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Accepted Lawyer | ubebunx's Application


Level 6
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In-game Name:


Previous bans (include appeal links):

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:

Yes, I have a working mic.

Timezone & Country:

I’m in PST (GMT -8), in the USA. It’s not common for me to have a conflicting time schedule.

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
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Describe your activity on the server:

Fairly active, I often get on this account about 2-4 hours a day or more, often more. It depends on IC interactions and character development that occurs. However, I want to be more active and have more things to do on this account. I have a few other characters and accounts that keep me relatively active and available. On my college account, I’m a part of Akihito, which keeps me active for events and more detail-oriented roleplay. I do extremely miss having the element of playing an adult character involved with a community. With the lore, I’ve set up and with my character’s backstory, I feel it’d be appropriate for the position I’m applying my character for.

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What position are you applying for?:


What is your motivation for applying?:

As someone who loves speech and debate, I’ve always had a passion and admiration for the law system. I’ve consistently wondered if I should apply, and I think roleplaying something I’m passionate about would be beneficial to the government faction. I want to have interactive and lively performances in the courthouse, taking on cases, and talking to clients. I’d like to go to the KPD, and ask about the previous criminal records of a defendant or plaintiff. I’ve always had a knack for picking out arguments and unraveling the strings to create a solid case. I’d love to be more engaged, bring in more RP opportunities, and have solid, enjoyable sources of entertainment. That way, regardless of a won or lost case, all parties can feel as if they can be proud of just engaging and doing their part.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I’ve read the Karakuran laws & Constitutional rights back to front several times over to get a proper handle on things. In fact, before even considering being in government, I’ve had the laws & rights bookmarked on my browser in case my characters were ever detained or arrested. It’s come in handy a few times when being detained, mentioning a violation of Article 13 in the constitution when they weren’t informed of probable cause or reasoning. It not only got them off the hook but settled this sense of confidence in my knowledge of the server’s laws & IC character rights. I’d like to continue protecting other characters’ rights, reserving them the opportunity to plead their case.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

For me, I would like to pour passion into a new outlet. I was a part of EMS for a little over five months, after leaving my activity on this account dwindled and left me restless for something to do with my characters. I’ve found I’m a busybody and enjoy relentlessly throwing myself into something to do. I’d like new and refreshing RP opportunities with a new faction. After being a part of EMS, I’ve seen so many characters and so many arcs that were developed, and I’d like to defend and protect the rights of those characters. My ambition for seeing quality RP and taking joy purely out of being a small fraction of a scenario some enjoys festers in hopes to experience more with this new faction.

As for Sango, while not pressed for cash by any means due to her family’s affluent nature, desires to return back to work. She’s worked as a junior defense attorney in Hong Kong, her hometown, for years. Up until she moved to Japan to avoid turbulent family relations. Per customs with foreign lawyers, Sango had to re-enter law school and learn the laws & constitution of Japan. Now that she’s a single mother of two, watching over other family members of the Otoris, Sango aspires to come back to her passion, what she knows and does best. Unlike the majority of her family, Sango strives to keep peace and justice with her work, protecting the rights of her clients.

Whether it was a plea bargain, emancipation, settling and writing wills, foreclosures of property, or alimony charges from divorce proceedings, Sango always found herself with full dedication to each case or task. In her eyes, simply being back in her field of work would be a great goal achieved. Sango’s watched over court proceedings and cases for the last few months, in which she’s gotten to know a handful of the judges and lawyers in admiration for their work.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:

I’m applying for the lawyer position, which on this server is appointed to accept cases given by the attorney general. Lawyers, often referred to as attorneys, represent their clients and protect their rights, giving them their due justice. More often than not SRP, involve lawsuits against KPD, or criminal charges. There are prosecutors and defense attorneys representing plaintiffs and defendants, the person suing or the person being sued, which lawyers are selected to represent. However, there are also non-crime-related cases, like divorce proceedings and custody hearings. There are also wills, where a specialized lawyer called a litigator will ensure a client's rights are protected and a will is foolproof, lacking any sense of loopholes that can be worked around.

