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Accepted Erykaaa | HS-Council Application


Level 9
─────────────────────────────────────꧁❀ GENERAL INFORMATION ❀꧂─────────────────────────────────────

What is your Minecraft Username?:

My Current IGN is Erykaaa and i have no alternate accounts as of right now!

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
I accidentally put the wrong item on auction house resulting in a warn, other than that i have received no infractions!

What is your time zone?:

BST, [GMT+1]

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001):
My current discord name and tag is Sleepless#0001

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Successful Korean Application:
Denied Caretaker Application [Lack of Detail]:
Successful JSL Application:
[There are no other applications i have put out as of right now]

Describe your activity on the server:

I'm relatively active often throughout the day especially on the weekends, I can also be on whenever is necessary on the weekends however my Monday-Thursday schedule is rather limited [Due to college etc.] I attempt to be on the server as much as possible however there are times where there isn't much to do or I am simply unable. I will often spend 7-8 hours on an average case scenario, i also have more time than that free if it is needed (Friday - Sunday). I truly love and enjoy the SRP server and intend on maintaining this activity. As far as activity external to the server goes, i am constantly on discord whether it be open in the background or I'm on it as a whole, the majority of the time i will respond swiftly to any dms I may receive!

List your accounts and roles on this server:

Just this one at the moment!
IGN: [Main] Sl3epys
[No Alternative Accounts]
HS Basketball Team as of right now [Will change if i get on the council in which i am hoping to do so!]

[Grade-12][Basketball] Kaori-Yi Kitagawa
Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:

I understand that this is perfectly fair and within reason however will not come to pass! Unless there are severe circumstances in real life in which are highly unlikely. This term completely makes sense as one who does not attend or put in effort will obviously receive consequence that being removal!

───────────────────────────────────────꧁❀ TRIVIA QUESTIONS❀꧂───────────────────────────────────────

What is the student council and what do they do?:

"The student council is a work-force of individuals within the student work-base that particularly volunteer themselves to look out for other students safety within the school grounds and even off school grounds. These people are the role models for all students in which should be followed as an explementary and ideal students alike. It is their duty to enforce the rules of Karakura Highschool. Maintaining a consistent communication and enhancing communication skills within their team, they are seen as the future leaders of Karakura, Ones that will stand out and lead the others with them. Each and every day they attempt to improve and formulate new events and find methods to include each and every student regardless of the background entailed.

”The school council is a valiant team that take on important duties day in and day out! They must ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students as well as promote the key qualities that the school provides and expects! They are role models for
all the student body and faculty alike, working together in a formation of different roles and jobs to maintain a consistent means of safeguarding. They also plan enjoyable events for the school to participate in! Ya never know what event may appear next! They are exemplary students that are promoted as adults and act accordingly and are truly an inspiration that i would like to join.”

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
The council was always an aspiring goal, to be a leader as well as support peers in a way that reaches a large audience only entails good, I find the aspect of roleplay within this a large factor as it allows room for great development in which i would like to proceed with, There are friendly aspects involved such as Muzi, Honua etc. However this is only a small scale, I find this form of role within the school appeasing and would be enjoyable to take part in. Striving to better the overall environment of SRP and Karakura is an honourable goal in which will be taken on the offense with that in mind.

”The school council team is a huge responsibility to participate in, with all the key factors applying even down to the imagination! I truly love the idea of working in a professional team with amazing peers to maintain safety and entertainment within the school.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
“Absolutely, in fact this is one of the aspects i was particularly looking forward to, not only does it develop skill within roleplay and icly situation, it also allows room for new people and new interests to be found. It is not just the leadership aspect of the council that is aspiring. Teamwork ethic is something i intend on developing within my time [If accepted] on the student council team. Even if a member of the council isn’t already a friend of mine, ill be sure to do my best to get along and work with them in a professional but lively manner!”

I am fully aware that creativity is a large aspect and i would love to not only promote my own ideas however learn about the others and potentially develop my own knowledge when brainstorming fun events.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
There are a variety of aspects, roles and details within the student council team. To begin with i will ****yse the more prominent roles external to the council that would have a large role affecting the team, prominently these roles have a large play in most events. The school faculty team are the adults within the school that have a large contribution to issuing punishments, organizing events etc. They have a large variety of different roles, This includes; Nurses, Caretakers, Chefs, Teachers, Professors, Receptionists etc. Overall they all have a similar impact however within their own right.

