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Accepted LowkeyHades | Event Team App


Level 23



Describe your activity and potential punishment history as a player of the server?

I am one of the more active players you will find on the server. I have an average of 6 hours a day across my accounts. I have been a long-time member of SRP, starting my journey in 2016 and still continuing to this day. My current roles on the server are Clinical Lead of the EMS doctor faction, Patrol Officer on KPD alongside a Bear called Akia! I have embedded myself in the heart of the community and have created a good reputation for myself, I have three expired warnings, which include cop baiting, afk grinding and selling glitched items in auction house. I have learned from each experience and have bettered myself based on these, and these aren’t a direct correlation on who I am as a person or what I am able to do. None of these actions from my part were based on malicious intent. With the amount of roles, I currently hold, I understand there may be speculation on how well I’d be able to juggle the event team role on top of them, however due to my activity and how readily available I am, I don’t think there is any issue with those concerns. I am available almost all day on discord, and I’m usually able to help at any point.

Please provide any previous applications you have created, whether accepted or denied:
Side note: I will be excluding any language applications and focusing on major applications instead. [ACCEPTED][ACCEPTED] [PENDING] [ACCEPTED]

Provide your Discord (REQUIRED) and confirm if you have a microphone:
hades;#9048 - I do have a working microphone

What is your timezone and country of residence?:
GMT/BST - United Kingdom

What previous experience do you have working in a team that would outshine other applicants?:
Currently, I am on the EMS team on the sever. This experience has taught me different experiences within a team that broadened my horizons, an example of this being events. During an event, EMS not only have to work together tightly and communicate; we are expected to also work and communicate with the KPD. This type of teamwork takes time to learn, as it means that I not only have to work cohesively with my team I also need to put aside everything else and communicate and work in a team effort with another team entirely. This is just one of the many examples of me working in a team, and I think this is a unique experience I would bring to the event team. I also know this is applicable to aspects within this team too, as you would have to work alongside the lore team for example. I am good at working not just as a team member but as a team leader within a team, as a current Clinical Lead I am expected to lead and host trainings for newer faction members alongside aiding and leading the doctors within the faction. This experience is immensely sought for and outshines other applications, as it’s great to be able to work well with others and understand how to be a team player but being able to lead at the same time is a skill which is one that not a lot of other people may possess, and I feel it’s a good idea to have this skill especially when looking at leadership qualities. I have also recently joined the Police force within the server which has been one of the best choices I have made. The skills I have learned so far in my first month have already aided me and bettered me with honing in my teamwork skills and how to communicate more effectively! From my actual life experience, I have numerous experiences within teamwork. I currently work within a team at my job, and this has taught me leadership qualities and how to organize ideas. This is an example that could potentially help me with my role within the event team as it's good to have organisational techniques and be able to help others in the team where needed. I'm currently in my final year of Secondary school and have had many team working chances because of this! I was a part of a team within an inclusivity 'forum' aimed at improving the school’s inclusivity for people of minorities. I was in charge of organizing events for the group, and helping the school take a more inclusive reach for people. This gave me the best team working experience as I was working with 15+ students who all had different ideas and approaches. Furthermore, I was given the ‘Head Girl’ title this year at school which is something we do in the UK. I was in charge of working with a small team of students who all had different roles about the school which when combined created a committee which bettered the school in the end. My ability to work cohesively really shines through in this sense as it was a really good skill and assets to have within a team.

Please provide three (3) event suggestions which would work for our server:

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ The Night of Love Hearts​

+ Announcement + Set up Lore -> As the summer nights begin to drift in, the warm breeze and longer days are growing strong within Karakura. More and more people are finding love.. So much so the beach is.. covered in love hearts? These hearts seem to be carved of shells, with some being placed by the towns people themselves. But something about this phenomenon doesn't seem right.. A blood curling scream rings throughout the streets.. Should you go check it out?

+ Idea + How it will play out -> The beach would be decorated with hearts but something more violent is a foot. As the players of the server go down to investigate, the yacht that sits out not far from the beach seems to be ablaze. The party was a romantic cruise and the hearts that have washed up seem to be coming from the now collapsing ship. The players on board would've been selected to role play out the fire, screaming for help and scrambling for the shoreline... The emergency services are going to have to find a way to save every life on board whilst on crowd control trying to ensure the public everything is okay. The event idea would need to be pre-planned with a build of the ship burnt already for when the event starts, it should have the players with roles inside. Possibly lost their loved one. The players would be expected to be saved by the KPD or EMS workers, suffering from realistic injuries. The love celebration would have ended in a disaster.

+ Remaining thoughts for it -> The event could start with the idea that it was a romantic cruise that went wrong, after an engine failed. For the event to go smoothly, the boats would need to be prebuilt to look destroyed and ablaze, almost as if it was engine failure, players would need to be selected (More than likely from community teams) whom would be able to realistically roleplay out the event.

⋆ ★ A series of break ins..?​

+ Announcement + Set up Lore -> Alarms began to blare, screams could be heard from across the town. The shopping district.. Is it coming from there? Glass could be heard shattering from across the town as more alarms began to screech and holler. It seems groups of thugs, were running to and from the shopping district... What is happening?

