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Accepted Highschool Council | Teresa Keating


Level 19
Community Team
Event Team

What is your Minecraft Username?: MinisterFudge

Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Banned once for 13 days (or perhaps more, I do not have the precise number) in early September 2023 for ‘continuously’ bringing up topics (deemed extremist) in my characters' backstories and in roleplay that were not appropriate (Rule 2.7: discussion of philosophical anarchism). I do not intend to repeat such behavior.
It has been said since others ‘want to see an improvement of [MY] OOC reputation’. In this respect, I would note since that Sept 2023 punishment there have been no further SRP rule violations and my activity has involved me playing as the character you see discussed in this application.

What is your timezone?: AEDT (GMT+10)

Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier: crystallizedgene

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:
The character discussed in this application is the character I effectively spend most of my time playing. In terms of how OFTEN I play, I’d say an accurate description would be: ‘I am online every other day (‘every second day’) for a couple of hours’. At any rate, enough to satisfy activity requirements.

List your accounts and roles on this server:
ACCOUNT (1): MinisterFudge. I have two Grade 12 characters at the time of writing.

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
I am, yes.
I also note the format does not actually explain what it formerly did, that ‘inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal’. I am curious about that change and would make further inquiries should this application go anyway. But, at any rate, that all sounds fine.


What is the student council and what do they do?:
Karakura High School’s student council is a student-representative body made up of students from Karakura High School. It exists to make representation to the faculty and SLT generally on behalf of the broader student body; a collective liaison of sorts. Moreover, it exists to promote student wellbeing and safety, improve ‘student life’ on campus through a range of activities; and assist in the enforcement of school rules by issuing detention or other less dramatic actions.

The Council has periodic meetings to, among other things: discuss student affairs at the High School, engage and organize activities, and make representations.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
A mixture of people brought the possibility to my attention– but I figured it would be nice to apply in lieu of the personality of one of my characters. Applying, it would seem to me, is in keeping with her character and I suspect she could make very valuable contributions in lieu of her upbringing and general VIBE. I could expand, of course, but that is what the IC section is for.

Additionally, the position is very provisional from my layman’s perspective: you are expected to be a model student while on the council, and if you are not you are simply dismissed, and removed. The character I am applying for is, in my opinion, such a student: she has never received detention or warnings from faculty at all.

In fact, a member of the community actually drew a picture of her protecting them from bullies [see 'appearance' to find the picture]. Looking back on it, that encounter only makes me want to apply more. It was at that moment I felt like the character I was making was something special, and NOW I am applying, some month or so after the fact.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, and this is fine. I was involved in creating server-wide events in a different roleplay community (Garry’s Mod) so really it is less the ‘creativity’ and ‘teamwork ethic’ part that I am concerned about and more on the ‘what is actually practicable; what can and can not be proposed? What type of things are usually proposed?’. I’d also be eager to see/experience what ‘helping with events’ looks like here, on SRP’s server. I suspect it is dramatically different and am cognizant of that.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

President and Vice President: The leader of the HS Council would be the president, with the vice president also carrying a degree of leadership. The pair make up senior leadership within the council.

Training Committee: Select members of the council (individual councilors) form this special committee that effectively trains newer members of the council. The guidance they provide is IC, but can also be OOC; consequently they are expected to be aware of the powers and responsibilities of councilors and are thus not newer members, but are more tenured council members; they’ve been around longer.

General Council Members / Miscellaneous council roles: I suspect the rest of the council COULD be dubbed ‘general councilors’, including newer members of the council … but I SUSPECT, and am happy to confess ignorance here, that there are other titles for councilors that may correspond to their responsibilities (e.g. ‘secretary’ or ‘treasurer’). At any rate, these councilors are responsible for ensuring fidelity to school rules and generally carry no extra responsibilities or powers as is the case with the above councilors.

  • Senior Leadership (of the Karakura College and High School): When serious infractions of school rules occur, it can escalate to the involvement of the ‘senior leadership team’, often abbreviated to SLT. They are commonly known for their extremely ominous intercom announcements, in my experience. As councilors are expected to ensure the student body that they represent is showing fidelity to their school roles, and they have a role in the enforcement of such rules, it will, I suspect be necessary to liaise with SLT on a somewhat regular basis (depending on what the individual councilor in question encounters in a given day)
  • Teachers/Faculty: As the council and its members are a ‘pseudo-authority’, individual counselors are expected to liaise to a significant degree with teachers and faculty when it comes to the enforcement of school rules, but also with respect to student-life events and the like, it’s not all punishment.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they don't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

