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userscar | Reporter Application


Level 44
Community Team
Lore Team

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?:

userscar (the account i'm applying on) | atscar | atscarlett (alternative accounts)

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
Yes I do! hoeqq (Hoeqq#3837)

List your timezone and country:
AEST/AEDT | Australia

Describe your activity:
As of right now, I'd rate my activity across ALL my accounts a good 7/10, of course there are days that get busy with IRL events such as work but I try my best to get a good few hours on each night at least!

Do you have any previous bans? If so, list them below:
No, I have no previous bans or warns. My record is clean.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I've been on and off SRP for quite some time now (six years to be exact... but hey who's counting here?) and I guess I haven't really taken the time to step outside my bubble. Of course as I've progressed my way through many factions, I've started to involve myself with the community a lot more - a highlight being accepted onto the lore team and really getting to grow my passion for writing. And I thought what better way to put my writing skills to even more use and include it in role-play scenarios! Of course my role in lore team is quite similar, however lore is rather putting method into the madness! In addition to this, I also know of some of the current reporters and ones who have sadly left the faction and the positive feedback I receive really has me wishing to be a part of the faction even more.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Yes, I have quite the vast experience in writing. I guess you could include my passion for writing throughout the entirety of my high school days but this moved into something much more once I began to take English Literature in my final year of school. I got to delve into the world of creative writing and I found myself enjoying topics such as horror, and dystopia the most. However I also have experience with being on the lore team on SRP but also other smaller RP servers, the most notable one being a fantasy and quest play on Harry Potter server; Pottermore. On that server I have written a range of pieces such as lore for quests, NPC scripts and a RP-based newspaper for their forums site.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
Yes, I am fully aware of the set of rules provided to me as a reporter and I understand and will of course follow them.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I feel that I should be accepted over other applicants, not just for my experience in writing but purely my motivation and willing to put all my effort into my writing. I'm also very active and have quite the amount of free time on my hands in which I can use to search for new and creative topics to write about. I also see myself as someone who is easy to communicate with, especially in regards to the faction content.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
Yes, I understand the importance of keeping all reports bias free and the need for having to stay neutral on all topics.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
Yes, I trust that I can stay active and keep up to date with the monthly quotas while balancing the quotas on my EMS account. To add to this, for whatever reason if I cannot, I of course will follow the appropriate course of actions in letting you know. (I assume like most factions this would just be an inactivity log!)

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
Being a reporter is much more than what most citizens get to see. Some may imagine it as just your lousy laid-back office job, but it's much more than that. Being a reporter means getting up and about, gathering all kinds of information on assigned topics. This could mean putting yourself in 'dangerous' or mildly 'uncomfortable' situations in order to get what you need. As for their work manner, I assume that they all carry a sense of professionalism everywhere they do and always looking at perspectives with an open mind in order to not create bias or personal feeling towards the topic. In short, they are here to conjure up insightful yet intriguing and entertaining articles for the public to indulge in.

IC (In-Character) Information:
Treat this section like it is your own character answering it

Full Name:
Zikri Tengku

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
Zikri, Sir Tengku
Current Age (25+):

Past job/work experience:
-English Teacher at Karakura High School
-Freelance Artist
-Newspaper Editor

-Bachelors of Teaching/Education
-Bachelors of Communication (Journalism)
-Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate (TEFL)

Nationality and born location:
Malay | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Southeast Asia.

Phone Number:

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"I'm a weathered down middle aged man, with a whole lot to share. I'm easy to confront and I'll blab your ears off if you give me the chance. My children like to think otherwise but I see myself as a comedian! My jokes must simply be too funny that they don't laugh. . . I'm wise and have hell of a kick to my story if you so wish to sit down and listen to the roller coaster of a story that it is."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I'm interested in writing about topics most dare to even speak about, get all the juicy gossip you know? controversial or not. I'm an inside man for any job, getting 'the goss' is my forte. Of course besides this I'm most definitely interested in writing about the underground criminal life that goes on behind close doors, Karakura is a very interesting and profound place. That's if you have the guts to actually go looking for it. However with topics as such, stepping out of my comfort zone to go into dark places and meet the masterminds behind it all is rather a given. They are still dangerous people after all!"

What are your expectations for the job?:
"I really don't have any set expectations for this job. All I ask for is an enjoyable workplace and some fun and affable co-workers, who I can take the time to get to know and collaborate with."

