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Denied Chef Application! | Oliverium


Level 54
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: Oliverium

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes! It's oliverium

How old are you? (Optional): 18+

What is your time zone?: Eastern Standard Time (EST)

Describe your activity on the server: I first joined SchoolRP around April of 2021. I played on and off until June of 2021, where I became hooked. Ever since then, I've been playing on SRP everyday during my freetime. I love SRP and see it as an escape from reality, and it's so much fun. I tend to find time everyday for SRP and I'm committed considering how fun and great the community is. I'm typically on SchoolRP 3-10 hours a day. I play longer on nights that I don't have school the next day and I make sure my schedule is open so I can catch up on the SRP world. The friends I make on this server, the drama, updates, events, and so much more more makes this server worth every minute of my time. There hasn't been a dull moment and I continue to want to play as much as I always have, if not more.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): Nope! I plan to keep it that way.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I am aware. I'll be sure to keep up my activity.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: I am applying for Chef!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
As a Chef at Karakura High and College, it's their responsibility to get student's attention with the intercom and efficiently deliver high quality food. The menu includes different meals for each day of the week, so chefs must follow the schedule. Breakfast and lunch lines get pretty long, and students will grow impatient. A chef should remain calm and quickly pass out each set of items to each student before the next bell rings. School starts at 7:30, as the early students pour in through the gates, 8:00 will come, and it's the chef's duty to serve the most important meal of the day, breakfast! It's important because students perform best when they aren't hungry and daydreaming about food. Afterwards, students go to classes and eventually the clock will chime at 12:35, lunch time! By this time, everyone will flow out the classrooms, sprinting down the halls to be the first one in line. As stated, chefs must keep the line orderly while quickly handing out delicious food.
However, a chef doesn't just serve food. They stay at school all day, so they will have the chance to patrol the school during class time and breaks. Patrolling students is very important, keeping them on their best behavior. Other staff patrol as well, but some, such as teachers, will be hosting classes. Chefs will get more time to patrol, so they must know how to do it efficiently. When students misbehave, chefs are able to give warnings and detentions, stopping fights (verbal and physical), and whatnot. Other students may also have questions (new players may also have OOC questions as well!). It's the chef's responsibility to help out at any chance they get, even after school. Chefs are also allowed to join other staff members in detention, making sure the students are doing their tasks and aren't misbehaving. The more help the better, and when it's not time for lunch or breakfast, there certainly is time to help!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I started my roleplay journey as a baby (literally). I joined a house (player plot) in the server Hypixel called FamilyRP. I wanted to see what it was all about and noticed a family style home with parents, teens, kids, and two babies. I watched as the babies turned on the oven and cause trouble and I was intrigued. I made a role and joined as a baby, however, I didn't fit in right away, but once one of them left, me and the other one soon became friends. For two years, I stuck to Family and Adoption RPs on Hypixel housing as a young child role. I was never into the magic school houses or anything like that so I stuck to having a semi-realistic human role. I was active in the community, often being greeted when I joined a roleplay house. After 2 years of hypixel, I discovered SchoolRP. I'd say around April of 2021. By June of the same year, I've become consistently active. I left hypixel housing roleplays because SRP had much more to offer. As a new player, I was introduced to a lot of rules, people, and drama. I loved it, and I was hooked right away. For the next few months I continued learning the ins and outs of the server, joining classes and meeting new people. I enjoyed every second of it and I continue to play daily. Now, two years later, I can say with much confidence that SRP continues to provide me with lots of fun everyday. There has never been a boring moment, especially with the fun little phone games to unwind with.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: I've seen so many school employees come and go over the 2(.5) years of my SRP time. Many of them left an imprint on me as I learned the ins and outs of SchoolRP. First, I remember River the chef. She was my first real SRP family member! She was a great chef and often cooked for her family, including the art teacher Daniel, outside of school in our family apartment. Then I remember the sociology teacher, who often forgot to make lesson plans and was pretty good at improv! She also brought us to the library for a field trip to harass the librarians. I also remember a PE teacher who vaporized a student who was harassing me (kicked them out of class). Fast forward to now, we have so many excellent current school staff such as Faye, the English teacher. We were friends for years and continue to be very close, in fact, they motivate me to join the faction the most! My point is, the people in the school employee faction are unforgettable and I would love to make new players experiences the best they can be like they did mine. School time is fun, but I want to try something bigger! I've always wanted to be a chef, nurse, or a teacher for the longest time now, so I've decided to be a chef. It always makes my day when a chef is online during school and able to serve food. Who doesn't like free food? Sitting with your friends or meeting new people is also fun as well, especially when you do both at the same time. Joining the School Employee faction would allow me to gain even more roleplay experience and allow me to expand my detailRP writing whilst I action different types of things (cooking, patrolling students, interacting with co-workers, etc.). My friend (who plays Faye) tells me about their experiences in the employee faction as a teacher, and it sounds like so much fun. Not only do you get the inside info on employee drama in the teacher's lounge, get invited to staff parties, and can raise/adopt a family, but you can also get the opportunity to become well known and liked by students. If I make a good impression, I can have yet another reason to stay active and engaged on SRP and get to know more people! AdultRP sounds like fun, getting to know older people in the city tab (KPD, EMT, Shopkeepers, fellow adults, shrine staff, etc.) and fellow school faculty on a more personal level instead of simply as a student. I also like the idea of having a job because I've been stuck saving for a vehicle for as long as I remember, but I can't seem to do it (SRP shopping is so much fun). Becoming a chef will allow me to boost my money to buy myself a car to drive myself and perhaps even carpool students to school each morning! Keeping up my activity will allow me to get paid at the end of each month and buy my own car!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
[Denied] (JSL app)
[Denied] (3rd language)
[Denied] (PE teacher)

