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Accepted ACELOBOBOBO Psychology professor application


What is your Minecraft username?
: Acelobobobo (original account is Acepostrapheussy)

What is your time zone?: Est

What is your discord username? @MelodramaticScorpio

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Describe your activity on SchoolRP: I am usually active almost everyday but, at least 3 or 4 times or more on the server during the day. I do work Irl throughout the week so I sometimes won't be on until the evening, but on weekends I am free. However, I am very active on the server and usually spend time hanging out with friends, RP family and just having fun with others being silly.

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

My roleplay experience on Schoolrp and other roleplay networks in general consist of a fairly good relationship with others and spending time making good lore and characters that can be an interesting and play a vital role in making the roleplay experience fun. I usually try to make friendship and have fun roleplaying with others. I try to stay out of trouble as much as possible and spend time to help others to help them enjoy their roleplay experience.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

Acelobobobo account: Teacher role
Acepostrapheussy account: PHD college student role

What is the subject you want to teach?: Psychology. If unable to, Sociology

I taught Psychology when first starting out teaching as a teacher but had to switch subjects as I was informed Psychology was considered a College course so I had to switch. I was sad that I had to change subjects and would love to be able to teach it again


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?: My motivation to become a professor is after being a teacher for a while, I would like to be able to explore and attempt being a professor and provide the knowledge I have in the subject field I prefer teaching in which is Psychology. Because of being a Teacher, I was unable to continue the subject I truly enjoyed teaching and saw students have an enjoyable time learning and interacting in. My motivation is to be able to provide learning to students and in-depth educational roleplay for students. I want to involve students in the learning process and help increase their educational understanding of Psychology. I would like to teach and give everyone a chance to achieve greatness and enjoy their time in school. I also want to provide an understanding of the concept of psychology, its history, and the fascination, and wonders of the subject as it is important to understand our mental health and the importance of maintaining mental health, learning about different psychological disorders, how our brains work, and the impact of the environment on our mental health. In addition, If I was to have to teach another subject, it would be Sociology. I would like to be able to provide students with knowledge about the structure, development and function of our society and how our lives and the interaction with social relationships, history of society, cultures and the world around us as a whole plays a role with how these interactions affect your own and others views within society.

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

1. Exploring the concepts of Counseling. During the class period, the students learn about different important counseling techniques used during sessions between patient and the******. The class would be split up into 2 partners, one student being the The****** and the other being the Patient. Having the students with the knowledge they were given, the The****** would pick a technique and attempt to perform that specific technique during a Mock trial session with the student who is the patient. The students would then switch roles and the student would attempt that technique or choose one they want to practice.

2. Discussing the difference between psychology and psychiatry. During this class period, students were provided information between the difference of the two and the important role of each one and their role in different settings. Using the example of Karakura Hospital. While in the lesson, I invited the professor Taiga DeArmond who teaches Medicine. After the lesson, we did an interactive activity with a true or false activity to ensure and see what the students recalled. Another activity would be while teaching them different medicines with Professor DeArmond, having the students put into groups and have them attempt to recall which medication goes for which type of disorder that's involved in mental health and psychiatry.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted: A field trip inspired to provide students the knowledge with understanding the role and day in the life of working within psychology. The field trip will allow the students to experience what it is like for a Psychologist/ Psychiatrist during their days at the hospital and the importance of why they are needed during the hospital and the benefits of having therapy for citizens within Karakura. The field trip will also provide the students the chance to get in depth knowledge from questions they have about the importance of mental health and what the employees perform. Also giving the students the chance who find interest within the field, the opportunity to meet a professional within the field and have them learn about what it takes to become a psychologist/ Psychiatrist.


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

During the situation, Kamalei would address the situation by first prohibiting the group of college jocks from worsening the situation. Addressing their first warning to back off from the high school jock and explain the situation. If they refuse, address their second warning and that detention will be issued if they continue and a possibility that this will go on their record and have an effect on the team itself. If the issue continues to not be addressed, Kamalei would ensure to request assistance from another teacher or school faculty to assist her with the situation. Once the situation had been handled and the jocks finally backed away from the high school jocks, She would ask the high school jock to explain the situation and then the college jocks to see if the situation matched up. If needed, she would request to see any footage or if anyone was around during the situation what they saw. Detention and future consequences would be issued to the jocks for the behavior and remind them as college students they should be setting an example of appropriate behavior. Issuing detention for their behavior and informing that their team captain will be notified of their issues.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Firstly, while in detention, as all other faculty would ensure students are aware of the rules of detention and given the assignment that they must turn in correctly. If a student is constantly disrupting with asking questions and refusing to do their assignment, they will be warned to stop asking questions and finish their work. If they continue to be disruptive, Kamalei would calmly remind the student the meaning of their detention and the rules of detention. Ensuring they understand the importance of detention and continuing to disrupt can lead to future consequences. If the student continues to disrupt, Kamalei would privately speak to the student and ask them why they are being disruptive and inform them that being disruptive is not going to have them leave any sooner and will only lead to them having detention the following day or other disciplinary actions that could lead to detention.

