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KPD Officer Application || SetteSeas


Level 64
Shrine Lead
SetteSeas Officer Application.

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
SetteSeas (Account I'm applying with)

DivingBlues (Main)
DrivingCrazy (Alt)
_CreditCardInfo (Alt)

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?
AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (changes to AEST out of daylight savings)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Lore Team Application - SRP || Lore App

Build Team Application - SRP || Build App

Judge Application - SRP || Judge

Shrine Application - SRP || Shrine

Teacher Application - SRP || Teacher

Describe your activity on the server:
During weekdays if I have school ongoing, I am normally on around 2-4 hours after I get home from school. Normally around 4pm AEDT and then logging off around 7-8pm AEDT after I have to go, or the server restarts to spend time winding down. If there is homework or after-school activities in the mix it can be 1-2 hours sometimes or none.

If it's a weekend I normally can be on for around 6-8 hours depending on the weather and what I have on. Logging on at the start of the day around 7-8am AEDT and running until mid day. Commonly then I take breaks or go out for a little. If I have something on it can drop down to around 5-6 hours. It normally depends on what I have on and how long I am away for.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I took my time to think over my thoughts and decisions coming into this. The reason I wish to apply for KPD is because I always took an interest in it. I’ve been a part of the teacher, government in the past and shrine faction for some time now. However, after a lot of thought and focus I decided I wanted to have a go at something new and apply for KPD. My motivation doesn’t lay in that it's something new, but I always took an interest in officer work in general. The training and discipline they have in real life has been an interest to me for some time. The dedicated hours and patience they have for the community and people the server really is something that I respect. While in every country it's different, here in Australia they are like that. I had respect for them remaining level-headed and focused through situations. My motivation for applying is to go out of my way and experience a new form of roleplay while having fun and doing it correctly. Inspired by the people around me in real life who do the jobs they do.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
While I don't know much about police work, I understand the basics around my area in Australia. It may vary or differ in different counties but from my knowledge I will list it here. Normally police go through physical training heavily to organise and learn what they’ll be up against during their trials. They are thrown into situations and trained with hand-to-hand combat and how to use their equipment. Trained officers can head out on patrols around their allocated area whether it be road patrol, street patrol or responding to emergency calls that come through the lines. They are also a responding team to crashes and other accidents that happen on the roadways or crime committed to houses or other individuals. I am aware there's a complex system within Police forces with different ranks and titles, however I am unable to list them. Each one is responsible for their time, experience, and commitment to their job.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Due to the high crime rate within SRP the police are needed to maintain and control their numbers. It is not only that the officers in SRP also act as the responding team to fires, attacks and sometimes searching or responding to natural disaster damages and other chaotic causes. They too act as support and are the backbone to the protection of the government officials. Officers take turns in going on patrols in groups of 1-5. While it is uncommon for officers to go alone, some take shifts running around the map on set routes. They help to enforce laws to the citizens of Karakura while also handling small side issues that may come into play throughout their patrol or in their desk work.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I understand and I will do my best to make it on the times I can.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Ayame Otori.

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Female, she/they

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

ICLY grade currently is Grade-12.

Ayame shifted to Japan after some issues with Karakura and proceeded to join the military and studied Criminology and Criminal Justice. Remaining in the military for 4 years before stepping down and following her family back to Karakura.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Ayame stood around a solid 5 '8, after years of working hard in the military and training until she could feel her body burning with the ache to rest, she had gathered a slightly muscular frame. Across her left arm a snake coils around, sitting peacefully as she walks around. Looking into the eyes of a warrior her left eye was blue, like the rocky oceans that circled the island, and the other green reminding one of the lush forests that tower in the mountains of Japan. Usually, her hair is jet black and tied up in a bun atop of her head, a hair pin stabbed through it to hold its shape. But not always does it hold and loose strands of hair pry themselves free and fall around her face. A mask of composure was always present on Ayame’s face, focused and sharp, waiting for a reaction. Sometimes if you peer closely enough to her there is a burning deep within her eyes, a passion to be a samurai warrior or just a warrior in general. Her average clothing consisted of a black tank top with high waisted beige cargo pants.

