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Denied School Faculty Application


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:ZingyDuck

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):ZingyDuck

How old are you? (Optional): N/A

What is your time zone?: GMT

Describe your activity on the server:

Very active, I would like to try other roles to see what it's like to be a specific role and it would make playing SRP much more fun if I must do it or just something to keep me active and keep my streak on. Every day after school, I would head to shower and do my homework before turning on my PC or Laptop to get on SRP. Sometimes when all of my friends are offline I'm kind of bored, so to have a role that could interact with people would make playing SRP much fun. All of that is on the weekdays.

Mostly on weekends, I have a lot of free time. When I wake up I do what every normal human will do when they wake up, which is to brush their teeth or to shower and have breakfast. After all of that, I would complete some tasks around the house before I turn on my PC or Laptop to get on SRP.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Yes , I have . It's because maybe a year ago I make a ERP joke and it ended up being a ERP troll act .

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes , I do .

School Employee Role you are applying for?: Chef

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

The role I'm applying for is the chef role, the definition of a chef is to prepare healthy and delicious food for all of the students and faculty. Before 8:00 the chef would need to prepare a nutritious breakfast so that when the student finish their breakfast, they could last until lunchtime. Again before 12:35, the chef needs to prepare nutritious and tasty food for the student to last the rest of the school hours. In between times, the chef could help patrol the school area and if the chef saw some students fighting, the chef would slip a detention slip in the student's hands. Also if the employee or teacher is busy doing their duty, the chef could help look after the students in the detention room.

The role of a chef seems to be easy but it is sometimes difficult, with the students or anything that could make the role of a chef frustrated.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

I joined SRP exactly 3 years ago, back in 2022. I started as an average greenie, but I made a friend who guided me on how to interact with people Icly and explained what Ooc and Looc mean. But the first thing I was taught was how to change my name and description. they also explained to me about how to act. Then back in 2022 to 2023, one of my friends started to teach me how to detail act and teach me about GangRP. I have improved a lot on detail act and any roleplay in general.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

When I started playing SRP, I had a normal role like everyone, I didn't stand out or anything. So I would try to make the best of it and make every roleplay scenario interesting. I wish to get the role of the chef so I interviewed some chefs about how to detail cooking something some answers are helpful and some are just good to know. If I get the role I will do my best to try to learn everything about that role.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): Highschool Grade 12 | 18 Years old


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Anna would respond calmly but she seemed offended, she'd attempt to have the student go away, to make the argument less intense. If the student refused to move, Anna would get back up to remove the student from the area. While waiting for backup, Anna would ask with a calm voice for the reason of the student cursing at her for being pathetic. If the student told her the reason for the cursing, she'd whisper into the radio telling them the situation has calmed down and gives the student a warning. Hoping that the student will understand and not do that again. But if he didn't comply, she'd glared at the student with her arm crossed, she'd tell the student this was the last warning, and if the student did not back down, Anna would pull out a detention slip and put it in the student's hand. She'd say " I will be seeing you after school" before walking off.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Anna would walk in the direction of the screaming she heard almost running, she'd run around trying to find where the screaming was from. While she was running she finally found where the screaming was coming from, she'd examined what was going on before asking the reason for the screaming. A twelve grader was throwing multiple punches and kicks toward the college student, Anna would jump in between them making the twelve grader and the college student separated. Knowing that she can't use physical force to break them up. She'd send them to a different table and speak to them one by one. If the student continued yelling or screaming, she'd pull out her radio. She'd whispered into the radio for immediate backup, while waiting for the backup, Anna would continue giving warnings before threatening to give them detention. If the student proceeded to curse her, she'd immediately hand the student a detention slip.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Surprised, at the act and language that Anna co-worker was using, Anna got up putting her hand in her pockets and pulled out her radio, whispering into it , informing the other employee about it. She proceeded to walk up to her co-worker and informed them about the language they were using how how inappropriate it was. If the worker does not comply, she'd keep a distance from the person, trying her best to not snap at the employee using physical violence and she'd just wait for a teacher or any employee in that matter. Just trying to get the fastest assistant that could assist.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?:

After serving the students lunch. Anna would greet the other employees by bowing at them, respecting as much as possible. She'd walk to the counter to grab a kettle and started walking to the sink while holding the kettle with her right hand and just swing the other hand forwards and backwards. She'd turn on the tap trying to fill up the kettle, while the water is slowly filling up the kettle she'd start humming the song from the backstreet boy " I want it that way ". When the kettle is almost full, she'd turn off the tap and proceed to head to the counter. She approach the desk with a coffee machine and a kettle, she'd extend her arm to the max trying to reach the switch to turn it on. After minutes trying to turn on the switch, she'd finally turn it on. While waiting for the water to boil, she'd choose a white mug and poured some coffee powder and some creamer in the mug. There would beep sound, Anna would grab the kettle and slowly pour the boiling hot water in the mug. She'd dig around in the pile of utensils trying to find a spoon, She'd stir her coffee counter clock-wise for about 2 minutes before she uses the spoon to see if the coffee is cooled down. Anna would grab the mug and hastily go to a empty spot to drink her coffee, before the bell rings again and her break is over.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me She would greet the other employees by bowing at them, respecting as much as possible. She'd walk to the counter to grab a kettle and started walking to the sink while holding the kettle with her right hand and just swing the other hand forwards and backwards. She'd turn on the tap trying to fill up the kettle, while the water is slowly filling up the kettle she'd start humming the song from the backstreet boy " I want it that way ". When the kettle is almost full, she'd turn off the tap and proceed to head to the counter. She approach the desk with a coffee machine and a kettle, she'd extend her arm to the max trying to reach the switch to turn it on. After minutes trying to turn on the switch, she'd finally turn it on. While waiting for the water to boil, she'd choose a white mug and poured some coffee powder and some creamer in the mug. There would beep sound, Anna would grab the kettle and slowly pour the boiling hot water in the mug. She'd dig around in the pile of utensils trying to find a spoon, She'd stir her coffee counter clock-wise for about 2 minutes before she uses the spoon to see if the coffee is cooled down. Anna would grab the mug and hastily go to a empty spot to drink her coffee. After finishing her coffee, she'd look at the time before rushing to the kitchen. She'd put on her apron before putting a pan on the stove. She'd crack 5 dozen eggs in the pan 3 at a time, after frying all the eggs she'd prepare some ingredients to make a egg and bacon sandwich. A period time have past, she'd starts to serve each student breakfast at the window.