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"You don't get a criminal record if you don't get caught aha! My record is squeaky clean so take that with what you will"

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):


You will have to write two ‘reports’ about a topic of your choice. Here we can see how pronounced your writing is and how creative you are. Use your own formatting and your own report idea. (If you’re found plagiarizing an actual report or another applicant, you will be denied.)

#1 - General report. Report about a topic, informing player’s about an event or significant issues to Karakura.
[All photo credits goes to those who participated in the photography aspect of last years year book]

Karakura High School - College Sports Tourney.jpg

Every year, the joint High School and College put on this week long sports Summer tourney that always become the talk of the town! This year we will see participation from ALL the teams including Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Swim and Track with the wonderfull and. . pardon the pun but cheerful support from both the Cheer Teams.

Let's take a look back at last year's Summer event, pictured to the right of us is a snapshot of the Bobcats' Cheer Team's performance at the pep-rally. They brought the event to a fiery start, the sound of Lady Gaga echoing the gym as the pom-poms went flying in the air. Then followed by the Spartan Cheer Team, bringing everyone that sassiness that is expected from the team.

The crowd went crazy for each performance, and even more crazy as they all welcomed their beloved captains to the front. The notable Bobcats' captains at the time were: Jina Hyeong, Subaru Narusaka, Sumi Haruki-Daisuki, Eryka Blaski, Shion Holland, Miku Masuo, and Mateo Wayne. The Spartans' captains were: Tohru Tsukumo, Zara Zabroda, Elias King-Kirigaya and Nessa Arai.

This years lineup has certainly got everyone on edge, will the new captains be able to bring the fire and live up to their past legacy?
sports-2.jpgAnother notable event from last year was the SMACKDOWN of a fight between the two mascots, whether that was planned or not. The comedic performance almost stole the show from the others, you just couldn't take your eyes off the pair!

The aftermath still remains a mystery however. Did anyone actually get punished for the post-pep-rally mishaps? I guess we'll never know.

As for now, I say we get into our best sporting spirits and dress our colours with pride as you prepare yourself the the upcoming events. Who will be the champion this year? I for one am excited for the results and so should you.

A huge good luck to all the teams out there and we'll see you on the flip side with the results!

Article written by Sir. Zikri Tengku.

#2 - Interview. It’s important to have well-rounded questions. Create your own interview with ten questions or more. And answer them yourself.


[!] The video clip would begin to play. . . static crackling the screen followed by a sharp halt, fading into a scene with two figures; Zikri Tengku and the other a blurred face [!]

ZIKRI: "Helllloooo Karakura! your dearest Tengku here, back with another toe curling report. Today I find myself here with one of the city's most renowned criminals. . . I'm sure you've all heard of them in some way shape or form"

"Do you mind giving us a short introduction. . of course as much as you're willing to share ha!"

[!] The camera would pan to the other individual, their face still blurred and their voice seemingly enhanced by an audio changer. [!]

AMATSU: "Yeah, sure. I lead Gokudō, I'm sure many have come to learn who we are. . Ah, I go by Amatsu - named after the Japanese god Amatsu-Mikaboshi, or best known as the 'King of Chaos' use yer' head to figure out why I picked that one."

"Very interesting alias. And the name Gokudō? Does that stand for anything meaningful?"

"Mhm, it refers to the path of the extreme. I think it says a lot in itself, don't you think?"

"Of course, now Amatsu - how did you find yourself in the world of crime? I mean was it a way of life you grew up with or was it a wrong path you took. .?"

"I'd say I took a few wrong paths in life, but you could say it's a mix of both. You know the same old sob stories, brought up in an orphanage, treated unfairly, kicked out by society blah-blah-blah. Yeah that's me. At a ripe age I found ways to distract myself from reality and of course they weren't always the right choice, but if I had to suffer than so did everyone else."

"I see, and with this new course of life, how did you get through the so called 'deep end' of crime. I hear stories all the time about newcomers and how un-welcoming the environment can be for such young people."

"Of course it's un-welcoming, we're talking about bloody criminals here. You think it's like a job interview do ya?"

"But you're right, I had hopes that maybe a big shot gang lead would come and rip me off the streets and hand me that movie kind of gang life but thats not how it works. After I was kicked from the orphanage, I had to fend for myself, challenging the other gangs who preyed on our venerability. They aren't kiddin' when they say it's survival of the fittest"

[!] The camera panned back, filming the two of them. Zikri of course taking notes as they both spoke on. [!]