For her personality, it mimics one of a snake. Normally calm and relaxed Ayame doesn’t mind socialising with people and taking some time to relax around her co-workers. However, when the snake is put into a box its senses heighten. When thrown into a situation or working with people out of her station or normal workplace Ayame’s senses come into focus. Working hard and remaining level-headed she takes care of the situations around her with a controlled and consistent manner, always getting out when she feels stuck. Strike when the snake knows it’s in danger. In heightened moments and deadly situations Ayame channels back to her military training working in a focused manner to fight back when she knows she's in a dire situation. Knowing deep down too Ayame will go out of her way to step up and help her co-workers too.

What sets Ayame apart from the rest sometimes is her skill in hand-to-hand traditional combat. Taking an interest in the samurai arts as a kid Ayame learned how to fight in a traditional manner with hand-to-hand combat. Preparing to fight back or teach one a lesson if asked to spar. She is also skilled with a katana if needed, however never received an actual one.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Professional Situation: Ayame would remain calm and level-headed focusing on the people around her and looking into how they’re acting. Then focusing on her teachings, she would greet those she needed to in a formal yet professional manner, using her tone and voice carefully. Mainly remaining out of conversations if it is not a part of her agenda or to stand nearby as reassurance. Sometimes she’d be seen as mimicking others, but it is only when she is unsure or unable to match the tone or mood.

Causal Situation: Normally being pretty laid back Ayame would go to her normal state of her calm and collected personality. Focusing on everyone around her with a welcoming manner. Despite an absent smile the emotions reading through her eyes with shimmers and sparkles of joy and admiration. If offered the chance Ayame would step in to have some fun along with her co-workers or friends with whatever they’re doing.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Ayame learned to have a love for working with her team and cooperating with other people of her community or workplace. Being a part of the military for so long Ayame learned to respect her peers and teammates working in a uniform group to get the job done. Ayame has a strong belief in teamwork and cooperation between different groups. Aware that in situations of dire need or in a workplace such as the Karakura Police Department there is a strong need for teamwork and uniform movement. Every person Ayame meets she focuses on setting out a good stage between herself and her team. Having a close connection and inspiration to each person and their commitment working there. Knowing that they need her back as much as she needs theirs.

What's your character's backstory?

Ayame always originated from Karakura. Wind tore through the city howling and yelping to the cries of people as a storm slowly rolled over. A gloomy day only suited the moods of the two parents who were bowing over a young girl. Her cries mimicked the howling winds as she screamed and kicked bellowing in the house. Lightning raced across the sky and a horrid crack echoed across the city welcoming the rain that charged through after. Both Aya and Daiki worried Ayame’s cries would draw their enemies' attention. Criminals lurked in the dark streets of Karakura, like wolves they worked together. Stalking, hunting, and ambushing innocents across the city with no mercy behind their eyes. Yet without a worry in the world the child continued to cry and drowned her parents in terror knowing they’d deal with her forever.

Once Ayame reached the age of 6 Daiki deemed his daughter ready to learn their traditional fighting style with a kyudo bow and trained with a katana. At first Ayame struggled under the gruelling fighting against her father. With a man double her size and a fearsome frame he was only as imposing as he first seemed. Some days her footing was off, her strength was lacking, or she was distracted. All Daiki did was force her to push herself harder and harder. Ayame believed she was different. Born to be a warrior unlike all the children around her and her other family. Eventually pushing her mind telling herself she would be raised strong.

As years of training passed Ayame attended every training session her father would demand to have. Aya, Ayame’s mother would only attend to her daughter's wounds before disappearing into the labyrinth of Karakura’s streets. A clank was sent across the room, sword to sword Ayame stared at her father with cold eyes. He broke her and kicked her around, his aim he stated to make her stronger. Too slow and too late, Ayame was sent sliding back and hurt by her father.


For the first time in her 18 years Ayame heard her father call a name unfamiliar. But she was known for the stories of Ikuchi… In her time of being a child Ikuchi was the large sea serpent that threaded its body through ships off the coast of Japan. Squeezing the life out of those who were on-board and devoured without hesitation. For Ayame it was like a sai blade being wedged into stone never to be pulled out. Ikuchi… not Ayame it was Ikuchi and never would be Ayame again. With her sobs tearing through her throat Aya barged into the door. Her blood running from wounds cut deep and she gasped.

“RUN! RUN NOW! They have found us! They know where we are… Take Ikuchi and run!”

Now Ayame understood, she was never a girl, she was a daughter of two parents. Two parents who have a criminal record scribbled all over their bodies and desperately trying to raise a daughter to take their place. Ayame was raised to fight, to train and to work to her limits to fight with her parents. Joining the criminal underworld, the city was plagued with.