To my knowledge of the server, there aren’t specific lawyer roles. (I could be wrong, but I believe it could be easily explained while starting out.) I do know that to simplify things on the server and to quicken cases without drawing them out too long, objections are uncommon. From witnessing court cases on the server, lawyers present opening statements to the jury, aiming to present their client, set the scene, and explain the court case. Lawyers are also granted opportunities to present counter-arguments, present evidence, and give their closing statements.

A proper lawyer observes both perspectives, understanding what possible arguments their opposing counsel may come up with and having a succinct and air-tight statement in response. Knowing both perspectives grant a lawyer the ability to present their client in the best light possible. Although others may believe eliminating bias also eliminates passion for a case, I believe it’s quite the opposite. An excellent lawyer’s job is to properly present their client’s case with the same vigor and passion, despite personal reservations or beliefs. At the core of things, justice prevailing overshadows “winning” a case, even if it means settling for a lowered sentence, compromising to give your client a better result than initially.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:

Yes, of course.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:

Yes, I will be dedicated and will post and notify inactivity if I cannot be around when requested.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:

Yes. I will make sure to keep away from OOC bias, if any of my friends are arrested or suing, I will either pass a case off to someone else or treat them just as fairly as any other player.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:


Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:

Depending on the time of day, yes. I’m usually available to attend meetings & events. While I’m on the Spartan female football team, I would put priority on meetings & events for the government faction if there was a scheduling conflict.

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Full name:

Sango Otori

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
Ms. Otori

Current age:

Date of birth:

July 24th, 1990 (as of 1-15-2023)



Academic Degree:
Ph.D. in Criminal Justice
Juris Doctorate (J.D.)


Forensic Science

Work experience:

Under the age of 18, I have no official record resume-wise, my family was strict and refused to let their child work part-time at small stores for small jobs. This did allow me to fill my time with working towards being a junior attorney at Loeb Smith Attorney’s law firm in Hong Kong, interning while working on obtaining my J.D.

My family having background and businesses in Japan allowed me to learn Japanese young, they thought it would be a genius business tactic, allowing me to communicate with more people. It backfired, as the further I strained to find law firms further from my family in China, the faster I realized Cantonese speakers were less common. For some time, I worked as an online legal counselor after receiving my J.D., appointing legal advice and sending recommendations for clients to meet with specialized attorneys, prosecutors, and litigators.

What next? Well, I moved to Japan, I knew the language, and I had excellent scores and a few degrees under my belt. Unfortunately, moving to a completely new country meant learning a new set of laws and a new constitution. Clearly, I managed okay, since I finished law school with my Ph.D. in Criminal justice while serving as a defense attorney for 7 years and as an attorney general for an additional 3 years under a law firm in Osaka, Japan.

As for now, waiting for deliberation on my application with bated breath, I work as a legal consultant to clients. Referring my clients to specialists in their field, suggesting paralegals, business attorneys, and litigators, to fit a professional to their cases.

Political background:

I stand generally non-partisan with a lean towards the liberal side, without classifying myself in any particular political party.

While I’ve kept a keen eye on the law, reading books, practices, articles, and essays from front to cover, I trust the law. I don’t believe that the law of any country is perfect, or black and white. There are hundreds of laws and stipulations that cross over one another based on the situation. I firmly believe that the law is malleable, a building block for a capable and driven lawyer to create a stable foundation and provide justice to their clients. Interpretable and must be placed in responsible and just hands.

I have full-fledged faith in my capabilities, my knowledge, and those I’m applying to work beside. It is with my greatest hope that I can put trust in potential coworkers to be moral and proper. I have an ardent and extreme conviction for giving everyday citizens that mirror the world my children, nieces, and nephews live in, a chance to put their trust in their government. I’ve witnessed uproar after court cases, seen and read about riots after arrests in Karakura. I want to be a reflection of the good people hope to see in our government.

Nationality & born location:

While I’m a citizen of Karakura, Japan, I was born in Hong Kong. My family’s culture consists of a Yue-speaking Han Chinese subgroup, making my nationality Chinese and my ethnicity Cantonese.

