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Denied Psychiatrist Application | BagelRP


Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
BagelRP (Applying for), _SarahMay_, and LuvnMay

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I always try my best to spend a few hours a day on SRP. As I have a fulltime job, it can be hard for me to constantly be on. I try my best to be on for a few hours everyday. Before work I attempt to play for about 2-3 hours and then I get on after work for another 3-4 hours. I always try my best to be as active as I can be. On my days off, I can be typically seen playing for the majority of the day.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:

BagelRp: : Denied : Accepted : Removed/Denied : Accepted : Accepted : Accepted : Denied : Denied
_SarahMay_ : Accepted : Accepted : Denied : Accepted : Accepted : Accepted : Accepted

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I have been playing SRP for a bit over 3 years now. I joined at the very end of 2021. On SRP alone, I have delinquentRP, GangRP, and FamilyRP. A few months ago I had taken a break from GangRP and DelinquentRP, and decided to expand my horizons. My S/O has started a family that I have joined. Since I have been doing FamilyRP and it's been my favorite. I would still love and want to expand my horizon to new things. Before I had played on SRP I used to do other Minecraft roleplays. I would have been on other servers or creative worlds. In there the options and opportunities were endless. I have played as a Doctor, a mother, a sibling, a teacher and so on. But these roleplays never lasted more than a few hours.

What is your motivation for applying?
The moment I saw the announcement, I practically jumped out of my seat. I have been looking to apply but just never did and I finally saw my chance. I have studied Psychology OOCLY during high school so I already have a decent understanding of it. I had taken an introductory to Psychology class and I fell in love with it. Now being able to do this in roleplay would be a huge opportunity and chance to do what I love OOCLY, ICLY. I also want to be able to help the community. The advice given ICLY can also be used OOCLY to help, and I want to help educate others. If someone is wanting to RP an illness but they aren't sure how, I want to be able to help them understand what the illness is and what it does. I have gotten to see the hospital go through changes as a civilian and I've seen hospital staff come and go. I have had characters form connections with some doctors and it was a great experience. I would love to be able to have that chance to form connections with others and make them feel welcomed. Being able to help make a difference in the community, not only on SRP but just in general is a huge opportunity. I want to help make a difference and make SRP a better place.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist): Psychiatrist

What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
I have never worked in a hospital OOCLY or ICLY but from what I have gathered, everyone in the hospital works for the same goal. They work for the same goal, to make people better both mentally and physically. I understand that sometimes things can get hard and difficult but I am up for the task. After taking my class in psychology I got to see how everyone reacts differently and there is always a different way to go about something for everyone. Everybody reacts differently and not every tactic works for everyone. As not only being in hospitals OOCLY, I have had characters in the hospital and friends who work in the hospital ICLY. Having a character who has been in and out of the hospital, I have gotten to experience lots of different treatments and different ways everyone handles situations. On top of all of this, the Doctor role initials a lot of physical work, like check ups, procedures, treatments, and more. They have to diagnose people and get then the correct treatments. Some procedures they might have to perform would be like an organ transplant, fixing a broken leg, even birth, and so many more. Sometimes they have to do treatments with cancer patients or anyone with a disease. Sometimes its just a routine check-up or it can be applying a cast. There are so many different scenarios and options for things to happen. Doctors have to be ready for anything, and to never expect one thing over the other. Psychiatrists are more mental and hands off. They get to diagnose people with mental issues, help with couples, family, or group therapies, and more. They get to create a calm, safe, and loving environment for their patients. You also never know what you are going to see in a day. It could be anywhere with helping someone with an anxiety disorder, to helping a family out in a time of need. The possibilities are truly endless. Both roles are truly important to the team and you need both. Without them, the city of Karakura would be hopeless!

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I do

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I do

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I do and I will most certainly do my best to be at as many trainings as I can be.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
I do. OOCLY and ICLY should be kept completely separate.

