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Accepted CCrew4 | Counselor application


Level 7
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I'm online for at least 3 hours every day, most of the time more, and some days are exceptions due to personal issues.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I've been banned twice for erp early last year. I'm not going to deny it happening, except I am going to say I have definitely changed since my early srp days when it happened. I was also warned once for ooc toxicity a few months ago.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:


School Employee Role you are applying for?:


In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
The counselors job is to make sure that all of the students are comfortable and well taken care of. Whether that be helping them feel better after an incident, or just simply being there for when they don't have anyone else to go to. Counselors are there to listen and guide the students through both their educational journey and the hardships in life. A counselor is always supportive and non judgemental, even when that seems hard. They'll always be a shoulder to lean on, helping to make sure the student gets what they need to make learning not only possible, but fun too.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I've been roleplaying for about a year and a half now, with srp being my first roleplay. I joined srp around March 2022 and since then have been decently active, with the amount of roleplay I do going up still with time. Outside of roleplaying, I also have an interest in improv and method acting, which has helped me with my roleplay quite a bit. Inside of srp I have a lot of experiences roleplaying with families, along with romancerp and gangrp.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

I want to join the School Employee faction because it honestly just seems like such a great opportunity to explore new roleplay. All of the staff seem so nice and like such amazing people to spend time with and I feel like out of all things to spend my time on srp doing, it'll be a lot more rewarding for me to give school employee a shot instead of sitting around bored and waiting for the school day to end. After all, school is a big part of srp and I wanna make it a more enjoyable experience for not only myself, but hopefully to others too. Being school employee would also be helpful for my character, as she is quite childish at times herself, however she loves the idea of one day spending her time looking after her own children, and what better way to help kids then teach a whole school full of them? She is also quite focused on helping people, always finding new ways to encourage them and help build up their self confidence and motivation, which would make counselor the perfect choice for her.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Italian language application [Accepted]
Ban appeal
Psychiatrist application
JSL language application
Korean language application
Ban appeal

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Grade 12

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
She would deeply sigh, waiting for the student to let their anger out. Once they'd finished she'd kindly offer them an apple and ask them to sit down before explaining to them "I understand that sometimes people just have bad days and that sometimes it all just gets a little overwhelming, but there are other ways to manage things other than yelling and cursing at me. I can try to be reasonable if that's what's going on here but if you keep doing this, there are going to be further consequences. If you're purely just doing this since you've decided you want attention though, I hope you know that sometimes you're going to meet people you don't like, and that's just a part of life. In reality, I don't care whether I'm your cup of tea or not, you don't need to let me know that, that's just plain rude of you and there will be repercussions.".

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She'd quickly step up and between the two students, keeping them away from each other. "Everybody leave the area unless you want a detention! Literally nothing to see here! Alright who's smart idea was this?" After she listened to their story of what happened, she would hand them both a detention slip "Sorry, but this one's gonna have to take you to detention. Hope to see you there otherwise I'm gonna have to get SLT involved." She'd then turn to her radio, reporting the incident.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
She'd quickly tell them to stop, encouraging them again and again to stop what they're doing until she reports him up, using her radio to call for more staff to help. "I'd strongly advise you to stop that before you risk your job, it may not seem too bad at the moment but it'll all hit you later, so please, just be safe and sensible at work."

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
She'd scan the scene, searching for a colleague to have a chat with. As she sees no one around, she'd take a seat and pull out her book, quietly reading until someone else enters. She'd finish where she was up to and move over to the fellow staff member, starting up a friendly conversation while offering them some coffee. She'd continue the conversation until she had to leave to attend a situation, quite pleased with the positive interaction she had had.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

offers the student a seat across from her. "We don't need to talk if you don't want. There are plenty of other things to do." She'd points towards a pile of books. "You could have a look through those, or if you're feeling adventurous you could start your own." She'd smile warmly as she continues. "But of course I'm always gonna be here if you do just wanna tell me about all the things that are bothering you and I'll try my best to make them better."

hands him the detention slip, seemingly getting annoyed. "You don't come here to be a nuisance to people who are just trying to go about their day. There are students who actually come here to use the school for what it's intended for and you're disturbing them all because you can't seem to behave yourself for a few hours. Show up at that detention or I can guarantee that your place at this school will go bye bye." She'd calmly walk off, clearly needing a vacation.

falls onto the seat, exhausted. After a minute of resting her eyes she'd look up at the student waiting. "Honestly, I'm so glad it's you and not another one of the rowdy troublemakers, I do not get paid enough to deal with them on a daily basis." She'd let out a soft laugh, getting up and pulling up a chair for her favorite student."Now spill the tea. I wanna know everything."


