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Pending VelvetVoyager | TurboCab Taxi | new business


Level 9
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
im 18

What is your time zone?:
GMT‎+3 (Israel)

Describe your activity on the server:
I'm thrilled at the prospect of delving into a fresh role within the vibrant Karakura server. Sharing my expertise and experience to bolster this online community's growth is a genuine passion of mine. I hold a deep appreciation for social connections, actively participating in community endeavors such as event organization and chat room moderation. I eagerly anticipate employing my skills to effect positive change.

Even as I navigate my final year of school, focusing on completing the 12th grade, I eagerly anticipate the opportunities awaiting me post-graduation. With newfound free time, I'm prepared to embrace fresh challenges and experiences. Joining the esteemed Karakura team would afford me the opportunity to channel my enthusiasm and energy into meaningful endeavors, fostering personal and professional development.

Community and a sense of belonging hold tremendous significance, particularly as a college student in SRP, drawing from my own life experiences. The prospect of becoming part of the dynamic Karakura server is enthralling, promising connections with like-minded individuals who share my values and interests. Beyond being an enjoyable means of interaction, it presents a platform to refine leadership skills, enhance interpersonal abilities, and infuse greater purpose and fulfillment into life.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
yes. for erothtic rp, tho my actions was allowed and it was the other players, i was with the players that did the actions so i got banned.
it was on the 10\21\23 for a week

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
OMEGA+ [Collage][B] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+[Grade-12] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+[Grade-10] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Fox] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bird] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bear] VelvetZaddik

OMEGA+ [Frog] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Cat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Duck] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Dog] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Racoon] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Snail] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Rabbit] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Rat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Goat] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Bee] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Dolphin] VelvetZaddik
OMEGA+ [Fish] VelvetZaddik


Shop Information


What shop are you applying for?:
"TurboCab Taxi"
(I wanna make new one, a business i just opened)

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:

Becoming a shopkeeper for TorbuCab Taxi can be an appealing proposition for several reasons, and it can have positive impacts on the virtual city within your server:

Immersive Roleplay Experience:
Serving as a shopkeeper for TorbuCab Taxi provides an opportunity for players to immerse themselves in a realistic business roleplay experience. They get to manage the bustling taxi station, interact with customers, and handle the day-to-day operations of the shop, adding depth and excitement to their gameplay.

Unique and Exclusive Role:
This role is unique and exclusive, as it allows players to contribute to the server's transportation ecosystem in a special way. They become a central figure in the city's transportation network, further enriching the server's virtual world.

Community Engagement:
As shopkeepers, players can engage with the server community, whether by assisting customers, managing the station, or collaborating with other players. This adds a social aspect to the game and fosters connections within the server.

Supporting a Thriving Economy:
By running a successful taxi shop, players can contribute to the server's economy. Through their services, they stimulate in-game economic activity by facilitating transportation for other players, potentially leading to a more dynamic and interconnected virtual world.

Enhancing Realism:
The presence of dedicated shopkeepers at the taxi station enhances the realism of the server. It creates an authentic and dynamic environment, which can be more enjoyable for all players seeking an immersive roleplay experience.

City Development:
TorbuCab Taxi contributes to the development and diversification of the virtual city. It introduces a new and unique business that adds variety and excitement to the in-game cityscape, making it a more vibrant and lively place.

Positive Reputation:
A well-managed taxi shop with dedicated shopkeepers can gain a positive reputation within the server. This reputation can attract more customers, contributing to the success and growth of the business.

Overall, becoming a shopkeeper for TorbuCab Taxi not only offers an exciting and immersive roleplay experience but also helps enrich the virtual city's economy, adds a unique dimension to the gameplay, and fosters community engagement.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

Introducing a first-class taxi experience:

TorbuCab Taxi, officially endorsed by the Town Hall, is your premier choice for in-server private transportation. As the owner, I'm excited to offer you a unique partnership opportunity that will elevate your server's management and player experience.

Immerse yourself in a bustling world:

We're dedicated to creating a realistic and captivating business experience that seamlessly integrates with existing establishments. Our vision includes a dedicated office, transformed into a thriving taxi station. Here, players can take on the role of a shopkeeper, managing a fully immersive service roleplay (SRP) business that will captivate and engage server inhabitants.

Unveiling a new era of transportation:

At TorbuCab Taxi, players can transform their custom cars into private taxis, offering a luxurious and unmatched travel experience. We aim to redefine transportation, blending the thrill of speed with the elegance of luxury. Our team of professional drivers prioritizes customer satisfaction, ensuring exceptional service and expertise. Every journey is meticulously planned for safety and lasting memories.

