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Accepted Dracularys' Event Team Application


Level 75
Authorization Team


My other accounts are:

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
I haven’t received any punishment on the server at all and I plan to keep it that way for a while. My record is pretty squeaky clean besides a glitch warning I believe I got when I was new to SRP and acting funny since I was younger and not the brightest.
As for my activity, I would say for someone who juggles work and school along with the roles I play on SRP, my activity is really good. I tend to get on in the morning when I have free time before I head into work and then once I’m off I’m usually back on again. Since I’ve joined SRP I’ve always maintained a really good balance on activity between things I do outside of it. There had been a time where I took a long break due to not really knowing the server well and being iffy on applying for things but I’ve grown out of that and decided to try out new things which led me to the spots I’m in now and am very grateful for.

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
Shopkeeper application - accepted
KPD application - accepted
EMS application - accepted
College application - accepted
(It was when we had to apply for it in forums I believe)

Lore application - denied

Provide your Discord and confirm if you have a microphone:
draculary and I absolutely do have a mic

What is your time zone and country of residence?:

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
Absolutely, activity is nothing to worry about with me

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
I have a few experiences both OOCly and ICly where I have worked in a team alongside others and will gladly note down below. Majority of these factions I have been in for quite a while without quitting or having the thought of quitting. Alongside that fact, I've also held a good rep in the factions as well!

A shopkeeper holds a lot of responsibility with having to make sure to read applications, build up the idea of the shop, look over employees and really keep a close eye on everything. As a shopkeeper I absolutely love the employees I have now and I’m a big fan of doing things as a team which is why I usually tend to push for ideas together on what items we could sell and bring more profit to the shop or interest to players. Along with being a shopkeeper you get to work alongside other shopkeepers which is another team aspect of the job. You get to offer each other items to trade or become business partners to bring in interest from each other's shops. Supporting other businesses is a nice thing in the faction which makes it a cool team to be alongside!

Not surprisingly, KPD requires a lot of teamwork and communication. We handle things like responding to calls with each other, patrolling, handling cases alongside another and much more. Without having the help of another officer, things would probably turn for the worse and cops would be in trouble left to right. We work as a team so the process of everything is handled faster; helping each other with arrests when one's busy, handling an interrogation or giving a hand in training. Having another person there to help is usually always involved in KPD and one of the really important things we have there, or so I think. Even OOCly we tend to get along really well and share entertaining stories or just talk about our day, say a simple hello and things like that.
I haven’t been in EMS for too long but the space is really welcoming and involves teamwork, not because we are forced to but because the workers really enjoy having each other's company. Most of the time we will just have a chat with each other, whether it be ICly or OOCly, there is always some sort of interaction going on. EMS workers are like KPD when it comes to a team, having another to help you out fill a prescription or answer questions to certain situations we may not know.

I’ve been a part of the spartan FB team for a year now, wow. Since I've joined football, I have met a ton of people that I consider friends now and the whole reason why I really was able to interact with others and step outside my bubble was because of football really. Practices were always made fun by talking with each other and speaking about the most random things to ideas on what to do with rivalry as a team and make it fun for the opposing team as well. Obviously, any and all teams require teamwork to lead them into winning games and such but there’s also a lot more outside of SRP where we tend to bond as well. Sometimes we will play bedwars or gartic phone so that everyone gets along and becomes more comfortable with one another. Being able to communicate during football on where to go or be given tips on what to better do usually helps a lot and has helped me along the way on what things to work on or what things to help others work on.

As for OOCly, I won’t state every single thing so it isn’t dragged on but I have been in a few spots where teamwork was vital. One of the things is having a job, especially in a position that I’m in. I got the opportunity to work the front desk at a young age and juggled the responsibilities of it very well. I had to work with other young and middle aged people plus kids which shockingly enough, most of the time the arguments came more from the adults rather than kids. I have usually always been the one to put my step in and have to help handle things so the environment is clear and everytime I do things get fixed rather quickly. Where I work is like a family, we all share personal things and hang out outside of work. Other activities I’ve been in that required teamwork were girl scouts, clubs and sports I’d love to all state but I’m sure I’ve listed quite a bit already! Being part of a community team is something I am really hoping for which is why I decided to still apply after being denied another app. It had been demotivating at first but I was quick to get back up and learn my mistakes that rex nicely noted so I can fix the next time I get interested in applying!

