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Denied Paritegi's P.E Teacher App


Level 10
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Paritegi#6006

Do you have a microphone?: Yes

How old are you? (Optional): 18

What is your time zone?: GMT

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I’m aware and fully understand.

Describe your activity on the server: I’m most active from afternoon to late at night, however I also am occupied with work out of character, so it’ll occasionally vary but in most cases it doesn’t decrease my server activity severely. Weekends are also likely for me to be at the peak of my activity on the server.

Do you have any previous bans?: RP, Metagaming through discord and loop-holing to avoid a character's death, Advertising, Wasting Staffs time. Item Transferring, Trolling Staff, Trespassing on School Grounds, Metagame through discord, Rep abuse <-- (2017-2018)Reached max warn limits, Major Staff disrespect <-- (2019), Banned for Suspicious borderline rule breaking (Got unbanned 5 minutes after so I didn't know if I should apply this ban to the list or not), Continuous Toxicity, Player Harassment, Player disrespect, I ensure you that these rules will never be broken again by myself, as I am no longer like my past.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: - DENIED - DENIED - DENIED - DENIED - DENIED - ACCEPTED - ACCEPTED

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Grade-12


What subject are you applying to teach?:
Physical education (P.E)

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: Personally, I’ve been a player of SchoolRP for some time now and have yet to expand the variety of roles that I take on as the majority have never appealed to me personally. However, teaching is something that has grasped my interest and stating the obvious, it’ll be a new experimental branch to my roleplaying style on the server. For the most part I have taken on the student role for a number of years and although it’s been fun, it’s no longer satisfying my interest in roleplay, which is why I’ve been drawn to write this application. It’ll be of course challenging at first, but in my experience the challenging aspect of these roles allow for further motivation and of course make things much more interesting. As a student, you get to see the variety of subjects that are taught, and in my opinion they’re not always as engaging as they could be; this is something I intend to change if granted the opportunity to take this role on as a P.E teacher. Overall, I can say it’ll be interesting to see the two sides of the coin in the education aspect of the server.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?: Yes, I completely understand that this is a potential chapter in the process of taking on this role, it’ll especially be helpful considering my lack of experience within this role as I want to follow through with contributing accuracy to the role.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: From my knowledge, these come close to being considerably similar to activity logs which are used to keep track of the activity of teachers through a period of time, this usually states what the teachers have been able to achieve within their class, the number of classes they’ve been available to host and how much they’ll be paid in the span of a month. This can also be used to keep track of any potential grades of students for projects they’ve been given. In a summarized text, this is essentially used to keep track of activity of teachers to ensure they’re committed to their role or not. Failure to do so can result in potential removal of roles or may affect the paycheck given.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

“Respect begets Respect”
Respect is something that is earned, a two way street some might say. The classroom shouldn’t be somewhere where you’re anxious to go to or scared to speak up in,, instead it should be filled with both respect and kindness between both pupils and teachers. This allows educational relationships between faculty staff and students to stay professional but in an enjoyable manner.

“Cheating is prohibited”
In the form of cheating that is executed is considered to be a strict violation, it is also considered unfair and deceiving. It is our duty as teachers to provide an environment which is informative and can allow students to learn for themselves. Cheating may result in immediate failure.

“No food or gadgets brought into class”
Although students have the right to have their technological devices (such as laptops, cellular devices) on school grounds, it shouldn’t be brought out in class unless permitted to do so for an educational purpose. This also goes for food, eating should be done during the breaks provided for students and not during class as it may act as a distraction from the work during the lesson, this is a classroom not a cafeteria. Failure to do so may result in temporarily taking away the snack or gadget until class is over.

“No horseplay”
Horseplay and any forms of violence won’t be tolerated during the class, not only is this distracting from your educational experience, it can also result in potential injury of a student, teacher or damaging of the property. Failure to follow this rule may result in potential detention or being sent out of class.

Although the right to express yourself is something every student is allowed to do, this doesn’t mean foul language will be tolerated as it can be considered bad mannerism and rude. Repetitive use of foul language could potentially result in a detention.

