players online

Police Application


Level 26
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans:

(All of these bans are mostly on 2018-2019)
Max warnings - Tempban (1 day)
Failure to follow MugRP properly - Permban (Appealed)
Glitching a car - Permban (Appealed)
Bypassing a ban with an alt - IP ban (Appealed, I didn't know I was banned for the previous reason)
FailRP - Tempban (3 days)
Cosmetic Abuse - Tempban (2 hours)

(The only ban I've had in 2020)
Involving an erotic, sensible word into my action - Tempban (15 days)

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm usually a fairly active person, whenever I have a responsibility/role on the server that requires constant presence, I'm usually always there. For example, when I was in the EMS, I would get on for a minimum of 1 hour a day, even with school. However, the last week has been kind of full with the events happening in my life. So now that I'm getting back into it, I'm willing to take on a new role that I know I can manage.

Which time zone are you in?
My current timezone is BST (British Summer Time)

Do you have Discord?
Yes, my discord is Dimi#7011

Do you have a microphone [Obligatory]:
Yes, I do. I know that in my early days, I was known for having the worst mic of the bunch. But I have been able to get a great mic, making my voice clear and easy on the ears of my colleagues.

List your current and past applications:
City Related Applications:
BMD Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Im6]
Police Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Srav]
Blocky Mart Application (Accepted)
BMD Application (Denied) [Private conversation with Im6]
Police Application (Accepted) [Private conversation with Srav & Infold]
Police Application (Accepted)

Hospital Staff Application (Accepted)

School Applications:
College Application (Denied) [Private conversation with The_Lee_God]
Teacher Application (Accepted)
College Professor Application (Accepted) [Private conversation with Im6]
College Application (Accepted)

Character Authorization Applications:
Greek Application (Accepted)
Italian Application (Accepted)
Spanish Application (Accepted)

Community Applications:
Staff Application (Denied) [Privated]
Staff Application (Accepted) [Privated]
Staff Application (Denied) [Privated]

(Unlinked Applications are ones I have failed to find)
What is your motivation for applying?:
To be honest, being a police officer is the role I've spent the most time on in SchoolRP. I have been there for most of its eras. In all of SchoolRP's factions, I haven't been able to find one that forms a family with its members as much as the Police faction. Even with the EMS, it was a bit all over the place. The most fun I've had, the best memories I've made on SchoolRP were within the Police Faction and seeing it change over the times I've had to leave always excited me to come back and put in more than the last time. I know I've been a bad officer, and some of my promotions may have even been undeserved, but I feel like I've improved myself every time I came back. My motivation is to come back, put in all the effort I can, and be the best officer I've ever been on my RPH timeline. I hope the KPD can find the will to welcome me back into the Police Force, where I once belonged and wish to belong again.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
Yes, I am fairly familiarized with them, but just to be safe I've updated myself on them recently.

What are the Police ranks?
In the main division, comes the Commissioner as the highest rank then comes the Head-lieutenant, second-highest rank, commissioner's right hand, responsible for cadet tests, managing lower ranks, and then there's Vice-head lieutenant takes on a few more responsibilities than normal Lieutenants, and then Lieutenant, the rank that is allowed a Glock, and then there's sergeant, and corporal, the ranks mostly responsible for cadet training, then patrol officer which is technically the first official rank, then the cadets that are constantly trained and have to take a test in order to finalize their training.
As for the Investigator division, the ranks are:

Detective Superintendent:
Essentially the newer version of Head-Investigator, the highest rank of the division, is responsible for overseeing the Detective division.

Detective Chief Inspector:
The second-highest rank of the Detective division; oversees the Inspectors and Constables, both in-field performance and in training. Chief Inspectors can also host Constable training. This rank is also the start of being a higher-up within the Detective division in the KPD.

