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Tsubaki Watanabe: THE BIOGRAPHY

Tsubaki Watanabe is a Japanese female that is currently residing on a small island in Japan, known as Karakura, and attends the Karakura Community College. Being an only child towards her mother, Choi Watanabe. Tsubaki stands at 175.26 cm with a strong posture showing her confidence. Her silky, smooth, high-volume dirty blonde hair complimented her hazelnut brown eyes. The left side of her hair would be dyed red giving off a fiery shade, as one streak ran down the back of her hair.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
Born on May 27th and raised in a small town in Japan, Tsubaki’s childhood wasn’t the best as an only child. Her father, Gin Watanabe was a man with many secrets. He owned a business taking care of any loans and financial needs of others. As long as he got ahold of money while taking others out of business he was a happy man. Once he came home from work every day that happy man would turn upside down. He’d always be in an irritated mood, leaving Tsubaki in an unpleasant world. Gin stood at 188.976 cm and his posture stood strong and bold. He’d have a muscular build as his medium-length black, silky hair complimented his features. His eyes were a dark shade of brown and his jawline was strong. Inherited from his past and a way to cope, Gin was an alcoholic and had anger issues. Whenever he was home most of the time Gin would order Tsubaki to do tasks for him. Sometimes it was to make him dinner, grab him a beer, and do other simple tasks. However, if none of the tasks satisfied Gin or if Tsubaki showed any disrespect or disobeyed him, consequences would occur.

At first, Gin would only yell at Tsubaki if any mistakes were made to make sure she understood. However, as more mistakes were caused by Tsubaki, Gin didn’t see that the yelling was working. He began trying other techniques. The house they lived in had an amazing courtyard but it was surrounded by tall trees, the entrance of the courtyard had a lock gate preventing anyone from going in. Gin had the key to the gate and decided to throw Tsubaki in the courtyard and lock her inside if a mistake was made by her. Inside the courtyard, there were cages hanging by the tree limbs, inside them were a variety of many birds locked inside of it. Once the birds found out they had a visitor they began cawing and making all sorts of noises towards Tsubaki. They were friendly and such, but Tsubaki didn’t see it that way. Instead, she thought the birds wanted to attack her. The more times she was thrown into the courtyard an inner fear was slowly developing inside.

With the yelling and being locked in the courtyard plenty of times, Tsubaki had to start understanding that her mistakes would only get her into trouble, right? Unfortunately, the poor girl was still too young to understand this all. One night Gin came home from work and told Tsubaki to grab him a beer, so she went into the kitchen and got a drink out of the fridge. Once handing it to him, he’d take a sip and immediately spit it out. The drink that Tsubaki had grabbed was plain water, and Gin didn’t like that. Tossing the water to the side, Gin would’ve grabbed her wrist and stared at her. The male would say harsh comments to Tsubaki such as “Why do I still see you as my daughter, you only make mistakes! You’re a mistake yourself! All you do is cause problems! You are worthless!” this was the end of the line for Tsubaki he’d drag her to a closet door and opened it. On the inside of the door, knives and nails were pierced into the door the sharp ends were facing inside the closest. Gin threw her in the closet and closed the door, Tsubaki only saw the sharp blades come straight for her as the door was closed.

Once the door was fully closed, Tsubaki felt a sudden pain in her lower torso. It seemed like one of the blades punctured into her skin. With how bad the pain was the girl let out a painful scream, however, Gin didn’t care about the scream and left Tsubaki in there. It felt like hours to Tsubaki, but once Gin headed to bed he’d open the closet door and went to his room. He didn’t even care to check on his own daughter. As the door opened, the poor child sunk to the floor as she felt the blade be pulled out of her skin. Was this the end for her? Was she about to die? Her body was only growing weaker as time went by, she kept her hand over the open wound. It was around midnight, and Choi finally came home from work. She was a head surgeon at the local hospital. Since she had that position she was barely around in Tsubaki’s life and wouldn’t know about the abuse and trauma her husband was giving their daughter. As Choi entered the home, she’d see her daughter on the floor covered in blood. If she arrived any later Tsubaki would’ve bled out and died.

Choi took her to the hospital and got her in the hands of the hospital workers as soon as possible. Tsubaki had gotten stitches across the wound, this would leave her with a scar once it was healed. Choi asked her what had happened, and Tsubaki told her mother what has been happening at home while she’s been at work. Hearing all of the horrible things her husband has done to their daughter made Choi feel horrible and guilty inside. Once home, Choi confronted Gin about everything and how he should be ashamed of himself. Choi told Gin to not do any harm to Tsubaki as that's not how parenting works. Little did Choi know that she was already a horrible mother for not being involved with Tsubaki’s life and being there for her when needed.

Tsubaki convinced her mother that Gin wasn’t going to listen and this gave Choi only one last choice. During this, Gin was seeing someone behind Choi’s back leading up to an affair with another woman. Choi notified a relative down on a small island to ask if they could watch Tsubaki for a while. The relative agreed to do so. Once hearing that, Choi packed her daughter's things and sent her down to the small island for a better lifestyle.

Chapter 2: WIP

This is a revamped biography that is in heavy work. You can find the outdated version of the biography here. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me through Dms via Discord: srgh.
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