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Accepted Lawyer Application | sunsetmeadow


Level 4
Community Team
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✫ LAWYER APPLICATION: sunsetmeadow

(old names: sstacy, ziqnye)


In-game Name: sunsetmeadow

Previous bans (include appeal links): No previous bans! <3


Discord Tag: stacylucy (discord username new update ✽)

Previously: stacy-lucy#6356

Do you have a working microphone?: I do not, unfortunately, but I can assure you that I'm very efficient at communication through text consistently, and swiftly! This will not (in any way) limit communication as I am always able to message with steady pace in response to any queries or remarks in meetings. If this is an issue, of course I can try figure something out but for the meantime I have no mic and am very used to text communication.
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Whilst not having a mic can be perceived as a negative, this also means I am more experienced in writing extended and detailed actions as I am consistently typing and responding to people in the most effective way I can possibly achieve. I can guarantee my full and undivided attention towards presenting myself as swiftly-paced at responses both ICly and OOCly, and I will have my discord open at all times.

Timezone & Country: BST/GMT and the United Kingdom!

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): // I have had multiple previous applications in the past to various things on the server, however I do not have it on this forum account! If needed, I can try dig and find them from a couple of years ago.

Describe your activity on the server: Recently I've been decreasing in activity to take a mental health break, however when I'm active (as I am now) I would estimate I play around 3-4 hours of SRP a day, sometimes more or less but roughly that; when it comes to weekends, up to 5-6 hours sometimes on days I am not outside! I think that with my return I am more than capable of actively reaching these same hours and productively represent the Lawyer occupation as professional and sufficient both OOCly and ICly equally with consistent hours online and activity within' the server. I believe that whilst I did take a break, this has given the opportunity for me to develop and handle longer hours of SRP and be capable of producing more beautiful roleplay possibilities. My activity is mostly spent doing DetailRP as seen through previous characters such as Valeriya or Serene.
I promise I will contribute as many hours as possible towards being a fantastic Lawyer on the server, offering the best of my ability towards the job. If there is anything that needs clarification on, my discord DMs are always open for queries; I understand how someone who has been on inactivity applying for an occupation can be negative in some regards, and that is why I will try my hardest to ensure you of my full attention and activity. I strongly and thoroughly enjoy roleplaying on SRP and this will open an even wider opportunity for me to develop and grow in such a loving community which has kept me going in the roughest of times, and I believe I can top my old regular activity of 4-5 hours to 6 between working hours on weekdays. My general hours on the server are around 1100-1200 hours however majority of that has been in the last 5 months alone. I joined SRP in late 2020 however most of my time spent on sophisticated roleplay through my activity was this year in 2023.

My activity on discord has also been regrettably small for the past week and a half, but now I am on medication, I am perfectly ready to return from the small inactivity into my old activity with a fresh mindset, agenda and perspective, spreading positivity to anyone OOCly that needs it, especially in such a challenging faction.

In rating, I'd estimate around:

9/10 (including inactivity)


What position are you applying for?:
The lawyer position!

What is your motivation for applying?: My motivation for applying is simple; I wish to be involved in the occupation as much as I can contribute, displaying effective, professional linguistics in roleplay to portray a perfect lawyer. I would love to be a lawyer in SRP since it inspires me to spark into my creative flow, and I find court cases and law fascinating OOCly. Also, being a lawyer will open up a vast door of roleplay opportunities - I wish to seek a fresh start in a field I admire and understand well. In addition, I have always studied the role and thoroughly enjoy the effort and process through it all. I've been exploring different areas of SRP throughout the years in attempts to find something that I enjoy the most, and in that time I realised something vital; regardless of what is popular, or other people find interesting, it is always correct to lead from your gut interests; I have been through years of GangRP, experience in Cheerleading, sports (Basketball), and I can identify now that what I really should be pursuing is what I care about and not where the popularity is. With that, my motivation comes strongly for the lawyer position, as it feels right. To elucidate further, I have ****ysed multiple lawyers at the town hall in their offices, and I have come familiar with the SRP interpretation of the frame of work; this has only further intrigued me, and lead me to want to apply.

To conclude, my main motivation is to grasp a plane of fresh, seraphic air in an occupation I have admiration for.

