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Denied Psychiatrist Application | CouldBeDumpster


Level 24
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord name & tag?:

Previous bans:
One for avoidrp in Oct 2021, false accusation., no appeal. Second ban with appeal

Describe your activity on the server:
My recent activity on SRP has been involving gangrp and lore-based events. I also have been a professor for four months now! I've been highly active on that account as the professor character and have been trying to be as involved with the planned events and/or school. Besides, when an event is scheduled during my work or school hours, I try my best to clear the day around that time for it. This also includes events for gangrp which I just recently started to become active in again. This however is not the main thing for me to do, it is more to create relations and lore for the character I play. (Which will not be my applying character).
I am always active except when I am out of town or at work, as well as school. With the change of schedule due to school, I still remain active daily and get on once I am home from either work or school. Which in a day gives me about 4-6 hours on SRP depending on if I have anything to do inside of it.
I found Roleplay hub over two years ago now and since then I have had great experiences with the people I've interacted with and enjoy creating characters that are completely different. The character I am applying for is my main one and has been for 2 years. Since I have stayed on SRP for so long I figured that I have been able to keep a maintained schedule with this and irl things and will be able to play a character that has a more needed activity, such as EMS. It was originally meant for her to become an intern but I held off due to a busy schedule.
Plus the character I'm applying to is my main character so I'll be on her mostly and more active in EMS!

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
PENDING (probably taking down) -

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I've been doing roleplay for a long time and I always have enjoyed it, I would go into other Minecraft servers that were meant for roleplay but it wasn't ever as organized as I wanted. I was also very into LARP growing up and would get my entire school involved. Sometimes pretending to be someone or something else is exactly what a person needs to just get away from their own world.
My overall roleplay experience in the SRP is quite positive. I've been playing for almost 2 years now, which yes isn't a long time but for me, that's pretty decent. I have grown pretty fond of how it's not JUST roleplaying as a high school student, but there's also the opportunity to become city roles or school faculty. As well as gangrp and any sort of sportrp. Which I have enjoyed because it's not something I can grow bored of since I can just change up my roleplaying or make another character to be completely different.
Recently, I also became a part of the school faculty so I was able to engage in more school-based roleplay and make new lore that really improved my characters and my ability to try new things.

What is your motivation for applying?
I've wanted to apply for ems for over a year now. I always thought it seemed really fun and like something that I would be into. One of the things I'm considering schooling for in IRL is nursing since I always was interested in that. I figured why not roleplay it out and maybe even learn more about it while doing so? the current EMS team all seem really nice and friendly, I've been able to do hospitalrp and recoveryrp a lot, where I got a better idea of how EMS worked on the inside.
It all seems really entertaining and fun. I'd love to be a part of that as well as widen my variety of roleplay. Plus, the character I'm applying as has lore revolving hospitals and I felt like it was finally time I should give it a shot to give her the job she was originally made for.

Which role are you applying for?
(Surgeon, Doctor, or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
There are many roles in a Hospital. Though in SRP these roles include, Doctors, Surgeons, Psychiatrists, and the Higher departments. As well as the new paramedics!

A Doctor is someone who has a license to practice medicine. In Karakura, Doctors are responsible for treating patients who are not in need of surgery, prescribing medication, and setting up appointments! Doctors are qualified to perform checkups on patients and tend to those who are in recovery.

Surgeons are responsible for treating severe injuries to a patient. All surgeons are trained to fix anything from a broken leg to a brain hemorrhage. As well as prescribing medication or items to help them along their recovery. In Karakura, active surgeons are a necessity for those who receive injury from attacks.
A Surgeon is also a licensed physician, indicating they received the same training as a physicist before they specialize in surgery itself.

Psychiatrists specialize in mental health, including substance use disorders, and are able to diagnose mental disorders and illnesses. They help people get through struggles that a normal doctor would be unable to do, such as the mental recovery of a traumatic injury. As well as just helping someone get through a rough time or giving a shoulder to cry on. In a city or town that has a lot of crime they are able to talk to those who are involved in criminal activities get through their problems and give solutions to better themselves or get out of those situations.