Nurses would have a specific impact on the aftermath of a situation, an example would be if a council were to interfere with a potential initiation of violence or quarrel and medical attention was required, the Nurse would have a large role in this situation as they quite obviously treat the patients of their wounds and take care of them as such. Case and point being they handle the aftermath of any severe situation.

Caretakers are staff that tend to patrol and wander the hallways as well as being able to support in situations similarly to the council however they fall within the faculty category, there are often directly involved within the prevention or deflation of situations as they're taking place. They have a role to guard students and look out for their safety similarly to the Council. They can often assist the council within these situations making them far easier, this works vice versa.

SLT [Overall]:
SLT are the external managers for most situations, they are the last resort if a student or member of the school were to misbehave to a point of severe punishment, SLT also manage financial aspects of the school council such as budget etc. They have a large impact on the limitations within the council and how they can potentially operate such as the calibre of events they can perform, assemblies gathering everybody together and how much time they can allocate to special events. They also manage the acceptance and discarding of an event depending on the quality etc. They are the greatest form of punishment that take part in the punishment beyond council control obviously revolving around Suspensions etc.

Receptionists, Teachers, Professors etc. [Basically the other entirety of faculty]:
Most faculty members have the same role as Caretakers however are normally within the classroom, They have the ability to assist the council within these events and also have a say within events and gatherings. This is a very limited impact due to their importance within other aspects however they still have an impact on Council operations and the council may also assist teachers if necessary.

Council President:

The council president and the president of the school as a whole has a large role in all aspects listed above, They monitor, patrol, protect etc. They have a role to look out for the students and show strong leadership, this involves huge gatherings, including the crowd as a whole. Interfering with violent or inappropriate situations. It is imperative that the council president show all key attributes within the council team and more. Not only are they the leader for the student body, but for the council team too.

The vice-president has a very similar role to the council president, They must also show strong leadership and the key attributes of the council team. The vice president is often the second leader to take over on conditions such as the presidents absence. They also partake in huge operations, brainstorming, and are not any less important than the president or any student as a whole.

Both presidents within the council are exemplary, they show the key attributes that not only students should have, but the councillors too, They are the core of the school and as a team the council is the heart of Karakura along with all the students alike.

Secretary and Treasurer:
Yet another 2 prominent roles within the council team. The secretary and treasurer are the managers of financial aspects provided by the SLT, they manage budget and organize accordingly, they are prominent for their great skill in formulating ideas and management as a whole and are indefinitely a necessity to the council team. This applies to the treasurer.

The secretary has a key role of managing the council team, they take note of all attendance records, all ideas and performance flaws and prospects. They are the ones that often keep track and report to higher ups of the council as a whole if/or changes need to be made. They also attend meetings and have a say in situations such as event co-ordination etc.

Councillors and an overall spectrum ****ysis:
Councillors have similar roles as mentioned within the caretaker and general roles as a whole. Councillors must patrol, maintain contact at a consistent rate and manage situations as well as event planning. They are the team, this includes all roles mentioned above. They have the priority of student safety and rule enforcement. Making Karakura Highschool and Karakura as a whole a safer place is primary objective. Not only this the support of mental health and wellbeing is a large aspect of the council team. They must be there to not only inherit the school's qualities and prevent violence. They are there to provide the help that most may struggle to find.

As a whole, the council team and faculty have a huge role in the school, they are the ones who are able to keep the school the great place that it is intended to be, They make school more inclusive and enjoyable spreading positivity throughout the student base. Simply rivalries and fun tournaments such as Spartans vs Bobcats is a perfect example as to the enjoyable competition that concurs around the school.

──────────────────────────────────────────꧁❀ SCENARIOS❀꧂─────────────────────────────────────────

You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

A calm approach is the greatest option, letting the other members of the council know of the situation at hand and the location is imperative, it is noticeable that there is a clear dispute of distress within the students and should be approached considering both parties feelings, first objective is to separate the two and prevent any more verbal comments being made to ensure the situations escalation halts. The best way of doing so is positioning between the two in attempts to remove any chances of physical violence, Then attempt to deescalate the situation via reasonable discussion and handling. If this does not proceed to work as well as the situation continuing to escalate, the first warning will be issued to calm down and take a step back. If this was not followed the threat of detention would be put in place in which would be noticeable at this point. In any situation that this does not work, the detention is placed as well as informing faculty. By this point the two will indefinitely be separated and identified and will be punished accordingly.
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

Simply remain calm however act swiftly whilst informing faculty and fellow council members of the depictable attire and what they have done, I would inform them of the situation as well as the precautions to be taken. I will also inform them of what i would be doing if i was not to be participating in the search for example if a student was injured and/or knocked out then i would inform them that i am transporting them to the office for treatment and a statement on the situation.