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?
Not currently but I’d love to experience being in one.

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:
(Going over the set limit of event ideas can potentially jeopardize your chances of being accepted.)

"Bask in the beauty of mother nature."
Server-wide event

Concept of the event:
It’s spring and the blooming of flowers has begun, come outside to enjoy the beauty of nature! All around there are beautiful flowers growing from the ground up, some picking them for decorations and some to give to their partners or family members. What would be better than to host a festival dedicated to the beauty of them! At this Spring flower festival there will be ranges of different flowers to be able to pick out into a basket, maybe to give to your significant other or hand them out to those who may not have someone. There will be photo booths of different beautiful sceneries for you and friends to take pictures in, along with concession stands for anyone wanting a quick treat or drink! And of course, the flower festival wouldn’t be complete if we weren’t to have Kirei Hana, a lovely flower shop that’ll be helping with different sorts of bouquet making and sell other plants you may be interested in. As a little remembrance for this day and event, there will be a cute flower bracelet so that everyone who paid a visit can cherish this day and keep it in their memories forever.

Breakdown on the event:
There will be a field of different flowers in either the forest or park located in front of the family store, whichever one works best. I believe it'd be a nice event for those who would like to enjoy different sort of activities with other players along with being able to action out and actually further roleplay things with others as well. Instead of there just being flowers, there will be other activities that'll further pull in the attention from players.

Event announcement:
/event A single petal floats in front of you being followed by more petals? Seems like it’s coming from the direction of the family store where the SPRING FLOWER FESTIVAL is now happening! Come enjoy a relaxing time with friends, family or significant others.
/event Don't forget to swing by the spring flower festival where you can relax and enjoy your time with those close to you. We also have a beautiful flower bracelet you are able to create at one of the booths so make sure to check that out.

Resources and building needed:
  • Event member to play the tarot reader​
  • Around 3-4 concession stands of shops especially Kirei Hana​
  • A flower bracelet item which I will gladly buy as a custom if needed​
  • If there's a way for players to get flowers someway that'd be better to make the creation of the bracelet interesting ex. trading in 3 flowers for a bracelet​
  • Builders or anyone willing to help to make paths and fields of flowers along with the building of photo booths, arches, picnic areas and swing sets​

Additional note:
I have asked the shop owner of Kirei Hana beforehand to include them in my application so I’m not just dragging them in without permission.


"DAAANG, that was a hard fall."
Server-wide event

Concept of the event:
Ever watched wipe out, ninja warriors or maybe you were the type of kid who tried doing parkour everywhere you went? Well it’s time for you to put those skills to work and join Karakura as they host their first obstacle course challenges, available for anyone of all ages to participate in! There will be different courses ranging from easy to hard and towards the end of the event there will be a tricky obstacle course for players to participate in and win yen, yeah you heard it, YEN!! These courses will be hosted at the beach over the water so be prepared to be drenched and.. Make sure you know how to swim.

Breakdown of the event:
This event will probably be a sort of bigger one that’ll need some planning beforehand with ideas of different courses and how to set up ways to make some of the blocks moveable like in real life games where some objects will go back and forward to make it trickier for players. There have been videos I've looked over on people making similar sort of projects in Minecraft so it is 100% possible unless it could risk a lot of lag which is fine, I can always get creative another way to make things tricker and harder for the courses! It’ll be a challenging thing for players who like to do parkour and obstacle courses in games along with being able to win a cash prize by finishing the hard obstacle in the fastest time. For there to be more activities for 300+ players I have also thought of the idea of adding other small courses like ones where players may have to run, crawl, swim or jump in order to achieve a high score. With more activities, players will be less bunched up together and having to wait 30 minutes to be next in line for a single course. The reason why I wanted to bring this forward as an event is because I've seen a lot of people who are into the whole obstacle course sort of thing and figured it'd be cool to implement seeing as I haven't seen it be suggested around the server as a single event.