+ Idea + How it will play out -> The main basis of this idea is clear. Two shops are broken into along with the robbery of the bank. The shops would be the main target rather than the bank (which is NPC owned). The shops should be far apart enough it can be a challenge to stop them and create a large distraction. Yes, that is right a distraction. See these criminals aren't after robbing the shops, more they were paid off by somebody to do this…The payoff would be the second plot twist, further scrambling emergency services as they attempt to look for those involved. What is this twist? Two verified gangs, take arms and infiltrate the power plant looking to claim it as a turf spot. There is resistance as both realise what the other is attempting to do, a fight breaks between the two groups who begin to attack each other in an attempt for overall glory of the space. The public are alerted to the fight and soon the towns folk begin to join in... A fullscale riot emerges, and there is outcries looking for help. How will Karakura respond to such a violent break...?

+ Remaining thoughts for it..?-> Each of the shops along with the bank would need to have at least one player inside to report the break ins unless they have built in security systems that would allowed them to see the property. The shops would need to be a distance away from the bank and each other to give distance for the event to be effective at being a decoy. The fight at powerplant could see it become territory for the victor group to continue to run as a criminal den. As it is such a big idea, it may impede on the emergency services as it could cause such a large wave of people it would be unrealistic. However, I think the idea may attract players back to the power plant, which is now seen overgrown and unused for the most part by players. I think the idea would be a success and may give players who do partake in gang activity a chance to be more vocal for it. The idea would obviously have to go through staff, gang leaders and generally be discussed as to how the lore would work and which groups would be most appropriate to help with the event.

༊*·˚ Lanterns for the Lost​

+ Announcement + Lore setup -> The sky looks so lonely tonight, the darkness of the past few months seems to of caused hurt and pain for the people of the town. Lanterns line the skies of the mountains surrounding the Shrine, each had a note written for those who have lost their lives, or haven't returned home.. Maybe you should go let off a lantern in memory of the ones you may of lost..

+ Idea + How it would play out -> The lanterns will be prebuilt and placed in the sky around Shrine before the event begins, they’d be for players to roleplay out setting them off for ones who have passed. This will also be paired with other activities hosted by the Shrine, such as dances, Yokai stories, the shrine store being busy and open alongside a small show of the lanterns being lit and floating, which will be the main attraction of the event. The event would be most attractive for the lore aspect which players will used to further IC development.

+ Remaining thoughts for it..? -> This idea has been picked up by the Shrine and is being implemented which is why I have changed it to better fit the new direction and ideas we’ve had together.

❥ School ‘Fate or Fete’ Day​

+ Announcement + Lore setup -> The summer airs breeze blows across Karakura, how fateful it is that it’s a nice day.. Oh- What is that music, that beat? The beat that makes you feel all happy and like you want to move and dance like no one is watching? Is there a Fete on at the school!?

+ Idea + Set up -> The school fate would act as a relief for students after the academic year they've had! A bit of fun to relieve the stress. The rides would be similar to those found on the pier and would have stalls selling items (shop owners pop up shops selling limited amounts of items). The shop owners would have stalls along the main walk way of the school, and the rides more off to the side on the field. The rides would have to be built by builders or moved from the pier for the time being. The teams may chose to make stands as well and treat it almost as a club recruitment, or to just show off their skills and blow off a little steam by playing friendly matches. The area should be decorated accordingly and with bright colours that represent to school! The KPD and EMS could bring their vehicles, and almost show it off, and use it as a recruitment opportunity for the factions like they sometimes do in reality! The reason the event has been called ‘Fate or Fete’ is a twist on the words, which sound similar. The event will be created by teachers specifically the English department who will hide clues about from different texts which contain the key theme of Fate! The objective is to find these clues, and work out what text it’s referring to. The first 5 or so people to find these clues and clock what the text is will win some small prizes!

+ Remaining thoughts for it..? -> Personally I believe this is a great idea as it gives students something to do on school grounds. It would also be enticing for shop owners who could sell merchandise on the side, and gain further profits from doing so, there would be some restrictions such as no booze (minors) and other age restricted profits. The KPD and EMS may be invited down to help, but this could be discussed (explained in point above). The actual clue hunt would be a great way to engage the faculty within the event, and it may be that different departments choose to do their own ‘hunts’!

✎ ‘Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No?! It’s Aliens?!”​

+ Announcement + Lore setup ->’There seems to be something flying through the air, soaring towards the far tunnel by the estates.. the ground would make a large BANG sound as it collided with the earth, shaking the town… what on earth is that?!”

+ Idea + Set up -> This is a flash event, in which there is a crash collision with what seems to be two astronauts who lost course of their ship on their way back to their landing dock and plummeted towards the earth. The players nearby may be injured from the impact and the tunnel area will be ‘wrecked’ looking like a true crash sight. KPD and EMS workers will attend on site and control the crowds, whilst they all attempt to figure out what on earth just happened!

+ Remaining thoughts for it..? -> The area may be changed depending on location, however the area will look destroyed and will contain what seems to be a space shuttle smashed on the surface. The two passengers will be pre-chosen and will RP out as if they were heading back to earth and lost course and ended up here.

I've chosen these events as I think they fit into the 4 main categories of the game, ones that would appeal to different players on a large scale of different RP opportunities. I’ve purposefully chosen bigger more meaningful events for my main part of this application but decided to include a small flash event too. I’ve updated this application since being placed on pending to add further details and change my events slightly, I hope to still be considered a contender for when applications next open!
- Hades
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Level 110

For the meantime, we will be leaving this application on pending. Your application is phenomenal and you are someone we would like to introduce to the event team — however, we only have two available slots at the moment. If a spot opens up, I'll reply to this with a finalized decision on your application. Thank you for your patience!​


Level 211

- Congratulations, you have been accepted! You have amazing and unique events that we are looking forward to working on that with you. Please send me a DM (mariav#6666) so I can invite you to the staff discord and set up your roles.

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