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LozzyOzzy | Faculty suggestion


Level 89
IGN: LozzyOzzy
DATE: 4/10/2023
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The ability for teachers to use college intercom and the ability for professors to use highschool intercom
HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I have been faculty for 2 days now and I've had multiple occurrences when I have been told a situation and have needed to call a bobcat over to the front desk by intercom (I am a professor) and have not been able to since no teachers being online and not having access to the command. I understand intercoms are usually made for classes but there is certain situations when it would be ideal for each role to have the others intercom. Overall I think it would be a genuinely useful change for Faculty and make our jobs a lot easier for certain situations


Level 143
This suggestion has been made many times before, and it was denied each time.
I think it's important to note the reason why something was denied, rather than simply linking to the thread itself; I usually link to relevant threads as a means of verifying what I say, rather than just saying "nuh uh this was denied before." By doing so, you enable both yourself and others to add more to the discussion, which may ultimately change the outcome (maybe, potentially). Here's a cool thread about this:

Anyway, this is the reason why this wasn't implemented, according to the owner.
- The bug that Highschool could see College intercom and vice-versa resulted in a lot of spam. Whilst yes, you wouldn't be able to use this for your class calls and other shorter announcements, we still deem it unnecessary due to the fact that SLT and School Employees can already do this.
- Whilst it doesn't make realistic sense there's separate intercom systems, Highschool Teachers have Highschool Intercom and College Professors have College Intercom. School Employees act for both College and Highschool which is why they were given permission to do this (often times than not there's at least one employee online).
- If this situation is targeted towards dealing with fights and other situations (as you said timely), if you genuinely can't find the student and there's nothing else you can do, there's always #faculty-reports which will be checked during the bi-weekly (sometimes monthly) SLT meetings.
Personally, I don't understand the way they justify it. They see it as unnecessary simply because other roles can already use both intercoms, but that only reinforces how strange it is that professors and teachers cannot. They want us to be able to handle situations independently, but without apparent reason they complicate things by forcing us to interact with additional parties if the student we're dealing with happens to not be in the faction we applied for.

There is also the apparent issue of spam, but realistically the only players this would effect are faculty, and employees already have to "deal" with this anyway. No additional "spam" for the rest of the community has even the potential to occur, because college students would still only see /cic, and high school students would still only see /ic.

Note, I think relying on the #faculty-reports channel for anything other than major offenses that genuinely need SLT intervention (what it was intended for) is pretty lame, since at that point you would essentially be resolving an IC situation through OOC means, without involving any roleplay from the delinquent party.


Level 20
I don't get how allowing this would supposedly result in spam since doing the command yourself versus getting an employee to do the command is literally the same amount of intercoms (one).

I haven't seen an employee for a while. Like, even if one happens to be online, I never see them at the school. I don't get how 'more often than not' there's an employee online when that's not the case in my experience.

anyway philbertman said everything i was gonna say so
+1 to philbertman
+1 to suggestion


Level 112

Just roleplay with other faculty if you need to make an announcement to college or highschool


Level 17
Community Team
Definitely needed.. especially, being in EU timezone, it's hard to find other faculty online to make an intercom for highschool/college +1


Level 57
Community Team
Event Team
Although this would be nice, it defeats the purpose of having to communicate between faculty members in order to get a member of different sides of the school to an area.


Level 29
+1 to everything philbertman said, but I'm also adding my own point on that I didn't see floating around the thread...

Even though I'm not part of faculty anymore (may Eliane rest in peace on the shelf), this whole shtick of being unable to intercom HS when you were a professor was constantly an issue. There might always be "at least one employee online", as what philbertman42 quoted from Kimi (I'm assuming..), but I can count on multiple, multiple hands the times that they were AFK in the lounge or just.. not able to intercom due to dealing with something else and chat flying by. No hate to employees at all, I love you guys, but... the activity leaves something to be desired. Adding onto that, the roster is not looking too hot! Poor Mayo, stuck in the receptionist box all by himself... Plus there's the issue of timezones, and being the only faculty member (or faculty flavour... like, only professors) online.

If implemented, I think this should be used as a last resort, because roleplaying is important, like Zal said! You don't want to be locked in your classroom all day, not talking to anyone. That's not how you make friends, chat.

Overall +1. Listen to faculty. If it's been brought up multiple times, it's clearly an ongoing, consistent issue.


Level 135
The suggestion has already been made previous times and has been denied. Like a few others have said if you need something just communicate with the faculty members over the radio to get what you need done.


Level 106
+1 PLEASE... or how about we just combine all the intercoms so there isn't an issue, and I know someone might say "oh, but what if they're announcing classes?" how about we make a command specifically for class announcement (or simply utilize /class broadcast)

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