Paramedics are trained to proceed with emergency treatment for those who are ill or injured. They have also been trained to perform these procedures outside of a hospital in case they are unable to bring the patient back right away. Whether it be to stabilize them until they reach a hospital or perform emergency treatment right where they are. Paramedics also are the ones who go to the patients who call 110 and bring them to the hospital if they're unable to get there on their own. They tend to travel with police when receiving a call that can be deemed as dangerous or in need of a polices presence.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I do acknowledge this, yes.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
Yes. And I will be dedicated to my role among the hospital staff. That's why I decided to apply on my main account with my main character.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yep! I will attend any trainings that are held when I'm online or able to get online!

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes. I already avoid taking things OOCly and don't plan to change that.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Kinoko 'Takahara' Yokuna

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, She/Her

Character’s Age (if accepted):
31 years old

Character’s Academic Background

Grade-12 At Karakura High
Associates in Culinary Arts at Fudan University
Masters in Mathematics at Fudan University
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology at Nippon Medical School

Character’s Nationality:

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
Atheist, learning more about Shintoism though

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Chinese, Russian, Japanese, and Japanese Sign-language

Backstory (100+ Words)
In Tokyo Japan, Ayoki and Denji Yokuna welcomed into the world their first son, Kai Yokuna. The boy was loved and spoiled by his parents for the first few years of his life. Seeming to be the happiest child, Ayoki decided she wanted to have more children to let Kai have a close friend. On December 5th, Kinoko and Miko were born, fraternal twins. The youngest of the two, Kinoko, born 3 hours after, was underweight, and being sent to NICU. After a few years in life, Miko had grown a hatred for her siblings, noticing that because of Kinoko's health, she would get more attention from their mother, and due to Kai being the only boy, their father would spend more 'one on one time with him. In reality, Denji was abusing Kai in an attempt to strengthen his manhood. He believed that Kai was too feminine to be a strong male, which is what Denji wanted since the day he found out he was having a son. By the age of 7, Kinoko had found out about her father's abuse towards her brother. She had walked into Kai's room one night after having a bad dream, where she was welcomed by a beaten young boy cowering in a corner. The finding out the truth about her brother and father, Kinoko was soon diagnosed with Schizophrenia. Where she had episodes quite often and would hurt herself and others around her. On the twin's 9th birthday, the day was fun, there was a large party and lots of presents. After the long day, Kinoko lit a candle in her room, something clicking in her head saying the words 'Kill. Kill. Kill.' Hearing her brother's cries from across the hall, she dropped the lit candle onto the floor. Setting fire to their home, where only the children would make it out alive.
Ayoki Yokuna's body was found charred in her bed. Meanwhile, Denji Yokuna's body was never found. They were both pronounced dead on December 6th with the Police's conclusion of this was an 'accident'. That day Kai and Miko were sent to a nearby orphanage. With the remaining money from their parent's will, Kinoko was sent to a boarding school to receive the close attention she needed.
By the time she turned 18, she decided to leave her current private school and moved to Karakura, Japan for a fresh start and hopefully a good education. She stayed in Karakura for a year until she finished her high school education, moving to Shanghai, China to attend a school she found great reviews on, Fudan University. She stayed in the university until she graduated, obtaining her Associate Degrees in Culinary Arts and Master's degrees in Mathematics.
After Kinoko graduated from Fudan University she went back to her former high school McTyeire School for Girls. She had arranged a meeting with the principal prior to her graduation in order to get a spot in the faculty. Kinoko had wanted to teach at this school as she knew the environment was a comforting place for her to start out. It was a school she always felt safe in and each year the students would always improve. After a thorough interview with the Principal, Kinoko became their Culinary teacher for all grades. Kinoko felt it was better for the students to mingle with their older and younger peers in order to grow in a better environment. She felt that her class and teaching methods would make it so all students would feel safe and well-taught.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)

