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Denied https_dakota | Event Team Application


Level 43
Lore Team

Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server:
Warns (from all I remember) - Loitering at school gates, key bind spam, not being in school grounds
Kicks - Spamming

Ban Appeal

Please provide any previous faction applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
Coatuh !#0666 | I do have a working mic!

What are your time zone and country of residence?:
CST, America

Are you aware that if you are inactive on the team you will be demoted?
Yes, I know that if I’m inactive while on the team, I will be demoted.

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
OOCLY, I’ve had working experience with teams when it came down to me having an actual job, and in school where I had been on the Color Guard team where we had to work as a team to plan routines, teach each other how even to use the flag, let alone try to dance with it. As for my actual job, I worked at a bakery cafe where I would make the food in the production line and have to communicate with my other co-workers if I needed help or anything along those lines.

ICLY, I’ve engaged in criminal & GangRP, as well as in the reporter faction, EMS faction, School Faculty faction, and even the High School Track Team. All of these factions I’ve been a part of require you to work as a team, whether you’re helping as a higher-up to train newer members in the faction, or you’re trying to all get the same thing done but have to do different parts to complete the task at hand as a whole. Especially for being in something like GangRP, where I’ve been in at least 12 different gangs with many different people on the server, you have to figure out how everyone communicates best, especially if something is going wrong and you need to fix it as fast as you possibly can.

Are you currently part of any Community Team? If so, which one, and do you think you are able to manage your activity in both?
Though I’ve applied for one, I’m not currently part of any Community Team.

Please provide a minimum of three (maximum of five) detailed event suggestions that would work for our server:

To take away from all the negativity that the city of Karakura has, a petting zoo is an amazing way to bring everybody together since nearly everybody loves animals, right?

It’s a nice day out in Karakura, and all of a sudden, there’s an announcement that there’s a petting zoo out at the beach! Once citizens start to arrive at their destination, they’ll be met with farmers who have cows, sheep, goats, raccoons, foxes, etc.

The citizens will be offered the chance to pet, feed, and sit with the animals for as long as they’d like until the day comes to an end. Though, a while into the event, a sheep seems to get out of the enclosure, once one gets out, they ALL get out and start running around freely!

An announcement to the city is made that sheep have escaped their enclosure at the petting zoo! KPD is on the chase to help find these mischievous creatures and bring them back to their home so they can leave safely. Within the announcement, it’ll be recommended to call 110 if any sheep are seen anywhere but their enclosure at the beach!

This is more of a light-hearted event to try and cover up all of the bad events in Karakura, though it doesn’t do much. This won’t have a time limit, though hopefully, it’d be under 2 hours since we don’t want to drag it out for too long, it’s up to everyone to decide on how long they want it to go on for!

As we all know, or most of us know, people in SRP love almost anything scary. This will bring something new to the SRP community and events since it’s not going to be something involving the paranormal or even an alternate universe.

Once the citizens of Karakura start to doze off to sleep at night, a group of people will be randomly pulled into a nightmare. The said group of people will all appear in the same area which will be a forest where they will see a very tall, pale figure wearing a nice pink suit and tie which was drenched in blood. The figure would be holding a rusty axe, which was also nearly covered in fresh blood, a corpse was seen against a tree near the said figure.

The majority of the events that take place within the nightmare will be the consequence of the actions that the group has made, whether it was an individual or group action won’t matter in this case. Though, the group will end up being chased and they will have the decision to either split up and run, run while staying grouped up, or find some weapon around the area to fight back with.

These characters can die, though they won’t genuinely die since something like this will just be a type of nightmare, so nothing except for their emotions will be real. Once the character has been ‘murdered’/’dies’, they will automatically wake up in a state of panic, due to the dream feeling too real to be fake.

Each time this kind of event happens, it’ll take up a minimum of 20 minutes and a maximum of an hour before they’re forcefully sent back to ‘wake up’ right where they had fallen asleep before having the nightmare. These events will continue throughout however long we can pull it out for, but I’d say once or twice a week for about 2 - 3 months. This is something that I want to have almost reported on by reporters, taken to psychs, etc.​
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Comedy isn't seen much in the server, during events that are based around the government faction! Why not take this chance that you rarely get to observe and use it to almost an advantage to bring more attraction towards the government faction?

A group of kids is given the task to protect the mayor at all costs, though they're just terrible at it and it shows. Even though they're horrible at their job, they're always going to be bodyguarding the mayor in order to keep her safe from any other assassination attempts, especially after the last one that happened. The kids will be carrying around brooms since it's all they can afford.

As the day goes on and the mayor is out and about, the five kids are always right by her at all angles, from the sides to the back and front, they didn't want to risk anything of course! These childish 18-year-olds use their 'finger guns' to 'shoot', as well as using their brooms to whack anybody in the kneecaps if that said person poses a threat to our dear mayor, Annabell Sturm.