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

While hosting a class, a group of cheerleaders continue on playing music on their phones and disrupt the class lecture and mojo by calling out on other students when they should be listening to the lecture and or doing their assignment that they are assigned to. Kamalei would calmly ask them to put the phones away as they are a disruption as they should not be having them out unless addressed to and to pay attention to the information that is being given. If they continue to not listen, they would be given a second warning and address that if they continue to not listen, a detention. Kamalei would professionally remind them of the class rules and explain that as much as she would not like to involve the punishment, that they must adhere to them. She would remind them also that as college students and cheerleaders on the team, they need to be setting a professional example and that would involve behaving like appropriate students and not disrupting her lesson for other students who are trying to learn. If they continue to be disruptive, she would inform them that they unfortunately will have detention for their actions and that this can lead to a discussion with the head captain of the team which can lead to them possibly being kicked off or warned. She would express the disappointment in them. She would also confiscate their phones and inform them that they will get it back at the end of class. However, if they continue to be disruptive, they will get them back after detention followed by having a faculty member remove them from the class to be dealt with by a higher up.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

Kamalei upon viewing a fight and in attempts to break it up and struggling to break it up. She would call upon assistance from other faculty and address the situation and where it is. Ensuring because of the students safety and hers, she would understand that she would need assistance to help calm the fight down and so others can assist her with finding out how the fight started and working together to figure the right disciplinary actions for the students who partook in the fight.


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Before you would stand Kamaeli, who would be of Hawaiian and New Zealand descent, at 5’8, 120 lbs. Her body type would uphold an hourly glass figure. She features heavily on her Hawaiian heritage, with tan beautiful skin and long brown curly hair. Her pierced caramel-brown eyes would be what people notice first, She’d have a flawless jaw structure. She would sport an elegant style of clothing consisting of skirts or dresses in floral. She often spoke in a well-toned voice that was very feminine. She’d have a tattoo on her arm of different Hawaiian terms and one of Nani on her right chest. What makes them unique is their dedication to their work and passion for the subject(s) she chooses to teach, especially within the culture of Japan. She views students as vital for the next generation who can make a difference within the world and views educating them as important to give them a worldwide education and wants to help them succeed in doing so. She also wants to provide students a way out of crime and away from bullying which she has a low tolerance for and wants everything to be treated equally. She views other teachers and staff as ones to respect and co-workers she could learn from and build connections within learning and providing advice. Their plans in the future are to eventually either work as a professor in Psychology or eventually work in the hospitals as a psychiatrist to provide additional services to citizens.

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name
: Kamalei “Lei” Haakaa

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Given Name(s): Lei, Lele, Kami

Preferred Name: Lei, Miss Haakaa

Age: 34

Gender & pronouns: She/Her

Religious Denomination: Non religious

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Born in Moloka‘i, Hawaii. Is of Hawaiian/ Polynesian Native and holds New Zealander citizenship

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years)
: 4 years, 3 years in Hawaii and 1 year in Karakura, Japan

Working Experience (# of years): 4 years

Academic Degree: PHD

Year of Graduation: 2008

Major(s): Psychology

Minors: Sociology

Native Languages: Hawaiian, English, Japanese

Other Languages: JSL

Preferred Teaching Subject: Psychology or Sociology


Additional notes about your application (if any): Currently I am a Teacher and willing to switch to professor if switching as I want to become professor to be able to teach a subject I enjoy teaching and exploring the new role of being professor. If I don’t get the role, I’ll stick to being a teacher but hope I can obtain this new role. Also my current room I teach has been re-designed so if I am able to get this role, I would hope to have the room assigned to have that similar design if possible. That's all! Thank you for reading.


Level 82
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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