“Raise your hand”
Every student should have the opportunity to express their thoughts, feelings and questions during class rather than being interrupted or talked over. This is why raising your hand allows everyone to get this opportunity, this also avoids any disruption that could potentially occur during the lesson.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: I believe I have an excessive amount of experience in roleplay, although it doesn’t account for a variety of roles… this doesn't necessarily vouch for my experience. I’ve been a part of the server for a couple of years now consistently, excluding some minor breaks due to focusing on life itself or some previous bans, which have been learned from. I’ve mostly dedicated my time to the role of a student, opting to try out for numerous sports teams in order to branch out my roleplaying style, and of course an experimental branch of gang-roleplay which I no longer find interest in nor participate in. I find that each community in the server is unique to its own, there’s a lot of potential with each and every character. It should be noted that SchoolRP is the only server that has really provided me with roleplay experience and nowhere else outside of that, purely for the enjoyment of the community itself. I can say over the years that the detail and lengths of my roleplay style have definitely improved with time and experience.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: These are faculty members who have been working in the educational department for extended periods of time and who hold the most experience and respect. They are one of the most qualified forms of teachers and hold accountability for check ups on other faculty members such as teachers, reception etc.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This is a form of promotion that is given to newly qualified teachers who have shown consistent dedication to their classes and represent their school and role as a teacher in a successful way. This may be considered in one's experience and could potentially lead to becoming ‘Head of Department’ if one hasn’t been appointed to that particular subject already.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This is a form of promotion that is given to unqualified teachers after they’ve completed their training in order to become a teacher. They’re then expected to be able to host their classes independently from here on out. They are then given a quota to complete just like every other teacher.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: These are teachers who’ve been recently hired and are new to teaching and the campus entirely. During this stage they typically undergo training, therefore they’re unable to be independent just yet and are likely to be monitored by another member of staff in case they need a hand.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.
Teachers within the real world and the server itself are important factors for basically every career there is. The role of a teacher helps prepare students for their future path and potential career choice, not only this it helps them discover who they are; their dreams, talents and goals throughout high school, which is typically where the plans for college are formulated. Teachers pass their knowledge that they’ve learned over their lifetime onto the next generation and are a part of the reason why students choose to take on whatever career path they want to pursue in the future.
The salary of a teacher on the server is 450,000 yen for completing the quota of 15 classes per month. If decided upon, a bonus of 50,000 yen will be given additionally if extra 10 classes are completed, although it must be made aware that the bonus is only claimable up to two times per month.

The way of a teacher's particular style of teaching can vary on the subject and the teacher themselves and this typically revolves around their personality and their own personal learning style. Some teachers may prefer to be very involved and talkative in order to engage their students, or some may interpret their teaching through fun activities or imagery. Regardless of the teaching style, there’s always a sense of passion put behind it, to further elaborate.. No matter how the teacher personally may feel, they’ll always put the needs of their students first and upkeep a happy persona which allows students to reciprocate the same amount of eagerness and determination which will hopefully linger. Although the professional aspect of teaching is priority, emotion and encouragement is also a very important aspect.

Of course, teachers are also people themselves and will do things in their spare time like any other individual, this may be through finding relaxation in self-care or even by nurturing their talents and hobbies or potentially unwinding by taking care of their friends, family or pets! Some teachers may even find comfort in planning out their next lessons in order to avoid the stress of last minute decisions. As previously mentioned, each to their own, every teacher will have a different way of doing things.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
In terms of the server, of course, it is within the name. The server is majority based on the school itself and is the centrepiece of everything. Without the role of teachers, this would take away from the overall experience as a student on the server and generally lack management. Essentially there is a form of reliance on the role of teachers on the server. This also allows challenge to the role of a student on the server, and may potentially even allow a player to learn something Out-of-character too. In summary, without the role of a teacher, there’d be no need for the role of a student and instead would classify the majority of players as a civilian with little activities to do in their spare time.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The “Must have, should have, could have, won’t have” system.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Aubryn is of the African-American descent and stands at about 5’9 ft tall, with beautifully kinked hair that cascades down to just beneath her chest and often is unkempt due to her typically busy lifestyle. A unique aspect is despite her consistently unkempt appearance that comes off as exhausting, she has a certain pep in her step and an energetic aura to her many qualities. She’s never been too much into fashion, and instead has been devoted to a wardrobe full of colourless and considerably bland colours of clothing, in spite of this she still manages to pull it all off without coming off as too dreary. She presents herself as a rather slim-athletic build which may even come off more masculine, in consideration with her height too and straying from the typical feminine body types that Japan seems to encourage to women. Regardless of her not forming to the gender conforming stereotypes that have been predetermined, she still disregards it for the sake of her determination to set an example for her potential students.

Although she may be in her mid-forties, the enthusiastic nature can make her appear child-like, which is why she tends to bond with students on a much more friendlier level. She is to be considered as a friendly and open-minded individual and strives to ensure everyone around her is included and not a lone wolf within her athletic activities.

