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Denied Dompiedom Chef Application


Level 4
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Yes! It’s dompiedom.

How old are you? (Optional):
I'm 16 years old.

What is your time zone?:
CET. During Daylight saving time CEST.

Describe your activity on the server:
I’m confident enough to say I am extremely active throughout the day. Nearly everyday I log onto the server for multiple hours a day and either hang out and roleplay with friends or explore certain areas. I tend to log on after 3PM and stay online until around 12AM with the occasional breaks. This has been the case for the past two years with only two periods of inactivity for a few months in total. I tend to get even more active when in a faction which I can guarantee will be the case if I’m accepted into it.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
No, I’ve never been banned on SRP before. I’ve received only 1 warning when I was still pretty new.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yup. I acknowledge the fact if I am inactive I will be demoted. So I will make sure I at least reach the minimum quota every month and more!

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
School Chef.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A chef that works in a school is mostly expected to prepare tasteful and healthy foods for the students of Karakura high. They should prepare the food with the most delight and consideration for the students that will eat their meals. No matter what size or amount they should always put their heart into their food. Both during breakfast and lunchtime they’re expected to line students up to hand out their food. (They do this by announcing to them through the intercoms.) And individually give each student their portion. If there’s multiple chefs on the job they are expected to help each other out by creating more lines or having one dedicated to keeping the line in check to make it easier for their job.

Outside of their usual chef duties, they should be keeping the students safe by guarding around the school grounds making sure no one gets in trouble or hurts themselves. If there is a scenario they need to intervene with they do this with haste and caution to ensure everyone’s safety. As that is their priority. A school chef is expected to be respectful to both students and faculty and be willing to support them in situations they may need the support for.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I personally think I have lots of experience when it comes to roleplaying. Especially SRP. I’ve been actively roleplaying for multiple years now and took it most seriously when I discovered SRP which was somewhere in 2021. I’ve been practicing my roleplaying skills a lot since then and I still do so to this day as I find improving on this skill actually enjoyable to do. I’ve learned many things from multiple people I’ve roleplayed with in the past and have been working on making my roleplays something I can be proud of. This can range from giving my roleplays details or personality.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
I think from what I can do and what I know of I feel most comfortable applying for the school faction. I have considered other factions as well but after doing some research the school faction seems most fitted for me and for what I like to do. I’ve also briefly been in the school faction as a chef around a year ago which I did enjoy a lot. Now that my activity has spiked again I feel motivated to start participating in this faction again as I feel a lot of passion towards the job. I also believe the faction can help me improve further on my roleplaying skills and maybe even help me get more social connections.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Dutch application, accepted:

Ukrainian application, accepted:

Receptionist application, denied:

EMS application, accepted:

Chef application, accepted:

Russian application, accepted:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
College bachelor's degree.
12 Grade highschool student.



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

My character would remain calm towards the student and correct them of their language. She's a firm believer in finding solutions rather than getting upset. If it's possible to communicate with said student, she would try to understand the cause of them cursing at her. Hoping to be able to understand the student. If the student is difficult to communicate with, my character would not hesitate at all to warn the student of their behavior and tell them to cut it out.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
She would keep the safety of the two students in mind, and quickly stop what she was doing at that moment to head over to them. She would tell them to back off from each and stand in between the two of them to block any further attempted attacks. Doing what she can in that situation she would try to calm them down a notch before checking if either one of them were badly injured. If possible, she’d do a small investigation to figure out the situation before handing them over to the nurses office if any of them were available where further consequences will be discussed. In the scenario there were none, she’d call for assistance from someone more experienced than her.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
My character would hastily go over to this co-worker that was committing the act to correct them on their behavior. She would be hoping to convince them to stop by warning them about the danger and possible consequences of what they were doing at that moment. If she alone can't convince them, she'd have to call over other faculty who would be willing to help. She would hope this to be enough to convince them to stop whatever they were doing. If none of this helped he would have to unfortunately inform SLT about it.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
My character can act in different ways when in the employee break room. She does like to look for any conversation to be had with anyone that seems interesting to talk to. She will always offer them an Americano to drink. But my character also enjoys sometimes taking an actual break and sitting somewhere on her own to either read a book or play a game and sometimes plan ahead for the next part of her shift. In conclusion, she likes to take advantage of break time and keep herself relaxed in the employee break room.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
Grabbed a coffee and proceeded to sit down on a chair to relax during her break. She’d open a book of his to read through and got herself immersed into it. But suddenly, her ears jumped as she heard people yelling right outside the room. She’d sigh before standing up to approach the door. Opening it carefully to witness a pair of students yelling at each other. She spoke up and said.. &r”Keep it down.”

