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Denied Doctor Application | WhiteSnowy1737


Level 30


Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?


Describe your activity on the server:

I would put about 8 today, but from February 5th, my activity will drop due to my college, I'm not sure how it will go, and I'll try to log in whenever I can. It will probably be the night in my TZ. At this point I would say it would be 3 or 4 of activity

List your current and past applications: [Accepted]山本ユミ-councill-application.64932/ [Denied] [Denied] [Denied]

What is your motivation for applying?

My motivation is because the hospital team is one of the most popular and coolest to do, I really like the idea of taking care of people who may be injured. This was actually my intention at the time to put one of my characters as a doctor, due to his lore, but I ended up putting him as a reporter, but now I want to take this chance to apply to become a doctor.
I hadn't done this application before, because I didn't know when one might be taking place, so I decided to do another one at the moment until I waited for the opportunity to appear, and that's what I'm doing now.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?


Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

Yes i will appear

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Akiko Nakamura

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

Female | She / Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):


Character’s Academic Background


Character’s Nationality:


Character’s Marital Status:


Character’s Religious Denomination:

Catholic Christian

Character’s Spoken Languages:

JSL, Korean, Portuguese, Japanese and English

Backstory (100+ Words)

Akiko Nakamura is a very responsible and affectionate woman with everyone around her, Born in a medium-sized city in Brazil, she has always stood out for her intelligence, her parents came directly from Japan, and she did not know how to speak Portuguese, but Akiko because she had taken classes At a school in Brazil, she learned and knew how to help her parents with translations, as they taught her Japanese. Akiko stood out for her creativity in texts, intelligence in mathematics and physics, and loved learning History and Geography. With that, she decided to study these subjects a lot, and graduated from a medical school in Brazil. She decided to be a scientist and nurse in her hometown. At the age of 19 she met Hiroshi, who became her boyfriend and later her husband, with which she had 2 daughters. When it was time for both of them to leave for an exchange program, she was left alone with her husband, until, unfortunately, due to an accident, he died. With that she moved to Karakura to meet her daughters and be able to find someone who can marry again. She decided to use her creativity in writing to be able to apply for a job as a reporter in Karakura, achieving this goal, she finally moves in, doing a great job. Now she finds a vacancy at the Hospital, and is trying for that chance.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

She has more skill in taking care of people with infectious diseases, or injured people, as she thinks it is not as complicated an area as others, she helped patients to stay calm and tried to treat them in a way that they would recover extremely easy. Even though it wasn't simple, she didn't give up, she chose this part because she wanted to start with something simpler and then move on to something more complex and difficult, as if she had actually trained to have other emergency situations.
She not only helped her daughters when they were younger, but she helped several people in her hometown, she was very good in her field, and knows how someone has to be treated

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?

As said, Akiko wanted to be a nurse in her hometown, she went through several processes. She wanted to do simpler and easier things first, to get used to it and be able to move forward and continue doing a great job!
For example, initially she started the procedures with children, taking care about some illnesses that they ended up getting, such as colds, flu, stomachaches.
After a while she began to improve her procedures, such as performing some simpler surgeries, learning, getting used to and improving her skills and finally becoming a good nurse.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?

Yes, she took great care of her own daughter when she was injured, applying bandages, and cleaning some injuries, depending on which injury it was.
She has even performed surgery on some people because they were injured badly, like someone who broke bones, she helped make the cast and help the person recover after surgery.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?

Just a Doctorate in Medicine

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Akiko Nakamura is a very intelligent woman, her mood is always positive, but she can be quite serious at times. She is always available to help other people, and her friends and family, doing everything she can to protect everyone there. Her responsibility is very high too, she takes care of her daughters and nieces in a way that they always feel happy and comfortable.
Akiko would not let anyone close to her suffer, she is always willing to protect these people, to talk to her about how she feels and help when and how she can help.
Now Akiko Nakamura's appearance is described as an extremely beautiful woman, tall and quite young. She always has two pigtails in her hair, tied with a purple bow. His clothing is always an orange t-shirt and jeans.

How does your character act on and off duty?

Akiko is always in a happy mood, but there are differences, if she is at work, she is very responsible in what she is doing, taking it very seriously, so that no danger or damage occurs during the procedure, so that the patient always leaves very happy and strong as never before, she also wouldn't let people with masks stay inside the hospital with them, she would just be direct and calm, to remove them, otherwise she would have to take drastic measures. On her day off, she spends more time with her family, helping her daughters with something, having fun in the city, or even traveling. She is even more relaxed, as she doesn't want to worry about anything at the moment, but with some precautions so as not to cause more damage.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?

Akiko prefers to do things with help, although she can do it alone sometimes, but if she needs help, it would be nice to have someone by her side to help her with anything she needs help with. Because she doesn't want to run the risk of something bad happening. In other words, it would be much better to have someone by her side to help her, she admits that herself.

What plans does your character have for the future?

Not much, she only has the basics, she wants to guarantee the best future for her daughters and nieces. Having a good financial source, and also enjoying your life, there's not much in particular here.
However, she wants to help some people be able to see a good future again, for example, what she really wants is for people who have been injured to be able to recover and be able to move on and enjoy their dreams too.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?

The others, Akiko is really responsible, intelligent, friendly and a great companion, being a team member who loves to have fun, enjoy, and take care of her family. She is very affectionate, and funny, and very smart with everything she can do. She makes people who can't smile, smile.
In contrast to herself, she sees herself as a responsible adult, she doesn't deny what others say, but she herself says that she is just a Japanese woman who wants to see others follow their dreams, and always have a next opportunity in case. failure, or when you succeed, follow your dreams and achieve your goal

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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- When applying for a faction, having detail is one of the best ways to show your interest to the higher-up team. We recommend that you spend more time adding detail to your application if you wish to apply again!

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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