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UnBrokenMask's Professor App.


Level 16
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


How old are you?:


Do you have any previous bans?:

Ban #1 -

Blatant copying the server

Ban #2 -

Staff Disrespect

What Country are you from?:


Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

I acknowledge that if I am inactive, I will be demoted.

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:

Usually, I would be on the SchoolRP, just to make friends and try to get friends, since I want to be able to get around and be able to be social. I would check on the forums around 1-4 hours because I want to be able to get an opportunity to be able to get something that I want to achieve because I want to show that I can be responsible. Well, of course, i want to try to get something out of it because I don’t want to show that I give up like that past jobs, I’ve been accepted to, so I try to be able to get my opportunity in the right time!

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?: - Accepted - Denied - Accepted - Denied - Accepted - Denied - Denied - Accepted


What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:

My motivation of being a Professor is when I was thinking over and over again, whilst I was trying to think straight because, after being a Maths teacher and Assistant Nurse, I didn’t think, both jobs really fit me. Then a friend, popped into my DMs, and said to me, “You should be Professor” I was quite shocked because I really thought, me being a Professor wasn’t going to work but I trust my friends on motivating me because they always try to get me to do something because they know, I’m not good at choices so they try to get me on my feet and be try to be quite confident because I want to show that I can take opportunities in anyway!

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:

My Roleplay experience came from 2014 because I was on this app called Amino and so, I was thinking of trying to myself into Roleplaying, so I did, and I was just doing Non-Literate because I didn’t what I was doing so I was trying to go with the flow but then as I was developing my Roleplay skills, I found out that there was other types of Roleplay styles, so I was thinking of doing it because I felt like it was necessary and it’ll be more interesting to see, what I can do. So around 2016, I started to do Semi-Literate, which was the good start of trying out new Roleplay styles. I would always be DM-ed to roleplay with and so, I felt like I was doing a good job. So, I moved onto, Discord, which was my next app, that I could Roleplay in and so, I did, it was an amazing start to do roleplay. Then around 2017-18, I moved onto Roblox, which was cringe, but then during that time, I was just getting into SchoolRP, and I would roleplay on the server for a bit until I had the confidence to fit in.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

It’s important because it’s where everything is put in order and that everyone is doing their job right because what if something goes wrong? So everything would be put on the Logs to be able to be checked through properly. It also shows the ability of the Teacher of how they teach and what they possibly did wrong and when a Professor is unable to be there so it will be logged.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  1. No talking in class while the Professor is speaking.​
  2. Discussions are when the Professor tells you, when it’s a group project or when it’s a partner project.​
  3. Food and Drinks are not allowed in class.​
  4. Raise your hand up to answer the question otherwise, don’t answer, if you’re going to shout out.​
  5. Phones aren’t allowed in class.​
  6. Do not start arguing with someone in class.​
  7. Please respect each other.​

Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

My experience in general and SchoolRP is like a rollercoaster, being in a Roleplay gets quite chaotic, even when there’s a lot of people involved in it. It can be quite crowded but it’s fun either way. The Roleplays I've been in were like Group Chat Roleplays or Anime Roleplays, they were pretty nice but also hilarious. It was like it was real but then it’s just roleplay. Then in SchoolRP, I usually roleplay as a mute or someone, who has a mental disorder, to help me get that experience of that character’s emotions and try to be able to get along with others, there’s drama but that’s how roleplay goes, it goes normal, then drama, and then more drama, then back to normal.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete, What is a College-Professor's salary?

Many college professors change lives, challenge the world around us, and teach us the skills needed to improve ourselves. However, their salaries range widely — anywhere from adjunct professors earnings around ¥300,000 and ¥50,000 for extra classes, they are there to help younger generations to learn more and to support them to getting their jobs to be a success in life. It helps the professors to gain confidence from the success of their students.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?

K’eon Usoro has dark, black hair with quite dark eyes. He would wear a formal attire, like a full suit. He would be calm and collected towards on the students because he cares for students, he doesn’t want the students to be in discomfort as he was as relaxed as no other Professor, he didn’t want anyone to feel quite uncomfortable because he would be quite serene towards them as they were like his children because he would be like their father-like because he doesn’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable.

