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Accepted rinnay's EMS Doctor application!!


Level 3
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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

rinnay (my alt, the account i'm applying on)
herraiju (my main account!)

What is your discord username?
I do have a working microphone.

Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe my activity as fairly active. While I might not log on from a daily basis, I make an effort to log on at least every other day. Over the past year and a half of me being on the server, I've only ever been in one adult faction. That faction being KPD, which was around a year ago from now. Since then, my main focus has been primarily on sports since I joined College Cheer during the summer. Joining the cheer team definitely was a significant step in my roleplaying journey, where I expanded my knowledge on RP beyond simple actions like "/me smiles friendly". This period was perhaps my most active era of SRP. Due to it being the summer at the time, I didn't have many priorities for myself and honestly kind of prioritized my team over myself. While the memories I have from the team were very enjoyable, the toll on my well-being became apparant. Realizing I needed to prioritize my mental health, I made a tough decision to quit the team and focus on myself. After a few weeks, I managed to improve my mental state and establish a healthier routine for myself. Joining the Highschool Cheer Team with some friends who motivated me to join was one of the best decisions I've made in my SRP career. Despite it not being my most active period, it was by far the era I enjoyed the most. I was on the team for about two months, which may seem short to some people but I cherished every moment of it while it lasted. As September came along, so did school. This led me to having to make another adjustment to my schedule, where I could balance both SRP and my studies. Once I figured out how to juggle actual school along with SRP, I started to notice how dull things became to seem outside of the teams. This realization led me to joining the College Female Football team, in which I expanded my RP knowledge once again. My experience on the team not only improved my roleplaying skills, but also contributed to my personal growth as a person. I'd like to believe that I have a good understanding of the server along with its rules. I've included a chart below showing my availability for SRP. Please note that this is not a schedule set in stone. Meaning, I might not always be on at these times due to other events happening in my life as well as other factors that play into the mix of things. While the journey to the mental state I'm in at the moment took time, I wouldn't change it for the better or worse. Each era of my SRP life has played a crucial part in shaping my RP experience as both a individual and an RPer.

12pm - 3am
5pm - 10pm
5pm - 10pm
5pm - 10pm
5pm - 10pm
5pm - 3am

What is your timezone?:
Eastern Standard Time

List your current and past applications:

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
My RP journey first started in 2016 or 2017 on Hypixel housing. I would often join a variety of different roleplays like Wolves vs. Humans, CampRP, Magical Highschools, Adoptions, and other varieties of school roleplays. Although I was not the best roleplayer, I always tried putting an effort into my characters. In a way I saw it as me making my own story, escaping from reality. A few months after joining, I ended up making my own RP hypixel housing. It seemed like a basic school roleplay, but me and my friends would often make ourself more powerful with 'powers' that nobody else knew about. I mean, it wasn't necessarily against the rules! My housing began to thrive as new players began to join and hold an interest to the housing. . Until it became too much. Sometimes I would join my housing in the mornings to see that there were already like ten people in it, actively roleplaying. This made little ol' 12 year old me feel super successful, as we started to grow a bit of a community. There were some 'regulars' you could say that came to my housing on a daily basis, but there was often people I'd never see ever again. I began to grow closer to the people who always came into my housing, and those people ended up being a few of my first actual online friends. The downfall to my housing is when people began to catch on to me and my friends clear abuse of ownership. . We were almost always the prom queens/kings when it came to our little prom events, which i'll admit it was unfair to people who weren't friends with me. . But c'mon guys! I was 12! I just wanted to live my best life as the prom queen! About a year and a half ago I revisited some of the newer housings with one of my online friends-- It just didn't hit the same way it used to, though. So, me and my friend went looking for roleplay servers, stumbling upon this one. Ever since then, I have been on SRP. I've also had some RP experiences with roblox on Fantasia for example, basically Royale High but in a different font and just. . BETTER! None of my RP experiences on roblox are significant enough for me to remember, therefore I will not be going into depth about that as well.

