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Luceei | Professor Application


Level 68
[Out-Of-Character Information]

What is your Minecraft username?:

How old are you?:
Do you have any previous bans?:
I unfortunately do have previous ban(s), though, all of these bans took place exact 1 - 2 year(s) ago. I have certainly learned from my mistake whatsoever and I am not planning to break any further rules, and/or terms regarding SchoolRP anytime in the future.

What Country are you from?:
The Netherlands

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
I'm very, very active; I recently finished my exams, which means that I have a lot more time than I used to have. I am certainly online, every single day. Perhaps 3 - 6 hours, depending on whether I'm busy with something or not.

How long have you played SchoolRP for?:
As of now, 3 years.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:
[✔︎] ACCEPTED [✔︎]
Ban Request | 1 - ACCEPTED
Ban Request | 2 - ACCEPTED
Journalist Application - ACCEPTED
College Application - ACCEPTED
Albanian Application - ACCEPTED
Private Tutor Application - ACCEPTED

Current Role/Degree/Grade on SchoolRP?:
Tutor [Firstly Teaching Assistant, but due to the merge between said roles, this changed].


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
The reason as of why I want to apply for becoming a Professor, is due to the current job/role I have. This role proved me that being a School Employee, any type of employee, is actually fun.
As a lot of people know, I currently lead a organization that goes by the name of The River. I think that this position would perfectly suit me due to the fact that I'm basically not afraid to talk, nor am I shy. I am able to give, and/or teach people certain things, whether it's OOCly or ICly.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
I do, yes. I prefer not calling myself 'the best' due to that being very selfish and ignorant. I'd rather say that I'm very decent, so is my DetailRP and communication with others.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:
Classroom logs are logs which you have to log in order to receive your paycheck and/or to let said faction lead know that you're active and that you hosted your lessons.
These logs are very important, and gives the faculty lead the opportunity whether you were active or not.

- Logging classrooms and/or lessons is important so you can receive your paycheck, relying on the amount of time/hours you've spend in being a Professor/Teacher.
- Logging classrooms and/or lessons are also important to let your faction lead know that you are, and were active.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
You have to ensure that you treat everyone the same way, the rules as a Professor are very strict;
- You are expected to be, and act mature and professional at all times.
- You can not just dismiss a class after hosting one, if you know that you have to go, but you don't know when so you decide to host a class, that's not really clever.

- You treat one another the same way, you help one another always, and anytime.
- When being in a class, you give everyone the turn/chance to talk, you can't just pick one person continuously just because you whether like them, or because they have the right answers every single time. You once again treat one another the same and give everyone the chance to talk.

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):
I'm pretty familiar in the world of GangRP.
I've experienced a lot whilst being in SchoolRP, I have tried a various amount of things and it's just too much to mention.
I, myself, do not GangRP a lot on my Gang Roleplay account, I only GangRP on it if a event has been hosted within the world of GangRP, or whenever I host a meeting with my organization. GangRP, and the current role I have on Luceei, gave me much more knowledge on both side, and/or roles of each character/account. I have learned a lot, and have seen the difference between being 'GangRP-free', and being a mass GangRPer. This has also improved and make me think that GangRP ruins a lot of things, perhaps it's the baiting and toxicity. Therefore, I don't really GangRP on my current GangRP character, apart from the fact that if a event has been hosted, or anything related to that; than yes, I GangRP.

- Now, if this answers your question; I have experienced a lot of Roleplaying related things, from GangRP to being a student, or Highschool Employee.

[College-Professor Knowledge]

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?
The job of a College Professor, is whether simple than hard; College Professors are there to teach College students something beyond the thing(s) they learn/study for. College Professors are prodigiously intelligent and clever.
College Professors are responsible for said classes, and/or whether a student graduates or not. They of course do not decide whether a student fully passes their current grade, or not, though, they are responsible for reviewing their tasks and/or making sure they do what they have to do.

The minimum salary of a College Professor is 450.000 yen.
Whilst the maximum salary of a College Professor is 500.000 yen [Overwork].
[Character Knowledge]
Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?
Black/blonde, short hair slightly covers a round, friendly face. Big, grey-ish eyes, set dreadfully within their sockets; watch delicately over the city as time goes.

A goatee elegantly compliments his nose and mouth and leaves a gracious memory of his reckless luck.

This is Lucien Popovich, a true, gentle idealist among citizen. He stands common among others, despite his muscled frame.

Though, there is something curious about him, perhaps it's his good looks or perhaps it's simply a feeling of delight. But nonetheless, people tend to ask him about his past, while trying to get as much knowledge about him.

The plans he currently has set for the future is undefined yet, though, he is very much planning and searching for future references on what he could possibly do anytime near.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
Firstly, start by asking whether they could refrain from shouting and screaming in the hallways. If they failure to listen the first time, there is no harm in asking a second time; if they also do not listen the second time, threatening, or giving them detention would be a little too early.

