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Denied lotusxcharms Caretaker Application


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?: lotusxcharms

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): lotusxcharms

How old are you? (Optional): 20 years old.

What is your time zone?: EEST

Describe your activity on the server: Relatively active, I'm on for 5 hours or so. I at least log in for schooldays and stay for the whole time. My activity spikes during weekends.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I wholly understand that if I become inactive, I will be relieved of my position.

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Caretaker

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for: A caretaker takes care, no pun intended, of the cleanliness of the school, and the well being of its students. They can help students with simple things such as locating a certain room or area, alongside often leading them to the nurse if they're not busy. They clean up the school during study time and classes, ranging from the bathrooms to the public gym to their station itself, which is to be kept clean. They have access to the necessary sorts of cleaning supplies. They may patrol around the grounds of the school after their cleaning duties are finished, making sure it's students stay within the premises and behave. This way they also tend to be able to tend to fights and accidents faster than other faculty members.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I'm a roleplayer of seven years, ranging from DnD to amino group roleplays, to minecraft roleplays. I have a firm grasp of the concept and I find it enjoyable. I also have writing experience with my own stories rotating around my original characters, one of them I'm writing into a full book for myself. Tangent aside, I very much love roleplaying, it hold many good memories. Currenly I DM in a DnD camaignas well.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?: I thoroughly enjoyed my time in faculty, and I miss it a lot. It had fun opportunities for roleplaying, and engaging more with students and coworkers. I love helping students with their troubles and curiosities. I'm passionate about whatever job I'm doing, in this case specifically playing as a caretaker. It also gives me a reason to log on daily for schooltime, I find it much more fun to have a job to do specifically to busy myself!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Tutor app [DENIED]
School nurse app [DENIED]
Shrine maiden app [ACCEPTED]
Korean lang app [ACCEPTED]
Chinese lang app [ACCEPTED]
Caretaker app [ACCEPTED]

JSL lang app [ACCEPTED]
JSL lang app [DENIED]
Spanish lang app [ACCEPTED]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Highschool student-12th grade (lotusxcharms), Highschool student-12th grade (lotusxcharming)


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:
William knows better than to give the student a strong reaction, as that's usually what youngins of this age are looking for in confrontation. With a polite reminder to keep their language school appropriate, he does his best to end the situation as fast as possible. If they don't go on for too long with their rant, William will listen and gently tell them to knock it off, as cursing and bothering faculty that are trying to do their job isn't school rule and guideline friendly. Afterward, he'll be on his way without sparing a second thought to the interruption.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
First and foremost, the students are to be separated from each other physically. William puts himself between both parties and reminds them politely; although firmly that fighting of any sort is not tolerated within school hours or grounds. He'll radio into let others know of the situation, if only to keep tab of the fight having gone down. Should he need help, he'll specify that. Then to the problem solving. Why was this fight started? Despite it not mattering much in the big picture, he finds it to be a piece of vital information. He will ask the students to go their separate ways, and give them a stern warning that should this continue, detention may be handed out. If necessary, SLT will be contacted.
Should a student come out injured from the fight, William is more than happy to escort the injured party to the nurse's office for treatment.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
He'll waste no time to pull aside the employee and get to the bottom of such inappropriate behavior. He's not a confrontational person by nature, but some stern talking to may be necessary in these situations. He'll remind his coworker of school policy should it be necessary, as they should know better. He does wish to know why this happened in the first place, though. What could possibly give the employee the idea that this wasn't dangerous or inappropriate? He'll wish to get to the bottom of this, and should he fail he'll ensure another employee, preferably a higher-up is informed.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
William tends to stay by himself in the breakroom, sipping on his favourite mug full of black coffee, no sugar. Whilst a sociable and charismatic man, he needs his own quiet time during these rare periods of calm and silence from his own nagging thoughts or a hallway full of loud teenagers. He loves his job; don't get me wrong. But he'd rather not strike up conversation at these times. Of course, if someone were to start talking to him, William would absolutely pay attention to his conversation partner and happily so. He just doesn't like to start said conversations, assuming to himself that his coworkers likely want their own peace and quiet as well. He does greet everyone though, with either a simple nod or a polite hello.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:


He sat quietly in the breakroom, invested in one of the novels he was currently reading. He idly doodled some plans for the robotics work he did as a hobby in his spare time when the pages let him divert his attention. Quiet mornings like this were truly to his liking, nothing but him, a nice book and future plans for new projects to set his mind on when his work shift ends. Having arrived at precisely 7:30 when the gates first flung open, he took the time until breakfast ends to engulf himself in his own little world to prep himself mentally and physically for the day ahead. An idle smile rested on his face as he politely greeted the coworker that bid him good morning upon entering the doors, but he quickly turned his attention to the clock resting above the doors. Breakfast was coming to an end, it seems. With a sigh the man stood up, gathered his novel and papers to stuff them into his bag. He finished the coffee, leaving it washed by the sink. He'd return to that bitter, beloved coffee of his during lunch. He exited the doors quietly and headed to his station.