Daiki’s hand snaked around his so-called ‘daughter’ and he dragged her up from the floor. With her kicking and screaming over his arm he ran off from their small house.

What followed was a drowned memory and dazed sight. Ayame woke up but in another house, another place. The air was different, sweet, and lighter and the room breathed with a new light. Ayame could hear her father thudding around the house, his heavy footsteps never light against any surface. Frantically Ayame searched the roof and grabbed a nearby phone. It was her fathers, but she had peered over his shoulders long enough to know the code. Tapping in the password she unlocked the phone and searched through until she found the location. Ayame’s hands trembled when she realised, she was in Sapporo in Japan. Her vision blurring and her body trembling Ayame set the phone down. She knew if she was to wait around her father would find out and turn her into a weapon.

Sliding out of bed she pressed her feet against the floor and reached for the jacket resting on the chair. Ayame has limited choices and with only a fraction of time she snatched a small envelope she could only hope some money would be listed in there. Running over to the window she fumbled with it before sliding it open. No regrets, no hesitation, and no thought of mind. Ayame slipped through the window and closed it running off.

With the little money she had, Ayame ran around the streets of Sapporo knocking on doors and begging anyone who would listen to her pleas. Eventually a door opened, and an elderly couple stood there and stared at her. The elderly man spoke to Ayame and pointed a shaky hand to the inn across from them. He mentioned to her that they have posters enlisting people in the military for Japan. Bowing gratefully, she raced off to the inn.

Racing through the small line Ayame placed her name down desperately and watched as the military official tilted his head to her and questioned her choices. However, not denying her enlisting, Ayame soon joined the military.

For the next years that came Ayame spent her time mastering her discipline and focus on her co-workers and their tasks at hand. Soon after 17 years past and Ayame received a letter. It was addressed to her explaining how the Otori family was permitted to come back into Karakura without the stress of the gangs hot on their tails. At first Ayame considered the letter and then finally agreed to leave. After 17 years she had adapted a focused and level-headed mind. With her resigning letter through she travelled back to Karakura excited to reconnect with her roots.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, you cannot own or carry a pocket knife. It goes against the Karakura laws and constitutions and is deemed as a weapon which is illegal. Having possession, storage or carrying one, is deemed illegal and if caught is a punishable offence.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, Cough Syrup, Bandages, Vitamins and uhm… Melatonin.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Immediately I’d grab my phone and press record for it. Not to see the world around me but to record the voices around me. I’d then step into the situation. What is going down or what has happened shouldn’t be allowed to go through, with my phone concealed I would restrain my co-worker causing harm. Depending on the size and body weight of my co-worker it may be a struggle to pin down or restrain them. Using my body weight and strength I’d hold them down. If they’re too strong I’d cuff their wrists to avoid any hands being thrown my way. Turning to the other one who was being abused. If unconscious, I’d focus on calling for assistance from other co-workers or EMS to come handle the situation. If they are conscious, I’d ask they leave the area and try gain contact to a higher up or other co-workers as I work to handle the one under me. The recording would later be taken to the higher ups followed by a CCTV check if there was a camera in the room.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
The situation would be the same as what happens with the co-workers. Working fast I’d call for backup over the radio and look closely at the situation. If there's the use of any weapons that cannot draw blood like knuckle dusters, gloves or bats I’d bring out my taser and use it against the offender or offenders. From there they would be cuffed and arrested for assault. If there is an involvement in weapons or objects, I’d take out my taser and prepare to handle the situation. Of course, I have called back up beforehand and prepared to create a distraction. If the individuals start running, I’d take out my tranquilliser and prepare to shoot if needed. After handling the situation I’d call for EMS to help me out with the injured cops along with arresting said individuals.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organisations?
With a phone or even being secretive as I gathered as much information as possible. Anything recording and stuff would be taken straight to the commissioner or higher up depending on the rank. Depending on what happens or if it is a higher up, I’d keep handing it to the commissioner with any information I am able to contain. If I am unable to gain evidence, I would still take it to a higher up and make them aware there is activity that can be deemed suspicious and to have a close eye kept on them.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
It goes against my qualities and reasoning. I would simply deny all attempts to try and bribe me. It's against conduct so why would I accept it?​

Last edited:


Level 328
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!​

In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

- We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!​

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Yonio) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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