Always at your service:

We promise to be available around-the-clock to address your transportation needs whenever they arise. Our dependable and proficient service is available to you for every kind of travel, be it organized or unplanned.

Ensuring privacy and exclusivity:

Our drivers operate under special aliases, guaranteeing their privacy and adding a layer of exclusivity to their distinguished presence within the server.

Partnering for a thriving server:

TorbuCab Taxi strives to enrich the server's experience by injecting a dynamic and immersive transportation service. Together, we can elevate the server's entertainment value and cultivate a flourishing in-game economy.

Join the unforgettable journey:

Embark on an unparalleled journey with TorbuCab Taxi. Let's redefine luxury, convenience, and exploration within the server. Contact us today to revolutionize the way players experience this virtual landscape. With TorbuCab Taxi, every journey becomes a testament to excellence, sophistication, and unforgettable adventure.

How the comapany corrently work

ok so basically because we don't have a real way to check the distance of the drive, so we charge a customer according to his destination, no matter how far the destination is. and curranty the driver open themselves. like in the black market via announcement in dc msg. and like every driver must have a car of his own because the original idea is to do it via sports cars and special cars. for now when a driver doing a ride he send it in a channel and in every couple of days i check the channels and collect payment out of the workers. every driver choose especial nick name to protect his privacy and name. such as example my nick name is "Syrax".

What will you sell in your shop?
At TorbuCab Taxi, we're all about providing a top-notch transportation experience like no other. So, what exactly do we offer?

Luxurious Rides:
Our core service is all about offering luxurious and speedy rides to players within our server. Imagine gliding through the virtual streets in custom and special cars, indulging in opulence and thrilling speed.
Immersive Roleplay:
But we're not just about getting from point A to B. We bring a whole new level of immersion into the game. You can hop in as a customer, seeking a ride to your favorite in-game destinations, or take on the role of a driver, making the journeys happen. It's a roleplay experience that adds depth and excitement to your gameplay.
Dedicated Taxi Station:
Picture a bustling taxi station, serving as the heart of our operations. It's more than just a place to catch a ride; it's an in-game hub filled with information, interaction points, and an authentic atmosphere. We aim to create a dynamic environment that matches the vibe of the virtual city.
Privacy and Exclusivity:
We understand the importance of privacy, and that's why our drivers operate under special nicknames. It adds an extra layer of protection and a dash of exclusivity to their presence within the server.

So, while we might not be selling tangible products, we're all about selling an experience. It's a chance to elevate your role within the server, either as a customer seeking an adventure or a driver offering a unique service. Come and be part of the TorbuCab Taxi journey – it's all about excellence, sophistication, and an adventure like no other!

How many employees do you plan to have?:
i dont know yet. depends on how much people will use the taxi's

Additional requests"
i request that the shop would have some parking spaces next to it
i also request the implementation of a radio system for our workers and the establishment of a dedicated service line for our customers to call for a taxi. These enhancements will greatly benefit our operations and the overall service quality we provide within our server."

Worker Radio System:

Real-Time Communication:
A radio system would enable real-time communication among our drivers and the taxi station. This instant communication is invaluable for coordinating pick-ups, drop-offs, and addressing any unforeseen circumstances.

Enhanced Safety:
Safety is paramount, and a radio system ensures that drivers can quickly communicate in case of emergencies or unusual situations during a ride. They can instantly alert the station or other drivers for assistance.

The ability for drivers to communicate efficiently helps in streamlining operations. They can share information about traffic conditions, optimal routes, or any roadblocks, allowing for quicker and more efficient services.

Providing our workers with radios elevates our professionalism and the overall immersive experience. It enhances the feeling of being part of a well-organized taxi service.

Dedicated Service Line for Customers:

A dedicated service line, whether through in-game chat or voice communication, offers customers an easy and convenient way to request a taxi. This convenience can attract more players to use our service.
Customer Service:
It allows us to provide dedicated customer support. Players can inquire about our services, ask for estimated arrival times, or report any issues or special requests.
Tracking and Transparency:
The service line can also facilitate order tracking. Customers can have visibility into the status of their taxi request, knowing when to expect their ride and ensuring transparency in the service.

Not all players may have the means to use voice communication, so having both text and voice options in the service line ensures inclusivity and caters to the diverse needs of the server community.

the addition of a radio system for workers and a dedicated service line for customers will enhance the efficiency, safety, and convenience of TorbuCab Taxi. It promotes a more professional and immersive experience for both our team and our valued customers, ultimately making our taxi service even more appealing and user-friendly within the server.

TurboCab Taxi discord server:
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