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Reporter Application | CouldBeSxtan


Level 23
OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:


Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
I have a microphone! dumpster0666

List your timezone and country:
Pst Time - USA

Describe your activity:
Very active except when I am out of town or at work. I'm only out of town for small amounts of time but other than that I'm highly active on the server! And The character I'm applying on is my main character so I'll be on her mostly!

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
One for avoidrp in Oct 2021, false accusation., no appeal. Second ban with appeal

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I've been debating it for a long time, I enjoy writing a lot outside of SRP and do lore writing, and I think that doing a roleplay based entirely on writing would be really fun for me. My friend said that it's pretty fun to be a reporter and I'd also be able to 'spread news' icly with more detail in a report than I would just run up to a person and tell them 'news'.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
I have been writing for most of my life, really starting to write more detailed stuff around 3rd grade. In 5th I wrote my first book with my friends, it spanned about 70 pages and we were extremely proud of it, though we lost it since our emails were school ones and we graduated. That is when I really started writing by myself with larger pieces, including two unfinished books I've written that I realized weren't really interesting to anyone but me. Other than that, I am an average A student in every English writing course and tend to write lengthy creative writing or essays. I actually wrote a story about SRP for my final project this year [Could share it if interested, it's in a doc]

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I read through the rules and I understand them all! I will follow each and every one.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I think you should accept my application because I do plan to be very active in my reporter role and will try to get as many reports as I can, with well, whatever resources I can get icly. I'm a very active member of SRP and have been for 2 years since I started. I've been trying to find multiple different roleplays to do since gangrp, familyrp, etc haven't been as much of an interest to me anymore, so I applied for Professor and I've been having a lot of fun with that. Though I've wanted to do reporting for a while just wasn't sure if it was for me yet, but my friend said to give it a go and I'd enjoy it! I do think I'd be a good addition to the reporter team, I've seen a lot of them around and am friends with a few of the current reporters and they think I'd have fun being a part of this!

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I understand that all reports are to remain neutral without bias written toward any group or person. Even if a report is about let's say, a gang, it will not include a biased opinion or an opinion at all. Only stating facts on the cases and gangs involved.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I trust that I can be active and complete my quotas. The only times in the next few months I have planned inactivity are only a couple of days out of the month due to camping, which I can dm the dates I will be gone! It's about 5 days total for the next two months. Other than that, fully active!!

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
A reporter is someone who spreads the truth and even views from the people. They gather all the information they can and will press for more in order to make sure their report leaves out no details, really showing the people what is going on in the world, or in this case town. As a reporter, their job is to really get everything out into the world, providing evidence, witnesses, ideas, sometimes if it is just a. .lets say not-crime related report, they'll provide pictures, little snip-bits of things that can relate to the next report.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Kinoko T. Yokuna

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)

Current Age (25+):
I'm currently 31!

Past job/work experience:
Professor at Karakura School and Professor at Fudan University.

Associate in Culinary Arts and Master in Mathematics

Nationality and born location:
Japanese-Filipino, born in Tokyo, Japan

Phone Number:
030- 409 - 8714

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:

I would describe myself as a compassionate and kind person. I'm a very 'mothery' person and really would like to see others strive to succeed. I'm very protective of my family and close friends. Especially my own children, I'd do just about anything to keep them safe. I'd like to say that I'm pretty easy to get along with, I'm very outgoing and enjoy meeting new people, my children say it's one of my 'annoying' traits since I introduce them to so many friends. Other than that, I'm very diligent in getting my stuff done, like work or chores. Procrastinating is something I really try to avoid as I find it hard to do things later rather than sooner.

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
I'm honestly interested in writing about anything! Though I'd love to write more on interviews with people of importance, like the mayor or a governor, maybe KPD officers, and more! I think they would have a lot of interesting stuff to tell the people and may just need the right kind of push to get it out there! I'd also be 100%on board to step out of my comfort zone and do any type of report!

What are your expectations for the job?:
I don't have many expectations other than the job being a good work environment and also maybe a bit of fun. Writing in itself is very fun for me but I'd also love to share that with my coworkers as well! I would love to get the town of Karakura up to date on the latest news and I believe that this company already does an amazing job at doing so! So my only expectation so far is to continue doing an amazing job and make sure everything is shared.

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
Yes one record, Possession of illegal weaponry

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
Japanese, Chinese, and Russian


You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing players about an event or significant issues to Karakura.

#1 - Karakura's dark side

Hello hello and welcome to the Karakura reports! I am Kinoko Yokuna, writing to you about our small town of Karakura! Giving you the nitty gritty details and the latest gossip!

A significant issue in Karakura is the crime increase. Yes, the crime rate has always been high but in recent years it has increased. From the beating of an innocent child to the kidnapping of a police officer, Karakura criminals have only grown more aggressive and sloppy in their work.

This town is beautiful, with its own beach and forest that leads up to a shrine. Though not so far underneath our city's charm, lie the dark sewers that carry the turfs and hideouts of each criminal and gang there is. In almost every open corner you look, there are blood stains or writing saying to leave. On every large wall, the citizens of Karakura sometimes get warnings in spray paint with a gang signing off, saying they're back or coming for certain people.