What is your motivation for applying?
My motivation for applying is simple; I love the EMS faction! The decision to apply has been lingering in the back of my mind for quite sometime now. A big factor in me wanting to apply is because of my love for RP! Doctors have to RP often on the job, so I see this as a opportunity to further develop my roleplay skills. It would be roleplaying practice for me and will also expand my knowledge about EMS so, two birds hit with one stone! I often question to myself, "Who should I RP with?" And the options are normally down to a list of like three of my close friends. With being apart of the doctor role, I do not have to worry much about this because many people are in need of assistance! It will also give me chances to RP with a variety of different people I don't already roleplay with. Another factor that comes into play is my character 'Eva Roberts' is normally at EMS already rping with the staff, so many are familiar with me already. I am also applying with a few friends of mine who have a common interest in the faction.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist):


What knowledge do you have of Hospital Work?
Although I may not have a lot of knowledge about hospital work, I have a somewhat good understanding on what each role is and what duties they have at the hospital. I am hoping to expand my knowledge on hospital work, specifically the doctor role in the near future. But one thing I do have a good understandment of the different medications sold at the hospital and what some of them are used for. I have listed a few of these below.

Pain Medications:
Paracetamol - ¥1,500 (Max. 3) (No prescription required)
Aspirin - ¥4,500 (Max. 3)
Tramadol - ¥6,500 (Max. 3)
Hydrocodone - ¥7,500 (Max. 3)
Amoxicillin - ¥5,500 (Max. 3)
Clarithromycin - ¥5,500 (Max. 3)
Antiviral Drugs:
Oseltamivir - ¥3,000 (Max. 5)
Carbamazepine - ¥6,000 (Max. 3)
Cetirizine - ¥2,500 (Max. 5)
Januvia - ¥4,500 (Max. 5)
Insulin Pen - ¥7,500 (Max. 3)
Ace Inhibitors:
Accupril - ¥3,000 (Max. 3)
Beta Blockers:
Atenolol - ¥5,000 (Max. 3)
Amiodarone - ¥6,000 (Max. 3)
Cymbalta - ¥6,000 (Max. 3)
Other Medical Devices:
Crutches - ¥10,000 (Max. 2)
White Cane - ¥7,000 (Max. 2)
EpiPen - ¥5,500 (Max. 2)

Asthma Inhaler - ¥7,500 (Max. 1)
Medical Devices w/o prescription:
Cough Syrup - ¥6,000 (Max. 2)
Wooden Cane - ¥7,000 (Max. 2)
Unbranded Bandage - ¥1,000 (Max. 5)
Eyepatch - ¥5,000 (Max. 2)
Glasses - ¥5,500 (Max. 2)

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to being demoted at any given time if accepted?
I do acknowledge this and understand completely if I am demoted for any reason in this faction.

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you agree to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?
I fully comprehend and commit to being 100% dedicated to the obligations that come along with the Hospital Staff role.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge this. Attending training is part of my responsibilities as a doctor. If there is training while I am online, I will attend. I understand that not doing so will have repercussions to it.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?
Yes, I understand this completely.

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In-Character (IC) Section
(I decided to make it from my characters perspective since its the IC section)
Character’s Full Name:
“Kulya Linnea Krovopuskov. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:

“I identify as a female and go by the pronouns she/her.”

Character’s Age (if accepted):
“I am currently 26 years old. . Or young, I should say.”

Character’s Academic Background

- Bachelors in Health and Child Care.
- Doctor of Medicine

Character’s Nationality:
“My father's side is Russian, while my mother's side is Italian. I am a person of mixed heritage.”

Character’s Marital Status:
“I'm flying solo these days and loving every bit of it!”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I practice Christianity. My faith has helped me build strong ideals and devotion in both my personal and professional life.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
“Although I may not know as many languages as my sister, I am fluent in Russian and Japanese. Additionally, I have proficiency in JSL.”

