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Dimi's Police Application


Level 26
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Previous bans:
(All of these bans are mostly on 2018-2019)
Max warnings - Tempban (1 day)
Failure to follow MugRP properly - Permban (Appealed)
Glitching a car - Permban (Appealed)
Bypassing a ban with an alt - IP ban (Appealed, I didn't know I was banned for the previous reason)
FailRP - Tempban (3 days)
Cosmetic Abuse - Tempban (2 hours)

(The only ban I've had in 2020)
Involving an erotic, sensible word into my action - Tempban (15 days)

Describe your activity on the server:
I have only recently come back to the server after a period of inactivity, I haven't held any roles within this period and found it easy to disapear and focus on my personal life for a while. However, I am now back and feel ready to take on another role, one that I am already very familiar with. My activity is still not the best seeing as I only login, run around for a bit, meet some people, then log off. But I can ensure it getting better once I belong somewhere, in this case, the police department.

Which timezone are you in?
My timezone is BST (British Summer Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

City Related Applications:

BMD Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Im6]
Police Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Srav]
Blocky Mart Application (Accepted)
BMD Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Im6]
Police Application (Accepted) [Private conversation with Srav & Infold]
Police Application (Accepted)

Hospital Staff Application (Accepted)

School Applications:
College Application (Denied) [Private conversation with The_Lee_God]
Teacher Application (Accepted)
College Professor Application (Accepted) [Private conversation with Im6]
College Application (Accepted)

Community Applications:
Staff Application (Denied) [Privated]
Staff Application (Accepted) [Privated]
Staff Application (Denied) [Privated]

(Unlinked Applications are ones I have failed to find)

What is your motivation for applying?:
This is a question I always enjoy answering when it comes to applying for the police department, and as you can see, I have applied many times. You see, I am an old player, I've been around for 4 whole years, I've taken on many roles, including P.O (Police officer), I've tried so many different types of roleplay and have gone through many changes of rules, and with all the change that has occured, I still have felt like the Police Roleplay is the one I've missed the most while I was gone, it's the one I've spent the most time in, it's the one I've met some of the best people on SchoolRP in, it's the one where I've made more than 50% of my memories in. Quite frankly, and through my experience alone, the police department is the only faction that once you get into it, you actually feel like you are part of a team, unlike so many other factions, and again I say this based on personal experience alone. As part of the police, I felt like we take on things all together, as a team instead of individuals, we solve problems both ICly and OOCly, or at least we used to. The police department has changed so much through out the years, hell, I've changed so much through out the years with it, but one thing that hasn't changed is my attachement to it all along. I would like to come back to the police department so I can find myself belonging to the team I once was part of, and enjoyed to the fullest. I would like to come back to the police department so I can at least try to bring back the memories of being a police officer in Karakura. And most importantly, I'd like to come back to the police department so that I can see it through and, if possible, help improve it for the better, because in my experience, there's always room for improvement, and everytime I compared the department to how it was before, I saw improvement and I was proud. Now, don't get me wrong, there were downs as well as ups, it wasn't a walk in the park, I did make mistakes through this hell of a ride, but I also feel like I achieved something along with it, I made a name for myself back then, I even made it to Vice-Head lieutenant before taking my leave and disapearing. I'm not saying that my rank defined me, but I'm saying that I want the chance to redeem myself and bring back something that's so dear to me. I feel like now, more than ever, more than the times I've been a police officer even, I want to come back and do what I loved doing the most.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of the police work is pretty vaste, I've managed to pick up a lot in my experience and I still hold on to most of the knowledge. However, this does not mean I'll be a perfect officer once I come back. The police department has changed so much, and I'm saying that just based off of how many times I've had to go through cadet training and see how different the trainings are. It is now divided into physical and informational training, where one trains officers physically and the other trains their knowledge. I can tell you I remember every single detail I've learned through my journey, which will unfortunately have to be flexible now so that it can be altered and changed to the current department's style. Let's just say I know a lot, and that'll just be tested if I do get accepted, because if there's anything I kept from my experience as a Police officer, other than the memories of course, it's the knowledge. I'm just not gonna list all of the basic things that other applicants are mentionning, it's public knowledge and pretty standard, the ranks are obvious, so are the items, legality, etc... I don't want my application to be longer because of those things.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
I would say that with the recent rise of GangRP, police is more needed. But let's be honest, GangRP has been around for as long as we can remember, it's hasn't dropped. For all we know, it's in a constant rise. Now, with GangRP being present in SchoolRP, it is only logical to have Police around to fight it. To put it mildly, if powers of evil exist, then so shall powers of good in order for everything to be in peace. The rise of one only means that the other will have to come in, that's how it should be balanced, and that's why even though PoliceRP has existed for so long, it'll never fully extinguish GangRP. I guess what I'm trying to say is that if GangRP has to always be there, then so does PoliceRP. In a way, they're the perfect match for each other, the ying and the yang, and as mentionned before, the good and the evil. However, since PoliceRP fights for the citizens, it'll always have a slight overhand, that's why guns are given to police officers, that's just my way of understanding it. In conclusion, PoliceRP is there to fight off a certain RP which basically goes against it, GangRP. And even if GangRP wasn't to exist, I'd say PoliceRP would still be there. There's a plethora of crimes that can be committed without having to kill or have illegal weapons, and therefore the presence of police. Although if that were the case, the police in SchoolRP would be slightly less overpowered.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I am, as I've already experienced this. However, I also acknowledge that I can do my best to follow the rules, be at my best at all times, respect my peers, in order to prevent it. It doesn't guarrantee that I won't be subject to it, but it means that I'll at least done my part.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
I do acknowledge this. And by being dedicated to the role, I assume the question means that I shalln't GangRP on any other account, perhaps? Well, I can ensure that that won't be the case as GangRP hasn't really been my thing anyways. I have done it in the past but never have I prefered it over PoliceRP. Even when I was a police officer at the time, my police account took most if not all of time on SchoolRP. Not to mention that I do not plan on using any alts upon me coming back, I do own some but I will not be using them for SchoolRP at the moment.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do acknowledge this. I am certain that I'll be doing my best to attend training wether I'm online or offline.

