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Accepted ItzTC | Librarian Application


Level 2
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?)
Yes, my username is TCMusic#0424

How old are you? (Optional)
I am 19 years old, turning 20 in April of next year.

What is your time zone?
Central Daylight Time, United States

Describe your activity on the server.
I'm consistently active, averaging near 20 hours of activity on most weeks. With my third college semester having just started, this value may drop due to future exams and projects and whatnot, but I will still easily be able to reach the required 10 logged hours each week that employees must have.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?)
Yes, but only once. This was due to myself attempting to bypass the Anti-AFK system on the server to make sure that my character was able to grade up as soon as possible. This was back in 2019 when I was returning to SchoolRP after being absent from the server for just over a year. Since the incident, I have made sure to simply remain active for longer each day, rather than try to bypass systems that help keep the server running as smoothly as it should. My appeal to this incident can be found in the list of links provided 5 questions beneath this one.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?
I acknowledge this policy, and will make sure to remain active.

School Employee Role you are applying for?
I am applying to be a School Librarian.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for.
The librarian, by definition, tends to the school’s library and its resources. Whether that involves finding, maintaining, sorting, or other actions, most of their work surrounds the resources that the Library can provide to those who seek extra information. They spend a majority of their time within the Library, and offer their services to those who are having trouble or seeking an extra opinion on where to find certain bits and pieces of information.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?
I have been playing SRP for a total of nearly 4 years. I used to be active in late 2017, only to return to SRP in 2019, and have remained active ever since. Although I have not played personally, I actively watch DnD campaigns in my free time, so I can easily say that Roleplay is essentially my primary form of entertainment on a day-to-day basis.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - [Accepted] - [Accepted] - [Denied] - [Accepted] - [Denied]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level).
At the time of writing this application, my character is simply a Grade-12 High School Student.


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?
Damien would quickly and quietly request the student to avoid using harsh language while on school grounds, giving the student in question a single verbal warning. If the student were to continue using such language, Damien would resort to giving the student a detention, as well as personally escorting them out of the school’s library, refusing to let them re-enter until after they have served said detention.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?
Damien would rush to break up the scene, as well as move any crowd that had formed away from the two individuals. While making his way over, Damien would call another member of the Faculty to help separate the two students. After the two students are separated, and the crowd is cleared, Damien would give both students detention, requesting that the two are separated during that time.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?
Damien would take the time to confront said employee, asking them why they performed actions that were deemed inappropriate, and what they were hoping to get out of performing said action. Damien would make sure to tell said employee that their actions are inappropriate and should not take place in the workplace, and that it could easily impact a large amount of people without them intending for it to be that way. If the employee were to continue their actions, Damien would report said employee and their actions to a higher-up member of faculty.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
Damien is a very professional, yet caring individual. If he were to be in the employee break room alone, he would simply make himself a cup of coffee, take out his phone, and contact his wife to check in on her during his work day. If there were to be other faculty members within the break room, Damien would make sure to be present in their conversations, and would happily be the one who starts a conversation if there isn’t one already happening. Damien would make sure that all of his peers felt included and cared about as they went through their day.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would carefully pick up the books from the “return” pile at the main desk, flipping the few that weren’t properly lined up with the others, and beginning to sort them all by genre, forming a small stack of each genre to be returned to their respective bookshelves throughout the library.

/me would give the student a gentle smile, carefully swiping their library card. He would then look over to the monitor on his right, checking the student’s requested information. After nodding to himself, he’d turn back to face the student and return their library card, saying “You’ve still got a week left before your assigned due date, but you’re absolutely welcome to bring it in to us anytime before that!”

/me would make sure to scan each book that the student had placed on his desk, giving them a bright smile while scanning their library card. After issuing each book to the student’s library account, he would carefully bag up the books for the student, saying “There we are! Good luck on your studies, and happy reading!”

In-Character Section

Full Name: Damien Formenti
Title: Mr.
Preferred Name: Mr. Formenti

Age: 28.
Gender: Male.
Religious Denomination: N/A (Non-Religious)
Marital Status: Married

Academic Degree: Bachelors.
Year of Graduation: 2015.
Major(s): Construction Science, and English Lit.
Minors: Mathematics, and Journalism.