Fluent languages (Underline your native):

For the process of clearly communicating with clients and the citizens of Karakura, I’m fluent in Japanese. My native language is Cantonese.

Criminal record:

My family came from money, I won’t lie when it comes to saying I wanted to make some on my own. It wasn’t in the right way, I didn’t get a part-time job that gave me a side hustle of cash. Instead, I resorted to petty theft, pawning stolen goods. during my teenage years. I wanted to be my own person, and make my own strides, I wasn’t permitted part-time work, to keep up appearances.

It resulted in me, age 17, getting put in a holding cell for 40 whole minutes. Of course, before my father came in, simply paid things off and I was let go. It was never officially put on my record, which is why if I were to be background checked, it comes out squeaky clean.

I’m not a criminal, but I’m fully aware of the connotations my family name holds. Based on my previous application, it was denied and the first thought that came to mind was ‘You’re an Otori.’; an ideology I’ve fought long and hard to be against. I’m acutely conscious of the impact and damage my family’s made. Despite that, I became a defense attorney, a lawyer, and a legal consultant with the sole thought in mind. Reformation. I believe people can be redeemed, that they aren’t condemned or destined to be a certain way.

If a government that controls a judicial system can’t recognize that, I’m not sure if I can safely agree I want to be a part of it. What purpose does a government have, a judicial system, if not to have faith in its own citizens? I want to be a representative. A fair, just representative that has only the city's best interest in mind. Whether it be taking the fall and lowering my client’s sentence, or arguing for community service rather than aiming for a non-guilty plea that I am fully aware is undeserved. There are a group of lawyers I’ve found, who simply want to win, rather than seek due justice.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

I’m fully aware that my admission of guilt creates possibly some tension for the government to decide whether they should put me on the team. The petty theft stopped there, that’s where my ambition sprouted and I took interest in the law. I found disgust, resentment towards my family for covering up my misdeeds, without repercussion, without me ever getting to plead my case. My crime was covered up with dirty money and I was infuriated. I detested discovering the secrets my family held, fighting with every chance I could to separate myself from the Otori status quo.

I’ve dedicated my life from then on to studying and cramming my face into any and every law book, passing my LSATS, my entrance exams, and the bar exam with flying colors, and a sparkling GPA. My family might strive for excellence and flawless perfection. When it came to me, I had been ex-communicated by my family for the time I attended law school and earned my degrees. This allows me to say that my performance relied solely on my abilities and accomplishments.

My family and the people I’ve grown beside, my late ex-husband who won’t seek justice for an unjust death, they’ve trained me into understanding a world of crime. A world in which there are people to protect, to uphold their rights as people, as citizens of this town. Their stories deserve to be told, their lives deserve more than a single sentence with no negotiation. I’ve been called blunt, possibly abrasive, yet passionate and driven to not only do my job properly but present my clients to my best ability each and every time without fail. I didn’t spend over a decade of my life working to provide justice to my clients, memorizing laws like the back of my hand to say I’m not a good candidate. I shine by upholding the law and working with my clients for a desirable outcome.

I know how to be civil and precise in wording to get my point across. With my experience, I’ve handled a wide array of clients, temperamental, verbally or physically offensive, each and every time I have de-escalated situations. These people have been arrested, either unwarrantedly or with just reason, they’re panicked and fearful. I have the empathy to understand why they lash out. The compassion to represent them with fair and fundamental proof and justification. I aspire to be seen in Karakura as a lawyer who’s esteemed and trusted by my clients, and to be well-known for what I do.

I moved about two years ago to Karakura with my two children after learning how esteemed the school system was. Out of boredom and longing for the thrill of being on a case, I often attended court hearings and cases, watching with admiration. Those are people I wish to work beside, who have so much vigor and drive for their work. Those are the people I can align myself with, I belong on the team. I have the needed qualifications, I have the skills, the charisma, and the knowledge to lead a judge into swinging a gavel toward the sound of justice.​
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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for applying for the Government Faction, after careful review, the higher ups and I have decided to ACCEPT this application. Please reach out to me on discord at oZinth#0001 to begin setting everything up.

Thank you for applying, feel free to DM me at oZinth#0001 if you have any questions/concerns.

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