In-Character (IC) Section


Character's Full Name:
Travis Trevor Grady

Character's age (if accepted):

Character's gender & pronouns:

Character's Academic Background
Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice

What languages are you proficient in besides Japanese?
Italian, Greek

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Travis happens to be a well rounded man. In his mid 40s, he has the character of a leader. Always has, even when having authority over him he found a way to make his voice heard, and his ideas known. He has black skin, rough around the hands given how many times he has fallen. He has a beard that ranges from ear to ear with a mustache. What makes him unique isn't his looks, but his personality, his character. He always finds time to be goofy and knows when to switch up, a skill he had to master forcefully, otherwise his department seniors would punish him with push ups or laps. He is very hard headed, but once he is in, he is fully comitted. Grady knows just what to say and when, making him great when it comes to dealing with victims/crouds.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
As mentioned before, Travis is very goofy, in fact his goofiness is what makes him likeable, but that goofy side is for his casual daily life, his off duty times. On duty, he is a serious man, he might find the time here and there for a quick laugh and a donut with a co-worker but he is entitled to keep the vows he once made to ensuring the safety of the citizens.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
As mentionned before, Travis is a leader, a motivational speaker, a comforter, but also a rough mentor, a hard standing figure, he will make you feel better when you need it the most, but he will also put you back in place and pull your head out of the gutter if you start slacking. He knows just how to deal with co-workers. He doesn't called them colleagues, he calls them family, because that's what they become once they start risking their life together. That's the purest form of team building, when you can see your partner at their lowest and feel the need to help build them back up, because you know that if one falls, the whole team falls. That's how Travis sees things, he can't leave behind a teammate. His life has taught him how to value each and every single one of them. He lost of people that were dear to him, he acknowledges that he will probably lose more, but he also acknowledges that he will always do his best to prevent it.

Do you see yourself as a leader or a follower? Why?
I am bold, I'll tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear, so yes I do see myself as a leader. In the toughest of times I can lighten the mood and kick moral back up, I always have a suggestion to the situation at hand. It may not work, but even if it doesn't I will keep thinking. I see brothers and sisters, not co-workers, at some point i even considered my past trainer a dad figure. Everything that happened in my life led to me to being put in the spotlight, I believe that I'm a leader, not the leader, but I will for sure partake in the leading.

BACKSTORY (100+ words)
Travis Trevor Grady, the story of an afro-american young man that was born in a ghetto where shootings happened daily. Travis witnessed the shooting of his own brother, he owed a few bucks to the drug dealer of the ghetto, and was therefore killed for that reason alone. Travis swore then that he would do something about all this, it didn't matter to him how big of a change he would bring about, but he knew he had to do something. He thought to himself that the legal way to do all of this is to become a police officer, and become a police officer he did. Travis went through with all the academic procedures, studied law enforcement, criminal justice, he even got a bachelor's degree in it. By his 20s, he was already a cadet, ready to start learning the means of putting an end to crime. Travis started serving in the NYPD, New York Police Department. There, he made it to Sergeant and even married one of his co-workers after falling in love with her. He had a daughter with her but things didn't work out and they ended up having a divorce and Travis now had extra responsibility with the daughter on his hands. She meant the world to him, he named her Amelie. He used to fight crime not caring wether he died or not, but when she came to be, he knew he had to stick around and take care of her. 5 years later, the exact age of which Travis' brother died in. With the flashbacks that came around, Travis rushed to carry his daughter and relocate into a whole new life, he couldn't let his daughter grow up in the country where those shootings still existed. He decided to take his daughter and go to the city everyone said was a peaceful Zen city in Japan, Karakura. Little did he know, this town had it's own share of crime. Travis found a place within the ranks of the KPD (Karakura Department), and made his way to Vice Head lieutenant before quitting because of some more marital problems, he decided to stay home and support his daughter through college. But then his daughter grew and became a lawyer as he always wanted, and he found himself in his mid 40s, still an active man but jobless. It had been years since he served in the force, but he still decided to submit his application to come back, the man missed his running after the criminals and he wasn't gonna grow old without going back to them for one last chapter.​


Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No you cannot. It is illegal to both own or carry it.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, Lactulose, a cane, cough syrup, surgical mask.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
This depends on my position. Being a higher-up, I would take matter into my hands and tell the co-worker that what they are doing is illegal, and then report it to the commissioners that they can get a roaster warning, or maybe harsher punishments. If I was a normal ranked officer I would straight up go to the commissioner and report it, and if they're not available, the nearest higher-up.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The first step is to call back-up before engaging in any sort of physical interractions, then I would approach the situation with a taser out seeing as this is a case of officer assault which is considered a major crime. If the person doesn't drop down and cooperate after a few warnings, I would tase them.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
This is a situation that would require carefully approaching it, so I would make sure that the situation at hand is what it is and not just my assumption, then I would need to have proof of the corruption going on, as that'll be the only evidence I'll have to report the co-worker and have them taken care of by the commissioner.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
This is quite an easy situation, you refuse the bribe and I don't remember if it was a fine or an arrest but whichever it is, that's what you'll do. With the refusal of whatever would've benefitted the briber in the situation.​
Last edited:


Level 328
Thank you for applying for KPD. Unfortunately, the higher-up team and I
have decided to deny this application. Most times it is simply due to the fact that
there are more suitable applicants, so feel free to give it another shot on the next cadet wave!​

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