Detective Inspector:

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know a lot of information concerning the Karakura Police Department, if not everything. But the basic thing a new applier would know is that police enforce laws and do their best to the crime rate as low as possible. For the ones working at the front desk, they tend to assist people that are wanting to file a report, bail or visit someone, or just gain information on a certain person to see if they're in jail. They also perform patrols to ensure that the state of the town is stable, with no crimes happening. And they answer phone calls which come from the Karakura citizens, reporting an ongoing crime for example. Now I know that an addition to the Police Duties is for Corporal+ to give Cadet training.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
There can't be an overpowered faction on SchoolRP without a way to stop it/limit its power. It's only logical to have Police in SchoolRP seeing as GangRP exists. If Police weren't there, then the town would be a mess with crimes and logging off before the timer runs out, just like what happened when the police were inactive for a while. Police are also important to enforce some basic rules like driving rules and such. Besides, the players on SchoolRP are increasing by the minute, and more people will turn to GangRP, so Police need to be there to control the situation. We all know that GangRP's power fluctuates over time, and so does the Police, which makes up for great roleplay on both sides, I just personally prefer the police's perspective of doing things.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?
Yes, I do, and if I was to be accepted, I'd do my best to stay away from whatever's going to get me demoted.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role?
Yes, I do acknowledge this, and I wouldn't be applying at all if I didn't. In fact everytime I have made it in, all my effort goes into my Police account, all my activity and my login time.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished [Demoted]?
Yes, I do acknowledge this, but it won't be an issue for me because I'll most likely be there for every training.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I do acknowledge this, it is already known that IC events shouldn't be taken personally or OOCly, but I'll keep cautious anyways.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Travis Grady is six feet, three, weighs about 220LBS. He is a black male, with a straight posture and a muscular build. He has brown hair and dark brown eyes. He always wears a necklace. He's pretty athletic due to all the training he had received when he first joined. He has small eyes that he mostly hides with sunglasses, even during nighttime.

What he's like on and off the job?
Travis Grady has grown accustomed to a certain way of dealing with people, working as a police officer has indeed affected the way he interacts with strangers, he might be closed and not easy to walk up and talk to, but as obligated by his job, he will do anything to protect his loved ones. On the job, he knows when the citizen is in true danger or genuinely needs help, and when it's just a waste of his own time. He will do his best to handle the situation either way.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?
Travis Grady has come a long way from the start of his career, at first he would mess about all the time at training, at the front desk, during patrol. But the stricter the KPD got, the more serious Travis got about his job, all through the highs and lows, he's managed to make some improvements on how he treated his colleagues, keeping personal issues with any co-workers outside of working hours. It has been hard, but he's managed to do his job as normally even with bad blood being there with his co-workers. It has really been a tough ride, and he's learned the hard way that personal life is thrown out of the window during working hours.

Travis started studying law enforcement due to every police movie he's watched, he looked up to the police as idols, and he wanted to be a part of them so badly. He succeeded in college and was closer to his goal, and when he got accepted as a cadet, he passed his test the first time. Travis was so happy, he met his wife for the first time in the Karakura Police Department, her name was Vivianna and they loved each other so much. A few months later they had gotten their first child, Alessa, she was black as well, and she had blue eyes just like her mother. Everything was going so well until the arguments started. They even argued for no reason sometimes. But then Vivianna got her second child. They had to argue about the child's name until Vivianna took both the children and ran to her brother's house. That was when she decided to get a divorce. The child was finally called Romeo, and Travis just had to deal with it. He went through a small phase of depression the first two weeks of the divorce, but then he got over it. He was fine with both his children and his ex-wife. He managed to overcome his emotions and treat her as a normal co-worker at the station. Travis got promoted to Vice-Head Lieutenant and was so happy. He bought a new house right in front of the station and managed to get Romeo and Alessa to live with him, and shortly after that, his ex-wife accepted to live there too, just for the children. Travis was doing so well until he found out he had Leukemia. He had to sacrifice his job at the station in order to get treated, and it took 4 months to get rid of cancer. Travis managed to move back to where his career started, Karakura Japan. Where he started off as a cadet, he came back and made it to corporal despite the immense changes that occurred within the KPD, before once again, moving to California for the sake of his children's education. But now that his kids are independent, nothing is keeping him there, he's decided to take a trip down memory lane, good old Karakura Police Department cadet.

SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Travis Trevor Grady

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
Mr. Grady

Given Name(s):
Gravy, Officer Grady, Travis Scott

Preferred Name:



Religious Denomination:

Marital Status:


Current Location:
Japan, Karakura

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
5 years.

Working Experience:
20 years served in the KPD, 5 years served in the NYPD.

Academic Degree:
Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.

Year of Graduation:

Criminal Justice

Law enforcement and public safety

Native Languages:
English, Italian

Other Languages:
Greek, Japanese.
Last edited:


Level 135

Sadly your application was either not good enough or your reputation within the server isn't the best. Best of luck next time!​

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