Event announcement:
/event Wanting to put your crazy skills to use lately? Are you good at parkour? Luckily for you there is an OBSTACLE COURSE event happening at the beach for those who are interested! If you aren't into that then just come enjoy some concession stands and watch people fail.
/event The fun isn't over yet, come sign up to be a part of the hardest challenge yet where you'll be competing against other players for the chance of winning 300k!

Resources & building needed:
  • Different sets of courses ranging from easy-hard that’ll be placed over the water and some on land​
  • 2-3 concession stands; food and snacks​
  • A cash prize of course that I can provide if needed​
  • DJ booth​

"Great now I'm stuck inside with YOU."
Flash event - Snowstorm

Concept of the event:
It seems to be a regular day in Karakura where it snows all winter but for some reason, this time the snow seems to be falling a lot heavier than usual? Citizens look out from wherever they stand to see the wind starts to pick up and the snows falling down heavier than usual but nothing really sets them into a panic yet. Those who are outside begun to shiver crazily as the wind becomes stronger and stronger, making it hard to even stand in one spot without being pushed. A news reporter goes on to broadcast for people to stay indoors and stay warm from this really chilly weather but suddenly the broadcast cuts out quickly and the power goes out for a few seconds before flickering back on causing everyone to get in a sort of panic as everything around them began to get dark, every single light in the city flickering off for a few seconds before they came back on. As people went into their homes for protection, things only got worse from there. A loud THUD was heard from outside, some people going out to see only to find out the doors heavier than usual and hard to even get open, uh oh. Now the panic settles in, how will they get out?

Breakdown of the event:
Players will be encouraged to shelter themselves into homes with others after hearing the broadcast but go into a sudden panic after the power goes out. The wind gets heavier, and snow begins to get pushed off roofs onto the entrances of different homes and buildings which makes players not be able to get out and be trapped inside. Players won't notice until an /event is made going over how the snowstorm has come to a stop and are free to come out now but bad news for some, their only way of exiting seems to be blocked off. KPD gets spammed with calls which will lead them to grab their shovels and be the snow hero's by helping dig out the snow from doors. Other citizens who happened to coincidentally have a shovel on them are also able to help out and help dig, why keep the fun only for KPD!

Event announcements:
/event A strong wind picks up outside causing you to shiver, the only place for warmth being somewhere inside. Hurry quick and run somewhere for shelter near wherever you are before you end up catching hypothermia.
/event A broadcast from the reporters' station goes live, informing people to stay inside and be safe from the cold weather till suddenly everything becomes dark around you. If you aren't inside a sheltered place, it'd be best to hurry and do that.
/event The weather seems to have calmed down now. Winds have gotten back to normal, and the snow has come to a stop for today. Things have gotten better around the city now... for some at least.

Resources and building:
  • - A reporter to make a broadcast​
  • - Heavy winds & blindness on players for a short amount of time if possible​
  • - Builders or event members to place snow in front of different areas where players are located to block exits and entrances​
  • - KPD and possibly EMS to help shovel out or handle hypothermia patients​


"Oh rats... wait, LITERAL RATS?!"
Flash event

Concept of the event:
Keys jingle from a man's pocket, looking as if he hadn't taken showers in ages with a janitor uniform on and two suspicious looking boxes in his hands. Some found it odd but noticed the janitor uniform which didn't really cross their mind, weren't janitors not a thing anymore? The man managed to slip into a room where curious students followed behind, attempting to open it or call faculty. A faculty member finally comes after multiple reports, banging on the door only to receive no response before a key is used to access and open. Squeaks were heard and the students were met with the big orbs of RATS, they all manage to break free from the door being left open causing students and faculty to scream from how many there had been. All the rats scurried off in different directions, some nibbling onto people or jumping onto them to give them more of an ick. The window inside the room had been wide open as if the mysterious man had disappeared. Was this some sick prank of a student or maybe someone who used to previously work there?

