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Accepted cupera | Psychiatrist application

Level 35

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

I currently own and play on four different accounts, them being the following: novue, eyeres, cupera and IrisFi. The account I am applying on is cupera.

What is your discord name & tag?:
My discord username is eyeres and display name iris. I’ll be able to join calls whenever I am available.

Previous bans:
During my time on SchoolRP, I have been banned once, though falsely. This was in August of 2022 and it was marked as bypassing.
I had been using my friend’s old account she gave to me, but she ended up getting banned. Since I had used the account, I also got banned shortly after her. I made an appeal explaining everything in detail and it was quickly resolved. You may read the application below for a more detailed explanation of the events leading up to it..
IrisFi's ban appeal | Accepted
While the ban was false, I do also understand it could’ve been avoided by my own actions. Because of this, I no longer use said account and I take care not to get myself into situations like these anymore.
Other than the previously mentioned ban, I have never received any warnings nor bans and I plan to keep my record as clean as possible.

Describe your activity on the server:
First of all, I’d like to preface this by mentioning my break of a couple of months. In January of this year, I had some personal events that led to me losing motivation to play video games, specifically SchoolRP. Because of it, I decided to take a break of an unknown time to allow time for myself. Surprisingly, my break did not last long, considering I came back to SRP in March. I was quick to adapt to my previous playing habits and activity, which will be discussed after this. Needless to say, I have been back for a few months without any problems regarding my activity.
Since I am currently on a 10-week long summer break, I am available very, very often. Although I spend a few hours outside every day, it is rarely happening during the active hours, nor does it really interfere with my time on SRP. Typically I am always available from 18.00 onwards, though I can be online even earlier if something is planned. My time online differs every day, but it is safe to assume I spend at least 6 hours on the server.
Now then, what do I usually do when I am online? Of course, this changes every day but I often play with my friends, whether it be roleplaying or just running around. Currently I am not on any teams or factions, which gives me a lot of time. Because of this, I also spend a lot of time AFK, working on skins or creative work such as writing or art.
When it comes to my OOCly activity in the community, I was a part of Euphoria as a skin tailor, opening fairly frequently. Although that was the main thing most people knew me for, I also made lots of art of people that ordered from me or my own characters. Unfortunately, the amount of art I made during my time on the art has been way less simply because it is much easier to earn money with skins. Currently, I only hold the position of a skin tailor on Takagi Corporation, but I do also open for art occasionally.
To put it simply, my activity on SchoolRP has never really been a problem for me or any factions I’ve been in. I have been extremely active on the swim- and track teams, as well as the college and high school councils. Ever since I joined the server at the beginning of 2022, I managed to keep my activity incredibly high, logging on every day for multiple hours at a time and maxing out the quotas I may have needed to reach. Although I took a break, my activity is still extremely high the way it used to be and it can definitely be considered one of my strengths.
If you want to check my playtime, it’d be the best to do it on all accounts. The account I am applying on has the least playtime, but this will definitely change if I get the role.

What is your timezone?:
I reside in Finland and my timezone is in GMT +3/EEST.

List your current and past applications:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?
I’ve always enjoyed art; by this, I do not mean I only limit my creativity and artistry to painting, but it also includes creative writing. I began roleplaying all the way back in 2015 and my passion towards writing only went uphill from there. While I did not get all too into DetailRP before I joined SchoolRP in 2022, I had always truly enjoyed writing characters, stories and lore. Poems and novels have also been an active part in my writing history, though not as prominent as the previously mentioned.
I do acknowledge this question was specifically about roleplay, but I will also include some of my history with writing. I think it is something definitely worth noting, seeing as EMS is usually expected to have some experience in this aspect.
As I said earlier, I do have quite a bit of roleplay experience over the years. I decided it is best to divide these years into three eras, seeing as it’ll simply be easier to go over them and explain each phase individually.