I would once again try to explain and/or make them realize the things they are currently doing and/or what it could do to their near-future. Giving out detention is something I'm currently trying to refrain from doing so, I love to roleplay some things out, a lot of patient is required for this, which is something I possess.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
Like mentioned above, he doesn't listen to a single word I say, the only possible thing I could do is threaten to kick them out of the class if they continue to misbehave.

If they continue to show a very disrespectful behavior towards me and/or others, they would be send to the Vice Principal due to a College Student not being expected to act like this.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:
/me &9&oreached for his pocket, slowly taking out a pair of glasses before putting them on in a somewhat mannered way, obviously showing that he is about to start; &f"Goodmorning students, it's great to see you all! Today we're going to talk about . . ." &9&owould slowly turn around, walking up towards the 'whiteboard', writing down some numbers which trails to his future, ongoing lesson.

/me &9&ostared at the students, obviously showing them that he is disgusted of the behavior they are showing. &f"Mr. Kinimira, is this how you behave at home?" &9&oProceeded to sigh before continuing his lesson.

/me &9&oplaced both of his hands on his desk as he was sitting, gazing at the students working, before mannerly putting on his glasses, slowly looking back at his 'paperwork' that would be laying on his desk.

/me &9&olooked around the class, obviously searching for anyone whom was in need of assistance. &f"Yes, Ms. Kennedy?" &9&oHe said, before slowly walking up to the student. &f"How can I help you?" &9&oHe once again said the soon he arrived at the student.

/me &9&olooked at the student, staring at him, straight in the eyes without showing any type of expression, nor any emotion; &f"Take off your mask(/hat)." &9&oHe'd say, slowly walking past the student as they respectfully listened to the professor.

Lucien Popovich, a very charming, and openness person that would be born in the year 1992; Lucas would be a very apart, and strange person in his younger years (5 - 10y). He was raised by two very abusive, and non-caring parents. He was born, originally in the United States. Spending 15 years in there before moving to Karakura City.

He would join the Karakura Highschool at the age of 16, spending time in there for basically the rest of his life. The abusive parents he would have would both be seperated from eachother due to personal, and private family related problems. His mom and himself moved to Karakura before joining it.

Lucien would be a extremely good student, which made him get accepted into the Karakura College part. Spending his time in there as an extremely good student-- after a couple of years, at the age of 22, Lucien would be focussing his subjects which would get him in accepted as a Private Tutor..-

After a couple of years, Lucien would have introduced himself to a lot of Private Tutors as he found their jobs amazing.

Lucien would have fully applied to become a Private Tutor- waiting for his response to either be denied, or accepted.

A few days has been passed by, Lucien would still be waiting patiently for his response to his application-- a few hours later, Lucien would get a response regarding his Tutor application; "Please come over to the KHS so we can discuss this further, your application looks good and we think that you would be very helpful as a Private Tutor. Hope to see you soon!"

The response would say.. Lucien would get excited, extremely excited, he would put his clothes on and immediately go to the KHS to talk with the staff team. After arriving there, Lucien would have a somewhat bad feeling about this- but would go inside anyways. As he arrived at the desk of the Janitor(s), Lucien would be redirected by them to the meeting room.. after talking for a little while, the KHS decided to accept him.
7 months have past by, Lucien still works at the KHS and enjoyed his time whilst being there; though, the job he currently has is very helpful, but not helpful enough. . so he decided to try out for College Professor despite the fact that he is pretty young in order to apply, but didn't care less.

[Inspired by my Private Tutors' backstory].

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and his/her previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended. Make sure this is over 300 words. Remove this comment after posting.*/
Lucien Popovich, a somewhat popular person within the Karakura High School; he is very known for being the Tutor whom was always there for said student(s). The-the career he has whilst being a Tutor, is quite long.
Roughly 1 - 2 year(s). As time goes, Lucien has learned a lot whilst assisting certain classes of said teachers/professors.
The knowledge he got, and the experience he witnessed whilst doing his job is wonderful, prodigious.

Lucien wishes to do more with said position [Professor], he wishes to witness the job and/or experience the job the current KHS Professors are going through, therefore he decided to apply for Professor at his early age.

[In-Character Information]

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Lucien Popovich

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

Given Name(s):

Preferred Name:

31 [If I was to be accepted for this position]


Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:
Single | Unmarried


Current Location:
Japan, Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years):
4 years of Teaching Experience

Working Experience (# of years):
1 year of Working Experience

Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:


Native Languages:
Albanian, Japanese

Other Languages:

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:

Preferred Teaching Subject:
thank you for reading my application.


Level 132

Congratulations your application as been accepted!
DM Alcidies#6666 for further information.

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