Backstory (100+ Words)
In the heart of Kyzyl, Russia, the Krovopuskov family, deeply entangled with the city's criminal underworld, was centred around twin sisters, Kilya and Kulya. Born with lovely striking features, their lives took a turn when they discovered their father, Semyon, was a dangerous mob boss. Despite his clear favouritism toward Kulya, the sisters remained attached at the hip, bonding with a shared interest; The Medical Field. Determined to escape their father's criminal world, Kilya and Kulya, at age 10, pledged to become doctors, aspiring to be positive influences for their scrawny little brother, Ilariy. Despite facing hardships, they excelled in school and assisted the elderly, earning their father's disdain. The twins secretly studied medicine, aiming to save the lives of their loved ones– in case anything serious happened. As their father discovered their aspirations, he opposed their dreams, desiring their involvement in the family's criminal empire. Despite the pressure and threats, Kilya and Kulya resisted, leading to their father's arrest on their 18th birthday. The Krovopuskov twins thought their never ending nightmare was finally put to an end. But oh, they were so wrong. His threats persisted despite him being locked away someplace else. Post-arrest, the family faced many financial issues, but the twins persevered, working multiple jobs to support their baby brother and pursue their medical degrees. Despite the threat of their father's releasement from prison, Kilya and Kulya completed their education at the ripe age of 23 years old. Or as Kulya usually would say, ''Years young!'' Years later, to escape the shadows of their past, they decided to move to Karakura, Japan, seeking a fresh start and a safe haven for little Ilariy. The twins prayed for a future free from their father's vengeance, determined to make the most of their new beginning as doctors in Japan.

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What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?
(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen)
From a young age, Kulya found herself drawn to the world of medicine. It all started with her deep connection to the senior citizens she would work with in nursing homes. With her parents often absent, the elderly began to feel like her second parents, offering a comforting hand during times when her own parents were caught up in their own crime work. As she faced the challenges of growing up, Kulya carried a heartfelt ambition to take better care of her younger brother as she matured. Motivated by this, Krovopuskov immersed herself into the world of pediatrics, dedicating her studies for adolescent patients like her brother. Driven by a desire to aid both children and the elderly, Kulya earned her medical degree at the bright age of 23. Although Kulya pursued her passion, her father wasn't very fond of it. In fact, it was something he despised. During her childhood, she held a belief that anything touched by her father turned into ashes. In some aspects this held true, though not entirely. Krovopuskov's father maintained an air of mystery, leaving her in the dark about his true nature. This was something that instilled a deep sense of terror within her, hoping something wouldn't happen to the people she loved next. So she made sure that if anything were to happen, she’d be able to treat it properly and effectively.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Due to the Krovopuskov Twins kind gestures for the community, they were offered a job at a residency from their local hospital. Even though they believed each gesture was quite small, it touched the hearts of everybody they met-- including the local hospital. They believed the two sisters were very caring and courageous to the community, so how could they just let them go like that?? Gratefully accepting this opportunity, the twins started their new job that carried out for three years. One thing the elderly liked about Kulya was that her goal was not only to check on the physical health of the them but also to offer emotional support, making sure they were feeling okay mentally. Even though their job was demanding, with long hours at the hospital and tough schoolwork, Krovopuskov handled it all really well. Balancing family, work, and school, she still found time to be with her little brother, Ilariy. Their close bond stayed strong despite all the hardships that came their way, family connection was their first priority even when things became hectic. As the twins continued to work at the hospital, the influence of their compassionate gestures rippled across the community. The older folks appreciated not just the medical help but also the genuine care and warmth that Kulya and Kilya brought into their lives. The twins became symbols of kindness and understanding, proving that even small acts of kindness can leave a lasting impression and create connections that go beyond just 'doing their job'.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Krovopuskov's job experience mostly stems from a three-year residency she had with her sister. During this time, her major focus was on providing healthcare to the elderly and children, who were especially vulnerable to illnesses due to the harsh weather conditions in their hometown back in Russia. After this enlightening experience, Kulya and her twin sister mutually chose to start on a new chapter in their careers--one that would be free from the presence of their estranged father. The twins ended up moving to Japan with their young brother, hoping for a start without blood on their hands from their father.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
No, she has not finished any additional schooling. After she got her degree, her local residency was very quick to get her a job. This had her juggling multiple different tasks on her back so Kulya never really thought about additional schooling afterwards. She felt better off with the way things were once school was off of her plate.

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Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique?
Kulya is a cheerful individual with dark blue wavy, soft hair. Krovopuskov was born with a unique feature; heterochromia. Meaning, her eyes are two different colours. With one being a green colour and the other a warm brown. When it comes to makeup, she has a more minimal approach to it, lightly emphasizing her features in which she felt insecure about. Though her makeup was barely visible you would notice her mascara, really emphasizing her eyes. Followed by a bit of eyeliner in her waterline. Her preferred type of fashion seemed to be chic, based off of her clothing. The woman stood at around 5'8" and had decent posture, but it wasn't even close to her sister's perfect posture. Her height made up for it though! Being an inch taller than her sister, Kilya. Krovopuskov spoke at a higher tone than her sister and with a Russian accent. Kulya's infectious smile was one of the many things that differentiated her from her sister. No matter the time of day you'd walk by her, she would have a smile plastered onto her face every time.


