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Forelli Crime Family | Unverified Gang Application


Level 68
Community Team
Media Team

HampterHunter (Current Main) / HunterHampter (Current Alt)

Previous bans/warns/kicks:

- 7th of August, 2022: Medium Offense: Racist Remarks
-14th of June, 2021: ERP :skull:

List any applications that you have created on the forums:

- Mostly Language Applications
- Culinary Teacher Application (Click for Proof)
- 2 Ban Appeal, One is Accepted one is denied
- Suggestions and such
- One Attempt at KPD, Denied

Describe your activity on the server:

I will describe and rate my Activity in the Server at 8.4 out of 10, I often get on to find something to do, sometimes look for something to do while I model for the Modelling Team, Activity Pertaining GangRP wise, I always try to find things to do, Catch up with my Gang Members, sometimes discuss potential events with other gangs for fun, but also Hanging out with friends, and occasionally managing things for the Karakura Street Racing Community.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????): Hammydammy#6578
Specify the link to your gang's Discord: Discord Link
Specify the number of members currently in your gang:

There are Currently 14 People in the gang at the point of making this application Including me.

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:

Event Name:
"A Golden Mole within the Snake Nest"
Category: Event with External Involvements (KPD, Other Gang)
Events Details: Most likely be done whenever the Consigliere's Position is taken and is about to be open again.

The Family is starting to receive a little bit of Heat from not only rivaling gangs and families but also the Law Enforcement they seems to discover more about the Family at an alarming rate, Higher-ups Gathered as they discuss the Possibilities, The trail leads to the Idea that there is an Informant within the Family, A Capo stepped forward to launch their Crew to dug into this 'Mole' Situation, as Italian Mob Family goes, this means absolute Execution for the Traitor, The Don noticed the Inactivity of his own Consigliere, prompting the crew that's sent out into investigating and tracking down the missing Consigliere, and clue after clue, the Crew found out the Consigliere have been an Informant for not only rivaling gangs, but also the KPD in exchange for Cash or Protection, This will be Reported back to the Don which in turns ordered the Dispatch of the now known traitor, the Consigliere, Series of Flash Events will happen that ends up with the Consigliere kidnapped, Tortured, before being dispatched in a very grim fashion, by being put in the back of a Vehicle which then pushed into the Ocean. (Alternative Method: Tied to a Big Rock with a Chain before dropped into the Ocean)

What is the name of your gang?: Forelli Crime Family

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:

The Forelli Crime Family is a Crime Organization/Gang with the Theme of an Italian Mob with as much Accuracy as possible while following SRP Norms, and standards of Operations, The Family is built on a Strict Italian Mob Hierarchy and Brotherhood/Sisterhood within the Gang, Every member have eachother's backs, but with Strict Punishments for those who betrayed them, The Motive of the Crime Family is building up not only Protection Racket but also Business Rackets for people who are around, close, or within the Family, Earning the People and Businesses trust in them, while still combatting anyone daring to mess with their operations, Though The Family's focus is solely on Businesses such as Protection Rackets, Loans, and also Direct Businesses such as Alcohol Distributions, and at Rare Cases, Bettings for certain activities such as Street Racing, this doesn't hinder their Activities in Town, They will go after Anyone that's deemed to be a Threat to them, While still striking Alliances with Gangs in turns giving not only their own services for other gangs, but also receiving some benefits for their own, but their Core motives is to spread the 'Forelli Crime Family' name internationally.

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:

What Differentiate my Crime Family/Gang from the most or the rest of the unverified gang roster is the Concept which focuses on Business Side of CrimeRP, while still being out there doing activities like other gangs/crime families, This may seems similar to that of existing gang which is Akihito, which it is, It's the same type of Concept but I put some twist on how it operates, and also the Lore side of things, with as much Accuracy we can Comfortably integrate into the Crime Family to it's Real-Life Counterpart, paired with a not-so-accurate Background story but one that surely is Interesting, The Crime Family aims to be Different, but not straying away too much from the General Concept of Gang or Crime Family.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:

The Crime Family remained to be mostly Anonymous, however from the start of it's creation, It has gained multiple Alliance, and a decent chunk of Members, Growing Rapidly as it goes, The Crime Family is fresh, Yet it's already as Active as other Gangs, Not only that The Crime Family had grown Rapidly and Continuously, It is planning some events with other Gangs and within itself, with also Business to go alongside the Accuracy of an Italian Mob.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:

The Forelli Crime Family is a Crime Organization built on the Foundation of Functioning Business and Deals, Karakura's Forelli Crime Family is The First International Branch from a Well-Known Italian Mob Family, Lead by a fairly anonymous person by the nickname of 'Don Forelli' as Classic as an Italian Mob Goes, The Family's main intention is one thing, Businesses, They sell their services to everyone, and strike deals with other gangs or businesses, with plenty of benefits, They run under a Strict Hierarchy, Breaking it means getting... 'Dispatched' and threaten their Existence means getting... 'Sent out of town', as far as a Crime Organization goes, they could be the most Welcoming, but also could be one of the most strict.
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Level 92

Thank you for taking the time to apply.
Sadly within the last month, I did not notice much activity from this family/gang and no do think they are yet ready for the unverified status.​

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