/me Found herself preparing food for the upcoming lunch line. She was humming a very specific song to herself whilst doing so. Tapping her shoes on the ground below her. Suddenly, she accidentally dropped the food and lost all of her progress! A disappointed look came on her face as she got ready to start over again. With the utmost care, she’d start over with the food making sure she didn’t mess it up this time. Happily humming to herself again. With barely enough time to finish the food, she’d stand ready to call the students through the intercom.

/me Walked throughout the halls, keeping watchful eyes of her surroundings. She saw people studying, laughing and walking around. She was surprised to see no one was causing any trouble today. Which was a rare occurrence. But as if the world heard her, she turned a corner to see two students fighting each other in the hallways, waiting to be seen. She’d quickly rush over to them to intervene and deal with the situation before sending them back to their classes.

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):

Kiyomizu Mizuneko

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Preferred Name:


Age (Minimum is 25):



Academic Degree:

Culinary arts, professional cooking.

Bakery and pastry arts.



Known Languages:
Japanese, English & Dutch.


Kiyo, (Kiyomizu Mizuneko) grew up in a city in Japan. Located around north where she lived with her adoptive mother and father. Kiyo was always an energetic and curious child. Her parents had a passion for cooking theirselves, and always told Kiyo stories about it. From a young age Kiyo loved the idea of one day being able to cook herself as a professional chef. Due to her young age her parents still didn’t trust her to work in the kitchen much so she grew up observing her parents cooking away in their kitchen. This already helped her learn a lot strategically. But to practice by herself it would have to wait a couple of years. One time during her birthday, she was granted a kitchen practice set for children. Which she obsessively used for multiple years.

A couple of years later, Kiyo was allowed by her parents to start cooking for them. They bought her a cooking book to use and experiment with. Everyday she’d spent multiple hours studying the book and often watched videos and documentaries to learn even more. Slowly but surely she learned more and more about what to do and how to do it when it came to preparing meals until she was confident enough in her abilities to call herself a starter cook. Her parents started allowing her to even help them out in their kitchen. Where she assisted her parents in making their meals. They even decided to help Kiyo out and teach her some more of their secrets in what made their meals so special.

Through all of this, Kiyo obviously went to school everyday as well. In the school that she studied there was also a cooking club to partake in. Kiyo has always dreamt of getting into that club but couldn’t due to being too young to join. But now, she once stood in front of the door. Ready to join the club where she’d be able to enjoy her passion whilst learning more about it. Happily spending her time there everyday after school. During her time there, she met many people she happily called her friends. Who stuck with her in her times of need and helped her keep the passion she’s had for so long.

After highschool, Kiyo went to a university to get the degree she needed to call herself a professional chef. She went to a university located in the Netherlands, so she had to say goodbye to all her current friends and family. Although this was upsetting for her. She was excited to move onto this chapter of her life and go somewhere new. Where she’d expand on her knowledge and passion. She studied herself into exhaustion and tried everyday to perfect her skills. Even though it was difficult for her, she did find enjoyment out of it. Until eventually she did graduate with a masters degree.

After graduation, she stayed in the Netherlands and searched for jobs left and right. Her experience and degree managed to get her a few jobs. She slowly climbed up the ladder and eventually found herself in a school. Being a chef inside a school was a job that woke something up in her. A newfound passion that she had never even thought of before. So when she decided to move back to Japan, she went to live in Karakura. As the biggest opportunity laid for her there. She wanted to apply her skills to Karakura high. To work there as a school chef. And apply she did.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
Everything this place offers. The school has stood out for me specifically due to my will to continue working in a school environment. I've been researching and asking around and came to the conclusion Karakura high would be the perfect place for me. If that doesn't motivate me I wouldn't know what will.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):
Yes, I've worked in a school before! Although I'm certain there's a difference in Japan and where I worked.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I don’t necessarily believe I should be accepted over other applicants, however, I believe my skill in cooking would greatly benefit this school. I believe to have a great passion that would be of much use to anyone I would be working with in general. I always try my hardest and always try to improve. I'm patient, caring and I work hard once I get familiar with my duties and surroundings.


I have / will add some examples of actions I've done recently. All improvised on the spot with what I'm able to use around me. I often do this if I'm giving the opportunity to do so. On the job they will be written more professionally. Check attachments.

Additional notes about your application:
The application has been edited a lot through the months. So I do apologise for any possible inconsistencies.
If there's any questions or confusion feel free to message me anytime.

Do you have any questions?:
I don't!



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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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