In-Character (IC) Section
Character’s Full Name:
Céceilia Maxi Akage

Character’s Gender and Pronouns: Female She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted): 28

Character’s Academic Background

PHD: Clinical Psychology
Masters: Neuroscience and social psychology
Bachelors:Communications, abnormal psychology, and biology

Character’s Nationality: Japanese/French

Character’s Marital Status: Single

Character’s Religious Denomination: Non Religious

Character’s Spoken Languages: Japanese, French, and Korean

Backstory (100+ Words)
On December 21st 1995, Lili and Maël Akage welcomed their two children André and Céceilia into the world. The Akage family had lived in France for most of their lives before deciding to move to Tokyo, Japan when the twins were a year and a half old. Upon moving, the twins had a nanny who would frequent the Akage household to teach Japanese. Due to the twins being so young, they easily learned Japanese and it soon became their primary language. At the age of 3 the twins attended a daycare where Cécelia met Damian Kaizen and they instantly became best friends. Through the years, André and Damian also grew closer. Those three ended up attending the same schools. André and Cécelia were put into modeling at the age of 5. They quickly grew a following on social media thanks to their parents. When Cécelia and Damian were 13, they realized they had feelings for each other and had gotten together as a couple. They dated for 2 years until December 1st 2012. Damian was turning 15 but the Akage family was moving away. Cécelia wasn’t allowed to go to Damian’s birthday party so she attempted to sneak out. In her little mission, she got caught and was grounded. Her phone was not only taken from her but it was destroyed. She never got to say goodbye nor did she even tell him she was moving. The very next day, the Akage family had moved back to Paris, France where André and Cécelia would become famous models. Cécelia was distraught over moving and never getting to at least say goodbye to Damian. Her parents had taken over her life from her social interactions, social media, and even the money she made. The rest of her life was under control of her parents. Finally one day she had enough. She had got into a huge fight with her parents and convinced them to let her get another job working in a Daycare. She worked in this daycare for 2 years. When she turned 18, she enrolled into college and majored in Psychology and minored in communications. When she was 20, and had her bachelors, she wanted to learn as much as she could. She had taken classes in abnormal, clinical, cognitive, social, personality, and experimental psychology. She also took classes for statistics, lifespan development, and neuroscience. Céceilia was also able to begin to work as a receptionist at her local Emergency Room. When she was 25, she moved back to Tokyo and had to transfer to a new college. She continued her studies until she had a PHD in Clinical Psychology, a Masters in Neuroscience and Social Psychology. Onto of all of these she had gotten Bachelor degrees in Communications, abnormal psychology, and in biology. Along with becoming an intern at the Emergency Room. Soon after Céceilia had become one of the head Psychologists at the ER. Not much longer after she graduated, her parents had forced her back into modeling again at the age of 28. This is when Cécelia got a modeling gig in Karakura Japan. While in town, she was reminded of a familiar name, Damian Kaizen. She decided to pay him a visit hoping it was who she remembered it to be. After a long conversation, Damian had convinced her to finally stand up to her parents and to claim her life, so she did just that. Cécelia went back to France and told her parents she had had enough and wanted to have her own life. Cécelia then packed her bags and grabbed all the money she could before moving to Karakura, job hunting.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus? (Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Céceilia has a PHD in Psychology. Her focus is more on Mental illness but she is also qualified for couples therapy, psycho****ysis, attachment therapy, group therapy and more. She chose to go into Psychology after realizing how bad her parents were to each other and their children. Along with realizing how it has affected her as a person along with her twin brother. She wants to help people and always has. She is truly a giver. Céceilia is an open minded person and she is always looking at the world from others point of view. She tries her best to understand her patients and help them. She understands that everyone comes from different backgrounds and that they will all react differently to help and coping methods. Céceilia is always patient and is waiting for others to be ready. She never forces anyone into anything they do not want to do, and likes to guide them. She questions her patients until they answer their own questions and are able to help themselves with the right steps and guidance. She will be that helping hand and allow you to find the answer instead of handing it to you. This allows you to truly understand the issue/problems at hand and allows to person to truly feel and understand their emotions better.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Céceilia had her first medical residency in a small emergency room for Clinical Psychology as she worked on her Doctorate. She had this residency when she was at her first ER in Paris, France from the ages of 20-25. She didn't become a medical resident until she was 23. When she was 20-22, she had worked as a receptionist as she built her trust with this facility. When she turned 26, she moved back to Tokyo, Japan where she began working in her second ER. She had finished the rest of her residency here and became a Psychologist at the age of 26, almost 27. She stayed working here until the age of 28 when she then decided to move to Karakura, Japan.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
She does. Céceilia had worked in her first ER when she was 20 and stayed there for about 5 years. In this time, she had started as a receptionist. As a receptionist she was in charge of keeping patients' files organized and neat. She had checked people in and got them assigned to a room and doctor. Slowly as she finished up her bachelors degree, she became an attending Psychologist for a while due to her loyalty to the ER. After she had moved, she started to work in her second ER in Tokyo, Japan from the ages of 25 to 28. After she finished up her residency, she had gained trust and worked as hard as she could. Slowly towards the end of her time in Tokyo, she became a head Psychologist in the ER before she decided to move to Karakura.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Not at the moment, but Céceilia has plans to get a second masters degree in Biology and communications. She has been wanting to get a job in Karakura before continuing her education. She feels as if you can never know too much. Getting these degrees will help her in any promotions or even getting a job. She would be more wanted for having a better education. With learning more, she gets to be opened to more opportunities and better ways for her own practice. It enables her to a more diverse way of thinking which can help her with her patients.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?