The five kids are very clumsy, almost too clumsy to be true! Eventually, they'll manage to somehow even trip the poor mayor due to their terrible balance, plus, they can barely even see through those very dark paper-made shades they wear over their eyes, they swear they look very cool with them even when they don't. Even though this group of kids may look like professionals with a quick glance when in reality, they're hysterically terrible at everything they do.

The kids will be played by a group of event team members, about five, maybe four, but no more than six. These kids will only show up while the mayor is outside and walking around Karakura, though they'll somehow randomly disappear after she's gone back inside, as well as being gone after a day.

Knowing that Karakura is currently at its peak once more with crime, why not bring some creepy clowns into this one to help out? Though these clowns aren't your everyday creepy clowns, they're in Karakura to cause as much disturbance and destruction to the city as they can.

Out of nowhere, glass is heard breaking from the distance, along with the sound of maniacal laughing, what the hell was it? After a few seconds, a large group of people dressed up as clowns are holding huge hammers, bats, and any blunt weapon that they could get their grubby little hands on. The entire group was running at full speed toward the plaza, they looked ready to hit anybody that may have been in their way at the time.

As soon as they get to the plaza, they start to harass the citizens, threatening them with blunt weapons, screaming in their faces, and even chasing them away and into other areas of the city. after they decide they're done with the people for now, the clowns start heading their way to the town hall. Using their weapons, they start to shatter any glass that may have been once around them, then they proceeded to smash their bats into anything that was in their sight.

All of a sudden, they started to head over to the Family Store, plugging a phone into the aux cord for the speakers, they started to blast circus music, what made it so unsettling was the fact that it sounded so happy and filled with excitement though havoc was being brought to the town as it played. The clowns then ended up splitting up, one throwing the speakers onto the roof so nothing could be taken down or stopped by a civilian.

As the night goes on, the clowns continue to break anything in sight and harass anybody who may be in their way, even looking at them while you're in their sight will be enough of a reason to go after you! Slowly, one by one, the clowns start to disappear into the dark night, and eventually, all will be satisfied with their doings for the city and its citizens... Will there be a next time? Let's hope not.

Since it's a flash event, I intend for it to not go over an hour and 25 minutes, maybe some prepared actions could be of good use in this kind of event!​

First off, this will be a yearly event with this leprechaun, but something different will happen every year, hopefully, none will be repeated, but once in a while one may be repeated if no ideas come to mind. I believe that players will certainly have a lot of fun during this event since they can choose the outcome of the leprechaun’s fate and also get a really cool prize/reward from the KPD or the leprechaun itself!

A stand of people dressed in all green will be selling St Patrick’s Day goodies like candies, T-Shirts, hoodies, cookies, etc! One of these stands will be displaying a pot of gold, where a leprechaun disguised as one of the workers will take the pot of gold and make a break for it. A public announcement will then take place, the announcement will state that the leprechaun has stolen a pot of gold from one of the stands and is currently on the run!

There will be a bounty on the leprechaun, whether it’s money, an item, or anything that can be given as an event item if it’s brought back to the KPD WITH the stolen pot of gold. Though they may choose to return the leprechaun, the player(s) may also choose to help hide the leprechaun by hiding it anywhere they can, or even distract the police by telling them the wrong directions/locations of the leprechaun to purposely throw them off their track.

After the announcement of the leprechaun’s theft, players will have to go around the map to gather clues to find out the leprechaun’s hidden location. Players will be given light hints, riddles, items, etc to assist in finding the leprechaun itself. Hints with items, or players with information/riddles will be walking, standing, or placed around the map.

Also, if the player(s) choose to hide the leprechaun from getting caught by the cops or other players, they will have a certain amount of time to help the leprechaun escape the city of Karakura itself. Though before the leprechaun leaves, the player(s) will receive a gift/reward/prize from the leprechaun as a kind of ‘thank you’ for helping it keep its pot of gold and escaping the cops!

For the event itself, I was thinking it could be around 1 and a half - 2 and a half hours long (could be shorter if it needs to be!) I just want there to be enough time for the first part of the event to go on, then the leprechaun taking the gold and running, as well as enough time for the players to run around the map and find the clues to where they can find the hidden creature.
Build & Leprechaun Skin!

Additional notes (You may leave this blank):
If needed, I can explain all of these better in a vc, it's just a bit harder for me to put it all into very detailed words in a document without a discussion about it in some kind of voice chat if that makes any sense, but I can always clarify the event's descriptions in DMs! I'll also be able to make the skins for any events that skins may need!

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Level 211

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Event Team! Unfortunately, we have chosen to deny this application for the following reasons:
- Your application could use more original and practical events

Feel free to re-apply anytime!

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