✫ ----------- ----------- ✫

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?: I have a thorough understanding of the Law and Constitutional rights! I have seen multiple mentions in court cases and have read through all 17 articles on the SRP website accompanied by the laws (on the forums).

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?: Of course, there are multiple goals I wish to achieve for both me personally OOCly (and of course my character Maeva). I believe it is important to expand my knowledge regarding law and enact a role in an occupation I have OOC interest in; I find the topic fascinating, as mentioned in my motivations, and I hope to achieve a better understanding from my character taking this IC position. I also believe it is important for my character Maeva to represent women who have had tough upbringings such as hers, doubted, belittled and shunned. She would be conveying a powerful IC message of empowerment in women (in politics) to be OOCly interpreted and understood by all audiences, setting as a fantastic example for all women out there. I also hope for my character to feel more in her place of work, having moved from France after concluding her business into a space where she feels more able to express her wishes through law. Generally from that, my goals would be to serve as a role-model (and set an example) ICly, and explore an occupation I have outstanding interest in.
Furthermore, I also hope to return to roleplay with a refreshed mindset, in an occupation I have expansive admiration for. All of these reasons combined make for the goal for immersion, experiencing and enacting the role of a lawyer to the best ability based on my capability.

My main goals generally in a list other than this are to. .


✫ Represent women in the industry, and any struggles faced!
✫ Present law in a perfect, organized fashion to learn and inform.
✫ Serve as a role-model to any others who feel they cannot reach their ambitions.
✫ Enact justice between plaintiffs and defendants to seek veracity and justice.


✫ Learn more on communication in court!
✫ Use DetailRP sufficiently to portray the role as Maeva.
✫ Communicate and assist others in any law enquiries.
✫ Serve an enjoyable roleplay experience in something I have interest in OOCly!


✫ Indulge in a perfective roleplay experience in which I can portray a character that has meaningful significance in the workplace ICly to convey an OOC empowering message.
✫ Use my knowledge OOCly on criminology and political science to improve and build an enjoyable roleplay experience in which I can ICly become a lawyer.

Educate from IC experience, and build a more sophisticated OOC understanding.
✫ Expand and build upon my diction of political vocabulary to implement techniques of logos (from Aristotle) in rhetoric persuasion (or convincing) to everyday situations of my life, gathered from IC trials or disputes; I aspire to understand the occupation of a lawyer in more depth through contextually relevant words (such as ''plaintiff'', ''defendant'', ''capital offense'', ''administrative law'', ''testimony'', ''hearsay'', ''objection'', ''deposition''. . etc).

. . To conclude, I believe that applying intuitive knowledge on the topic from my education and assessment of Karakuran articles, court cases, and laws, my goal is to convey a lawyer character to my best ability, and serve the occupation righteously.


In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

Serve justice between two conflicting parties consisting of the defendant and plaintiff or prosecuted. Lawyers collect evidence in SRP, viewing perspectives and creating conclusions to represent their client on trial. Lawyers speak on their clients' behalf and elucidate on points gathered from evidence and ****ysis of the situation to justify their client (with no biases) and their actions. They usually have to find abnormalities and weak opportunities to present counter-points towards the opposing party. In addition to this, lawyers in SRP uphold law as lawyers do OOCly, justifying their client with various articles of their constitutional rights. For example, Article 1 presents the idealogy that your human rights should never be infringed upon (never be breached). If it happens that a point or piece of evidence suggests that the client's human rights were breached, this could be presented as a point from evidence by a lawyer to further vouch on behalf of the law.

Lawyers typically serve as a guide to their client as-well (guiding them on what to say and not to. . etc), operating under the name 'attorney' occasionally.

(1) Official - TOWN | The Constitution of Karakura | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server

(1) Official - TOWN | Laws, Regulations, Legislature & More | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server


Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I am fully aware! Although I doubt this will become a prevalent issue, I understand and acknowledge removal for any and all reasons possible. The main goal is for everyone to have fun, so if there is an issue it is best that there will be a removal. I will follow every rule to the core however with full dedication!

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Of course, and I will stay loyal and dedicated as proven in my responses above!