[Accepted] (French app)
[Accepted] (JSL app)
[Accepted] (3rd language)
[Accepted] (Italian app)
[Accepted] (Vietnamese app)

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): I have my main, Oliverium, as well as many alts. The current roles I have on my main are College M (primary) and Grade 12 (secondary). On my alts, I have many animals which include: bird, cat, dog, fox, raccoon, and bear.


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?: Goro experienced a lot in his previous years as a cop, gaining the knowledge he needs to diffuse verbal altercations directed at him. He wouldn't react, it's what the student wants. He would stay calm and stand straight, expressing his disappointment with a direct tone. He'd give the student a warning, explaining how they shouldn't use foul language in a professional school environment. That's that, Goro would thanks the student and move on. However, if the student continues, Goro would simply walk away. If the student follows him, Goro would proceed to turn around and hand them a detention slip. Sometimes as a chef, Goro would be the one behind the counter in the lunch line. If a student chooses to harass him there, he would say (and repeat in a consistent serious tone) "Move along, other students are trying to get their food." or "Get out of line, you're holding it up." Ultimately, he'd ignore the student and proceed to hand out meals to the other students. Goro doesn't want anyone else to get in the way of good food getting to hard working students.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?: He would first raise his voice in a stern tone as he approached, making sure he was heard over the possible noise "Hey, stop!". He'd make sure he had his radio in hand, ready to call for assistance. He wouldn't get too close at first, just in case. He'd verbally warn them in a clear consistent tone, and if they stop then and there, he would ask for each side of the story. If it was a bullying (one sided) situation, he'd hand the aggressor a detention slip. If it was equal, he would hand both of them a detention slip. However, he would first make sure no one is hurt, and if they were, he would escort them to the nurse's office. For Goro, safety is number one priority. If the students didn't listen to his verbal attempts, he would attempt to get in between the students, separating them. Once separated, he would give them both a detention for not listening and fighting. However, in the rare case Goro got himself hurt or is unable to separate the students fully, he would raise his radio and leave a comment such as "students fighting at [location]... I need assistance."

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?: There are many dangerous things other employees can do. Some are done because they weren't thinking (such as getting in between two students who are actively fighting), and others are done because they genuinely didn't care about consequences (like harassing students, breaking school rules, etc.). Either way, Goro will confront them privately (the desired method) or in the moment (in emergencies). He would say "Hey! What are you doing?!" or "Excuse me, may we speak for a moment?" in an attempt to stop the behavior. He would let them know what they were doing wrong. Sometimes it may be an accident or an 'in the moment' thing, so if they apologize or at least acknowledge what they did wrong, Goro would excuse them. If not, and the behavior is more than just an accident, Goro would talk to SLT (or any higherup in general) about the problem and make sure it's documented and addressed.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act? In the teachers lounge, you would find Goro leaning against the wall or in a chair, sipping some hot cocoa or was, depending on the weather. He'd start to chat to co-workers, introducing himself and learning small details about their lives to bring up later (as a subtle way to say "I listened and I'm genuinely interested.") Sometimes if he's tired or having a bad day, he'd sit at a back table and relax, sometimes recharging with some phone games or reading Karakura news or articles the journalist club wrote. However, if someone strikes up a conversation, he'd put his things down and interact. He'd be respectful and give people space if needed. As a man with many life experiences, he'd have lots of stories he'd be interested in bringing up if asked. A perk with being a chef, if the lounge includes a kitchen area, he would cook fellow school staff some food on special occasions, even if it was to celebrate a small achievement.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

