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AOT_RP's Police Application


Level 25
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): AOT_RP is my IGN.

Previous bans: I have been stupid in the past and gotten myself two bans. Though it should be noted that I went on a long break after my ban for toxicity and since then I haven't been banned for it since. It was just a stupid mistake I made late at night. I apologise deeply for it and can assure you it is all in the past- a good few months ago- and will not happen again. My other ban was for ERP witch I appealed. Again, a long long time ago. Please view my ban appeals I linked for my information regarding these.

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server does not rely on what day it is unlike most people. This is because what I miss in the day, I make up for in the night. Besides that, I am only most during the weekend, even if it isn't by a lot. This is because I (Basicaly insulting myself) have no life. I don't go out often, I don't have clubs and I keep in contact with my friends via phone. Meaning I have a lot of free time. My activity on the server consists of several hours per day and even more towards the night like I said previously. I

Which timezone are you in?: I am in BST.

Do you have Discord?: Yes. I do. It's Mark Antony#1787. This is the current acount I have. I've been on discord for over two years in total with all my accounts though.

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]: Yes, I do. It is functionial and I am willing to join VCs, Speaking in Voice Chats might be a bit harder but I'm more than willing to if it is necessary or recommend to me by someone else.

List your current and past applications:

Language Applications - Denied. - Cancled. - Accepted. - Accepted.

Ban Appeals - Denied. - Accepted.

Character Authorisation Requests - Accepted - Denied - Denied - Accepted - Accepted - Denied, No slots free. - Denied.

Misc. Applications. - N/A.

What is your motivation for applying?: Admittedly I have a lot of experience in Gang Roleplay. However I've gained a respect towards the police officers. I have wanted to be one for quite a while following my quitting of gang roleplay. My character also has a lot of reasons as he has experienced a lot of crime. With him being assaulted multiple times and even tortured once. However, OOCly I have been active on this server for a year and I have not really had a lot of positions. I've had a lot of Gang Roleplay experiences and a lot of college. But I have not been an adult before. Nor have I had the opportunity to partake in a large role such as officer of the Karakura Police Department. I have applied previously for school roles. Yet I know school won't be where I will shine. Due to my gang roleplay experiences I have a good knowledge of what bails are for what and Gang Roleplay rules and combat systems. For example 165k (I'm pretty sure) for assault and evasion. I could be wrong however. But I am more than willing to (And want to) learn. I also want to gain more experience in this area particularly.

I have also applied with a few people I know. Meaning it's a lot more motivation for me to do good. I don't want to be thrown behind while they do good so I want to make sure I do a good job, if accepted.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: Yes. Admittedly I haven't memorized the entirety of Japenese laws, But I have a basic understanding of the legal system and the way the laws work. And if I ever forget, I can always take a look at the handbook or open up google. I understand basic conduct and am willing to commit to following it.

Relation, race, appearance. These three reasons are just some the things that could corrupt officers or normal people. But regardless to that, officers are reqiured to stay non-bias at all times. Making sure they do not let these factors play a role in their judgment or punishments. They cannot let someone get away with murder because it's their son, and they cannot fine someone extra because of their race.

What are the Police ranks?

Normal Ranks

-Police Cadet-
Police Cadets are ussualy sitting at the front desk, taking reports or answering calls. They cannot do much unless given permission by a higher up.

-Patrol Officer-
Once a cadet passes his test, he will be promoted to Patrol Officer. At this rank an Officer may leave the KPD on his own or with a partner and patrol the streets.

Corporals train the cadets, go out in patrols (Alone or with a partner) and are really what you think of when you think of 'Police Officer'

The same as Corporals in many ways, however this rank is next in line to become Lieutenant.

This rank is permitted to carry a Glock, they advise the Captain and Commisionor and give out suggestions. They are also permitted to do everything the previous ranks did.