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only):
" Ruby Yokuna. "

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
" Miss, however pretty soon it'll be Mrs! "

Preferred Name:

" Just Ruby thanks."

Age (Minimum is 25):

" 25. "


" Female. "

Academic Degree:

" I studied at Karakura High up until college, where I went back to America and completed a course in education and psychology! From there I came back to Karakura to be with loved ones again, and here we are now. "


" I have a major degree in education. "

" Along with my major in education, I also have a minor degree in psychology. "


" I'm originally from America, Los Angeles to be specific. "

Known Languages:

" I currently know italian and Japanese, however I plan on learning more in the future! "


Ruby was born and raised in Los Angeles with her 2 parents. She never had any siblings, however she'd always wanted someone else to help her out when her parents got tough. Her home life had been decently good, her parents never hit her or anything and she knew that they loved her more than anything else. It wasn't even that their marriage was falling apart, it was just the immense amount of alcohol that they had around the house and seemed to be constantly drinking. Ruby hated listening to their drunken rambles and breakdowns, hated having to clean up spilled liquor and vomit after her parents had gotten too tired to do it themselves.

When Ruby was 18, her parents eventually passed due to their alcohol issues, and it killed Ruby that she didn't just help them more, she could've even at least hid the alcohol or tried encouraging them otherwise, but she knew that in reality, nothing could have stopped it. She was always a lonely kid and didn't really have any family around to take her in or friends to talk about her experiences with. However far off in Karakura, she had a singular friend who'd she'd been pen-pals with ever since they met on a vacation to Italy. Since this seemed to be her only chance at having someone to look after her, she quickly packed her bags and headed to Japan, wasting no time and moving in with her friend immediately. After spending some time in Karakura, she still didn't have much hope of making friends, so instead she decided to spend her time sitting on a roof and and thinking of millions of ways her life could be worse. It may have seemed strange to others, but it really made her feel like maybe not everything was so bad after all.

It was there on the roof that Ruby met possibly the most important person in her life. They sat together on the roof just talking until they decided to go out for coffee and take a trip to the beach. Whilst they sat on the beach, the man starting slowly drifting into talking about how he'd gotten to where he was today and how he was honestly at a low point in his life, to which Ruby saw an opportunity to make a change that actually mattered. So instead of judging him for the actions he'd done, she consoled him, telling him how even though he might have seen himself as a bad person then, he was trying to change now and that couldn't make him the same person now. Her words seemed to help him a lot, as their friendship quickly grew closer and closer until it eventually became more than a friendship. They quickly started dating and after no time, they were engaged and living happily together.

Once Ruby graduated from Karakura High, she made the hard choice to move back to America for college, leaving her loved ones behind. While she was there, she worked hard on her studies, making sure to balance time spent talking to her long distance friends and family as well. She decided that she wanted to help more kids so that they wouldn't have to go through what she went through and be alone all through school and took up a strong interest in education and the human mind. When the day came, she moved back to Karakura, where she was warmly welcomed home and immediately looked into getting a job as counselor at her old school, leading us to where we are now.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
" I want to join KHS not only because I went here in Grade 12 and loved my experience, but also because I feel like being counselor here is the best way I can possibly combine all of the things I love into one. If I get the position then I'll have the opportunity to help so many kids and make it so that they don't ever have to feel alone. I want to be able to help give those students the best possible education they can get, because that's honestly what I got when I went to school here and I want that to continue to more and more kids. I also want to be closer to the community of staff at KHS, having been quite close with a few of them in my previous family experiences. I want to be able to give back to the community that's helped me through so much when I needed it, and joining the staff team here would do exactly that. "

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):


Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

" I think I should be accepted over other applicants because I know that I can dedicate myself fully to this job. An opportunity like this has literally been my dream ever since I was a child, and I refuse to give up trying for the position or to let KHS down if I do get the job. I can care for the students in a way I don't believe any other applicant could, and I know that I can personally relate to some of their struggles. If I'm given the job, I will work hard for it, as I know lots of other people would also love the position. I've worked so hard my whole life to reach the moment when I can finally be in a position to help more people, and because of my strong will and determination, I can put more effort into the job. I've always kept my calm in stressful situations, making me a great choice for when kids get a little too out of hand and I know what to say to calm people down. "


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application! Welcome to the School Employee faction.
What happens now?
Once you have been given your roles in the Academics Discord where you can access materials for your role, you may request the in-game tag with an Admin+.

* If you have further questions, feel free to contact me via the employee channels in Academics Discord.

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