Nationality: Hispanic.
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.
Native Languages: Spanish.
Other Languages: Japanese.

*595 Words*

Damien Teo Formenti was born on May 10th, 1993 in Andalucía, Spain. He was born to a poor couple, who quickly realized that they simply could not afford to take care of their son soon after his birth. Damien has no clear memory of either of his parents, as his earliest memories are just of his early childhood in foster care, alongside a large group of other Hispanic children. This is where he learned to speak and write in Spanish, as that’s all he heard the other children speaking to one another in. Damien remained in foster care all the way through his primary education, until one day in 2006, Damien, now being the oldest of the house, was chosen by an elderly Japanese woman to become her adopted son, and travel with her across the world to Japan.

Despite being adopted, Damien refused to drop his last name for the one of his adoptive mother. He felt that if he were to give it up, he’d lose that last possible connection to his parents that he never truly had. Now residing in Karakura, Japan, Damien was enrolled into the local high school, and immediately struggled with his education due to being unable to read or speak even a single word in Japanese. Over time, Damien was able to slowly pick up words and phrases, and eventually learn a great majority of the Japanese language through his studies, as well as tutoring and language classes for foreign students. This was exactly what Damien needed: An easy, quiet life full of new opportunities.

Soon enough, however, Damien found himself unhappy with both himself and his new life. Having always been the kid who needed to be doing something to feel good about himself, being stuck to an endless loop of classes and quiet hours of free time was boring to him. Issuing himself a challenge, he was determined to improve his self-esteem, and began physical training based on various tips and tricks he found with very minimal research on the internet. Thankfully, this worked out well for him. Throughout the remainder of his high school years in Karakura, Damien was able to find a close group of friends, further improve upon himself, and maintain a solid, dedicated work ethic. He even found himself falling in love with a very close friend of his, who ended up moving in with him not too long afterwards.

In his college years, Damien was dedicated to finding a well-paying occupation through hard work and determination. This caused him to pursue a Construction Science major, while making sure to minor in helpful fields and topics just in case landing a job wasn’t as easy as planned. His group of friends was only growing tighter with one another, with a few members of the group even ending up getting married. Soon enough, Damien had grown close enough to his girlfriend, and had asked her to marry him. Graduating in the class of 2015, Damien had successfully earned his Bachelor’s degree, and began working small jobs and internships, sometimes requiring him to visit foreign countries, to which he gladly brought his wife Melanie along, giving her a mini tour of the world before eventually returning to Karakura to pursue a comfortable, steady lifestyle together.

Seeing a flyer whilst out and about the town, Damien decided to submit a job application to work for his local high school, as he had the Literary experience for it, and found the pay to be just what he and his wife were looking for to achieve their comfortable lifestyle.

Motivation for Joining KHS
My main motivations to join KHS include a steady and reliable income, as well as the opportunity to help out the very high school that made me who I am today. Through my past education, I have been able to travel the world and provide my wife and I with many amazing experiences. If simply being dedicated to the education provided by such a school can earn you the lifestyle and experiences that my wife and I have now, then I want to do all I can to help provide that very education to today’s students. I have always had an interest in Literature and Journalism, so being able to share my experience and knowledge of such things with today’s students sounds absolutely wonderful to me.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate. (If not, respond with "N/A")

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?
I personally would describe myself to be a very dedicated and devoted individual. I’m always wanting to further improve upon myself, and I find this job opportunity the perfect place to do exactly that. I always set goals for myself to give myself that feeling of self-progression, so having that as a job would be very helpful in giving myself that sense of self-improvement. I always try to find newer, more efficient ways to get work done, and I feel that libraries have always had that “slow moving” niche that has yet to be properly worked upon.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for the position of Librarian at Karakura High School.

After carefully reading through your application, I have concluded that your application is up to par with the standards expected when reviewing School Employee applications, welcome to the team! There are just a few steps left to obtain your role(s):

- Ensure that you’re in the Karakura Academics Discord.
- DM me via Discord to get your roles and permissions setup: @KimiNoUso#9999.​

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