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

I acknowledge this entirely and will not display any bias, I guarantee. Lawyers are supposed to be impartial, and I intend to follow this to my best ability without showing any preference or favouritism in my roleplay.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:

Multiple times! I agree to each and every one, and acknowledge them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Unless there is a severe medical issue or struggle, I believe I will be able to attend any and all meetings/events weekly.


A slip of paper, marked with a red margin was addressed towards the Town Hall of Karakura. . .


[Applicant Submission Photograph]

Full name:

A signature whisked across the extension of the page, carefully mended to perfection.
The signature alit before the reviewer's eyes, glimmering in perfective detail.

"Maeva H. Ikki"
. . ''一木''

Her family name embodies her empowering confidence, the ink exquisitely carving the Japanese symbols; one. . single. . alone. . Maeva.

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

In seraphic, beautiful writing, her title was written below in a traditional pen, drenched in fresh ink.

'''Miss Ikki'

Current age:


Date of birth:

The beckoning, daunting sunlight of the early evening unveiled the masquerade of the sky, displaying veracity and truthfulness in the darkness and stars that define our universe. . and with that, a clock hit midnight of July 21st, in Tokyo. Before words could be uttered, the beautiful, pure-hearted, justice-seeking Maeva came to life.

''July 21st, 1994'' - Official Birth Certificate, biological daughter of Maki and Iwai Ikki.


With ease, a sharp flick of ink swiped across the paper.


''Maeva Ikki: Law Student in the workplace of an attorney''

(Officiated internship stamp at ''Attorney & Law'' institution in Paris, France)

Academic Degree:

Master's Degree in Law & Business [2012]

[November 2nd 2012: Law Internship]

(Officiated internship at ''Attorney & Law'' firm in Paris, France 2/11/12)


Master's Degree in Law [Prior Law internship, 2012]
Master's Degree in Business [Prior Business internship, 2013]
Bachelor's Degree in Culinary Arts [2011]

Criminology, Political Science

Work experience:

"I have worked as a businesswoman for the past years of my life, and have simultaneously familiarized myself with the law. Despite this being my first time as a lawyer, I will meet up to professional standards necessary and exceed expectations. I have a Master's Degree in Law of which I was taken upon internships in France to study thoroughly how to represent clients in the workplace of an attorney. This shouldn't be too much of an issue however, as I do have sufficient knowledge from education and multiple practices. As a law student in France, I was also taken upon many internships and viewings to see court cases being handled. Although Karakura's system is different, I am more than familiar with the occupation and the Constitutional Rights articles used in Karakura (along with the laws regarding prosecution)."

Political background:
"My political background is extensive and knowledgeable, especially regarding attorneys and lawyers. I have worked as an intern multiple times during my time in college (during my stay in France) and have a thorough interpretation of the law, knowing how to manage the position as a lawyer with ease from my degree in college. This makes for experience and extensive background knowledge on how to exert the position, and a reasonably desirable candidate. Along with all of this, I have ****yzed many court cases and have become increasingly familiar with how Karakuran lawyers handle law disputes.
To conclude, my political background consists of knowledge, internship and thorough understanding; despite me not having been a Karakuran lawyer before, I have sufficient expertise and experience to depict a perfective political background for a candidate."

Along with this, besides my quote, aside from my business and internship, I temporarily worked as head of a Legal Clinic in France briefly (as acting head), exerting knowledge regarding legal and political matters in 2016.

Nationality & born location:

An organized answer was prevalent within' the ethnicity sector of the application.

"I'm Tahitian-Japanese. . with full Japanese descent, however my upbringing and culture lies within' the Tahiti tribes of the French Polynesia. . Society Islands, to be exact."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

A neat underline extended beneath 'Japanese'.

Japanese, Italian, Russian, (French)

Criminal record:

The gap on the page was filled with a swift whisk of . . nothing, it seemed.

. . .
A quote was written carefully beneath the empty box.

"Absolutely no criminal record. . . apparently, that's rare in Karakura."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?:

After tiring extensions of sophisticated answers and quotes from speech . . a lovely extension of paragraphs presented itself on the page before you. The intimidating paragraphs stared at the reviewer blankly. . .