How does your character act on and off duty?

On Duty:
Although Kulya takes work seriously, she always manages to find a way to make it fun! Her dedication to her work makes her a valuable asset to the EMS faction, creating not only a productive work environment but an enjoyable one. Others find her to light up any room she walks into with her upbeat demeanor. Krovopuskov engages with her colleagues in a warm and friendly manner, in an attempt to make a comfortable atmosphere for both her and whomever she may be talking to! With a smile plastered to her face, Kulya hopes to uplift and ease the spirits of those around her. Even though Krovopuskov normally radiates positive energy, it's important to note that she definitely is prone to jealousy. Kulya often tries to push away that feeling with a kind smile! Kill em' with kindness, am I right?

- ᓚᘏᗢ -

Off Duty:

There may not be too much of a switch when it comes to Kulya being off duty, but there still definitely is few differences! She's often more relaxed and at ease, spending time with the people she loves the most. Whether that's her twin sister, Illariy, her daughter, or catching up with the old folks at the nursing home in her hometown! Since Kulya always had her father's full attention growing up, she hoped to give that same experience to her daughter. . Not necessarily the criminal aspect of it. However, Krovopuskov was a dedicated mother! She values spending quality time with her daughter and family in general, whether that was through dress up, homework assistance, or just spending quiet moments together. Beyond parenting duties, Kulya immerses herself into activities that bring her happiness. Whether that's finding a new hobby, enjoying a book, or knitting! Kulya values the importance of self care. In a more social setting, Kulya's upbeat demeanor and blue hair makes her stand out compared to the crowd. Her genuine interest in others, as well as her contagious laugh make her a delightful presence among others. Even if she's just sharing a story about her life or sharing common interests, Kulya loves to see a smile on other's faces! Especially her sister's, since her smile wasn't shown all too often.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Krovopuskov definitely functions better with others. Unlike her sister, Kulya loves group work! She was always the chatterbox out of the two during group projects. Meanwhile, Kilya did both her & her sisters work silently. Kulya's mood often depends on what others are feeling, you could call her an empath. Therefore she loves trying to put a smile onto people's faces! Whether its cracking a funny joke or just doing something silly! Krovopuskov is often happy, spreading her infectious smile to other coworkers. When Kulya is alone, she often finds herself overthinking literally EVERYTHING. So, she normally stays glued to her sister's hip! Hard for her to have bad thoughts when all she can think of is how she can make her sister crack a smile, even if its for the tiniest moment.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Kulya would like to be a Doctor right here in Karakura, Japan! She hopes to be able to take care of and treat others, which is basically the opposite of what her father did. Krovopuskov wants to be able to take care of both her younger brother and daughter efficiently, aiming to provide the kind of childhood she and her sister were deprived of. Like her sister, Kulya tries to maintain a good reputation with the family name, so her daughter grows up to live the ideal life the twins always prayed for at night. Kulya hopes to soon move out of their current apartment her and her family have been living in, moving into a more spacious home. Becoming one of those families whom annually matching Christmas photos, along with their cats being in ugly sweaters. In essence, Kulya was determined to embody everything her father wasn't, creating a new path for herself involving love, care, and the fulfillment of the perfect family she envisions for her and her sister.

How is your character perceived by others? How does it contrast with their perception of themself?
Kulya is widely perceived by others in a positive light, while she is probably her biggest critic. She often downplays her contributions and underestimates her kind acts that have impacted people's lives majorly. While she may acknowledge her efforts to maintain a positive atmosphere, she may not fully recognize the impact she has on others and their appreciation for her presence. Krovopuskov often finds herself experiencing a sense of envy when she sees adolescents who share a healthy relationship with their fathers—a dynamic she never had growing up.

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Level 258
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we hope you are excited to hear that you have been accepted! You will be contacted in regards to setting up your roles shortly.

- In order to proceed, you will need to join the Karakura Emergency discord (CLICK HERE) to receive your roles.
- You will also need to be online in order to receive an introduction and the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as a Hospital Worker.

If you need any further assistance, feel free to privately message me - 6pancake - via discord and we will solve any inquiries you may have.

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