Goro would stand up straight and tall, a large sweet ice cream sundae in one hand and a bucket of fresh and hot fried chicken in the other. He'd carefully hand them to the student in front of him, as not to drop the food, along with a cold water bottle from the table next to him, smiling. "Enjoy!" He would give the student a quick nod as the next approached. He'd grab the next prepared meal and held the ice cream and chicken out on the counter as he prepared for the next student.
/me Goro quickly glanced at his watch, taking a deep breath. He'd stand up from the chair with a small grunt and gently tossed his empty paper cup in the small trash can. He'd fold his newspaper and tuck it into his bag as he started making his way to the door. He pushed the lounge door open and confidently made his way to the intercom. Goro folded his hands on the desk as he sat down, straight and tall, so he enunciate his upcoming message to the students.
/me He'd let out a small hum as he made his way towards the cabinets. He'd grab a large bag of apples for today's lunch. He'd carefully placed them into a large basket strainer which was set comfortably in the sink. Goro proceeded to wash every apple by hand, checking them for any possible deformities or bruises. He would separate them and place them back into the bag for the future, apple pie perhaps? The fresh and clean apples that remained was lifted into a large table next to him, ready for the students who are currently in class. He'd repeat the process some more times, getting into the rhythm as he continues on. After the last apple was washed, he was left with the best apples to keep students happy, healthy, and focused!


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Goro Ogawa
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Goro

Age (Minimum is 25): 56
Gender: Male

Academic Degree: Masters Degree
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Psychology
Minors: Forensic Science

Nationality: Japanese
Known Languages: Japanese, Korean, and JSL

Goro Ogawa was born in 1967 in a small town in Japan. Accompanying him was mother and father, who loved him dearly at first sight. He grew up an only child at first, before his parents adopted a younger boy, Otani. The 6-year-old boy had suffered abuse by his bio parents, so Goro's parents took him in and adopted him when Goro was 10. Living with a new sibling was hard, and it was even harder when Otani had undiagnosed neurological issues that held him back at school and developmentally since no one knew how to deal with his behavior. Goro's parents weren't rich in any means, so when they took in Otani, they both worked fulltime jobs, and even some overtime. Living in a small house in a small town close to family, they often were babysat by Goro's grandparents. They were close, and the kids would be spoiled with toys and games that their parents couldn't provide. When with their parents, they would constantly visit the town's shrine. The mother and father bowed and prayed as the kids chased the pink blossom petals that sprinkled down from the trees. When the kids were older however, they were encouraged to pray beside their parents and were taught about Shintoism. Throughout his childhood, Goro believed in the Shinto religion.
At 13 years old, Goro got a job as a newspaper delivery boy, tossing the daily paper out to each house as he petaled on a worn-out bike. When he was a teenager, Goro sometimes studied his brother's behavior, trying to get a deeper understanding of it. He took a psychology class in highschool and did a project on his brother. Growing up, Goro and Otani were close due to Goro's empathy and patience, and Otani's energetic and interesting personality. Goro would also soon get a job as a dishwasher, helping his parents out by paying for Otani's school supplies and some essential home renovations. After about 6 months of hard work, Goro was promoted to a waiter in the same restaurant. He had a raise and was able to interact with more people. He was quite clumsy during the beginning, even spilling the customer's drinks all over the floor. Eventually he got better, and at his last year of highschool, he was promoted to chef. However, he absolutely hated being a chef, constantly burning himself from the pressure, scrambling trying to understand his boss's strict directions, and his older co-workers who maliciously harassed Goro every time he messed up, even if it was a small mistake. Halfway through grade 12, he quit the restaurant business to plan out his future.
Goro ended up passing all his exams and applied to 4 different colleges. Some were out of the country and some were close by. It was later when he decided on pursuing a police path, so he searched up which school out of the 4 was best for his chosen career. He ended up moving away from his family to pursue furthering his education in a private college in South Korea. He took a few Korean language classes before moving away. Moving away from his family was difficult, and Otani took it the hardest. Goro made sure to send letters to his family as much as he could. He worked as a cashier in retail for the 4 years it took for him to complete his bachelors degree. He knew he has to get a masters degree to heighten his chance to get into the police department, so that's exactly what he did. It was much harder and he took lots of difficult classes, so he quit his retail job to pursue his dream.
College graduation comes and he graduates with his masters. He stayed in Korea to take physical classes and police training in a police academy. After obstacle courses, intense workouts, extra lessons in CPR and medical training, and toughing up, Goro was ready. He spent a couple years as a police officer in South Korea before moving back to Japan closer to family. He still took time to visit his parents, extended family, and brother especially. He got a job as an officer soon after moving and pursued an additional rough yet rewarding 18 years as a respected officer in Japan.
When Goro was 28, he met to a women who was introduced to him though friends. She was kind, compassionate, and very pretty. Goro fell for her and they moved in within 3 months of dating. They rented a small apartment, just the two of them. It was small but doable, and they renovated it to their liking with their extra budget. The small kitchen was Goro's favorite place to be since he got most of the say in the decorations and style. He was able to take his time and really understand how to cook certain foods, starting with comfort things his parents made him as a child. Seeing how happy his girlfriend was when she took the first bite of his homemade cooking, he developed a real love for cooking. Cooking was his love language. By the time he was 30, he had proposed at a beach's pier during sunset, planned a big wedding, and got married to his now wife.
His wife was child-free and Goro was as well, or so he thought. Focusing on his career and some on and off vacations were nice, but after 16 happy years of marriage, it became strained. Many small reasons attributed to it, including opinions on children, work/life balance, splitting chores (because Goro asked his wife to pitch in more than he did since she had more time at home with her more flexible job), and financial issues (Goro wanted to save money, but his wife wanted to buy expensive jewelry, etc.). After a year of therapy and trying to figure it out, they ended up giving up and had a messy divorce. At the end, Goro kept most of the money and his now ex-wife got the house. Goro to this day regrets not having children, especially seeing his friends happily speak of their kids and grandkids.
As his police and other life experiences built up, he slowly became less reliant on a God and more reliant on him and his team's raw strengths and abilities to help people and stop crime, by his late-30s, he no longer believed in a God. As he aged, his body becomes less reliable, and it was time for him to retire the officer path of life. At this point he was 54. He moved from his small hometown to something different and new. Karakura was a somewhat small town in Japan, and one unique aspect of it was how there were so many different close-knit large families. Goro thought about meeting them one day...
Karakura, Japan was his final destination. However, he wasn't ready to fully retire, instead he wanted to take his knowledge and experiences and pass it onto the "younglings." He looked into career paths in Karakura, eventually being lead to the High School and College. He did some research and found there was an opening slot for a chef, it felt right. He has only cooked for himself for the past decade or so, so he thought sharing his food with others would be the right choice. He dove deeper, visiting the town every so often, meeting people and making sure this was the right path. He was confident, so he dressed his best and applied for a chef career in Karakura High and College.