Breakdown of the event:
This event would be a rather funny event for students, or well so I think it might be for some. Event members or staff are free to play rats that'll scurry around the school grounds and interact with different students if able to or wanting to do so. The character for the 'janitor' could be announced with an /event so that it could lead other players to follow behind and from there a faculty member can open the door which will begin the funny flash event. The rats will eventually escape back into the sewers or somewhere they can manage to fit themself into.

Resources needed:
- Event or staff member to play the 'janitor'
- An /it towards players the 'janitor' passes by to cause suspicion towards him
- A faculty member or staff member that'll interfere and open the door
- Event or staff member to play rats! There could be rat mobs spawned as well but I'm not sure if that'd be a hassle

Fright Night.png
"Yo that's a sick prop!... It's a prop, right?!"
Server-wide event

Concept of the event:
Halloween is a fairly popular holiday in Japan where people get to dress up as their favorite character, not to mention the fun in getting to scare people and mess around. To celebrate those who love this day, Karakura has decided to host a night for those to come and celebrate all together. In front of the town hall there will be different booths set up like concession stands, a bar, pumpkin carving, apple bobbing, costume contest and a really fun maze. The night will be spent with everyone in Karakura; mayors, government officials and much more to make the festivities even more enjoyable. All goes well on this peaceful night, surely nothing could go wrong, right?
As the night went on with a bunch of laughter filling up the city of Karakura, those bursts of laughter soon slowly grew into screams. People are seen running from out of the maze frantically, screaming for help as if something or someone was following behind. Gasps are heard as they see two figures walking out from the entrance of the maze, both looking fairly young and related with multiple gruesome wounds covering their bodies. Fear rushed through everyone as the ghosts disappeared then appeared beside people, citizens quickly running away from the event to seek somewhere safe. As people ran a Ouija board falls from the grasp of someone in a hoodie, could this have been the cause?

Event announcements:
/event Laughter, music and playful screams could be heard from the distance. It seems like FRIGHT NIGHT is coming to a start. Other activities are included so make sure not to miss out or the haunted spirits will come and get you.
/event The music crashes and loud screams were heard from the entrance of the maze, people running out and being followed by...
What is that?! Is that- No, Ghosts aren't real right?!

Reasoning for the event:
A lot of people like the spooks that ghosts give their characters, and it tends to make things interesting for everyone. Usually only specific people are able to see an actual spirit unless they DM a staff member or happen to be good friends with the person controlling the event character. For this event, a lot of players will be able to see the ghosts and react in different ways which'll be interesting and maybe further roleplay through there for others. Besides the spooky twist, the event overall would be really fun for people to participate in like the pumpkin carving in which characters can be given a link to send in drawings of their pumpkins and the costume contest with a yen prize for players to show their amazing tailoring skills or cool ideas of costumes.

Resources and builds:
- Event or staff member to play the two spirits, they could be made up or ghosts that are already connected to SRP lore, the ghosts are able to mess with some players or just give them a fright by appearing and disappearing in front of them, whatever makes the event scarily fun
- An announcement could be made 2 weeks before the event to include the costume contest, giving players time to design an outfit
- 2-3 shops for concession stands
- Booths made with the help of builders for different activities; apple bobbing, pumpkin carving and more
- A stage for people to walk across and show their costumes for the costume contest
- 4 volunteers to help judge the costume contest
- Building of the maze which'll be dark and have lots of spiderwebs

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):
Thank you for reading and good luck to all the others who applied!! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to DM. Hopefully the gifs don't give out and disappear...​
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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for your application and congratulations! We're happy to welcome you as an event team member! You will receive your roles and all other information you need shortly.

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