/me She would walk out of the kitchen is a curious face, there is a lot of screaming coming from the table full of jocks and cheerleaders, she'd walk up to that table wondering what's going on. While she was walking towards them, she'd yell at them to settle down before she examined on what was going on before asking the reason for the screaming. A twelve grader was throwing multiple punches and kicks toward a cheerleader, Anna would jump in between them making the twelve grader and the cheerleader separated. Knowing that she can't use physical force to break them up. She'd send them to a different table and speak to them one by one. If the student continued yelling or screaming, she'd pull out her radio. She'd whispered into the radio for immediate backup, while waiting for the backup, Anna would continue giving warnings before threatening to give them detention. If the student proceeded to curse her, she'd immediately hand the student a detention slip. Before she leaves, she'd told everyone surrounding them to leave the area.

/me After serving the student lunch, She'd pull out a cloth and a spray bottle full of soapy water from the cabinet under the counter and putting it on the counter. She'd began to hum softly as she pack up the mess that the students and her had made. Just as she finished, she looked at the time with an 'enthusiastic' sigh. She'd stretch her arms and let out a soft yawn, it would sound quite like a soft moan. . She'd immediately covered her mouth before letting out a chuckle. She'd started to head to the breakroom. She would greet the other employees by bowing at them, respecting as much as possible. She'd falls back on a empty chair spinning it over and over again before chit-chatting to the person next to her. She'd look at the time, Anna would go to the gates happily saying good bye to every student and telling them to have a good day before leaving.


In-Character Section
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Anna Yamashita
Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss): Miss Yamashita
Preferred Name: Anna

Age (Minimum is 25): 25
Gender: Female

Academic Degree: Bachelor Degree
Major(s): Culinary Arts , Management
Minors: Fine Arts , Physical Education

Nationality: Russian
Known Languages: Japanese , English , Russian , Spanish



Anna was a clever young child, a child of two people wealthy people, who did admit they adopted her. Anna grew up in a large mansion with a her twin sister, named Avila, who is there with her along the way making life a tad bit easier for her! Anna was enrolled into a private school in Moscow, Russia, she had the option to take on an extra language, so she took on the language of Japanese and Spanish. She found school wasn’t a difficult task, but eventually it would have to come to an end. March Friday 25th. Anna and her twin was a young 13 year old. Her mother had sadly past away from cancer, their father decided sending them to Japan to start over. Now it wasn’t all bad, apparently her father would be tagging along but on the day of the flight, while we were boarding she was nowhere to be seen. Tears would roll down Anna’s eyes that night as she sat on the plane next to Avila as they flew to Japan. She closed her eyes and just slept the rest of the way.


May Tuesday 14th. Anna and her twin had enrolled into Karakura High School. Rather excited about how her life would be without anyone she knew from Russia except her sister, Avila, she stepped through the school gates. Making her way to the cafeteria as the lunch call has been done. She and her twin was late on their first day to school, they walked to the line to cue, saying Goodmorning with a smile on her face towards the chef, taking her food she quickly made her way out of the cue and walked away. She began to find a empty table to eat the food and it filled her with delight, she loved it! She returned to the cafeteria not for seconds, but just to tell the chef how good is the food is. July 3rd. Anna has gain interest in cooking and she would always stay around with the chefs throughout the days she was in town. Even going to the Culinary Arts classes to learn more about reason for those seasonings, cook more and learn more with utensils.


January Thursday 6th. Anna had grown, 23 years of age. she still loved the idea of becoming a chef for KHS, she is still working hard in Culinary Arts. She had even been adopted by Arakan R. Yamashita! Still having Avila by her side, she continued to say out her ideas on being a chef to her and chatted with the chefs and the occasional chat with the receptionist trying to get the idea on what's it like to be a KHS employee! It was a life that everyone could imagine having, but she still had yet to achieve her dream of becoming a chef and KHS faculty. November 3rd. Anna still kept on attending the Culinary Arts classes, putting on her apron and cooking some delicious and nutritious meals for herself! Also continuing to catch up with the chefs of course seeing if they are still a KHS faculty. But Anna was still yet to be happy, she put her foot down and began to take on becoming a chef more seriously. She came to the chefs with ideas and tips on what to do when the time came. She put the knowledge she had into some good use.

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

After leaving KHS as a student, I wanted to see and explore with what occupations I may take on. Yes, being a chef would be my main focus but I wished to experience, test and find what I liked and disliked. After trying being an artist, I was not even close being successful, but it wasn't my dream. So I pursued the idea of cooking, I do some cooking for my family and friends but I wasn't earning enough, I then decided to try becoming a chef at KHS. To learn more and gain more knowledge.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I do as I'm told, I obey the rules and will take authority of majority of the situations others may not help me with, I will take this occupation seriously and try my best to keep everything under control. The role of a chef is a large responsibility, students need the right nutrition and energy to get through the day and pursue their way through their classes easier and more focused. I should be accepted because I will take this job seriously upon the career of being a chef at KHS.


/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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