-Head Lieutenant-

The Commisioner's right hand man, the one who is second in charge and will take over his job if he is not avalible. The captain will be able to discuss large issues with the commissinor and even effect the force itself.

The big man. The one at the top. The one who through hard work and dedication has somehow clawed his way to the very top of the KPD without being fired or resigning. The man at the top has complete authority over the KPD and can do basicaly whatever he wants.

Detective ranks.

-Detective Constable-

-Detective Sergeant-

-Detective-Chief Inspector-

-Detective Superintendent-

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: I have a lot. As a player of School roleplay for a year, and a lot of that being Gang roleplay. I have a lot of experience in how the police work and the way people are patted down etc. I also have out of server experience in the form of movies or shows. Not the best experience, But I want to be given the chance to gain more experience. Witch is why I'm applying to join the Karakura Police Department. I want to gain more experience and help the city out at the same time. At the same time, I also know this job will be stressfull at times. As you will get a lot of ICly harasment and have to deal with Gang Roleplayers.. A lot.. Meaning it gives you a lot of strain as you just want to fire back at them, but you can't. You have to keep your cool, I know this is to much for a lot of officers, but I promise I'll be able to do it.

Upon being accepted, people will become a cadet (In most cases). They will not leave the KPD unless given permission by a superior officer, and they will mainly just sit behind the desk, taking reports, answering calls and helping to detain people if they come in. This is mainly a learning part of the job, they cannot be classified as real officers yet as they still have many more things to learn.

When you are promoted up and you can finnaly leave the KPD, You will mainly be detaining suspects, arresting criminals and preventing crimes or moving in to stop crimes that are happening already.

I know police officers are in a lot of danger, seeing how they arrest people meaning if they are arresting someone who commited a murder, their gang or family will gain KPS on that officer. Meaning their life is in danger.


Why is Police important to SchoolRP?: Due to the high popularity of gang roleplay and just crime roleplay in general on the server there is a high demand for law enforcers who can curb the crime and make sure people are safe. The police are important because due to a lack of a court system or government they are required to fairly deal out punishment while also protecting the people and making sure crime is scarce. They have a hard job, witch is exactly why police are important to the server. Dedicated people who are willing to give it their all to make sure the streets are safe and put up with harassment are hard to come by. Witch is why police are so important to the server. It is also important because- qutie frankly it can be boring at times. Cadets have to sit down behind a desk most of the time- but that's important. It means people have a safe palce they can come to if they feel endangered.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?: Yes. I do. I fully accept this and while I would expect a reason i would not attempt to counter the decision. If accepted I would put 100% in. But if that wasn't enough I would happily resign myself. All demotions have been thought through by higher ranks and as such I am in no position to question them. Nor would I want to as I would understand it, if I was bad at my role or if there were someone better or more suited and fit for the role.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?: Yes. I'm more than willing to. I have high functioning autism. It might have a lot of dis advantages in social aspects, but when I get a role, I am dedicated. I put my 100% into something and don't give up. I am also extremely curious about what the police role has to offer as I want to experience more parts and aspects of the server. I would put my all into the role and hope you realise I would under no circumstances "Slack off" or put less effort in.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?: Yes. And it only makes sense for that to be the case. You apply to become an officer because you want to train, you want to be involved in the server and you want to get better. It would make no sense to put that much effort in and then just skip out on trainings. If accepted I would

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?: While it is unfortunate, I do indeed understand this. And I also accept it. I applied because I want to do a job. Something as silly as ICly harassment wouldn't stop me. Nor would I take things OOCly during situations and trainings.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Liam is a rather closed man. He used to during his college days be open and public, spending all his time in parties and friends places. However, once he grew up, The German male of 5'5, Grown to 6'0 by the time of his adult life, became rather closed off as he submerged himself in his work. Spending time with friends, family etc a lot less than he would in his younger life. Liam has black hair and blue eyes, Taking after his parents in that regard as they both were the same as him. Liam has Aspergers Syndrome, meaning he struggles to socialise, however he dosen't let that stop him, attempting to be as open as he can to people. But to little avail as he has no time for socializing due to the high regard he puts his work in. Being a friendly person in general unless it calls for action. What makes Liam unuiqe is this aswell, but for a different reason. He has High-Functioning Autism, (Aspergers Syndrome), Witch really sets Liam apart as being unique. As it provides someone who is loyal to a fault and submerges themself in their work