The man leant back in his chair, a moment away from the students as they all hurried to class. Well, most of them anyhow. A skittish student from earlier was still on his mind, he'd helped her feel better after a failed assignment in class. He resonated with the sentiment, to his dismay. He did remember a time when he was young, sitting next to a teacher whilst trying to wrap his clouded head around a particularly difficult class assignment. He could only chuckle at the memory; those days were behind him now. He'd hope to see the student succeed, that was the most important feeling to him in this job. It truly brought a smile to his face.

He paced around the halls after hours, checking to see if his duties were all finished. He greeted a passing student as they rushed towards the gates for their journey back home. Perhaps he should do the same... However, one more check in the employee breakroom wouldn't hurt. Thoughts of today's work raced through his mind as he fixed his ponytail, determined steps leading him to the wooden doors of the breakroom, his sanctuary... Aside from his station, naturally. He nearly stumbled as a pair of younger students sped by. He turned his head in their direction, gently calling out. "May I remind you, that there is to be no running in the halls? Even if the school day is over, you're still within school grounds, remember that. You could get hurt, running like that." Their grumbled responses amused him, and he shook his head upon resuming his journey. Will they ever learn? Should they? Oh dear.​

In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only):
William T. Ainsworth
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Preferred Name:
William, Will, Bill

Age (Minimum is 25):

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree
Literature, History

Known Languages:
English, JSL for students that can't speak

William T. Ainsworth grew up in a middle-class household in the late 80's with a mother, father and one younger brother. His mother, Margaret Ainsworth was a school teacher, and William would follow her work from the side with bright eyes and the enthusiasm of a baby carnivore learning to hunt for the first time. He'd always put hours and hours into his studies, hoping to follow in his mother's footsteps. He had big dreams of becoming a teacher someday, or anything of that sort. He truly didn't have a preference! He just knew helping kids in their formative years was his calling. Margaret had encouraged him to consider other lines of work, perhaps as a doctor or a school nurse which he'd considered. He however, had his sights set on education!

William graduated with bachelor's and his grasp on his dreams was stronger than ever. However, after a hiccup with his highschool sweetheart, he found himself homebound with a wife and a child. While he did not mind this initially, going for his dream job seemed selfish now that he had a family to spend time with. He started working in a daycare, as a matter of fact the one his young daughter Lizbeth was now attending. The work experience only made him want to pursue his dream career even more. When Lizbeth eventually started attending school, William found himself at a crossroads. He was getting quite good at handling young children, and the pay wasn't bad, but he felt unsatisfied. Distancing himself from his wife and child, he fell back into a cycle of work, study and more work.
As a final smack to his pride, his wife eventually left with Lizbeth, leaving William with an empty spot to fill and new opportunities at hand. This was his time. He resumed his education deciding that to give time to his hobbies and interests beyond his career, he'd become a tutor. After all, he'd still get to work in the general line of what he'd always wanted, but also have just a tiny more room to breathe. What'd stop him from finding a future in teaching proper someday after?

So onward, William moved to Karakura, Japan. He'd heard of the opportunities, and as it stands his niece resides in the city as well. A change of scenery would do him good, right? He got an apartment, got himself together, and at the ripe age of 43 applied to work at the school. And that's where we currently stand.

Motivation for Joining KHS:
"As it may have become clear already, I have a strong and undying passion for studying. I used to help my friends in school with homework and prepping for tests, so it comes naturally to me. I also took a strong liking to faculty members in my school days, finding it admirable how they managed to make schooltime fun for even the grumpiest of learners despite not having it revolve around socializing and friendly connections alone. I want to be that positive light for students, help them understand their classes and the journey of education ahead of them."

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
"I am a patient man, hardworking and reliable. I remain calm under pressure, and I know how to keep myself composed even when facing hardship. Not only that, but I have always enjoyed working with children, young or in their later teens. I believe I have an understanding of some of their academic challenges that they have gone through as I had some myself, and helping them overcome those challenges truly does bring me joy. Helpfulness is one of my strongest traits, and that being paired with my long temper I believe myself to be a strong and reliable asset to faculty in the position of a tutor. I learn fast, and I'm enthusiastic to better myself at any given job or task. I also do not hand out answers on a silver platter, but I'm efficient with opening subjects up for a clearer picture that the student can grasp and therefore solve the problem by themselves. With a little assistance, of course."


Additional notes about your application:

English is my secondary language, so please excuse any typos. </3 Also the character portion is copied from my last application, because the character and his concept has remained the same! Thank you for your consideration.
Do you have any questions?:

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Level 196
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction. Unfortunately we have come to a decision to deny your application, this could be based on several factors:
- Activity
- Content
- Previous Punishment History

Due to the volume of applicants we have, we cannot go further in depth on these, however we encourage you to re-apply in the future.

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