Most roleplays I participated in were on Finnish servers. I had a small group of friends who I roleplayed with often, these roleplays ranging from city to fantasy roleplays. I did not roleplay in English at all, considering my English wasn’t even near the level it is nowadays. Either way, roleplaying was very casual and happened for a couple of hours almost every day. It was something I enjoyed a lot and still do, though I never had a goal of improving during this time.

I’m not exactly sure what years my next phase took place in, but I do remember my improvement very well. My earlier friend group kind of grew apart, and only a few of us ever kept roleplaying. I didn’t talk with them much, but I still enjoyed roleplay. Thus, I went on a search to find people to roleplay with on minecraft, again. I first roleplayed on hypixel housing roleplays with a couple of friends I made there. I know hypixel roleplays weren’t the best, but they definitely offered me a new opening to plenty of other opportunities in both writing and roleplay. This was also the time I started roleplaying in English instead of Finnish. Me and my friends decided to plan something bigger with our characters; our own private roleplay server with just a few people and lots of lore. I believe we first began writing the lore and building the server in 2020. I wrote a lot of the lore for the story and I certainly gained some skills, seeing as it took quite a long time. Unfortunately, I fell out of touch with these friends yet again, but with way more experience than I previously had. During this time, I learned how to write more convincing characters with way more realism than before. My interest in lore writing and worldbuilding peaked.

2021-2023 and more, probably.
I took a break from roleplaying for a few months at the end of 2021, but I did still keep writing. I made original characters, drew art of them, wrote their backstories, all that. At the beginning of 2022, my old friend introduced me to SchoolRP. I joined and immediately got hooked. The server is quite different from the other servers I’ve joined. A lot of them required applications or were private, while SchoolRP is way more laid back. I also noticed the server is way more heavily focused on actual DetailRP than just worldbuilding and lore. Because of this, I also learned to improve my actions quite a lot. While I wouldn’t say they were necessarily bad earlier, I’d say SchoolRP helped me bring out the details and expand my vocabulary more. In the past year or two, I’ve also gotten more interested in poems and symbolism. I enjoy ****yzing and writing them, even if I have just gotten into it fairly recently.

On SchoolRP, I’ve been on two sports teams; the High School Track team and the High School Swim team. You might see a similarity with these two teams, which is DetailRP. I enjoy DetailRP, so I joined them. My reasoning was fairly simple and I do have to admit that both teams helped me improve my actions.
Though it did not directly improve my detail, I’d say my time as a receptionist did help me get an understanding of working on SchoolRP. By this I mean it helped me grasp the basic working etiquette on SRP, if that’s what you can call it. Keeping good relationships with colleagues ICly and especially OOCly is essential to smooth roleplay. If I want to make things more interesting, I can build different relationships ICly, but these should not affect any OOC friendships.
Last but not least, I have also been on the school council twice. I must say it is definitely my favorite faction that I have experience in. My first time was in the High School council in June of 2022. I was a part of it for only a month, since I only had two accounts at the time and chose to become a receptionist on that. The second time was in October, this time in the college council. Again, the school council itself didn’t directly improve my DetailRP, but it definitely offered me many opportunities to improve it myself. I also got to learn how to properly use FearRP, although it was definitely not a difficult task.

Needless to say, I have experience with writing over the course of many years, as you can see from the paragraphs earlier. Whether we’re talking about poems, roleplay or scripts and such, I have most likely at least tried most of them. Even so, I still have a lot to improve on in both roleplay and overall writing. This is also one of the reasons I have decided to apply, but I will explain that in more detail in the motivation section.

What is your motivation for applying?
After I came back from my break, I was quick to realize why the server had felt boring and bland before. It was because I had nothing new to do, nothing to keep me entertained. While sports teams are exciting and fun to be in, they do not offer anything that I could dedicate a lot of time into other than a possible plugin. I can easily feel tired of a hobby if it doesn’t bring me anything new. Because of this, I decided to apply for a bigger position on the server, it being the EMS.
I always approached the idea of joining the EMS with caution; it seemed like only the best of the best would get in the faction. Because of this, I simply chose not to apply for it and didn’t really even think about it.
Now, after searching for a new way to keep myself busy on SchoolRP, I thought about it again. I’ve always been pretty ambitious; I want to do the best, not in a competitive way against other people, but myself. I want to do better than I did last time, and if it’s the first time, I need to set the bar high for myself. The EMS seems to fit my personality traits and goals quite well, thus I decided to go for it. I’ll take it as a challenge, if that’s the best way to go about it.