What he's like on and off the job?: On the job Liam is of course professional and won't be messing around. He will act serious and tends to be strict and respectfull. He might let go once every so often. But that only happens whe he goes of duty. He is very professional on the job and knows he is to be of the highest standards when representing his city's law enforcement. Liam rarely goes off duty as he devoted himself truly to his duty. He has little social life so will not like to go off duty. He sees it as a waste of time as he could be on duty being his workaholic self and doing something productive.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? Liam views co-workers as people he respects. He expects them to treat him professionally and he will honour that by treating them with respect and formality. He wants to get along with them and as such will make sure to help them out anyway he can. He beleives these are people he can trust with his life. And as such will try to the utmost of his ability to gain their trust and respect. With that being said, It is still a job. And as such Liam will nake sure to be professional. In the future Liam wishes to climb the ranks of the KPD and assist the city in any way he can. He also wishes to settle down and have a family. His main goal

In his childhood, Liam grew up on the border of Germany and Luxembourg. He borrn to two German parents, however his roots traced into the Geographical area of Luxembourg aswell, He was a bright student, getting top of his class in some subjects, mostly history and Geography, whilst failing miserably at mathatmatics. In his later childhood, Liam was diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome, effecting his already dire social life. Liam got bullied, for his grades and his diagnosis. Eventually when he reached the age of 14 he had enough. His parents were convinced by him to allow him to transfer to a small High School in Hiroshima under the disguise of a better learning enviroment. The truth is Liam hated everything about his previous school, the teachers were loud and mean, They didn't care about their students; Only their next pay check. As Liam went through school he found this to be a big issue and deceided he wanted to become a College Professor to make sure the higher level of education was able to prepare people fully.

When he grew up, upon eaching the age of 19, He moved to Karakura, Enrolling in the Community College. To begin with Liam didn't know a lot of people, he was living in the apartment of his brother's friend who was in prision. He eventually started dating someone, however that fell through. Liam put his all into his studies, and gave it all he could. He was determained to become a college professor. At least in the beginning he was. He eventually found out the bad side of Karakura. The side full of murder and torture. Liam was captured by a group of 5 men and ambushed. Beaten up and taken inside an apartment where he was tortured. Liam was sure this was the end for him. He was picked up and began being transported to a different location. He was terrified and knew this was the end for him. It was then a police officer showed up. The name of this officer eludes Liam however he looks up to this man as his saviour. This is when Liam switched his goal. He wanted to become a police officer.Eventually he graduated. During his younger years Liam was a 5'5 male whk couldn't stand up for himself. But after 6 years he had grown to 6'0 and had muscles. After his transition, Liam spent several months taking part time jobs, with some minor law enforcement roles here and there, Eventually in search of a stable income and to pursue his dream of becoming a police officer, He returned to Karakura where he sent in an application and hoped for the best.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Liam Ishiyami

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): N/A

Preferred Name: Mr. Ishiyami on a professional level, Liam on an informal basis.

Age: 27


IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination: Secular Athiest.

Marital Status: Not in a relationship.


Current Location:Karakura, Japan.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training:5

Working Experience: 5

Academic Degree: Masters Degree.

Year of Graduation: 2014

Major(s): Criminology and Law.

Minor(s): Psychology.

Native Languages: German and Luxembourgish

Other Languages: Japenese

Apologies if it's bad. Applications aren't my strong suit. But I promise to give it my all iff accepted.
Last edited:


Level 135

- Due to your history revolving around GangRP on the server, your police application will be denied​

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