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Gang Advertisement | Obelisk


Level 6

Previous bans/warns/kicks:
2021 | Failrp, Metagame, AvoidRP ; Hebwig
2022 | Medium ERP ; Mariav

List any applications that you have created on the forums:

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the server is excellent! I log on around 4pm every day, then play for the whole day until around 2am . When I am on the server, I usually hang around friends or do stuff for my gang. I do such things as getting activities to show off the newly branded gang to become possibly more known. I love logging onto this server every day because It is my passion, and I'd love to try the opportunity of leading a gang that is adverted.

Specify your Discord name and discriminator (USER#????):

Specify the link to your gang's Discord: (This link must be permanent and have unlimited uses)

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:
There is currently 18 members in my gang with applications also open so this number may change when this application is reviewed. These current members have been picked because of there reputation within the server and there skill within the faction. (not everyone has the best reputation but they are changing how they are looked at)

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:
A flash event I would have for my gang is something simple but would get our name out there. We would vandalise the lighthouse. Now when I mean Vandalise I don't mean destroy it, I mean like cause little damage to the glass maybe spray certain locations on it and make a public statement in front of people who decide to come a long just to get our name out. I don't think for a gang of our size we need a major event just yet but something to get us out into the community would benefit us a lot,

What is the name of your gang?:

What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:
The gang is based of the Ancient Egyptian system. The roles in the gang are different and rather un usual. We do not have a basic moral in which we want to be the best gang in the city and what not, we want to offer protection to those who don't have a voice, to those who can't fight, to those who are vulnerable to the public. We want to protect those kinds of people. They Belief in many things like stated above they want to protect the people who can't do it themselves, but another major belief is that they don't harm or fight anyone who is thirsty for blood or someone who want's to think they can fight. The gang's motives are like stated above and I don't think repeating it will explain it more, they just want to protect those who can't protect themselves.

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:
Our gang is different in many ways. We are not scared to call out the bigger gangs and target them, We have a different kind of ruling system and tend to try stand out in many ways. For example our gang is based of the Ancient Egypt hierarchy which I don't think anyone on SRP has done before so we would be the first and most unique gang out there. Most of the other gangs tend to stick to the Japanese theme which we didn't want to stick with because its bland and over used so we went with something that wasn't easy to make, something that takes time and effort and something that can make us pop more to the public.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:
My gang upholds a mixed reputation, Some people like them for what they do and some don't cause they think its and excuse to fight when in reality its not. Most people when they hear our name they think of our logo being the Omega with arrow pointing to the middle or a group of people running around fearless. We don't pick any unnecessary beef which most people notice. We don't look like a bad group of people in the public eye I would say but more of activist group trying to fight back the big gang's who try to hurt the innocent.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of:
Obelisk is a gang full of Delinquents and entrepreneurs, Obelisk is based around the Egyptian higher archery system and many concepts in the gang are based from the roles in the ancient civilisation. Obelisk was formally known as Sumairu but that has changed and a lot has happened since then, The gangs plans and goals changed from being the top gang to protect those without a voice, one thing that stayed the same is the gang will not fight people who are seen as thirsty or just not worth fighting in general that's more of a belief. The gang is full of experienced people some former Bonten, Kaku-Kai, Mighty Stars members all of which know how gangRP works. Obelisk is capable of many things and can achieve these things without anyone knowing, for example lets say they have a goal to attack someone they can do so rather stealthy and unnoticed once doing so, This gang is full skilled individuals so don't let the new name fool you.​

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