Another reason for applying is based on my OOCly studies. I will begin studying many new subjects this autumn in High school for the next three years. While I have not completely locked in my choices, my choices will likely include extra courses for psychology and health-care. These are both subjects I enjoy and plan to keep studying in whichever higher education I decide to go to. I recently received a stipend for health-care, which is encouraging me to focus on it in my studies. While the healthcare in SchoolRP doesn’t exactly tie to healthcare in real life, they do still share some key points in certain aspects. I believe I will be doing research on different disorders and such, which makes me excited to at least give it a shot.

Which role are you applying for?
I am applying for the role of a psychiatrist.

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?

I do not have any past work experience in the server’s hospital roles, but I do know some things about it from what I’ve seen. Keep in mind that all of the information might not be completely accurate to your country's own system or the system used in IC. Most of this is OOC information I’ve researched or learned for school projects and such.

The Karakura EMS serve an important role in the community. While SchoolRP is supposed to focus on the school, everyone knows it is also heavily focused around CityRP. In CityRP, incidents happen; whether these incidents happen in casual little accidents or GangRP, everyone has to get treated somewhere. It is not only limited to incidents. When a person is met with concerns regarding their physical or mental health, they should seek to hear the opinion of a professional. Depending on the case and its severity, they can get an appointment to meet with a doctor for a check-up and such.
The hospital offers amazing new ways to roleplay for not only the hospital workers, but everyone in the city. Without the hospital, any and all injuries would be completely skipped over and disorders as well as illnesses couldn't be written as accurately as one might wish. This is why the hospital exists, to provide professional healthcare and new roleplay experiences for each and every person.
Next I will list all the roles in the Karakura hospital that I am aware of, along with some of their tasks and general information.

Hospital director - Simply put, the hospital director is the leader of the hospital faction. They are responsible for marking the applications (with other higher-ups) as well as controlling the hospital's final decisions as a whole, thus having the highest authority. They manage the budget, set goals and manage the hospital’s work.
It is important to note that this position cannot be applied for, and instead you have to have good experience in the faction and work your way up the ranks.

Internships - Interns are typically college students that are interested in the work of their chosen hospital role. The hospital internship works just like any other internship; it will grant the interns knowledge in the field and an opportunity to learn new skills. The interns will not gain any money from it.

Resident - When a person is accepted into the hospital, they must pass their exams and training before becoming an official worker in their chosen subdivision. These trainees are called residents of their group and will be prepared for all the knowledge they need in their field.

Attending - An attending worker is a trainer and could be described to be on a higher level of knowledge than a regular worker. They are responsible for training the resident workers about their chosen role as well as the work ethics.

Senior - A senior is the highest role one can be without being a higher-up. They take care of training the same way attending workers do, but I am uncertain about the other tasks that are their responsibility.

Clinical leads - The clinical leads are responsible for the specific departments they are in charge of. They ensure the workers are doing their job properly and also carry out the work others would, meaning they can train the trainees and work in their corresponding fields. They must be prepared to show a good example for the workers, since they are expected to be role models.

I will now dive into the three “main’’ roles of the Karakura Hospital. All three departments have their own attending, senior and resident workers, along with the clinical leads and heads, but I will not talk about them separately for each role. Another thing important to note that countries require a person to have specific passes before becoming a medical professional, but these are all completely individual to their countries. Because of this, I will not mention these in any of the education routes I will write about.