Céceilia Maxi Akage is a 28 year old female. She is 5’1 who weighs about 110 lbs. She is slim yet still fit. She is a healthy woman who always smelled of freshly ground vanilla beans. She always wore make-up and had long wavy blue hair. She had peachy colored eyes and a calm demeanor. One thing that makes Céceilia unique. She has a positive outlook on people, she is an optimistic person. She chooses to see the good in people and she wants to help everyone she can. Céceilia understands that not everyone is the same and comes from all different backgrounds and they all face different trauma. She has always tried to be there for people and help them in any way she can. Cécelia herself comes from a broken home. She is someone who will just be that ear when needed, or she will give advice if asked. Everyone has a good verison inside themselves, and sometimes it just gets lost under all the trauma, pain, and/or grief.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Cécelia would be pretty casual with her colleagues. She has never really had an issue making friends due to her bubbly personality. She is always eager to make a new friend and be there for others. She is someone to always keep a professional look and behavior while at work, but also will be inviting. Off duty she will continue to uphold a bit of professionalism, though when she is not working, her behavior still reflects on who she is. People tend to judge on what they see, and if she is acting like a child or is being immature, people might think she does not know what she is doing or that she treats her job like a joke. Being professional off the clock shows others that she cares about her job and she takes it seriously. Céceilia also takes confidentiality very seriously. She will not talk about her patients to anyone who is not only not authorized to hear it, but not to anyone who doesnt need to. Céceilia will only speak about a patient to someone who is authorized and is needing to know about said patient. For example, if Céceilia is needing a second opinion, she will only inform the other with what needs to be said and with permission to speak about it. If a patient strictly states that they don't want anyone knowing, then no one will know. Doctor patient confidentiality is very important to her.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Céceilia has always found that she works better on her own. She gets to form a more deep and intense connection with the one she is helping better when she is alone. Along with this, some people find a one on one ratio more personal allowing a bond and a calm space with less stress. Céceilia also knows that sometimes she needs help and she is not afraid to admit it. She loves working with others because it can create a completely different environment and atmosphere. Along with this, sometimes another set of eyes can always help catch something she might have missed. Sometimes people feel safer in numbers and this can help a patient to open up more. The patient also gets to hear different types of advice and tactics that may work. They get a more broad knowledge of coping mechanisms that they can try out and if one doesn't work, they have another option to try.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Céceilia plans on helping others in any way she can. Staying in her current line of work and being able to advance her knowledge is her top priority at the moment. One day she wants a family but also wants to further her education. She works harder and harder every day to be the very best she can. Her biggest wish is to help everyone she can, which is why she chose to be a Psychologist. She hates seeing people hurt and feeling like they have no one nor anywhere to go. Making a calm and safe place is her biggest strength. Not all of her sessions are full of talking, sometimes people just need a place they can go to, to cry or vent their issues in. Somewhere they can go to talk about whatever they need to without feeling like they have to hide or even worry about who's going to hear and who it is going to get back to.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Céceilia has always had a bubbly personality. She is giving and helpful but she can also be very serious. When others need help, Céceilia is jumping up to assist. She puts on her serious face and acts fast. She will figure out what the issue or problem is and is quick on her feet to find a solution. Sometimes people find how helpful she is to be annoying but she always means well. Céceilia has never had bad intentions and thinks of herself as a giver. She rarely takes and never really puts herself first which can leave her a bit vulnerable and easily manipulated. Her goal is to help everyone before herself and prioritizes the people who need it.
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Level 231
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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