She has an incredible patience for the younger generation, simply for the plain fact that she was also a kid once too! And this generation is much different to her own, she adapts to change well overtime despite the recurring difficulty occasionally. Despite her enthusiasm and disregard for beauty standards, she was an insecure teenager too; a common thing amongst youth. She is much aware of the intimidating feelings and introverted social concepts, which is why she is so extroverted now in her adulthood.

Although she is well within her adulthood, this doesn’t mean it’s too late to start trying new career paths which is why she is devoted to her future teaching career as it’s the closest thing she can get to in order to get in touch with her own youth again. Although this journey may be shorter than the other teachers, this still allows her to reach her full potential in the meantime.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Aubryn would take a calm approach to the situation and provide them with a warning for using such strong, foul language and explain why she’s given the warning and why their behaviour is considered as bad. She may also make other teachers aware of this issue to prevent it from becoming a consistent issue within the school day.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
She would likely blow on her whistle or clap really loud in order to grasp their attention, after this she would hold her hand above her head and count down from five using her fingers, this allows a potential time limit for everyone to become silent and provide their undivided attention to her. Once calmed down, the lesson will continue on.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Aubryn is always likely to be around the water fountain considering she’s always on the go, which means she needs to stay hydrated! She tends to be very over-enthusiastic with her colleagues when they converse in the lounge. She always makes it her own personal goal to chat to everyone she sees along her way to the lounge, as well as those who are in there. One could say she’s a real social butterfly.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me would adjust her posture, standing tall as her eyes scan across the many students before her with a spark of excitement in her eyes. A quick exhale taken before the loud blow of her whistle, an initiation that class has started, while her hands rested on her hips.

/me had a large grin, ear to ear that took over her face, one may consider it too enthusiastic, gesturing to the football field behind her, perhaps a gesture of what they’ll be doing for this class. After a short time of silence, a booming voice said “Welcome to physical education. Today we’ll be splitting up into a team of two. Can we get two team captains?”

/me scanned her eyes across the raised hands of her students, briefly shutting her eyes for the moment and stuck her hand out, her index finger also pointing outwards. Strangely, she began to spin in a circle for a few seconds. “And captain number one is. . .” Aubryn paused, opening her eyes as she pointed as a randomly appointed student. “You! Head over to the blue team.”

/me repeated this process another time, appointing a team leader for the opposing team. “Now, one by one, you may pick out who you want to be on your team. . and remember, try to avoid favouritism! Give everyone a chance.” She’d appear observant in this process, looking out for any introverted students who may feel less enthusiastic about the activity.



Aubryn was originally born in Karakura Japan, brought up in the same school that she had originally applied to work in. During her education, she was singled out and picked on due to her larger build in terms of weight and her over the average height, which also resulted in a lot of name calling for something so absurd that she couldn't entirely help. Of course, this was something that turned into insecurity during her teenage years, however she attempted to not mind the cruel behaviour of her peers but despite this, Aubryn did end up missing out on the fun activities of her youth due to being singled out so often. She became more out of touch with her peers and social group entirely, one may say that her introverted behaviour became overwhelming, missing out on things such as formal dances, clubs, fundraisers etc. However, due to the excessive bullying, Aubryn got herself into fitness in order to change how she felt about herself and in order to avoid name-calling.

Over a period of time, Aubryn worked on the indecencies she faced during her childhood and pushed herself to get back out there. Don't be fooled by her enthusiasm, as this wasn't something that came easy to her and took a numerous amount of years, even through adulthood to get through. One may consider this is why she avoided her career path as a teacher for so long, because going back into a potentially cruel environment where children were previously ruthless was incredibly challenging. However, this was also an opportunity to get back in touch with her youth, enjoying the things she didn't get to do in her own years of youth.

In-Character Information
SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only)
: Aubryn Aldridge
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Aubryn
Preferred Name: Aub

Age (Minimum is 27): 45
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Single

Nationality: African-American
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Year of Graduation: 2001
Major(s): Sport psychology, Physical education
Minors: Health, sport theory

Native Languages: Japanese, English
Other Languages: Korean, Spanish

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, a CELTA certificate.


Additional notes about your application:
If P.E Teacher is not needed, leave on pending if you believe I am suitable for the position when it opens up
Do you have any questions?: N/A
Last edited:


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying for Highschool Teacher! I have placed your application on pending.

- Contact me on Discord if you're still interested in this position​

* Got a question about your application? Click here.

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