- A surgeon is a medical professional, specializing in surgeries. Their work consists of two sub-divisions, these being patient work and surgeries. Before the actual surgery, a surgeon typically meets with their patient a few times to discuss the surgery itself, its side-effects and positive effects. This is to help the patients feel comfortable and offer them knowledge about their operation. Of course, if a surgery must be performed to save a patient’s life or limbs, there is no time for such measurements, and the surgery is to be started as soon as possible. Surgeons are also responsible for diagnosing illnesses that require operative care. They typically work in hospitals or other private healthcare residences.
If one seeks to become a surgeon, they must earn a bachelor's degree and a medical degree in medical school. Again, surgeons need to complete a residency program, but from then on most training is optional. Surgeons are typically expected to cling onto any and all extra training and experience when applying for their position, thus many take all the courses provided and attend available internships.


Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
Yes, I completely acknowledge this.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I completely acknowledge this. It is only fair, seeing as I’ve already agreed to dedicate time and effort to the role.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Of course. Separating ICly situations from OOCly feelings is essential on not just EMS, but on SchoolRP overall.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Yijun Péng (怡君彭)

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, she/her

Character’s Age (if accepted):
31 years, (Date of birth: 19/8/1991)

Character’s Academic Background:
Yijun was a diligent student, putting in even more work than needed. She always had good grades, but her psychology greatly stood out amongst the others with all the effort she put into it. The young woman graduated from University with a masters degree, majoring in psychology.

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Japanese and Chinese

Backstory (1547 Words)
womp womp find out icly

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Her chosen medical speciality is psychiatry.
Yijun became intrigued by the human mind as a child. It was something she found herself thinking about often; how are habits formed? Are people born without personalities, and is it something they form only while developing based on their environment? These were her commonly displayed questions, and while a child may not be able to understand the depth of humanity, they sure can interpret these queries in their own ways. As Yijun grew older and got introduced to psychology as a subject, her harmless hobby turned into something she took more seriously. She established it was something she enjoyed studying and diving into, something she could even work with as she grew older. The high schooler found herself taking her school more seriously and upon starting college, her future career-choices were locked in.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Yijun took a psychiatry residency program in the Nagoya University hospital.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes, she does; Yijun has worked as a psychiatrist in a hospital situated in Nagoya, and has thus gained experience in this position.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No, Yijun has only completed courses she took in her previous workplace. These courses were individual to their own workers, and did not provide her with other general knowledge.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Yijun can be a bit difficult to miss in a crowd of many people. Her movements are elegant and smooth to the point they seem coordinated beforehand, thus attracting attention to her. Though her natural features do not exactly match the Japanese beauty standards, the way she presents herself with confidence makes her extraordinary from most people. Yijun’s bangs are typically swept to the side, which shows off her soft features. Her eyes are small and her nose could be considered on the wider side; these traits are what give her an interesting look. Contradictory physical attributes are what pulls people in, after all. She had this look of tranquility, which didn’t seem to be going anywhere no matter her mood. The same highlight of emotion remained in her eyes even when laughing at the funniest jokes, how odd.
The lady’s closet is entirely extraordinary. Half of it contains professional, sleek pieces she could even wear to a job interview; the other half consists of blazing, over the top clothes one would expect to see in a high-class winter ball… It is quite fitting considering her background. Yijun's closet reflects her choice in fashion. She is typically always looking presentable and clean. Her coquette it-girl aesthetic is enhanced by the light makeup she wears, never forgetting the slick hairstyles.

My goal with her character is to make an unusual psychiatrist; differing both from real life as well as SchoolRP. Her backstory is unique and offers a new point of view for circus work, as well as growing up in one. I researched the topic to the best of my abilities to make it as realistic as possible. On top of that, her view of pretty much everything is rather odd. She's a self-absorbed, manipulative woman with no intention of ever feeling empathy for others; In fact, empathy is just a word to he.
I feel as if the general psychiatrist trope about wanting to help others because they were mistreated can be a little overused on its own, but a crazy psychopathic medical professional isn’t all that rare to find in books either. I want to reach the middle ground between those two; someone who has a bit of both in balance while also bringing something new to the table. Yijun’s point as a character is to really bring out her contrary traits, both personality and story-wise. You wouldn’t expect someone whose job is to help people with their mental issues to be the cause of someone else’s issues. She will not be corrupted nor will her personality get in the way of hospital work. It will simply be something I want to take into account when roleplaying to make everything a tad bit more entertaining for everyone involved in it.
Just a pair of skins I wanted to showcase to give you an idea of her base, displaying the more professional outfits she wears as well as the more... experimental ones.