[Assuming this is not failrp and avoidrp, if this was the case i would simply report to staff immediately]

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

I would as usual approach calmly, proceed to separate the two and speak to the victim student as a primary objective, the councillor involved can be spoke to directly after however the student must be priority due to the impact that this councillors poor behaviour may have on the trust between the student body and the council team. After taking the time to understand the situation and hear both sides i will formulate a final verdict obviously ensuring that the student is comfortable and safe before doing so. If the councillor lacked justification, which in most cases is the general stasis due to there being no need for such behaviour, then i would alert a higher council member such as the secretary or president in which they will likely inform SLT of this behaviour for a final verdict.
You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

If I was to miss information or a potential meeting within the council, i would simply follow this up with the president or another council member who attended the session to catch me up with a brief explanation on the topic.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
I would calmly request intel on my wrong doings. In a situation such as this i should be entitled to this information. First priority is to apologise to the faculty member as a means of temporary atonement, then i would request to speak depending on the situation for example if a fight was in the midst of taking place, i would prioritise preventing that fight and then speak to the faculty.

Branch 1 [I did do something wrong]:
If i was clearly in the wrong without reason or just collectively going against what i was trained to do, i would sincerely apologize and evaluate on how to improve within the future as i do not want a recurring theme of problems.
Branch 2 [I did not do something wrong]:
I would calmly inform the faculty of this and still sincerely apologize for the confusion within the situation, if i was to react in an out of order way then this would provoke a poor image and attitude in which would likely result in reconsideration of council member position.
Either branch would result in a review of the policies to ensure both sides are within reason.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

"Personally i believe the idea of an all-inclusive event would be a perfect attribute to indulge in. This idea for an event not only tests your merit! But also your ability to formulate, communicate and so on. This even will be a scout field trip! You will form teams of 10 as a means to go on a camping trip! Prior experience does not matter however there will be a faculty with camping experience assigned to each team for safety and provisional reasons. There will be a point system in which you will be competing against your fellow teams to earn as many points as possible! Points will be given out for merit and communication strengths, they will also be given out for team efforts and prosperities. Here is the catch! You can have points deducted for contradicting reasons to the rewards. If you cause arguments and fail to work well as a team then you will be deducted! Furthermore if you do not contribute to the efforts within the trip then any points you have earned for the team prior will be removed. If any unreasonable behaviour such as a fight was to break out then you will be removed from the event. The faculty member is only to provide hints and offer support under dangerous circumstances, each team will be given the kit needed to survive and the camping trip will last 3 days for each team. To prevent sabotage only 1 team will be sent at a time. Rewards for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd team will be issued and are yet to be decided. There will also be consolation prizes. To prevent the uncomfortable pressure of joining this event, it is completely optional! You will be assigned teams randomly to prevent any potential situation in which 2 friends may have a past bullying incident. We would like to prevent all means of unnecessary and unfair treatment. Furthermore if a candidate is placed on a team with someone they are uncomfortable around then you may speak to faculty and we will absolutely have this changed! We would like to test each and every one of our students in each and every aspect possible. Your initiative, leadership, team efforts, communication and more will all be taken into account. This is the first variation of the event however."

"I am sure that everybody is competitive! And we all love the competition between the Spartans and Bobcats, So why don't we do a larger scale of this event, this allows the students to still promote their skills and leadership as well as communication and other factors listed however there is a difference between this and the smaller version! There will be a select team of campers, the rest that partake in this event will be the budget managers for their team! Each camping team will receive a kit for camping, emergency supplies and faculty to guide them in case of emergency. This allows people to shine in different aspects and brings the whole year together! You are also able to use points to purchase extra merit such as a tent or food! AS a whole this event is supposed to include everyone, this is the most welcoming formation of this and allows everybody to take part and shine in their own creative aspects. This also allows for a fun competition between the 2 different mascots we have all come to love."