I believe my sufficient ability to execute consistent professionalism paired with my knowledge of the Constitutional Rights studied in France for Japan, and degree in Law together makes for a perfect, bright candidate to represent the faction as an ex-business woman and aspiring Law Student. I also thoroughly enjoy the occupation, and ensure consistency. All candidates are worthy, however I believe I am a great option to be considered with my expertise and interest in the topic. I will showcase sophistication and formality at all times, containing a wide diction of aristocratic vocabulary, and a warm demeanour to any clients.

A line was drawn neatly, finely separating the individual paragraphs.

I also believe that I will bring a new flavour to the table, presenting a wonderful opportunity to express my knowledge and expertise with plenty more people, developing as a person; throughout my upbringing, I was always seen as not enough, constantly belittled for not being a male, and weak. I want to show and represent any of those women who feel like they aren't good enough and represent to them that they can make it. Despite what anyone protests against them, they can do it. And being a lawyer, an occupation stereotypically male, will create an empowering image for women who are struggling, who have been struggling.

Another line was drawn, extending towards the edge of the paper in a uniform fashion.

In addition, I am capable of handling long hours, and managing my time accordingly until satisfactory work is achieved. I have memorized, as mentioned in my first paragraph, each and every article of the Karakuran Constitutional Rights before recently moving here, and therefore am more than capable of utilizing them during my time as a lawyer. I have also memorized most terminologies and rhetoric in terms of law, having studied them during court viewings in Karakura, and of course France. But of course that doesn't mean anything, really. All of these paragraphs, offering promises and dedications, attributes, skills, even. . . what does this truly do to create a perfect candidate?

A carefully bullet-pointed list appeared beneath in sharp, precise pencil writing.

With this list, I hope to further elucidate on my attributes and build on how this creates a lovely image.

• Professionalism, and therefore formality: having experience as a businesswoman and exerting a sophisticated example for the role of a lawyer indicates a candidate that will show care for the art of the work to the maximum potential, dedication is vital in a challenging workplace, and my formality displays my pure respect for the frame of work.

• Expertise in the frame of work (knowledge): having an expansive diction of vocabulary in relation to the frame of work, along with interpretation of all 17 articles of the Karakuran Constitutional Rights, creates for a candidate who immediately recognizes how to exert her position, and that is what I hope to offer, as expressed in my paragraphs in more extensive detail. This adds onto my degree in "Law", and minor in "Political Science" with a perfect variety of background knowledge and relevant knowledge to Karakura specifically.

• Experience in the workplace: having had an internship in an official "Attorney & Law" firm in France in 2012, I am more than capable of understanding how to exert my position from past experience. As a student, I learnt how to create powerful arguments to support clients, based on evidence and interpretation, flawlessly hitting the top of my class.

• Understanding: knowing how Karakuran Lawyers handle cases has been fascinating, and has given me a wonderful understanding of the techniques utilized; I have seen many lawyers, such as Byeol Akihito display professionalism in their place of work, and build sophisticated cases. I am also aware of the cost in having a lawyer represent your disputes, and recognize how to treat clients with respect.

• Reasoning; why does this have any significance? . . "Well, I believe that with the attributes of comprehension (understanding) . . experience, from internships. . expertise in knowledge, along with professionalism, whether that be in demeanour or respect, create a fundamental ground for an aspiring lawyer to set off upon, and bloom. All of these attributes pair with a person's passion and will to carry out extended forms of work. . and I hope to dedicate all of my time, I suppose, to supporting the citizens of Karakura and support the Mayor, Sturm . . in building a safe, protected town where the people feel acknowledged and listened to . ."

A sharp line was drawn once more, marking the conclusion to her application exquisitely.

Finally, aside from the list, I believe that someone with passion and motivation (like I have displayed) to inspire, makes for a fantastic candidate, and that is where my true, veracious aspiration comes from. If we were to ****yse skills solely, then I believe that my Master's Degree and knowledge (along with dedication) creates the image of a perfect candidate. If there are any questions, you are welcome to ask me anytime. I hope this application is sufficient enough for you, and I hope I've provided satisfactory information.

Best of luck to other applicants,

Sincerely, Maeva

aeva signed off her signature, folding the corners of the papers to uniformly present her application. . .

"Professionalism means for perfection, at least, I hope.''

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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:
  • Please get in touch with me via Discord, @Aania to start the process and get you set up!​
Welcome to the Government Faction! :D

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