Motivation for Joining KHS: There were so many towns to choose from, but Karakura stuck with me. I've visited several towns in Japan to see which ones fits me best. I entered Karakura with an open mind, and when I stepped out of the plaza train station, I saw many people, young and old, actively hanging out, chatting, and running around. Knowing people have things to do outside of their homes made me wonder what else Karakura has to offer. The school was the second thing I noticed. It was large and full of staff, students, student athletes, and even birds! I was able to see it all due to the glass surrounding the school. This edition was unique, allowing the campus and outside to be separate, but also mixed, making it feel more open. Everything in Karakura was walking distance, and it has everything a person would need, from the beach to the business district. After school was let out for the day, I noticed not everyone was leaving. Some students stayed for after school activities, which really shows how invested students can be in a school as nice as this one. For those who did leave at the final bell, I managed to find a small group of people, so I chatted with them. I learned a lot about KHS from them, and I thought it would be a great idea to find some staff to talk to as well, learning about even more. I found a young teacher who goes by Faye Genet Jahii. I struck up a conversation, and they were willing to tell me anything and everything I wanted to know and more. They sounded genuine and interested, even talking about some other staff members. Based on what the students told me, what Faye told me, and what I saw myself, I thought KSH was a perfect place to work. Faye told me how fun it is to work in the school as an English Teacher, and how they were very close to some students, even choosing to adopt some. I thought that was quite unique until I learned about other large, close knit families in Karakura. Knowing people were close and trusting of each other, KHS is ultimately the choice I want to make, sharing my cooking with all the students and even some other staff if I'm lucky. A great work environment and friendly people is certainly the type of atmosphere I desire most.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?: My goal in joining the wonderful staff team in KHS is not only to provide students with good food, but to also pass on my experiences. I've learned a lot in my life and I hope to encourage others to continue their path of success. I should be chosen because when I'm not busy handing out meals, I'm open to talk about mostly anything to students. If they need advice, I'm the one they can go to. Not only do I value trust in students, but I value success. Success starts with the little things, such as full stomachs. With proper nutrition mixed with just the right amount of seasoning, students can be happy and healthy enough to continue their studies to become young entrepreneurs and improve society as a whole. I should be chosen because I have work experience, I know how to deal with the bad, and I know how to celebrate the good. I love the presence of exciting moments, and I strive to be the type where students aren't afraid to share their stories to. I should be accepted due to my persistence to be efficient in everything I do. As a former officer, I can handle any and all situations given in the moment. Remaining calm is important, and I value safety. Being safe in school is a must, and when I'm not cooking for the students, I'll be sure to always keep my guard up for any trouble. I want students to succeed and push themselves for the better, and change starts with the small things. Small habits lead to consistency, and I hope to be chosen so I can be a role model for each and every student.



Additional notes about your application:
If I get accepted, please move my College M role to my secondary profile!
Do you have any questions?: I do not, but I won't be afraid to ask when I do :)


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your application, however after careful consideration and discussing this application with the current department, I have decided to decline it.

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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