Teresa is not a confrontational person, so her first attempt would involve simply getting closer to these girls, making her presence painfully obvious in the hope the verbal argument would pause so she might begin speaking. Irrespective of the case, she would speak up and say something inordinately polite, and almost come across a little comical, in terms of how dramatic of a contrast her tone is to most students at the High School, especially ones engaging in verbal harassment. Teresa may say something like:
  • "My dear friends, I do hope you are being patient, and bearing with one another with all humility and gentleness. You’re going to forgive one another, yes? What’s going on here?"
  • "Ladies, please! It doesn't sound like you two are speaking to one another in strength and dignity! What’s going on here?"
She'd question them with an air of concern. Ideally, the girls may well latch on to Teresa and take her advice, realize what they’ve done wrong, and discontinue all their harassment, apologizing to one another. But, more likely, they will explain (perhaps argumentatively) why they are harassing one another in the first place, and from there a productive discussion of the school rules may follow, or a report (if it escalates, if appropriate, etc). Teresa is all too happy to be patient and listen to the two girls but also recognizes when she has a duty to act.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

Teresa would be scandalized by such an encounter. She is under no obligation to give chase and potentially expose herself to danger… but she shall never simply ignore such an encounter! For she feels duty-bound by her position to report it, and she takes solace in the wisdom from Proverbs 28:1:
– “The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.”
She would frantically reach for the most appropriate communication device at her disposal and relay her experience to a teacher, then council members, and spread the word far and wide! She would fill out an incident report and probably say a few prayers for the wrongdoer in the hope they do the right thing and turn themselves in.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

Teresa’s primary desire in such a situation would be to rescue the student in peril and get the abuse to stop. She’d probably begin by walking up to the councillor and recording them, quite openly with her phone. Should this not stop the abuse, she’d call on the councillor to stop and quite manner-of-factly explain that she ‘feels an abuse of power is occurring’ and insist that ‘this matter be referred to mediation’ and the pair of councilors ‘should get a member of faculty involved’. SO, not undermining the councillor, declaring their actions to be wrong, but merely describing what she ‘feels’ and insisting that a third party be involved to see if her concerns have merit or not. Irrespective of the ostensible abusive councillor’s response, she’d attempt to contact a faculty member and/or record the incident.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

Teresa would make a formal request to simply borrow another councillor’s notes from the meeting or, should none exist, make specific inquiries about the meeting to as many councillors as possible to recover the missing information. Should this fail, Teresa may reach out to faculty members depending on the nature of the information: they might be able to help her either get the information she is seeking or, at the very least, get in contact with another councillor.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
In such an event, Teresa would seek to get this statement on record. She would take out her phone or a spare notebook and seek to have some evidence of what she is being told. She would raise this potentially errant advice as soon as possible for clarification, with the sole exception being if the *thing* she was told was ‘obviously or egregiously wrong’ and she can quite clearly identify some fact or written policy that simply contradicts what she is being told. In those circumstances, she would attempt to reason with the teacher/receptionist unless there is ANOTHER member of the faculty or ANOTHER councillor with whom she could confer. Depending on what it actually is Teresa is ostensibly doing wrong, she is likely to acquiesce to the teacher/receptionist and stop doing it given their position.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Whiskered Fiends
NB: The word ‘may’ is used A LOT. I am unaware of the actual potential of the event, i.e. what is practicable. But the concept as a whole is fine and is as follows:

An infestation of vermin (rats, mice, etc) has, over the weekend, settled into the premises of Karakura High. It has dramatically impacted the quality of life at the school: nests have appeared around the school, and students are reporting vermin in the halls and ruining the immaculate gardens on campus. Ordinarily, an evacuation of the school would be ordered, but this has been deemed unnecessary: all that is needed is some leadership.

Players with the ‘rat’ whitelist may be permitted into the campus, and all players may be permitted to, while they are inside the school, respond violently towards them (to contain/expel them) without the fear of facing animal abuse charges.

Councillors will cooperate with faculty and perhaps some exterminators ‘called in’ to deal with the problem to CLEAN. That is, destroy the nests, clean desks, remove grime, etc. The Student Council could have a variety of roles, and disperse their numbers to deal with the many pressing needs facing the school during this troubling event:

  • Cleaning products may be sold, councillors could distribute cleaning supplies
  • Councillors could lead small groups and ‘split up’ to eliminate all traces of vermin, using the radio/walkie-talkie to respond and give status updates
  • The President and Vice-President could lead the operation, having a giant map, chalkboard, or ‘coordination center’ in the council room from which they can track the progress of the extermination efforts.
  • The food in the cafeteria intended to be served to students MAY have spoiled! The Council may have to send one of its members to liaise with chefs or other members of the faculty to come up with a solution to ensure students are fed (e.g. cleaning the kitchen and ordering new food). Brave students may be presented the option to consume the spoiled food.

Depending on what is practicable, this event could end in many different ways. Perhaps the council is successful, and the event is simply a straight-forward effort to clean the school. Perhaps sections of the school become so badly affected by the infestation that they need to be quarantined and students who enter do so at their own risk. Ultimately, the opportunity such an event presents is to give the students (and student council) a common enemy, a common problem that they can work together to solve.

