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Altieri Mob Family | UVG Application


Level 69
Community Team
Media Team

IGN: HampterHunter, HamieMichi (Alt)

List any applications that you have created on the forums:


Describe your activity on the server:

Describing my activity in the server is hard, but since I'm not only a Gang Lead and a Reporter, I'm also a 3D Modeller for the server, thus requiring to be online for quite a bit each day, but now with College, I can be online in SRP for upwards to 4-5 Hours with 7-8 If I have nothing to do and more If I REALLY have nothing to do, and my activity in the server as of Right now is merely just roleplaying, managing my gang, interacting with crime related roleplays such as Street Racing, BMD Associates stuff, and also Intel gathering, while also working on Reports on my reporter character.

Specify your Discord name: hamsterham

Specify the link to your gang's Discord:

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:

Currently there are 15 Members in the Altieri Mob Family

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:

Threats Within
  • Phase 1: Track and Locate
Phase 1 starts with news about an infiltrating threat within the town of Karakura, The remaining Forelli Family branches have finally starting to enter the town after finding an alternative way of going into the Island. The Order is simple, Locate and Track these intruders for their Safehouses, Motives, and how much of them are in the Island. Members are to not Engage in fight with them or reveal themselves to this crew. Depending If members successfully discovers all of the required information, the Event will go to either Phase 2A or Phase 2B

  • Phase 2A: Picking Off
Phase 2A starts with the information that has been gathered in prior phases. After discovering the motives of this crew and where their safehouses are, a Crew is sent out by Altieri to intercept one of the intruders and take them to a secluded big part of the Sewer where they will be tied up and hanged down above the water. Interrogations will begin, Members are to find out about the Purpose and the Plan of the Intruding Crew have within the city. Depending on If the Interrogation is successful or not, The event goes to Phase 3A. If the members unsuccessfully interrogated or kidnapped a member, they may do it once more with heightened security of the Crew and Heightened Awareness. And If that still fails, The event goes into Phase 3B.

  • Phase 2B: Unexpected Action
Phase 2B starts right after failing Phase 1, due to the members not being able to secure information about the Intruding Crew's purpose. They failed to know beforehand on what they're planning on. However the Members are ordered to be more wary on attempts at kidnapping Don Altieri by the Intruding Crew, With minimal preparations and minimal Intel it is up to the members to play bodyguard for the Don for the next few days. Deterring or Preventing kidnapping attempts. If successful the Plan goes to Phase 3A.

  • Phase 3A: Counter Attack
This main final phase requires members to prepare for assault on the intruding crew's safehouse. Depending on previous outcomes members either already have found out about the safehouse or have been tipped off by supporting informants on the whereabouts of the Safehouse. However If the members are to find out about the Safehouse by themselves from Phase 1 and Phase 2A, They will be able to get a drop on them during the assault making them unable to fight back. While If they failed Phase 1 and entered the Phase from a successful Phase 2B or Successful Phase 1 and failed Phase 2A, The crew will be aware on their arrival almost right away. Members are to neutralize every and all members of the crew before disposing all of them and disposing the safehouse by cleaning it all up and bringing the Intel that they have gathered to a secluded spot and Burning them.

  • Phase 3B: Extraction
Phase 3B starts after an unsuccessful Phase 2B. Members have failed to protect and safeguard the Don leading to his kidnapping would have to rescue him from the Intruding crew. Depending on Previous Phases, either the location of the Safehouse is discovered by the Members in Phase 1, or It will be given by an informant. Members are to assault the safehouse and neutralize every each of the Intruding Crew and rescue the Don from the safehouse. After securing him, the member are to dispose of the evidence racing against time before the KPD is called.


P1 (S) -> P2A (S) -> P3A (S)
P1 (S) -> P2A (F) -> P3B (S)
P1 (F) -> P2B (S) -> P3A (S)
P1 (F) -> P2B (F) -> P3B (S)

What is the name of your gang?:

Altieri Family

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:

The theme of the gang is Italian Mob Family, with a strict hierarchy and strict code, the family is built on trust, and prior members of the Forelli Crime Family would know, because their leader still knows them and make sure they are still trustable and in return loyal to them if they ever need help from the Family, however Altieri is much more strict, believing that If one does not give them any reason to trust them, the family would treat them accordingly, especially in Businesses... the Family loves it's business rackets, and Caporegimes that holds these Rackets, are required to make sure they work, otherwise they are risking demotion.

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:

Altieri among other more well-known gangs, are much more focused on the roleplay aspect, while yes they do Perms every once in a while, the family value roleplay scenario more than regular technical GangRP without forgetting them, and not to mention Mob Families are an interesting concept that many has been looking for after the disbandment of previous Mob Families as they are a unique concept in an interesting settings and going up against Japanese Settings classics such as Yakuza, Bosozoku, and Delinquent Crews.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:

Altieri's Reputation summarized in a sentence are "Eye of the Abyss" as BARELY any gangs know anything about them, but they know Something about other gangs, giving them a proper plenty eyes in the city reputation, not only that the Family tends to operate in quick and efficient manners while keeping professionalism high, This also makes them prominent in pretty much any aspect of the Criminal Underworld, from Illicit Businesses to Informant Jobs... and even Street Racing, the Family has It's grasp for many of these and are not shy to subtly show themselves excelling at any of them. In summary, while the family is a FRACTION of what Forelli were, They are functionally and structurally superior as everything has been re-done for optimized operation.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:

The Altieri Mob Family is an Italian Mob, ran by a familiar person. They expertise in not only protection, but also Intel and Businesses, Their reputation in the city might be small, but almost no gangs have any information on them aside from them existing, the Group have a strict trust system and a stricter hierarchy to ensure that every member remains loyal and trustable by the family both while or after they got out of the family, their leader.. Don Altieri ensure that he gets a particular point across to his members, make sure they understand that the Don leads them with both Compassion, and Fear.. and that he's won't be scared to use either of them, and make an example out of anyone.
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