How does your character act on and off duty?
On duty, Yijun has all the quintessential elements of a psychiatrist; patience, knowledge and conscientiousness. She carries her work well, always trying to help the patients and the hospital to the best of her abilities. Her goal is to make a patient feel safe and comfortable around her. This way they can put trust in her work and make it easier for everyone. Of course, it is important not to forget about her dear colleagues. Yijun wants to ensure herself good relationships with her co-workers. She respects them and can offer pretty much anything to be of help to them.

Yijun doesn't present her as a whole different person off duty, but just like anyone else, she doesn't act the exact same. Her vocabulary is more laid back and her composure seems to be relaxed without the coordinated movements. Personality-wise, she can be a lot more cunning and open, even displaying her odd ideas. Of course, it all depends on the person seeing her off duty. In a regular citizen's eyes she will be just like any other working adult with lots of confidence, but for a colleague she might seem much different, given her typical work ethic compared to the laid-back lady presented elsewhere.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
You’d expect someone as social as Yijun to enjoy working with others. Surprisingly enough, this is not the case for her. While working with others does not necessarily make her function worse, her work is certainly better on her own. This way, her attention doesn’t linger on the work of her teammates, but on her own. Simply put, she can put all her attention on her own work on her own, she will often finish her work alone without worrying about people around her.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Yijun has a precise taste in her future plans and dreams; she doesn't want to restrict herself to only her goals, but going forward without a care in the world will make the trip cut short. There should be a balance.
She is quite enthusiastic about her work, making it her primary plan for now. Doing her best to ensure a good workplace and a great financial situation for herself are both enough. Her reputation has always been important for her, thus it is essential for it to stay the same if not even better. Finding a lover and settling down in Karakura properly wouldn’t feel that bad either, but it is more of a side task than an actual dream.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Upon meeting Yijun, most people will most likely first notice her kindness and free spirited soul. It seems like the conversation could go on for days with her; not because she’s babbling about herself, but because she gives space for the others to speak and thus keeps the discussion going. She knows how to approach people and keep them entertained.

While these are all great features, it is simply what she puts out there for people to see. Yijun wants to build herself an image of a loving woman, while shielding her negative traits away from people. In reality, Yijun is a self-centered woman with strict standards for other people. She uses manipulation as a tool to get what she wants out of people. While one should not call her a monster, she certainly isn’t far from it. Oddly enough, Yijun cares about her reputation greatly and will make sure nothing negative about her spreads around. Clearly in her mind protecting her reputation from stains is easier than stopping the source of those stains, this being her own acts.
What should be the perfect worker with lots of love for her patients could lose the entire persona she’s built up within seconds if she were to slip. Luckily for her, Yijun's actions can only be controlled by herself, not anyone else. She is a confident woman, capable of caring for her image. She has kept herself together for years and it has only become a part of her daily life. The person she presents herself as to others is just the polished, perfect version of herself.
But why? Why doesn't Yijun allow herself to just exist as the person she naturally is? Her reasoning's simple; she is obsessed with perfection. She bullied people to make herself look better and more perfect in people's eyes. She puts on an act to look perfect. Her future is planned to fit the future of an ideal person. Yijun has always loved to have the spotlight on her, and when the pretty-and-kind act proved itself useful, she held onto it like a hawk.
Nevertheless, her personality does not get in the way of her work. While lying and keeping up a fake act the entire time may be rude, how could one feel offended by it when they are completely unconscious about this? She will come out as an understanding psychiatrist with true care for her patients; Whether that is how she truly feels is something only Yijun will know.

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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted!

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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