clouds. Her childhood was mundane, she didn’t have much and she simply didn’t do much, she enjoyed her routine, growing up in a house that truly felt like a home to her. Her mother was a strict woman, but one who showed so much compassion for her daughter and her grades. A strong figure Izanami looked up to. Now her father was a gentle and quiet man who worked day in and day out of an office cubicle, he would read stories to Izanami every night before bed about the wonders of the mind. Her father had always dreamt of being a scientist that studied the mind but sadly could never live up to those expectations, regardless of that Izanami’s father would relive the extensive research he has found out about through his daughter's eyes in story form.

As Izanami grew older, she grew to love reading and expanding her knowledge of the world. She became a sponge, wanting to learn, to grow and to know more about herself and about the world she lived in. Izanami would always be the top of her classes and a book worm at that, many people tried to bully her but Izanami’s kindness and perspective on life would outshine the negativity. She had a future, she had a chance knowing exactly what she wanted to be. At first she wanted to be a scientist and or researcher just like her father wanted to be, but as she explored more of the mindscape her career paths started to change. She wanted to be someone who could help other people and learn about their hopes and dreams, and to one day encourage those individuals to do anything they set their mind on.

After a long 3 years in Karakura High School she met a boy named Kai. Now back then Izanami was not the most social person, the majority of the time her nose would always be stuck in a book but for some reason this individual in front of her felt different to her. She was distracted, for once she was unsure about something, she tried to think nothing of it but this mysterious boy she suddenly kept running into was all she could think about. The two eventually fell in love the more they ran into each other, the more they spoke and graduated that year with a baby on the way.

Izanami was out of highschool and now majoring in Psychology at Karakura College department, as well as learning how to be a teacher. As time progressed the happy couple decided to move out of Japan and go to the United Kingdom. At this time Kai and Izanami were accepted into Oxford University and eventually graduated with masters of their preferred programs. As the years went on Izanami wanted to become a counselor at Tokyo High school. This is when the couple decided to move back to Karakura in pursuit of their own occupations in Japan once more.

At this time Kai and Izanami had already had their first child, a beautiful baby girl that they named Etaki. Etaki grew up to be just as astonishing as her mother.. Until a tragedy struck within the Yuto family. Etaki was declared permanently blind. Upon receiving the news, Kai was extremely upset with such a situation and wouldn't dare to be in a family with a “worthless” child who couldn't do anything for herself. That day Kai abandoned both his daughter and Wife. Izanami was left heartbroken, without a word from Kai. Until months later Kai returned back to their old home to face Izanami once more, but not with joy as Izanami had thought. Kai was simply there to hand her a pile of papers that read “Divorce”. During that time Izanami’s world was crashing down again, and she decided to quit her job as a counselor and to solely focus on her own mental health and daughter.

To think that this all happened 18 years ago, which is a foggy memory for Izanami to bear. Izanami and Etaki returned to Karakura so that she could continue her pursuit in psychology and teaching. Eventually Izanami was able to become a College Professor at KaraKura high as Etaki graduated from highschool there. Izanami focused on a mix of different subjects to teach during her time, and met a multitude of wonderful students as well as meeting her adoptive sons there. Life for Izanami seemed to be great, and she was back where she belonged. Until.. Once more something of great sorrow happened in her life. A student of hers she deeply cared about was seen jumping off of Karakura high as an attempt by passing students. Izanami arrived at the scene and immediately called for help.. Sadly though she was too late. The doctors tried to do everything they could for the student but he had passed away, leaving Izanami heart broken once more and leaving her career on hold.

3 years later Izanami decided that she wanted to work on overcoming her trauma and begin pursuing her passion of teaching again, continuing to change the lives of many, and to do anything she possibly could to never let what had occurred happen to her again.


In-Character Section

1 - Personal Data

Legal Name: Izanami Yuto
Birth Date: 3 / 4 / 1984
Preferred Name: Izanami
Phone Number: (030)-848-3017

0 - Male
X - Female
0 - Other, namely _________

Religious Domination: Agnostic
Marital Status: Divorced
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

2 - Application Data

Preferred teaching subject:
1st choice:
2nd choice: Creative Writing
3rd choice: Lang & Lit

List other subjects you are qualified to teach:
-Health & Awareness, Human Development, Sociology, Anthropology

List any activities you are willing to supervise; i.e., clubs, groups, drama, etc.:
-Cooking club, Photography club and potentially any other clubs and or groups that students may need me in if I'm available.

3 - Previous Education
Place of study (School, University, College, etc)Date FromDate ToFulltime/parttimeQualification with Grade, Class/ DivisionSubject Specialism(s)Age Range
Karakura High School1/3/19986/17/2001FulltimeHighschool DiplomaN/A14-18
KaraKura College8/10/20013/22/2004FulltimeBachelorsPsychology18-20
University of Oxford5/6/20059/18/2007FulltimeMastersPsychology, Health & Wellness, Human Development21-23
University of Oxford4/3/20088/7/2012FulltimePHDPsychology, Communications, Therapy & Counseling24-28

4 - Professional Career - Present School (or another place of work, leave empty if not applicable)

Name of School:
School Type:
Address of School:
Date of Appointment: __ / __ / __
Post subjects taught and special responsibilities in the present post (where appropriate):
Reason for leaving:

5 - Previous Experience (leave empty if not applicable)

1. Post ( Name and type of school):
Tokyo High School
Date from: 3/17/2013
Date to: 6/22/2015
Ages Taught: 14-18
Fulltime or Partime:
X - Fulltime
0 - Parttime

Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
-I was not a teacher there but a student counselor at Tokyo High School. I was specifically assigned to the kids whose last names started with a P (Pil) through T(Thiil) on the alphabet. I was an outlet for students to come to when they needed to vent about their school frustrations and mental health along with my other co~workers. My responsibilities included listening to student’s problems, helping them find a coping method for any possible frustration and sadness, and even aiding in assigning and organizing students to specific classes.

Reason for leaving:
-I needed time to reflect on my own mental health, and to have time to deal with my divorce.

2. Post ( Name and type of school): KaraKura College
Date from: 1/6/2016
Date to: 11/29/2018
Ages Taught: 20-22
Fulltime or Partime:
X - Fulltime
0 - Parttime

Subjects Taught & Responsibilities:
-The subjects I taught at KaraKura at the time were Language & Literature, Psychology and Creative Writing. My responsibilities included writing up my own lesson plans, grading exams/quizzes and assignments from students, and supervising other classes, clubs and the detention hall.

Reason for leaving:
-I left my position due to a tragic incident of one of my students taking their own life.

6 - Qualifications

1. Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.):
Bachelors in Psychology
Obtained on: 3/22/2004
Institution where obtained: KaraKura College

2. Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): Masters in Psychology & Health and Wellness, Human Development
Obtained on: 9/18/2007
Institution where obtained: University of Oxford

3. Type of Qualification (Minor, Major, Certification, etc.): PHD in Psychology, Communications, Therapy & Counseling
Obtained on: 8/7/2012
Institution where obtained: University of Oxford

7 - Closing

Any extra notes about you or your application (if applicable):

-The only comment I have is that, I was unable to access my old SchoolRP website account, so I made this one to be able to reapply. Thank you, I appreciating you all for taking the time to read over my application.

Date: 7/16/2023
Last edited:


Level 82
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
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