Her medical specialty is Psychiatry, deciding to focus on this position as a result of her compassion for others. She felt that patients may not be receiving enough mental help after traumatic injuries or life events, hoping that she could help them get through their time of recovery. As well as when she was teaching at Karakura School, she noticed that a lot of students had undiagnosed illnesses due to the fear of seeking medical help, but she was able to help them seek the help they need. This helped her realize that she could be doing more for them by joining the world of medicine,

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
After attending and completing medical school, Kinoko went to Jr Tokyo General Hospital. She stayed a part of the medical team for three years where she understudied the Director of the psychiatry department. After her first year, she was given her own office next door where she was able to see less-severe patients as a way to help her get on her feet and learn how to give diagnoses firsthand.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Though she has no work experience, she has treated injured and sick people before. During her time in high school, she was planning to become an intern at the Karakura hospital, so she'd practice on her friends who received minor injuries and were unable to see a doctor. Though she decided not to apply after noticing the positions were full.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Kinoko graduated from her first college with an Associate's in Culinary and a Master's in Mathematics.

Describe your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique?

A 5’5 Japanese female with a small figure. Her body was covered in scars, her more noticeable ones would be two large ones on her neck and a large one on her right thigh. She’d have angel wings tattooed on her left shoulder and roses going up her right arm. She’d walk with a limp in her left leg, which was a prosthetic. Her hair would be brown which complimented her soft blue eyes.
Kinoko's overall outlook on younger people is that they are young minds who are still new to the world. Each patient she could care for is her own and make sure they are always in a healthy mindset. Kinoko learned from her experience as a mother figure to be caring and loving to all, even if they don't seem to want to help, they may one day open up. She wishes to be a trusted person for all those around her in case they ever need someone to help. Whether it just be a person to listen to or needing a shoulder to cry on. Kinoko wishes to be a safe place for everyone she is presented with. When Kinoko is with someone she tries her best to be someone they can lean on.

How does your character act on and off duty?
Out of work, Kinoko is a mother to 9 children. She is an aunt and sister to others, though in the workplace she’s seen to treat patients with the respect and care they deserve, keeping everything in her workplace strictly professional. Kinoko is not the type of person to hesitate when comforting others and patients, always being ready to lend a helping hand within their boundaries. She’d always do what's best for her patients as well as her family.
Overall, she is the same person when on and off duty. Kinoko will always be ready to care for others, though when on duty she does so in a professional way.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Kinoko functions well being around others. She has only worked in quite crowded places, like schools and a hospital. During her time at Karakura Highschool and College, she grew to constantly be around other faculty as a way to better the work experience for herself and others, as well as show the students a united front. When she worked as an understudy of the Psychiatrist at Tokyo General, she grew close to the other doctors who worked on her floor. Realizing that it was better to work as a team even when her own job was for her to be in her office helping patients individually.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Her plan for the future is to continue to work hard. With the careers she takes on she hopes to provide a suitable life for her family. Kinoko recently had her first biological child and plans to raise her with good morality and a goal to succeed in life.
When Kinoko was young she grew up in hospitals, making her want to be a part of EMS when she grew up. Now that she is an adult and has the qualifications to do so, she has found that psychiatry bests suit her. During the last three years at Tokyo General, she has come to realize that this was a job meant for her, almost as if she was raised for it. Kinoko plans to continue working as a psychiatrist until she is old enough to retire. As Kinoko is still young, she has yet to plan her retirement, but still trying to save up to afford to move somewhere nice for when she's in her end days.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Kinoko is described as a compassionate and kind person. She’s a very 'mothery' type of person and really would like to see others strive to succeed. She is very protective of her family and close friends. Especially her children, Kinoko would do just about anything to keep them safe. Kinoko is pretty easy to get along with, being very outgoing and enjoying meeting new people.
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Level 233
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reasons:

- Due to the vast amount of applicants that try their best to get into the faction, we often have to deny good applicants because there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation or due to the detail that was put into their application.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 4lx. - via discord, and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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