"Of course it couldn't have been easy. You mentioned you had hoped to join a big shot gang, what changed your mind? How did you come about starting your own?"

"I had spent some time on trial in an underground gang by the coast side of town. I don't know what I expected but it wasn't that. It was a lot of waiting around and not much action. Like I said, I was in the mood for chaos and this wasn't serving me. But like any gang, the act of leaving was something else and after getting beat and almost killed a good five times I decided I would do this on my own. I mean, I had a good motive and some form of street credit. That was good enough for me."

"And you started the gang along side your brother and his girlfriend, right? Did you all share the same motifs or did they have a different perspective?"

"My brother and I of course shared the same
motif, this world had treated us both so poorly that it was about time others got the same experience. His girlfriend on the other hand, I believe she was infatuated by love in a way that she saw herself doing the right thing by standing with the one she loved so much. I actually discouraged her from initially joining with us but she so confidently denied and became a legacy alongside my brother."

"Ah, love is a strong weapon at times. Moving on with the more, I guess gruelling topics. . obviously it's given considering the nature of your role but have you inflicted harm on another for no reason?"

"I used too, my teen years consisted of just causing chaos and running amok around those who got in my way. But now things are different and there's a business on the line too. Myself and the others or at least who's left now.. we only take action for those who have it coming. There are strict rules about it now yanno? More pigs in blue running around. There's just too much of a risk returning to the old ways of street life"

[!] The pair both adjusted their position and the camera panned back onto the mysterious individual. [!]

"Do you have any regrets for the things you have done to others?"

"Tengku, life is too short to dwell on such nonsense. If I took the time to actually think about the things I've done, there would be no business, there would be no gang. I have too much on my plate to even hold that kind of remorse. Let me put it this way. . I'm the type that could kill a man then take yer' sister out on a date to a nice fancy restaurant. I've done a lot of bad sh*t, im going to be honest. But no, I don't regret it."

[!] Zikri cleared his throat, making direct eye contact with the blurred figure [!]

"Had there ever been a point in your journey that you realised that you'd gone past the point of no return?"

"Yeah, the last gang I was ever a part of before my own. They pushed me to the limits. And they made it extremely hard to walk away. I'm not one to be afraid but throughout that time I had no choice but to sleep with one eye open. There was no going back or well going back alive that is."

"Ah, I see. I have very few questions left but coming out of this interview, what do you want Karakura or the world for that matter to know about you?"

"The world has been fed many lies about me, I have read very few truths. At the end of the day, I'm just a guy. Just a guy who has a business to run and it's those lies that are the most dangerous to us all. Im proud of where I've come from rather what I've done to get here but I don't regret anything. It's just the way the cookie crumbles, yeah?"

"Sure, if thats how you see it! As some have been dying to know out here, has your
identity ever been revealed before?"

"Only ever once. After one of the major gang brawls came to an end, arrests were made due to a tip sent in by a traitor amongst Gokudō. I had ended up being arrested on an assault charge. However it's only that branch of police that had that identity. My mug shot was never published and the case file remains... well it remains closed for now. I'm far too smart for those pigs to ever get me now."

"You sound so sure of yourself, how is it that you're so trusting of me drilling into your personal life? For all you know I could be in cahoots with these so called 'pigs in blue'."

[!] There was an unsettling pause of silence [!]

"I trust you're a man of your own word, and you and I both know how it'll end if you are lying about your presence here and for that matt-

[!] Footsteps could be heard scuffling behind the camera before the clip suddenly cuts out. A mere few seconds later it cuts back in, nothing was audible but the footage shows Zikri storming out for the location. Cutting again. [!]

[!] The camera was now set up in a new location, Zikri was sweating and out of breath. . . [!]

"My apologies to our lovely viewers, it appears as if we had some minor technical difficulties. However that was it for today's interview, I hope you all enjoyed it and learnt something new. I know I did. Stay curious Karakura!"

[!] Just like that the video ended. [!]

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Level 173
News Lead
Government Lead

After careful discussion with the other members of the faction, we have chosen to accept you:
  • Please get in touch with me via Discord @Aania to start the process and get you set up!​

Welcome to the News Faction! :D

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