He’d be quite nice to talk to, as he was quite social and would be quite collected as he listens to the other Professors because he would be an excellent listener. He wants to ensure that everyone he socialises, are safe around him. He didn’t want anyone to feel like they needed to be formal around him because he is quite laid back. He would look young, which everyone misinterprets his looks then his age. It makes him happy to see other students be able to learn.

He would be quite refreshing to socialise with. He would be quite a creative male. He can write stories, the back of his head, to be able to make him think of other fantasies that he imagines, he is able to make himself be as creative as possible, he would also sometimes, make books with his writings as he also tries to make stories to help students to refresh their minds to help them.

His future is quite obvious, he would love to be a Creative Writer as he seemed so interested in writing as he was like a book creator and wanting to have more time on his writing to get more ideas and he also wanted to teach his ways to students.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?

K’eon would stand there, to make the members realise that he was there and if they don’t realise, he’s there, he would seem to be quite patient as he warned them but if they don’t comply with what he said, he would send them to the Dean or if they were High school students, he would send them to the Principle. He would speak about the sports team, being quite demented lunatics in the hallways.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?

He would stand there as if he was there all along and he would warn them as he seemed quite patient with the Student. If they don’t comply, he would send them to the Dean or Vice-Dean. He would speak about how the student wouldn't comply with what he said and he would speak about how the student was being quite childish.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He’d wait patiently as the students slowly arrived at his class, he smiled calmly as he welcomed them. He would make the classroom a more home-like atmosphere.

/me He would introduce himself as he wrote his name on the board “ Mr. Aldridge “ as he seemed to nod whilst he was speaking to the class.

/me He would slowly grab the chalk as he seemed to write the instructions on the board of what to do for the task of creative writing.

/me He would walk around the class to see what the students were writing about as he seemed to be quite in a good mood.

/me He would pass around the books for the next task, whilst he was humming, he would explain about the books for task as he seemed to nod.


K’eon Aldridge was born in Madagascar, Toliara. He was quite a calm and collected child. He wouldn’t cry for the simplest things because he was already learning things as he was just only a 1 year old, but he was seemingly learning new things. He was quite an extraordinary child. He would draw beautiful pictures to his parents, as he was an only child in his family. He felt quite happy and didn’t feel like he was the burden of the family. He wasn’t rich or poor, he was in quite an average family.

As he grew up, he didn’t realise that his family was planning something, which they didn’t tell him, like it was something quite bad. He was still way too oblivious to even realise what was going on as he was only 4 years old. He wasn’t too keen on his family but he just continued as if he was happy, he was putting on an act to make his parents think he was just as happy like normal kids. He wanted to know what was going on but he was distracted to have a good life.

As years go by, he’s around 14, he’d realise what his parents were doing and before, he would protest, he would be sent off to an Orphanage, which he didn’t settle in, he felt broke, betrayed and hurt of why his parents didn’t want him. “ Why did they do this… “ He’d said softly as tears fall down as they trickled to the concrete floor as he seemed to feel a little overwhelmed. He felt strained against his will as he seemed to think that his parents left him for just to get rid of him. He would be adopted by the Aldridge Family, which was he was surprised.

He’s at the age of 18, he’s ending his college studies, he would study all day and all night to get his college degree, as he was ending his college studies, he seemed that he truly wanted to be a Creative Writing Professor as he seemed to have fantasies of anything particular, he would help younger generations to help them write as well. He wanted to be able to help anyone, who is struggling to be creative. He seemed quite engaged with creative writing.

Now, he’s at the age of 32, he seemed to be wanting to be creative in writing so he wrote books and made short stories to make people get enlightened by his stories and he would be quite interested in applying for Professor in the College in Karakura so he applied as he seemed quite nervous about it but he wanted this to happen.

In-Character Information

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name:

K’eon Aldridge

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):


Given Name(s):

K’eon Aldridge

Preferred Name:






Religious Denomination:


Marital Status:




Current Location:

Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):


Working Experience (# of years):


Academic Degree:

Bachelor Of Creative Writing

Year of Graduation:



English & Art


Chemistry & Maths

Native Languages:


Other Languages:


Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:


Preferred Teaching Subject:

English - Creative Writing


Additional notes about your application (if any):


Do you have any questions?:

Last edited:


Level 132

Unfortunately your application has been denied, Your overall server history worries me about you wanting to be a role which enforces rules.
If you clean up this history you may apply at a later date.

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