Personal Information - (in character)

Name: Teresa Keating

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Phone number: 030 208 8111

How would you describe your personality?:
I would like to think benevolence and friendliness typify me at all times, but that’d be much too prideful. I am a religious sister, a Nun (novitiate) and I actively enjoy meeting strangers and doing my best to be as inviting as possible notwithstanding my somewhat alienating appearance and propensity to be rather nosey.

I have an incredible aversion to the bad-mannered, willfully ignorant, and elitist members of society; particularly when they are older than me and should know better. I’ve chosen to dedicate my life to the underprivileged members of Karakura, including the imprisoned, sick, and homeless. I’ve always treated them with kindness, so the treatment of the young as a scourge and the callousness often shown to complete strangers “rendered invisible in an instant” appears to me as a grave offense.

I enjoy time by myself, spending it in contemplative prayer; enriching myself in the mysteries of my religious order, but I have hobbies too! Singing, writing, and drawing among them.

Many people dub me boring, and naive, criticizing my propensity to see the good in everyone. However, I like to think it is because I do my best to have unshakable principles.
In my view, no one is beyond redemption: what’s important is that we be honest with ourselves, and what we choose to do after shameful moments of weakness where we forget ourselves.

Left art-credit: Feukren
Right art credit: Miroroll
A diminutive figure, standing at 5’3 and weighing 63 kg. Her petite frame suggests a sedentary lifestyle, yet her posture is immaculate, providing her with an air of vitality and health.
Teresa’s skin is very pasty and pale, typically covered up with modest clothing or the attire of a novitiate. This style of dress, combined with a silver crucifix would make her seem out of place if she would just be less serene and jubilant! She can’t help it.
Her eyes are green while her hair is light brown, with most being kept tucked away behind her veil. She permits some hair to flow down her shoulders. Teresa is never seen with make-up; though her intense skin-care routine is evident and pays dividends.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
Well… for one, my appearance and lifestyle. They both tend to make me quite easy to pick out from a crowd. But, to answer you more meaningfully: I’d like to think it’s my unshakable principles. A principled person of good character is something I suspect marks an applicant out for the better; as opposed to someone who flip-flops on all their positions based on what is popular, or what their friends think, etc. I was deeply emotionally touched by the [above] picture an 8th-grader handed to me once upon a time that I've appended to this application.

It left a deep impression on me. To think that I could be seen in such a manner, as someone who is a peacemaker, someone my peers can confide in and provide an overall positive example has led me to apply here. I would relish the opportunity to take part in the work of the student council so that my peers feel not simply safe ‘with me’ but coming to school generally. It should be something they look forward to, for they were given life to have it to the full! That is my position.

Why do you want this position?:
I have been deeply affected by the cruelty and hardened hearts of my peers. I have seen bullying, as implied by a drawing given to me by a younger student. I have been SUBJECTED to bullying, having my hair egged. Consequently, you could say my desire to do good, to soften hearts, and to make the school a safer place is rather personal: but I am keenly aware I’d have professional obligations. I'm applying because when I see bullying and other issues in the school, things that pull at the heartstrings, I am no longer sated by merely offering intercessory prayers in solitude knowing I could also be offering some additional service as well.

I am also a compassionate person at heart and see a great deal of potential for the council to promote compassion, not just through stymying bullying but through charity events, and other celebrations that bring people together.

What interests you the most about student council?:

I shall be candid: it is the fact the council can influence student life through events individual councilors can propose and the council collectively can, to an extent, coordinate. Moreover, they have greater cause and reason to communicate with the student body, they have special lines of communication. I enjoy forming friendships and speaking to my peers quite generally, but being able to more actively involve myself in communicating with my fellow students *at large* is quite different, and it is very desirable! My peers would also have greater cause and reason to speak to me as well, raising issues or simply asking questions about upcoming festivities, raising issues, or just wanting to chat. I’d relish the chance to be a trusted sister and friend to all willing to share in that friendship, and not some pompous paper-pusher!

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

I would like to make an impact perhaps in a more subtle way than perhaps other applicants. I do not presume myself to be more qualified than the school’s counselors, but I would like to think it is incredibly important that there are members on the council who are approachable. That is to say, someone students would feel comfortable confiding in, someone with clear and obvious principles who will not turn their back on them or abandon them. I cannot stress enough how significant such a thing is to me, personally: I for my own (obvious) reasons never feel alone, lost, or abandoned … but, I would hope to extend the same solace I find through my own methods to my peers by simply being there to serve them. I am if my vocation did not make it clear enough, all about service!

As for… ‘fun’, well, most debase me as an overly quiet and bashful bore, but I rebuke them all! I’m totally fun, actually! At any rate, I would apply myself when brainstorming and attending council meetings. I’d happily apply myself to whatever festivities the council plans and, through my service, ‘create the fun’ or have a hand in it through my service.
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Level 204
Council Lead
Welcome to High School Council. Please ping me in the #help channel in the KA Discord for your roles.

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