Recently, groups have grown larger, waiting outside or inside the abandoned powerplant, the largest criminal hot spot in Karakura. Each person wears a mask that covers their entire face, the most popular amongst criminals being a ballistic mask that straps around their head. The tunnel beside the powerplant which used to be an exit, has been taken over by two separate gangs. They had a war in order to claim a new territory and trashed the tunnel.

To conclude today's report, it is obvious of that crime increased in Karakura and more news will commence once another attack inevitability happens. Make sure to keep your doors locked and avoid criminal hot spots! I am Kinoko Yokuna and this was Karakura news! Have a magical day!

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.

#2 - Wildlife take over

KY = Kinoko Yokuna
JD = John Doe
- Gave a soft smile "Good Afternoon sir! My name is Kinoko Yokuna and I'm a reporter, would it be alright if I interview you on the wildlife in Karakura?"

JD - Took her hand and shook it politely. "Good Afternoon, Ms. Yokuna. Yes, an interview would be fine by me!"

KY - "Wonderful! Could you please tell me your experiences with the critters running around more towards plaza? Such as the cats, foxes, and others?"

JD - "Well I have quite the experience with the birds when I'm at plaza. They tend to fly around and peck at my head or even sit on it. I reckon it is because I'm bald, you see, and I guess that may be interesting to them."

KY - "I see. ." Jotted down a few notes on his statement, "So not including the overview attacks, have you ever encountered a more, vicious attack?"

JD - "There was this one time when I was sitting by the fountain reading when a raccoon approached me. It kept trying to bite the book from my hand when I gently shoved it away with my foot, it started to bite me! Out of nowhere several other raccoons came and began to attack my legs and climb onto the fountain to get a higher reach! I have a scar on my ankle from this ordeal!" Showed a raccoon-shaped bite mark on his left ankle

KY - "Wow, that is quite the incident. I hope you got that checked out. Though moving on from plaza attacks, we've recently had an increase in dolphins and fish I hear. Have you been to the beach recently and spotted any?"

JD - "Oh I'm at the beach every day almost. When the dolphins started to migrate here I wanted to avoid them at first since I figured it would scare them off. About a couple of weeks ago I was swimming in the water when one of them began to swim next to me. It was beautiful and almost like a dream, I stayed with that guy for a few hours before it started getting dark."

KY - "That's amazing! I personally haven't seen one myself yet but that sounds like a wonderful experience. Is that the only time you encountered one?'

JD - "Yep! Glad to say it was the best day of my life. I haven't seen the thing since but I check in by the pier in hopes I could swim with it again."

KY - "Sounds like an amazing day indeed. Now, I was wondering if you could tell me if you've ever seen a bear, interacted with it even?"

JD - "Oh yeah. I was camping with my friend about a year ago when he thought it would be a bright idea to head into the bear cave at night. A real smart guy he was."

KY - "I'm sorry did you say 'was'? Had he not made it out of the cave?"

JD - "Oh no, he did! Not in one piece but he's alive alright. I heard him start screaming a few seconds after he went in, and the bear was roaring like crazy. It happened so fast and he came out with a missing arm! I brought him to the hospital right away but, we weren't able to save the arm itself in time."

KY - "I'm sorry to hear that. I see you're missing an arm too, could that be from an animal attack?"

JD - "Yeah. The next day I didn't learn a lesson from it and went back for his arm. The doctor said we could reattach it and it would cost us less. So I went back and when I thought it was empty, I went in. Sure enough, the arm was right there with a giant bite in it, but so was the bear. I guess that was kind of deserved since I knew the consequences of entering."

KY - "May not have been your brightest idea. Now, if we could venture from wildlife to more, tamed life. I was wondering if you may own any pets yourself?"

JD - "I own three dogs. Milly, Posey, and Winston. Lights of my life, got them all around 4 years ago as puppies. Same litter so I really couldn't separate them, felt bad if I did."

KY - "Awe, that's adorable! I'm glad your past and recent encounters haven't changed your view of owning a pet yourself."

JD - "Hey, the bear thing was on me. The others with the birds and raccoons are really just a nature habit. My dogs are perfect for me and always will be."

KY - "That's very sweet. Now I see we're close to your stop time, is there anything else about the critters or pets you'd like to share?"

JD - "Well, I once saw this fox getting beat up by a kid. The fox nicked his ankle a bit and the kid went ballistic, started to well, beat it up. Almost as if it were something of similar size. Now I may have had a bad experience with animals but I'd never wanna bring them harm. The police came and the fox came out with a broken paw but survived thankfully.

KY - "Oh my... that's upsetting to hear and I'm sure hard to witness." Cleared her throat. "Well, that is all my questions for today. I hope you have a lovely evening sir and a safe future with the critters!"

JD - "Alright, take care Ms Yokuna!"

KY - "You too, sir."

Additional Information:
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Level 172
News Lead
Government Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @Aania if you have any queries about the application

- Next time, try putting in a bit more effort! Your application is short and lackluster

You are free to re-apply at any point in time!
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