───────────────────────────────꧁❀ IN-CHARACTER PERSPECTIVE QUESTIONS❀꧂───────────────────────────────

Character Name:

"My name is Kaori-Yi Kitagawa!"
Character Gender:
"I am a female with no plans of transitioning."
Character Age:

"As of right now I am 18 years old!"
Character phone-number:

"My phone number is: (030)-731-9464 as of right now!"
Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
I am a very calm and collected girl who finds interest in a large variety of topics. I indulge in detailed conversations about the real world and i believe i am eligible to request support from. I am considerate and I do not use violence as the answer to conflict. I am a very casual, easy-going girl with a rather consistent facial expression. I find various activities interesting but nothing is more aspiring than the true meaning of the world and how other people view their life and meaning. I truly aspire to understand each and every form and experience life has to offer from perspective. I will show you my care and consideration as the time passes."
Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

"Built with a slim hourglass figure, she stands at 5'5 with vibrant lush white hair and a welcoming posture. Her body was lined with silk skin and her eyes glimmered with the moons deep reflection. Looking back into her deep golden-hazel eyes would have you lost in a void. She had a well toned appearance with a white rose tattoo to match her luscious hair. Her face wasn't readable.. you could never truly figure out how she felt.. but when she cared you'd understand that which is all that mattered. She isn't the loudest in the bunch and is often seen working on her own but do not falter as she can work tremendously with others. She treats everyone with the simple respect that she wishes to be treated with in turn hoping to bring around a glimmer of hope within society."

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
"I believe i can provide an attribute to the cause that no other can. There are many different forms of an emotion as well as the severity of how it feels. not only that the factor of how you impact someone is also accountable. People put in their upmost effort to contribute and help somebody giving them their time, effort, blood, sweat and tears but it would mean nothing. This is where i believe i can make a difference, within Karakura there are a huge variation of nationalities and people, some good and some inevitably bad. Consistency and hard work is a key aspect of determining someone's personality and competence for a position, and i am that with the rest. No matter the flaws, no matter the hardships, I believe I can provide the interest and show the hard work that the council team sorely promotes. By no means am I violent in fact its the opposite. I hold the resolve that is desired, I'm sure other applicants also hold this desire, but this extent is a privilege. I am also incredibly ambitious to join the team and meet everyone, not only my co-conspirators, but the students that will rely on me." She said with a calm voice that spoke from her heart.

Why do you want this position?:
"I desire this position to expand my portfolio, I also wish to take part in a strong team to show my potential and worth as a team and a leader. I truly believe i can provoke the mindset of good over the mindset of violence. This position is not only a desire, it is a privilege. I emphasise my interest in that of supporting and working with the school to formulate events and ideas for the student body to participate and grow together in. I truly believe i can contribute towards the gathering of all the students in a positive cohesion. Not only do i want to continue the legacy of those before, not only do I intend on improving the school as a whole. But upholding the image of the school and help not just the school but the city of Karakura, Each and every environment our students gaze lands upon must be safe."
What interests you the most about student council?:
Each and every aspect within the school council is intriguing in its own jurisdiction, i find them all to have their own unique factor that adds to the collective image of the council team and the overall intrigue of joining. The idea of formulating with a team of individuals around the school in a professional manner to make a positive change and bring the students together is the overarching goal. Each step taken is a necessity regardless of my interest. If i had to say it would be the event planning and teamwork aspect. There are many factors you can apply to a position like this! I truly am certain that i will enjoy and provide the necessary qualities for the team." She'd state with a glint of admiration within her eyes.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
Not only do i provide sheer consistence, I provide dedication. I intend on providing my upmost handling and positivity to prevent as many violent and difficult situations as possible, not only do I desire to stop these violent occurrences, intend on supporting the student body and those who struggle with day-to-day life. Speaking out is a very difficult position, I intend on providing a soul who can volunteer and listen to these problems in attempts to be the cure. I will also contribute my heart and mind to the cause of the safety and entertainment within the school whether that be event formulation or protection of our student body. I will devote myself to this matter and that i oath." She said as confidence clearly overtook her, the liveliness was clear and determination arose. “In a less serious manner! I truly believe i can provide then students, faculty and overall school a positive addition to the team! I love to help out and work with my peers and i desire the ability to take this further. This is an aspiration of mine and i would love to pursue it. I provide goodwill in many aspects!“

Extra Notes:

Thanks for reading my application! This took me forever heheh, I hope it is of acceptable quality and is considered as such! Good luck to each and every applicant! Have a wonderful day.

P.S Sorry for the alignment hah and yes i am willing to leave the basketball team for the council team.
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council!

Welcome to council, Please ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord #help channel to receive your roles


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