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Accepted Governor Application | hrisanthos10


Level 2


In-game Name:


Previous bans (include appeal links):
I have not been warned or banned in all of the time i've been on srp.

Discord Tag:
Mmy discord tag is @hrisanthos10

Do you have a working microphone?:
Yes, I have a working microphone.

Timezone & Country:
I live in Greece (GMT+2)

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the srp server is daily i can easily put up to 12 hours if i wanted to in summer and around 6 to 7 when my vacation ends and i go back to school and my activities end, i am usually the most active from 6 pm to around 12am and if i am needed i can log on any other time of the day.


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for Governor.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I want to connect with more people in Srp and to have fun with other members of the community since i like my time on srp and i believe that since i've been playing for around 1 year on this server i should try to do something bigger than school on my character and mostly just try to help people when they go to the town hall. I also see this as a great opportunity to try an hone my roleplaying skills while also having a important role in the community.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes i have a general understanding of Karakura's laws & Constitutional rights.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
-To help citizens get an ID because it can be frustrating for them since there are quite some things that you need an ID for like getting a Job or buying overage items and be at the townhall at nearly all hours of the day as to help the people of Karakura with other tasks like marriage applications or answer questions they might have about the town.
-To try and restore some abandoned places like the abandoned train station and/or the powerplant and possibly add more cameras around Karakura to discourage any criminals from committing crimes.
-To try to make Karakura a safer place with the help of the Mayor and other Governors by adding more laws against weapons, adding more laws about safe defense and making the loitering in the sewers illegal since the most crimes happen there and in the powerplant.
-To bring car licenses to Karakura since anyone who owns a car can just drive it without any prior training.
Also ever since my character lost his wife i feel like i should try to make the most of him by trying new to do new things and stuff and i believe that the best faction for him to join is this one.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A Governor is responsible of giving ID's to the citizens of Karakura, officializing marriages between couples, oversee court cases , vote for new laws, verify businesses and/or companies and lastly some act as inspectors for other factions too. Also the governor is a high ranking position in the government the 3rd highest to be exact right under deputy member so i understand that this is a really important position to be in.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, and I acknowledge that i am subject to removal at any given time after being accepted.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, i understand and i'll try my best to be the greatest Governor there is and put on the maximum time that i can put on Srp as to be able to dedicate more time for the governor role.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes i am aware, and i won't act badly or be mean towards anyone in the Government faction and Generally people in the server.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, i have and i will follow the rules without fail.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, as long as there aren't any emergencies or real life stuff happening.


Full name:

"Hello! I am one of the few greeks of Karakura Chrisanthos Nescu! it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I would like to go by Mister or Mr!"

Current age:

"I am currently 30 years old."

Date of birth:
"I was born on the 25th of November in 1993"

"I am Male and my preferred pronouns are he and him."

Academic Degree:
"My Academic Degree? Hmmm... I attended the highschool and college here in Karakura getting a Bachelor's degree in Computer science as well as majoring in the same field, but after around one year i felt like that wasn't enough and since i had no reason to stay in Karakura anymore especially after my wife's death... God bless her soul. I went to Greece and got myself into the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens to study Law and spend time with my family which i hadn't seen for quite a while after around 3 years i got myself a master in Law. And afterwards i went ahead and changed things up a bit getting myself a major in communication after 4 more years of studying at the university and well... Now i am back here ready to fight the world and try my luck by joining and giving my all for this government!"

"I majored in Law! And well... computer science... BUT! Apart from that, that was the reason that i am applying for this job! I mean i would also apply for the Karakura police department but... I feel like this is the best place for me."

"I minored in Computer science... I mean look i was really into Computers back then so i just followed my dreams but i figured that i wanted to do something else with my life other than sit at a computer all day."

Work experience:
"My work experience isn't that good but i believe it's enough so... I've worked 1 year as a cashier at Rotasu Music and let me think... around 8years as a manager there. One of the best places i've worked at i tell you all of the bosses i've had there have been really good! And i've worked there since i was 18! Well excluding the years i was studying in Greece."

Political background:
"Well since i lived and grew up in Greece while the Pasok socialist party was active i guess in the political scale i am kind of a center left? But i moved out of Greece when i was 16 to come to Karakura so i didn't have a chance to experience voting for political parties but i have voted for mayors and other stuff here in Karakura so i guess that counts? To be honest i've always loved the Government but hated the people that controlled it cause most of the are just some greedy senator just trying to make money and stuff, but i've almost never seen that happening all of the years i've been living in Karakura and i know that if i join the government in this town it's possible for me to make a change since all of the people i'm going to be working with have the same views as me, to make this town a better and safer place for the citizens because here i know that whenever something is going to happen like a law change or literally anything else i know that the government of Karakura firstly thinks about how it will effect and help the citizens before it's personal gain. To be honest it almost feels like a big family the citizens being the children and the government being the parents trying to help and support their sons and daughters in any way possible."

Nationality & born location:
"My Nationality is Greek and i was born in Athens! And to be honest... I think Karakura might have a worst crimerate that some places in Greece... But hey! That is why i'm here to try and fix that if i get accepted!"

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I speak Greek which is my native language, i also speak Japanese and Japanese sign language which i learned when i was 18!"

Criminal record:
"I've never had a criminal record in my whole life living in this earth! I think i might be one of the little people with a clear criminal record in Karakura!"

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

"What makes me a good candidate? Well where do i start? Firstly, for this town I will gladly give my all to help it thrive and become better than it ever was, personally, i don't want to see this town wither and die because if something bad happens in this town causing it's downfall it will feel like i am loosing a part of me i have many friends in this town, i was married in this town for a while, I've owned properties, had a job, made money in this town, hell I've lived in this town more than my actually native country this town is a part of me that i never want to lose and if i do lose it i want to know that I've done everything i can to help it thrive. Secondly, being a governor, as i see it, requires teamwork and i am very good at working with co-workers since my the place i work at currently requires teamwork among employees, i am also one of the most kind and friendlies employees and i have people who can vouch for that. Lastly i believe that my education level is enough and i do believe that i am a bit more educated than other people that might apply for this position so i have that going too and i wouldn't say that i am the perfect candidate for this job but i am a slightly better pick that others... I hope."​


Level 112

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @Zaldoria to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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